//------------------------------// // No Hope // Story: Trapped // by I am not a Dalek //------------------------------// Chapter 6- No Hope My normally strong body is now lying limp against Soarin’s pale blue chest. My mouth is dry with thirst and my stomach is gnawing away at itself in attempt to get some nutrition. Time seems to be something which we lost long ago. There is no time. Soarin’ mumbles incoherently, the only word I can pull out of it is, “Pie.” It’s obvious that he’s hungry too. Perhaps even more so than I am, since I ate during the show and he didn’t. We have stopped mentioning the fact that we might be saved, since we know that it is very unlikely now. We would have been found by now if they were going to find us at all. They have probably given up all hope themselves. This makes me pity all missing ponies, they may have been so close to being found, but like Soarin’ and I, were given up on when freedom was just at their hooftips. My eyes drag shut, as if there are weights pulling them closed. Every breath I take seems to take more effort, and now even my own forelegs are too heavy to lift. My head is still pounding from the crash which I encountered right at the beginning of this disaster. Oh, how naive I was back then, thinking that it wasn’t a disaster. Soarin’ is humming to himself softly, as he rocks our bodies back and forth. I listen in curiosity as I wonder how long we could last. I heard that ponies could survive up to 3 days without water, but since Soarin’ and I are strong, we could possibly last longer. Possibly. Still, which one of us would go first? I would hate to leave Soar all alone, but I would also hate to watch him die. I care about him, a lot, and I don’t think I’d be able to handle it. My mind is racing with all these scenarios, my heart is pounding, and I’m finding it more and more difficult to breathe by the second. “Soarin’,” I whisper in fear, “I don’t want to die, I don’t want you to die either, we can’t!” Soarin’ stops moving back and forth and he goes back to stroking my mane with his wing as he did earlier. He stays silent as he pulls me onto his lap and rests his chin atop my head, still repeating the motion of stroking my mane. “It’s okay, Dashie,” Soarin’ rasps, “We’ll be okay.” I end up being cocooned in Soarin’s soft wings, as he returns to rocking back and forth. Normally, I would hate to be like this, I’d feel as if I was being treated like a baby. But, today, it’s nice to have this little comfort, especially with Soarin’. Soarin’. The Pegasus whom I care about so much, I want to have a future with him. I’m not thinking far into the future even, I just want to wake up beside him every day, feel the warmth of his body every night. I want to know that he’s mine. I want to believe Soarin’ when he says that we’ll be okay, but I know that he’s just trying to make me feel better. I would attempt to smash my way out of here, but I don’t think I’d be able to lift myself off the ground at all. My wings feel as if they have been super glued to my side, and whenever I try to pull them out, they get dragged back into my body by some invisible force. My vision begins to go blurry, and the world begins to spin, so I give in and finally allow myself to drift off into nothingness. **** Soarin’ is shivering violently against me; his body is ice cold and clammy. I look up at him in fear as I wrap my wings around him, trying to keep him warm. It’s no use though, there’s nothing I can do to help the poor stallion. “Soar,” I whisper and stroke his cheek with my hoof, “listen, imagine you’re in the sunshine, flying around or bathing on a cloud, you can feel the warm rays caress your face and your body. It’s your favourite place in all of Equestria, up in the sky, am I right?” Soarin’ is silent for a few moments, trying to catch his breath enough to speak. “No, it’s not.” “Well, tell me about your favourite place then!” I say, in attempt to keep him awake and talking. “I-It’s in your arms, my favourite place is in your arms,” he stutters over his words since his teeth are chattering. I stare at him in shock for a few moments, this is his favourite place too? Maybe it’s just because he’s dehydrated. “Why is it your favourite place, Soar, tell me why?” I whisper, holding his face in my hooves, urging him to stay awake. Soarin’ blinks a few times before focusing his gaze on me. “Because you’re amazing, you understand me, you see me as...” Soarin’ groans in pain before continuing, “You see me as just Soarin’, not Wonderbolt Soarin’.” “What else? Keep talking, stay awake.” I press, shaking him a little when his eyes droop shut. Soarin’ groans, “Dashie, let me sleep, please.” Tears fill my eyes as I watch him close his emerald eyes again. “Please, Soar, you can’t sleep, not yet!” Soarin’ weakly wipes away my tears with the tip of his wing. “Hey, I’m not going anywhere, Dash.” His voice sounds more awake than before, his tone soft and sweet. “But if you sleep you might leave!” I hold onto him tightly, praying for help to come, soon. We can hang on, but not for long. At this rate Soar will go before me. I can’t do this, I can’t. Soarin’ smiles at me, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s okay, I will wake up, I promise. You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.” I sit in silence for a few more moments before nodding, if his breathing changes even a little bit, I will wake him up instantly to ensure that he’s okay. Soarin’ closes his eyes again, and this time I let him, but watch him closely. I’m not letting him get away from me, he can’t leave me. He promised. “Princess Celestia, or Luna depending on the time, I beg you, if you can hear us please save us, please.” I sob into the darkness, but know that it’s no use. No pony is coming.