//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: The Mission // by Blueness //------------------------------// Chapter 6 In the next few hours, Nightmare showed me how to walk like a pony. It became evident this was necessary after I fell flat on may face on the first attempt. She also went over a few different situations I might encounter so I would know how to evade them. She then supplied me with saddlebags, which contained my promised map to and from the castle. Now, after listening to a few complaints about wasting time, I was nearly out of the forest, close to morning. Despite what I learned from watching the show, I didn’t encounter any monsters along the way. They might’ve been sleeping, but I was thinking more that they were working as Nightmare Moon’s “minions.” As I came to the edge of the forest, I could see a village a while away. It seemed like a pleasant place, more simplistic than my home world. But I like simplicity. It looked like they wouldn’t have any modern technology, but then I heard engines running and beeping and shouting. That’s when I saw the giant construction machines off to the side, building something. So much for simplicity. As I entered the town, I reviewed my plan of action of how to execute my mission. I would go in, get to know and earn the trust of the natives, learn what I could, and make a report. If that wasn’t for Nightmare Moon, I would go to the next town and build on what I already knew. It seemed simple then, but it would get really complicated later. But I didn’t know that then. Right now, I was trying to figure out how I was going to earn ponies’ trust. I guess I had to walk up to somepony and act friendly. It didn’t take long for me to meet somepony, though they sort of met me out of nowhere. “Oh…my…GOSH!” Turning around, I saw a character I recognized. A light pink pony mare, with a darker pink mane and tail, both which were wavy and bouncy. Her eyes stood out, being a light grey-blue. She, like everypony else, had a tattoo on her flank. Hers was three balloons. She wore a shocked expression, while smiling at the same time. For some reason, I was confused with all these tattoo things. Then, I mentally slapped myself as I remembered where I was. They were cutie marks: symbols of pony’s talents and who they were. Duh. Then, I remembered I didn't have one. I'll have to find out what it is while I'm here. By now, the mare had bounced up to me, in the middle of the street. “Ohmygosh, omygosh, OHMYGOSH! New pony in town! This is huge! A brand new friend to grace our humble home!” All this came out a mile a minute. For a moment, I was dumbstruck. Then, I realized she was talking to me. I also recognized who she was, so I said, “you must be Pinkie Pie.” A long gasp. “Ohmigosh, he even knows my name! but where are my manners? You deserve a proper welcome to Ponyville.” She pulled out a cart from behind a house off to the side of the road. It was decorated the same as her cutie mark. She pushed a button on the side, and it opened up, revealing flags and instruments surrounding what looked like an oven. As the instruments began to play, she started dancing around, playing instruments and singing. Welcome, welcome, welcome, A fine welcome to you. Welcome, welcome, welcome, I say how do you do? Welcome, welcome, welcome, I say hip, hip, hooray. Welcome, welcome, welcome To Ponyville today! By now, she was on her knees on a rock star slide kind of pose, right in front of me. For a moment she just stood there, smiling as if life was bunnies and rainbows. “Wait for it…” Then, the oven-like thing dinged and out came a burst of confetti. Then, some tubes shot out some sort of goop. So not only did I get a tornado of confetti, nut also a tsunami of… Cake batter? “Oops! I put the confetti in the oven and the cake in the confetti cannons! AGAIN!” “Uh-huh.” If my face didn’t show my annoyance, it was either the cake batter, or my face was void of emotion. As I wiped myself off, I couldn’t help but notice who was watching. Surprisingly, everypony just glanced over, smiled to themselves, and continued like nothing happened. This must happen often. Eventually, I cleaned myself off, to find Pinkie Pie standing in front of me, looking like she didn’t suffer on spot of batter. “Uh…thanks for the…welcome.” “Oh, it’s no problem at all, sir! Heehee!” She started giggling to herself, confusing me. “Silly me, I forgot one VERY important thing! If we’re going to be friends, I need to know your name! Ooh. No! Let me guess! Uhh… Ocean Blue! No…Clear Skies! No? Ummm…Denim jeans? Uughh! She sat on her haunches like a pouting child would except she was thinking really hard, scrunching up her face. This was so amusing; anyone would’ve just fallen to the ground laughing. However, I didn’t want to embarrass myself, so I just chuckled. I then walked over to her, extending a hoof, as she looked up at me, still concentrating. “My name is True Blue.” Then, out of the blue…heh, heh…she was on her hooves again, with a happy, energetic face. “Of COURSE! Why didn’t I think of that? Well, True Blue, you’re still not properly welcomed until I throw you a “Welcome to Ponyville” party!” “Actually, I…” but then I realized the strategic advantage to this. “I would love it if you threw me a party. I really want to get to know everypony.” I could feel a grin spreading across my face. “EXCELLENT! That’s what parties are FOR: making friends, and having FUN! I’ll get started on the preparations right away!”