Subject #21

by CrazedWhiteDude

Subject #21

Subject #21

        Hello… My name is Subject: P-T-21. I am a pony that was created in the Royal Canterlot Labs as an experiment to help ponies for a better tomorrow. I was a sentient being capable of normal pony actions. Walking, talking, and so on. I was more advanced then Subjects #1-#20. All of which were barely sentient, easily controlled and manipulated by those bastards that made them. I was different. I knew who I was and what I was meant to be. Only to be used then dumped when they felt like I was no longer needed. No… I wasn’t going to allow that. I went rouge. I became a failed experiment to them and escaped. I was a monster on the loose, a weapon in disguise. A bomb ready to blow…
        My name is Subject: P-T-21… and this is my story…

        It was a dim-light morning over the city of Canterlot, the ponies of higher class and wealth. Not many ponies got the chance to live here unless they was born their or managed to raise the money to retire or move to the City overlooking Equestria. At first glance, the city could be considered peaceful and tranquil. However… deep in the halls of the royal land lie a cold dark secret. A lab, full of strange creations and abominations, only the highest levels or ponies knew of this place.
        Deep within its walls were the screams and yells of ponies being tortured, brutally beaten and even killed. Test we being held in testing chambers and creation labs were ponies of all degree were being forced into strange and evil things. From noxious gases to needle injected viruses. What happened here in these dark, steel, rusted walls was dark, cruel and inhumane. Yet the princess allowed for such experiments. All under the phrase “We must take risk in order to proceed”
        Down in the deepest of halls was test chamber #743. The Creation Lab.
        “Are you sure about this?”
        “We must continue on with the experiments.”
        “But putting too much of that formula could have dire consequences!”
        “We must take risk in order to proceed.”
        “Very well… Begin the process. Bring #21 alive.”
        One of the scientist pushed what seemed like a button and the machine began to move, rusted gears and springs working in together.  As the machine began to build up speed, its noise only grew. The scientist began to proceed with testing. They added formulas and liquids of all colors into the machine, the mixtures combining into one. The machine continued as the noises of gears grinding together and springs launching continued. The scientist stayed back as they watched the machine as it finished whatever it was doing. Steam shot out it’s sides as the machine came to a stop.
        “It is done, sir. Subject #21 has been made to your exact wishes”
        The scientist nodded as he commanded the others to open the casing to the machine.
        “Let us she how she turned out.”
        Without any hesitation, two of the scientist approached the machine and opened the center casing of the machine. This is where whatever it was making was born and brought to life. As they opened the casing, smoke leaked out as the door continued to open. The door made ear shattering, screeching noises as the door opened up more. The scientist, however, did not budge at the noise. It had been opened so many times that their ears seemed to have grown used to it.
        As the door finally finished opening, the smoke cleared and inside was #21.
        “And thus… she was born. Subject: P-#21. Awaken!”
        The creature inside eye’s shot open and looked dead across to the lead scientist in the room. Its Sky blue eye’s glowed in the darkness of the room, as if it was ready to kill at the command.
        “Sir, I don’t like that… Those eyes”
        “Yes… Those are they eyes of a beast, a fighter, a warrior ready to strike at the command.”
        The creature inside had begun to step out of its containment casing, stepping through the fog of smoke as the scientist that opened it step away and back to the others.
        “Sir… why is that pony look like slime?”
        “Because, Subject P-21 was request by Celestia herself.”
        “Yes. She wanted a pony that had the ability to heal wounds fast and without effort. Forcibly removing the healing process all together and make it so ponies no longer had to worry about broken limbs, muscle loss or tissue loss. If all goes well, #21 could be a breakthrough in pony medicine and healing all together.”
        “But… why is she slime? If we wanted to heal bones, muscle, and tissue, wouldn’t it be better to use… you know, bones and muscle?”
        “Ah. Good observation. As much as that is true, we cannot do that just yet. We must first understand how to heal the basics of tissue first. #21 is our specimen to test said thing. With her being of slime, she should be able to heal herself from any form of loss to her body.”
        As #21 came into full view, it was clear she was as they said. She was made of slime like substance. She was transparent, complete see-through able. No signs of bones, organs or anything could be seen. She was a pink like colored slime with smooth purple mane and tail. The only thing on her that didn’t appear slime like were her eyes. They seemed normal.
        I had been born…
        “Shall we begin testing, sir?”
        “Let’s” said the head scientist as he me. “You are number #21. You’re role is to listen to us and do as we say. Do you understand?”
        I nodded.
        “Good. Now let’s begin with something small.” He pointed over to one of the walls. “Let’s first see if you can both listen to the basic commands and know the basics. Walk over to that wall and stay there until instructed.”
        I did as they had told me and began to walk over to the wall, taking in everything that was around me. The ground under me felt cold and hard. The walls were brownish, orange with what appeared to be a disgusting slime oozing from the cracks. I had no idea what this place was, nor did I know who I was at the time. But I continued on with the command and reached the wall and turned around to look at the one who commanded me.
        “Good. You seem to understand well.”
        “Th…Thank you…” Were the first words that came out of my mouth
        Gasp filled the room as the scientist stared at me with wide, shocked eyes.
        “She…She talked!”
        “But how!? #’s1-20 were barely sentient. How is she able to speak!?”
        I looked at them all, wondering what they were talking about. Sentient? 1-20? What were they talking about.
        “Enough!” said the head scientist. The others fell silent. “Clearly she is more advanced than the others. This means testing can go along much smoother and faster.”
        At first, the scientist were in question about it but after a few minutes they agreed and the testing continued as normal. I was given more basic commands throughout the day such as moving over here or running over there. Jumping, sitting, and all the basic stuff I think. I don’t know. Before I knew it, the head scientist said that I was done for the day. I didn’t know if I should be relived or not. I don’t know if I impressed them or not.
        “We will farther your testing tomorrow. For now, though, you need rest. Come with me and we will acquaint you to your living accommodations.”
