Clipped wings.

by SkyStorm

Endure for the future.

There was silence in the room afterwards, the only thing that could be heard was the clopping of hoofs as patients and doctors trotted up and down the corridors. Rainbow and Scootaloo just stayed silent in each others hoofs.

A knocking broke the silence, it was nurse Treasure. She pushed the door open and peeked around the coroner noticing the two mares sobbing.
"Oh, is it a bad time?" She whispered, slowly edging into the room.
"Nah *sniff* come on in nurse." Rainbow whimpered. "I've told Scoot's, and she's agreed to the surgery." She announced, ruffling her mane. "Your a brave kid you know that squirt?" Rainbow reassured.
"Really Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked, her voice filled with hope.
"Of course, I would be proud to know a filly as brave as you." Rainbow announced, looking at the nurse. "Oh, sorry what is it nurse Treasure?"
'Would you step outside again? I feel it's best to talk out there." She replied. This caught Scootaloo's attention, causing her to cling onto Rainbow.
"Please, don't go again!" she shrieked.
"I'm not going anywhere kid." She stroked her mane to comfort her,
"No offence nurse, but whatever you tell me, you can tell Scootaloo. She's the one having the operation after all." She pointed out. Nurse Treasure let out a deep sigh, nodded her head and closed the door behind her. She positioned herself at the bottom of the bed,
"I'm afraid that I have even more bad news..." She's began, Scootaloo darted around,
"What do you mean more bad news?! As if it isn't bad enough that's I might not fly again..." Rainbow interrupted her rant by placing her wing around her.
"Calm down kid, you'll just hurt yourself. Go on nurse." Rainbow said softly. Scootaloo curled up in Rainbows wing and awaited the bad news.
"I'm afraid that we do not have the required sedatives to put Scootaloo to sleep during the operation, so she'll have to be awake..." Nurse treasure stated, bowing her head. Rainbow could feel Scoot's sobbing underneath her wing, she turned and looked at the nurse, then at Scootaloo.
"In that case, I'll stay awake with her." Rainbow reassured. She nuzzled Scootaloo, who just looked up at her through her tears,
"Re-really?" She stammered. Rainbow smiled,
"Really." She then turned to Nurse Treasure, who was fighting back her own emotions.

"Miss Rainbow Dash, do you mind If I asked you why you are doing this?" Nurse Treasure asked out of the blue, this earned a stern look from Rainbow Dash. She sat silent for a moment.
"Because, if it was me who had broken my wing and had a problem with my wings. Scootaloo would do the same for me..." Rainbow answered. A single tears rolled down her teal blue fur, landing on Scootaloo's mane. she looked up to see Rainbow looking down at her and smiling ear-to-ear. She couldn't help but do the same. Scootaloo nodded in agreement to her statement. Nurse treasure placed her hoof up to her eye, and whipped away a tear that was making it's way down her cream fur.
'Y-you must love her very much Miss Rainbow Dash..." She muttered, chocking back the rest of her tears,
"Like a sister..." Rainbow Dash replied, not breaking eye contact with Scootaloo. Nurse Treasure couldn't hold back her emotions anymore and began sobbing. rainbow and Scoot's just ignored her, and just wrapped their hoof around each other.

After a few moments of sobbing into the bed sheet's, Nurse Treasure took a deep breath composed herself.
"I-I Shall in-inform the doctors." She muttered to herself. Turning around and heading for the door. "The operation shall take place tomorrow, I hope you two will be alright." She announced, as she opened and exited the room.
"I don't need hope....I have Rainbow Dash...." Scootaloo stated, whipping tear soaked face.