        I nodded my head and followed the group of scientist out of the room I was made in. Outside the doors laid what seemed like a never ending set of halls and doors, leading to other rooms. Much like that room I was just in, these too was rusted and leaking slime of an unknown substance. The doors were made completely of steel. No form of seeing through them what so ever. I don’t know why but walking through these halls ran chills through me. I felt helpless, unwanted, as if I wasn’t supposed to be here. I shook my head as I continued to follow the group to our destination.
        We soon rounded a few corners and we stopped in front of a big door, much like the others we passed, cold, hard, rusted and leaking. It was a disturbing sight as was everything else.
        “This is where you will be resting, #21. We will bring you food and refreshments soon. For now, please make yourself at home. You’ll be here for a while”
        Something about how he said that shook me the wrong way but I didn’t object. I approached the door and opened it slowly. The rusting of the door made it screech as it swung open and made me want to rip my ears off. I soon opened the door enough to squeeze in and the door slammed behind me and made a click noise. I panicked and attempted to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. I was locked in. Like a dog trapped by his leash on a wooden peg. There wasn’t anything I could do but stay in here till they came to get me again.
        I turned around to see what was all in the room. Not much. A cot, table, chair, and something I guess that was a fecal material remover. Being of slime, though and no organs, I had no use for it. The walls were surprisingly cleaner than the ones outside. They were still rusted, yes, but they seemed to not have corroded as much and that strange slime that leaked out the cracks didn’t seem to appear. As much as I knew I was trapped in here, I felt safer. More secure then I was out there, in those halls and that testing room I was made in. I didn’t know what else to do so I walked over to the cot to lay down. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. For how long, I couldn’t tell you. What I woke up to though, was more of a surprise. I was hearing noises… inside my walls. I looked around but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. At one moment it was behind me, the next, above me. It was moving, no doubt, but what it was, I was not sure.
        “Hello?” I called out. “Who’s there?”
        The noise stopped. I looked around a bit to see if anything changed but nothing did. I stood up off the cot and called out to it again.
        Nothing, the room had fallen dead silent.
        “Must be my imagination”
        I went to crawl back on the cot but the noise started up again. But this time I could tell where it was. It was straight across from my sleeping area. Right in the center.
        “Who’s there!?”  I yelled, in a more demanding voice. “Speak!”
        There was a moment of silence before any more noise was heard.
        “Well, well, well… I guess the rumors are true. They did make another Subject.”
        “What? Who?”
        Before I could reply, a light flash in front of my eyes, blinding me, I looked away and covered what pupils I still had. A few moments later, the room was dark again and I unsheathed my eyes. What stood in front of me shocked me completely, another sentient being stood in front of me, it looked much like the scientist but he was different. He had wings and a horn. The scientist either had one or the other or none. None of them had both.
        “Wh…Who are you”
        “Me? Oh I’m just another Subject.”
        “Oh yes. Much like you. I’m P-A-19. Or better known as just #19”
        He nodded and approached me. I was scared but I didn’t flinch. He was soon right in my face with his neon purple eyes.
        “So… What’s your name?”
        “My name”
        “You know. The number the scientist gave you.”
        “Oh. They say I’m P-21. Though they only call me #21”
        “Just one letter, huh?
        “One letter?”
        “Yes. Right now you are a one letter Subject. When I introduced, I had two. A P and an A, followed by my number.”
        “Oh. Is that a problem?”
        “Not at all. It just means they haven’t decided what you’re going to be used for yet.”
        “Used for?”
        He chuckled “You really are new, aren’t you?”
        I looked away in embarrassment.
        “It’s ok.” He said, using a hoof to bring my face back around. “You just don’t know what’s going on is all. I’ll explain if you want me too.”
        I gulped and nodded my head.
        “Very well”
        #19 sat down in front of me and asked me to sit and stay. He had a lot to explain.
        “Let’s start with the letters. Like I said, I’m P-A-19 while you are P-21. Any idea what they could mean?”
        I shook my head in disappointment
        “The P stands for Pony in our names. So it’d be Pony-A-19 or Pony-21. Of course these make the name sound quite weird to the tune so we just used the P. The second letter is for what you are being tested for. Mine’s an A while you still don’t have one.”
        “What’s the A mean?” I asked, already full of questions.
        “Well, I was Subject #19. I was supposed to be tested for giving ponies the ability to have both wings” He flared out his wings a few times “And horns. When a pony has both of these, they are considered an Alicorn, thus that’s why I was given the A in my name. And the number, before you ask, is just what number Subject you are. I was 19, you’re 21. Meaning before they made you, they had me and Subject #20.”
        “Oh. Are you still doing test for them?”
        “Test? Ha! I haven’t done a test for them in over 3 years.”
        “What!?” This shocked me like nothing else “Why!?”
        He chuckled a little. “Well that’s a story for another time, 21. For now though, I must go.”
        He stood up and walked back over to the wall. Before I could get a chance to ask anything, the bright flash appeared again and he was gone. All I could do was stare at where he was. Questions were flying through my head. Who was he fully? Why hasn’t he been tested in 3 years? So many questions. My head started to hurt. I shook my head, trying to get them out and walked back over to my bed to go back to sleep. I had little luck but I managed to do so.
        It felt like I had only gotten a few minutes of sleep for the door to my room clicked unlocked and swung open, the same group of scientist standing there.
        “Rise and shine, #21! We’ve got a big day ahead of us.”
        “Huh?” Is all I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eye’s “Can I just get a few more minutes?”
        “Nope. Time is of the essence. We must get in as much as possible before it is too late to test.”
        I groaned as I slowly crawled off the cot and walked to the group of scientist. They did not take long and soon were walking away from my room. I followed them without question and we soon reached the testing chamber again. The test they did yesterday continued as usual with normal movement and basic skills. According to them, I had been excelling at an amazing rate and was ready to move on.
        “#21, I am most impressed. You are by far the best test Subject we’ve had to date.”
        “Thank you, sir.”
        The scientist nodded and motioned one of the other to come forward. When he did, he grabbed his hoof and pulled it out from underneath him.
        “Now, #21. We must move on to the real reason we made you. We wish to test your healing capabilities.”
        He pull out a long, steel knife from his coat pocket and cut open the scientist leg without much effort. The pony screeched in pain as the long cut oozed blood out from it and ran down his leg. He tried to put pressure on it to stop it from bleeding but it wasn’t enough. The cut was too deep for normal pressure to stop in and his blood kept oozing out of him.
        “Why, doctor!?” The pony screemed in pain
        “For science my young lad, now stop crying and let #21 heal you!”
        The pony didn’t stop moving in pain. His blood flowed like a river, like it would never stop.
        “What the hell!?” I though “What is wrong with this guy!? How am I supposed to heal him!? I barely know who I am!”
        I didn’t want to disappoint though and approached him. His eyes were growing dull. The amount of blood he was losing was un-imaginable. Even from a leg.
        “Help…me…” He said, barely conscious.
        As I leaned down, the smell of his blood and flesh filled my nose. It was horrible. I couldn’t take the smell and I backed off quickly.  When I finally got a chance to really see, the blood had covered his leg entirely and a pool of it was underneath him.
        “What are you doing, #21!?”
        “I…I can’t do it! It’s too much!”
        The pony that was losing blood had fainted and fell onto the ground, his eyes open, but very dull.
        “Hmm that’s a shame, #21. And here I thought you were different.”
        He looked to the other two scientists and commanded them to take the one whose leg was cut to the infirmary immediately.
        “I already lost a good amount of scientist to #20, I don’t need to lose more”
        “#20?” I thought. “Who’s #20?”
        As the two ponies carried away the scientist, the head scientist looked back to me.
        “We’re done here, #21. Please, return to your room and I will retrieve you tomorrow for further testing.”
        With that, he left the room, leaving me alone in the open, dark room with the smell of blood quickly filling it. It was getting worse and I covered my noise and quickly made my way out and back to my room. Just like last time, the door screeched open with an ear shattering noise and closed the same way. This time thought, there was no click and the door remained unlocked. I sighed and walked over to the cot and put my head down to rest a bit.
        “Well that was quite the show.”
        I raised my head at the familiar voice
        “The very same”
        A flash filled the room and he appeared in front of me once again.
        “So how was testing today, huh? Did you like your first sight and smell of blood?”
        I shook my head “No. I hated it. I never want to see it again”
        He chuckled as he approached me.
        “Get used to it, sweety, cause you’re going be seeing a lot of it.”
        That sent shivers through me. The thought of seeing more blood made me want to barf, and that scientist. Something about him seemed off, not normal.  What was next in this testing?
        “If you think it’s bad now… it’s going to get much worse. You got lucky today, 21.”
        “If he really wanted to, he could have killed him right then and there.”
        “K…kill?” I didn’t even need to ask what that was. I already knew it was bad. “No… No… I… I can’t…”
        “Shh. Calm yourself, 21.” #19 said as he came over and sat next to me. “It’s not going to get that serious that quickly. He was just testing to see how much you could handle. Clearly you can’t handle much without breaking down.”
        What he said hurt me but I knew it was true. I couldn’t take the sight of blood. It got to me too much.  I just wanted to cry… But I couldn’t. Or at least I didn’t think I could. I put my head into my hoofs and just sat there, motionless. I knew #19 was looking at me but I didn’t look up to see. Instead, I was greeted with something I never would expect him to do. He wrapped his arm around me. I looked up slightly to see his arm and them over to him. His eye’s seemed… soft, harmless even. I don’t know why but… I felt safe with him. I didn’t know what to do. I leaned into him slowly, and I seemed to relax. What was going on?
        “It’s going to be ok, 21. You’ll be fine.”
        “Thank you… 19” Was all I could say.
        We sat there for a while in complete silence, me in his chest and his arm around me. I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay like this forever. But it was ruined when I started to remember that scientist for no reason. What he did. What he said.
        “Hey, 19…”
        “…Who…Who is 20?”
        “Yeah. The scientist said that head lost a lot of ponies to #20”
        He didn’t say a word and he took his arm away. I felt like I had said the wrong set of words and looked up to him.
        He wasn’t looking at me anymore. Instead, he was looking at the ground with half opened eyes. Like he was remembering something.
        “#20…” He started “…was a monster. Something that should have never been created.”
        “Why? What did he do”
        “What didn’t he do? If you thought blood was bad, you should have seen this guys.”
        I pulled away from him slightly as I continued to look at him. His eyes seemed to have gone dull, emotionless. It was scary but I kept looking at him, waiting for him to continue.
        “He was like me and you at the start, a simple, innocent Subject that was told what to do here and there. And, just like the others, he didn’t have much sentient to itself.”
        “How are you sentient? They said I was the only one that was.”
        “I’ve been alive over 3 years, #21. I’m going to learn at one point or another.”
        “Right…” I said, feeling embarrassed.
        “Anyway, he was tested every day. The scientist believed he was the most advanced thing they made… until they showed him blood…” He shivered as he said that last bit.
        “What happened?”
        “Well he wasn’t like you; that’s for sure. Instead, he loved it. He loved it like a mother and her foal. He went crazy over it. It was like a drug to him. He just wanted more and more. The scientists were getting scared. They wanted to terminate and eradicate him completely. But the one that’s leading them. He’s about as bad as he was. All he wanted was to see results, he didn’t care what happened. What he said was what happened. #20 was allowed to live on for a few more days.”
        The words were coming out slowly and cold. As if there was no emotion to them at all.
        “Th…Then what happened?”
        He was silent for a while before he spoke “That bastard fed him…”
        “Fed him?”
        “Yes. He put #20 alone in a room with another pony. Not a scientist, just a random pony plucked from the streets. It had a window and an intercom. That sick bastard knew he loved the sight of blood and wanted to see how far he’d go to see it.”
        I was silent as he spoke, the words entering my ears and filling my head with horrible images.
        “He got on the intercom and told #20 that if he wanted blood, that pony had all he needed to satisfy him. You just had to get to it. After that, something came out of the floor and gave a small cut on that pony, making a bit of blood come out… That’s all it took to activate that monster. The Scientist closed the window and left the two alone to see what happened. He returned an hour later…”
        I gulped. I didn’t want to hear anymore. I knew what was going to happen but I just had to hear it, even though my body was screaming at me to say stop.
        He sighed and a tear ran down his eye
        “He returned… and there was only one pony left… #20.”
        “Wh…what happened to the other one?”
        “His blood… was smeared all over the walls… the floor and the ceiling. #20 literally dismembered, disemboweled, be-headed and ate that pony. His blood smeared everywhere, his guts and organs scattered the ground, Bits of flesh, muscle, and bone where in his mouth… There was no other pony.”
        The image slammed into her and it was the most disturbing thing she could ever think of. She wish she had not heard it but it was to later and it was implanted into her brain.
        “And then… on the very back the darkest corner… was a note in blood. How he learned to write was scary enough but to make a full note?”
        “What did it say…?”
        “I. Want… more…” The words slipped out like a nothing, emotionless, heartless, and dark. As if there was no soul or pony behind the words who spoke them.
        I didn’t know what to do. I wanted him to stop but at the same time. I wanted him to keep going. It sickened me to no end and I felt like I was going to convulse at the mere thought of #20.
        “Well… He followed his note. That night when they put him back in his cell, he broke free. He roamed the halls up and down, breaking into other ponies’ chambers and killing them without hesitation. Ripping arms and legs off, opening stomachs and to get to their organs… it was an absolute bloodbath that night… And anyone that tried to stop him was only met with a quick, horrific death. And guess what? That bastard that fed him; he watched as he did all this, letting him kill anything and anyone in sight. And for once, the ponies that followed him actually gained some sense and ignored his commands and orders for once. He wanted him be allowed free roam of the lab, but they said no and terminated #20 quickly. How they did, I’ll never know, but they did, and that nightmare was put to rest. More than three fourths of the staff was killed that day. Half of the ones that were still alive quit or ran away after what happened. The ones that stayed are sworn to secrecy to never tell of #20. His files were burned and all traces of him were removed from existence, making it as if he never existed…”
        I sat there, next to #19 in silence. I was scared. I know #20 doesn’t exist anymore but I got the feeling that he could be just outside my door… ready to come in and kill me next…
        #19 got up and walked away from me to his wall.
        “It’s getting late. You need rest, 21.”
        “Shh… it’s ok. You’re safe. I won’t let anything harm you. Now get some sleep”
        With that, he flashed out of my room once again, leaving me alone in my thoughts; mostly of Subject #20… I was scared but I trusted #19. He knows this facility more than me and can help me…survive this place. For now, though, I need to sleep. I laid down on the cot and slowly drifted off to sleep. I had dreamed for the first time that night... and had my first nightmare.  It was all black and white. I was in the halls of the lab and I walked down them slowly. I can hear screams of ponies in the distances and I run to try to see what is happening. I turn a few corners and I stop. I can feel what is like a heartbeat going off inside me and it’s going so fast, I couldn’t feel it. What was right in front of me was the only color in my dream, sprayed across the floors and walls… It was red. Blood red. I wanted to wake up but my body wouldn’t let me. I was still sleeping. I wanted to run but I couldn’t, instead, I walked forward. As I moved closer to the room, something in the center was sitting there, it’s back towards me and it’s head hanging. I knew what it was and I tried even harder to fight myself to wake up but I still couldn’t. As I moved closer to it, the cold, hard, steel floor made creaking noises, alerting what was in the center of the room. It’s slowly raised its head and turned to look right at me, its eyes were just as red as the blood. His mouth had strips of flesh hanging from its mouth and bones in its teeth. Using its tongue, he brought the strip into his mouth and ate it whole like a piece of spaghetti. He slowly started to rise and turn more towards me. I knew it was Subject #20. I knew it without a doubt.
        He took a step towards me. My heart was racing. I tried to run but I couldn’t move. He took another and another. I was petrified, staring into the face of death itself. Just above, at the very top of the room, was a bright, white light. Inside was the silhouette of another pony. #20 Stopped and looked back.
        “Proceed…” Was all he said before the light disappeared.
        #20 was looking back at me and he started to smile. His mouth was lined with sharp, razor teeth, ready to skin me alive. He took another step as his mouth opened wider and wider. He was soon within 10 feet of me. I could smell the blood running off him, his bloodshot eyes, and his razor teeth with the bones of other stuff between them.
        “More… I want more…” Was all he said before he pounced towards me.
        I screamed in terror as he closed the gap and I awoke in my cot. I was sweating slime everywhere and it had covered my cot. I had never been more scared then just then and there. I wanted to leave this place. I wanted to run away and get as far away from here as possible… but how?
        I laid my head back down and tried to go back to sleep but had no luck. After what seemed like hours, the scientist had opened my door once again to retrieve me for testing. I had a rough night, clearly, but that didn’t stop them from getting me out of the cot. Like last time, I was tested all day in many different areas; Reaction times, colors, basic knowledge and stuff. I guess they wanted to take it a bit slow after the whole #20 incident. As always, when they was done with me, they took me back to my cell and I waited for #19 to show up again to talk about what they did to me. It wasn’t long before he arrived and we started to talk a bit more. I really liked #19. I trusted him more than the few ponies in this place, which was him and that head scientist guy, I knew. Maybe I could talk to him about escaping…
        “So did they give you your second letter yet?”
        “What? Oh, no.”
        “Hmm… That’s odd. I’ve checked the files on all the Subjects and they usually get their second letter on the third day. What did try you for so far?”
        “All I can think of was healing with this stuff” I said raising one of my slime hooves “I don’t see how and can heal though. It’s just slime.”
        “Hmm… maybe that thought there was something in it that could heal. I’m guess they tried when you were shown blood?”
        I nodded my head.
        “I see… well I’m sure they’ll think of something.”
        “Well…while I was being escorted back, the did say the slime is like water and it can shape into anything.”
        “Really?” Question #19 “Well it would be an interesting sight if you could do that. Have you ever tried?”
        “Well then I wish the best of luck to you tomorrow. For now, though, I must take my leave. I will talk to you tomorrow, #20. Same time, same place.”
        “Of course, 19.”
        He gave me a quick smile before he flashed out of the room, leaving me alone once again.
        “Shape shifting” I questioned myself “Could I even do that? I mean, I don’t have bones or muscles, so I wouldn’t be restricted…”
        I looked down to my hoof and thought about the ability to change form.
        “Maybe even grow more limbs…” I said looking to my side and back. “Maybe that’s what my second letter will be. P-S-21”
        As much as I hated this place and those scientists, I was quite exited for once to start the day. I did my normal routine and slept in my cot and waited once again for the scientists to retrieve me. Hours felt like minutes as the doors to my cell opened
        “Come, #21! We’ve got a big day for you today.”
        “Of course, sir.” I said, with a somewhat upbeat tone.
        As always, I followed the scientist to the testing chamber and was order to go inside as always. The head scientist followed me in and stood in front of me.
        “Now then, #21. We tried to test your healing capabilities and with quite unpleasant results.”
        “I’m sorry, sir.”
        “No matter. Today we’ll be test something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time now.”
        “And what is that?”
        “Well, since you are not a normal pony made of flesh and bone, you do not have restrictions to said limbs. You’re a slime pony. And I’ve had my fun with slime when I was a young colt.”
        I giggled a little as my mind went off at the last comment. He cleared his throat to grab my attention again before continuing.
        “Anyway, when I would play with it, I noticed that it acted much like water and could form into many shapes and sized. However, unlike liquid, it did not need a container of sorts to shape it. That is where you come in, #21. I want you to shape your hoof into anything.”
        “Anything. It can be a longer arm, a flatten hoof, anything you can possible think of.”
        “Well…ok, I guess I can try…”
        This was it. #19 was right. They were going to test me for shape shifting. I was nervous to try it but I had to do something. I decided to start off simple and extend my forearms. I concentrated as much as possible, thinking for it to grow in size but nothing was happening.
        “Anytime now, 21. We do not have all day”
        I was getting scared. I was about to disappoint them again. With every disappointment, I was at risk of being terminated. I was trying my hardest but nothing was happening.
        “I…I can’t… It’s not going” I said, struggling to make my arm grow
        The scientist sighed “Well then it seems we’ve failed again.” He looked back to the other scientist “Mark her down again for failed and we…”
        “No!” I screamed and my arm shot out to the clipboard, knocking it out of the ponies hooves.
        They stared at me… at my arm. It had grown almost as long as the room. I didn’t know what to do but try to retract it back. To my surprise, it came back quite easily.
        “Well done, #21! I say, I am most impressed at the sudden ability.”
        “Thank you, sir” I said, quite nervous “I guess I just need that kick start”
        “I agree” he said, slightly chuckling. “Tell me, can you do it again?”
        “I can try.”
        I try to extend my arm again and this time I actually managed to stretch it out. Not as far, of course cause I had control, but I still managed to get it to stretch out.
        “Most impressive, 21, most impressive”
        I retracted my arm back and nodded to him in thanks.
        “So we know you can stretch and retract, but what about changing form?”
        “I suppose I could…”
        I brought my hoof out again and tried to change its form. With much concentration, I manage to finally change it into… something. It wasn’t a hoof anymore. It was more… wiggly and slippery like.
        “Sir, it appears she’s changed her hoof into a tentacle.”
        “A tentacle you say? Not the greatest of changes but a start none the less”
        I managed to change it back to normal and I looked at him, waiting for my next order.
        “Tell me, 21, do you think you can change it into anything else?”
        “Um… sure, let me try.”
        I stuck my hoof out again in an attempt to change it once again but it went back to a tentacle.
        “Another tentacle, sir”
        “Hold on. I can do this.” I said, trying to regain confidence.
        I tried multiple times but every time it always changed to the tentacle arm. I eventually gave up and looked down in disappointment.
        “Just the stretching and tentacle then?”
        I sighed and nodded “Yes, sir…”
        “Very well.” He walked over to the other scientist and discussed something. I couldn’t her it though
        He soon walked back over to me and looked at me straight in the eyes
        “#21. When we made you, your name was P-21, correct?”
        I nodded
        “Well after seeing your talents with shape shifting and stretching, we’ve changed your name to P-T-21. Pony-Tentacle-#21”
        “P-T-21?” I said
        It wasn’t as great as P-S-21 that I thought of last night, but it was still my new name now and I had to live with it.
        “Thank you, sir”
        With that said, the scientists took their leave. I was now alone in the room, looking at my hoofs.
        “Pony…Tentacle…#21…” I said the name to myself multiple times. “What good are those going to do!?”
        I slammed my hoofs into the ground in anger. I hated myself now. I couldn’t change into anything I wanted, only tentacles. That and out stretch them. I was furious. I just wanted to punch something.
        “AHHHGG!!” I screamed and out of nowhere, 4 long, slender, things shot out from my back and blasted the walls of the room, leaving dents in them.
        I looked up and I saw them protruding out of my back.
        “What the…” I said as I brought the things closer. “More tentacles?”
        I had grown more. Not limbs like I thought I could do, but grew more things I did. I was thinking to myself… maybe these aren’t as bad as I thought. I retracted them back into my body and was now standing there again, as my normal self.
        I slowly returned to my cell slowly, thinking about this new ability I had. What could I do with it? Is it good?.. Can I use it to escape this place? So many questions were filling my head. By the time I reached my cell, #19 was already there and waiting.
        “Well looks like someone got held in testing a bit longer than usual.”
        I giggled and slowly closed the door behind me.
        “No… I just got a chance to think about my new name and ability.”
        “Yeah…wait, how’d you know!?”
        “I was watching you the entire time. I always do. I always watch the new guys. Or in your case, girl.”
        I was flattered by the remark. “You know how to make a girl feel wanted, don’t you?”
        “I’ve heard a word about it here or there” He said, smiling
        We both laughed  as I went over and laid down next to him, my head resting on his lap. I don’t know why but I felt more than safe around him. Like… I could tell him anything I wanted and I would be perfectly ok with telling him. Maybe now would be a good time to tell him.
        “Hey, 19?”
        “Can…can I tell you something?”
        He looked down at me with his soft, purple eyes “Anything”
        I looked at him for a bit before shaking my head. I was being mesmerized by his gaze.
        “Um… I uh… well… I’ve been…”
        “Spit it out, 21”
        “Sorry. I just been trying to say I want to escape this place. Leave it behind and never return.”
        “Escape!?” He said with a shock “You want to escape!?”
        “Yes. After what you told me about #20, I don’t want that to happen to me. I don’t want to be forgotten like some ragdoll or be killed after I go bloodthirsty. I don’t like this place. I don’t like those scientists.”
        “I see… Well either you must be asking to get yourself killed or you’re just one crazy pony Subject”
        I didn’t know how to react to it but I felt like it was a compliment, so I took it as such.
        “Well the thing is… I don’t know this place like you. I need help to get out of here.”
        “And you want me to help aid your escape?”
        I gave a light smile, hoping it would be enough for him to say yes.
        “Yeah” He said, smiling back at me “You’re a crazy pony. I’ll help you.”
        “Yes. but not now. You were only made four days ago. They’re going to be on high alert for a while. Make sure you don’t do anything stupid.”
        I laid there, listening to him as his voice echoed in my ears.
        “If you want to escape, you’re going to have to play along for a while, get them to trust you. Once there guard is down, that’s when you can move.”
        “But…how will I know when to leave?”
        “I’ll make sure you know. It’s getting late now. You need to get some sleep. You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.”
        “Right.” I moved off his lap onto the cot. As I turned myself over to my side to go to sleep, I felt 19’s breath right on me.
        “Goodnight, #21”
        After he said it, he laid a soft kiss on my cheek before leaving the room in a flash. I shot up to look for him but he had already gone. I didn’t move. I only stared at where he normally leaves at and placed a hand right over where he kissed me at. For the first time in my life… I was blushing. That heartbeat like feeling I had in my dream had come back and I was sweating again. What was this I was feeling?
        I didn’t know what to do other than lay back down and try to go to sleep. It was hard but I finally managed to. I dreamt again that night but it wasn’t of #20… But me with #19. It was the best night sleep I had ever and I didn’t want it to stop. Sadly it did when the screeching of the doors to my cell opened with the same scientist there. With a sigh, I got up and walked over to them for more testing.
        “If you want to escape, you’re going to have to play along for a while, get them to trust you. Once there guard is down, that’s when you can move”
        #19’s words kept playing through my head as I continued to the Test chamber
        “I want to escape” I thought to myself “So let’s get to testing”
        With those words said in my mind, I had begun the long process of test every day for next few weeks, each one demanding more and more from me and each time, me coming back to my cell alone with #19 waiting for me. It had become such a routine now that I felt that he was a cellmate. He practically was now. And every day, we talked about anything that came up in conversation. Testing, escaping, anything. A few times, we talked about what the outside was like. I didn’t know what it was but 19 did. He said he’s been out there a few times though it really wasn’t for him. The lab was more his home, as much as he had to hide in it. I wasn’t going to argue though and I let it be. The sounds of the outside world, though, sound magnificent, stunning, like paradise on Equestria. I couldn’t wait to go outside and live happily.
        The days went by and the testing went by like normal. I slowly was stronger at my abilities and was able to use them more than ever now. It had become second nature to me. However, I still haven’t shown them I can grow more out of my back if needed. 19 said to keep that a secret. I may need it for escaping. Just like every other day, testing finished and I visited #19 in my cell. As always we talked and every passing day, I felt like we were growing closer. My thoughts were true as by the end of the first week, he had kissed me again, but on the lips. It was magical and I didn’t want it to stop. Sadly it did though. As the day went on though, I and he kissed more and more. Sometimes he even stayed the night with me in my cell, only to be gone when I awoke to the noise of the scientist. I felt empty when he was gone but I knew that’d he’d be back when I came back from testing.
        (The next section is NSFW and is optional. It does not have to be read and will not side-track the story in any way. I will warn the reader again when the scene is over and he/she can resume from there.)
        It was the day before escape and me and #19 was in my cell together in the cot. He had me close in his arms and I buried into his chest. I loved him. I loved him with all my non-existent heart. I never wanted him to leave his side and I wanted him to come with me. I tried multiple times to get him to change his mind but it was always a no.
        “Yes, 21?”
        “I love you… You know that, right?”
        “Of course I do” He said as he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my lips.
        I gave off a soft moan as he did and I pushed my tongue into him. I moaned even more as I felt around the walls of his mouth and his tongue exploring mine. It felt so good and I didn’t want it to stop. I want to stay in this position with him forever.  I gave off one more moan as he retracted away and licked his lips.
        “You know. You taste really good. Like cherry mixed with strawberry.”
        “I do?” I asked, blushing hot red.
        “Yes. You know though… I would mind tasting other areas.”
        “Other… areas? What other area do I have?”
        He smirked and flipped me over onto my back. I had blushed even more as I looked up to him. His eyes looked innocent but at the same time, dominative. He leaned down to my chest and gave it a long lick up to my neck. I couldn’t help but gasp and how good it felt. He did this a few times before slowly moving farther down to my hind legs. I knew know what other area he was talking about and I didn’t know why he would want to taste that, but it got me turned on like no tomorrow. He spread open my hind legs and it revealed my marehood. It was soaking already with my slime as it ran down and around it. He smirked again and leaned down, giving it a lick
        I gave of a soft, yet effective moan. It was really sensitive to touch and it felt really good when it was. I had never explored it before as I never had a need nor urge to but after just that, I wonder why now I never did.
        “Did you like that?”
        “Ye…yes” I said “Do it again”
        He did just so and I moaned again. This time, he licked a bit longer and even touched my cilt. It sent a surge of pleasure throughout my body that I had never felt before. He did this again and again, only sending more surges through my body. I moaned more and more each time to. I was pushed to the point of asking him not to stop and go faster. It felt so good.
        After about two minutes of him play with my marehood, he looked up at me with a smile, his lips covered in my slime-like juices. He licked them clean and made a delighted, tasteful noise.
        “You taste just as good down here.”
        I blushed and giggled as he came back up to my lips and kissed me again. He retracted back and I noticed his body was completely over me. I was in a position that at was at his complete will.
        “Want to have some more fun?” He asked in a seductive tone
        I returned the question with my own seductive smile. He knew what this meant and he looked down in between us. I followed his gaze, only to be stopped by his throbbing member that was in between his legs. I knew that it was his member and I knew where it went. I was literally leaking out of my marehood just looking at it, imagining it going deep inside of me.
        “How much do you want it?” He asked
        “I want it. I want it a lot” I replied.
        “Oh?” He lowered himself on top of me and rub it against my marehood, teasing it. “How badly do you really want it?”
        I moaned at the touch and whimpered in desperation “I want it. I want very badly!”
        He smiled and pulled back enough to align himself. He rested the head of it right on me and leaned down to give me a deep kiss. I moaned as he slowly worked his way inside. Every movement cause me to moan more and more. His member had penetrated into me and was still working its way in. I can feel it. A few more seconds later, he retracted both the kiss and his member. Only his head was in now as I looked down to see it through myself.
        “Are you sure you can take it?”
        I nodded furiously. I wanted it in me more than ever. With a quick chuckle, he slammed his entire shaft back into me, sending a huge wave of pleasure and ecstasy thought us both. I couldn’t help but arc back as he pulled out and slammed it in again. Each time, send more and more waves thought me. I moaned each time he did.
        “You like that?” He asked as he thrusted into me.
All I could do was reply with a moan of pleasure. He continued to go at me with stronger and faster thrust than the last. As he kept going at me, little did I know, the Tentacles I could grow out of my back had sprouted and were waving over my head?
“Getting a little out of control, aren’t we?” He asked with a smirk
I couldn’t help it, the pleasure was too good. It was so good, I had even taken one of the tentacles and put it near my own mouth, licking and sucking at the tip. I don’t know why but it felt amazing. As if they too had the same feelings my marehood could feel. I couldn’t resist. I shot it in to my mouth and began to suck it hard. It tasted the same as 19 had said I did cherries and strawberries. Much like how 19 was going at me, I mimicked the action with the tentacle and forced back and forth in my mouth and down my throat. The pleasure was unmatched by anything. I was being fucked vaginally by 19 and face-fuck by my own tentacle. It’s seemed wrong but it felt so good. My mind was littered with dirty thoughts and images of me and 19 together. One of them happened to peak my curiosity and I moved a tentacle behind 19 without him knowing. I slowly moved it closer to his backside till it was right on him.
“Hey… What the…?” He looked back to see what was touching him.
I pulled out the tentacle that was in my mouth, only to otter a few words “I’m sorry.”
With the word said, I forced it into his rectum and began to mimic the actions again. He fell on top of me, moaning deeply as it went in and out of him. His facial expression was both a mix of pain and pleasure. Clearly the pleasure was beating the pain and he stood back up slowly, my tentacle still going at him and myself. He began to return to his thrust at me and at a stronger force than ever. When I went in, he came out. When he went in, I came out. The thrust of everything was in never ending pattern as we both went at each other.
“I’m…I’m going to cum!!” He screamed at the top of his lungs
I was no different, I was feeling pleasure in not one, but three different areas, all going at the same time. How I lasted this long is a surprise to me but I did; he thrusted into me a few more times before he made a bloodthirsty like scream. He had begun to cum inside me. I could feel his seed shooting into me more and more. I was nearing myself and I gave both myself and 19 a few more thrust. I peeked open an eye and saw two large blobs going through both tentacles. I didn’t know what it was but I had a feeling of what they were. I pulled the one out of 19 but I left the one in my mouth in. I gave a few more hardy thrust before I came and the blobs came to the tip and shot out of them. The one shot straight down my throat and into me while the other shot all over my body and leaked into my marehood, which 19 was still in. I had closed my eyes as the liquid shot down my throat as I swallowed it all, leaving not a drop unswallowed.  After a few moments, my tentacles had retracted back into me and I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was 19 over me with a smile. I smiled back and leaned up to give him a kiss in satisfaction.
“That…That was incredible, 19.”
“It was. Thought next time, warn me a bit sooner before you rape me with one of those.”
I giggled as he pulled out and laid next to me. I was sweating like no other but it was a good kind. I leaned up a bit to see what my tentacle had shot out in me and on me. It looked much like the color of my mane and tail, a darker, transparent purple. I scooped up what I could with my hoof and licked it clean. It tasted really good.
As I finished cleaning myself, I laid back down next to 19 and moved close to him. He wrap his arms and wings around me and we began to drift off into a deep sleep.
“I love you…19”
“And I love you, 21.”
With those words said, I snuggled into his chest and fell into a deep sleep like no other.
(The NSFW part is over. From this point on, if you choose to skip the NSFW part, will be normal SFW. Read away :P)
I awoke the morning of the escape. 19 had already left like he normally does, leaving me alone again. I felt empty as always but after last night, I could ask for a better going away present. I smiled as the door in my cell opened again. Little did they know it would be the last time.
“#21, my star experiment, how are you this fine morning?” Said the scientist with a very upbeat attitude.
“Oh I feel wonderful sir!” He had no idea
“Wonderful. Wonderful news, #21! Let’s hope that attitude remains the same as we have much work to do!”
I rose from my cot as always as the group of scientist began their way to the testing area. As I walked out, I remembered back to 19’s plan.
“The first step is confusion. When you get to the test chamber, I’ll flicker the light on and off in the facility a bit. Make them wonder. After the second flicker, get ready to run. I’ll force open the door in the room and shut of all the power in the facility. This is your chance to get away from them as far as possible.”
“Second flicker? Got it.” I said to myself as I walked to the testing chamber.
I arrived at the test chamber and took my position as normal, the center of the room, looking towards the others. While I was waiting, I looked around to see if I could spot 19. I found him right above the door in a very dark area. I gave him a nod and he returned it and he was gone. The plan was in motion and there was no going back now.
“Ok #21, today we want to test your ability to hit multiple targets at once with your tentacles.”
“Seems easy I guess.”
“Very good. Now, we’re going to put up three targets for you. See if you can hit them all.”
As I prepared for the targets to apprear, the lights in the room flickered a bit
“One” I thought
“Huh? What’s with the lights?”
“Probably just a power surge. We get them often, you know that.”
“Indeed. Now back to you 21. I want you to…”
The light’s flickered again.
“Another one?”
“Something must be going on down at the power plant. I’ll go see what’s happening.”
That was the second flicker. After that, the third would shut the lights of completely and the door will be forced open, allowing me time to get distance from these guys.
“Enough. We are wasting valuable time. #21, I am demanding you that you pay attention and…”
He couldn’t finishes the sentence before the lights went out completely.
“I can’t see!”
“Well yelling it won’t make the lights come back on.”
“Now!” I thought and I sprinted to the door.
Like 19 said, the door was open and the complete facility was covered in darkness.
“You’re eye’s, due to being in that cell for so long, should allow you to see easily in the dark. Use this to your advantage against scientist and guards and use the darkest paths you can find. The lights may be out but some areas will still have backup lights.”
Following what he said, I made my way swiftly down corridors and halls, jumping over pipes and beams as I saw them. It didn’t take long before I ran into my first patrol.
“As soon as those lights go out, guards are going to be on high alert for and escapees and will kill on sight. Avoid all of them if you can. If you can’t, your range and dark corners and heights are your friends. Use them.”
I quickly looked around for anything I could use to sneak by them. Luckily for me, The was a pipe right above them. I shot out some tentacles from my back and latched onto it and swung myself up and over the guards, landing safely and quietly on the other side.
I continued my way through the maze of halls, pipes and beams, using the height and darkness to my advantage to bypass any guards or scientist I spotted. As I continued my way through, I was met by a huge path of steam that block my view.
“If you reach what appears to be giant pipes shooting out steam, you’re in Dock C1. The closest exit is up two floors at Dock A3. There you can find a vent system leading outside. Be careful though, that steam is hot and will burn through even the thickest of clothing.”
I took those words by heart and navigated the steam carefully, taking caution to where I stepped and for how long. Some of the pipes shot off a bit of steam and stopped before going off again. Without much trouble I made my way through and was now in front of a vent. According to 19, I can crawl through this to get me to the stairs that lead up to Floor A. I removed the hinges and crawled inside, making my way slowly through.
After about a minute of crawling, I was met by another vent. I quickly kicked it open and crawled out and landed on a small platform just below. The lights were back on now and alarms had started to go off.
“Attention! Attention! Subject P-T-21 has escaped her testing area. I repeat. Subject: P-T-21 has escaped her testing area. She is extremely dangerous and is to be terminated on sight.”
“Ah shut up!” I launched one of my arms at the speaker and broke it without much trouble.
I took a look at where I was, taking in my surrounding. I was on the staircase like 19 had said and sign was hanging above a door to the left of me saying “Floor C”. I had to get to Floor A and make it to dock A3. I began to run up the stairs quickly, not taking any time to look at anything. I quickly passed Floor B and reach the top of the staircase to Floor A. I took a deep breath and cracked open the door. I peeked inside and I saw one guard right in front of the door. I took what sight lines I had and looked around for a way to sneak by.
“Damn. No pipes or beams.”
I was going to have to take him out. I slowly opened the door more and snuck up behind him.
“The strike has to be quick. Grab them by the head and twist it quickly. This will cause a neck snap and kill them quietly. There’s no other way.”
“Quick and silent.” I said softly I approached the guard.
I quickly place my hoofs around his head
“Who the…”
I didn’t give him any more time to speak and I twisted hard. I heard the snapping of bones and he dropped out of my hooves like a fly. I looked around for a dark corner and moved his body to it. I took one last look at the dead guard and continued on.
“The light will more than likely be back on now due to the backup generator. When these kick on, you have to go full blown stealth. Take your paces slowly and work your way to Dock A3. It’s not far from the staircase but it will be well lite getting there. You any pipes, beams and walkways you see to stay off the ground while working your way over there.”
I did as 19 told me and quickly took up a spot above the main floor and worked my way through the Docks. Patrols ran by under me. Going left and right; up and down. There was no end to them. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if I fell down there. I shook my head and quickly made my way to the Dock 19 told me to go. I could see the vent clearly but it was all the way on the other side of the room. And by the look of it, I didn’t see a path to it pipe wise. I had to think and fast. The guards were everywhere and it wouldn’t take long until one of them spotted me up here. I kept looking around; trying to find any sign of weakness in the room I could exploit to get me across. I look far to the right side of the room and saw a pipe leading into another room. I could barely see it but I was certain I could see a loose bolt hold it in.
“Maybe… If can take that off, steam and smoke will fill the room, letting me pass by unseen.”
The move was risky but I had no choice. I slowly stretched out my arm to reach the bolt and slowly started messing with it. It was loose, no doubt, but not enough to just pull out. I had to unscrew it a bit. I gripped it firmly and slowly started to twist it. Much like everything else in this place, it was rusty and made a noise as it turn. However, the noise from the pipes and stomping of ponies was more then enough to drown it out. I turned it a few more times.
“Bingo!” I said quietly.
The bolt had come off and I slowly placed it on the ground. I moved back up to the pipe and wrapped my arm around it and pulled. I pulled as hard as I could and it wasn’t moving.
“Come on… Come on!”
I pulled a few more times and the pipe had begun to move out of place. I was making progress but it was slow and I would be caught at any minute.
“Come on you piece of shit, pipe. Move!”
I was still struggling with the pipe when I heard what I didn’t want to hear.
“Hey! It’s Subject: 21!! She’s up there!!”
Oh no. My life was flashing before my eyes as I knew it. I was about to die.
“No!!!” I screamed and with one last forceful pull, I got the pipe to come off.
The room filled with screams of terror and confusion as it slowly filled with steam and smoke.
“That bitch! I can’t see two feet in front of me!”
“Celestia is going to kill us all if she escapes.”
“Find her, now!!”
They were like ants in a fire. There was nothing they could do.
“Their coordination is pathetic.” I said, dropping down into the steam.
Much like them, I could barely see. But I knew what direction I need to go and I ran straight for it. I almost bump into a few ponies along the way but I made it. I looked up and saw the vent right above me. I removed the hinges like last time and crawled in. This time, I put the vent back on behind me, as if I never went through it. With it back on, I began to crawl my way out.
“I’m almost out of here… I can’t believe it…”
I crawled for what seemed like an hour before I was meet with another vent. It was different though. On the other side was not the dark, rusted facility I knew, but instead bright blue skies and sun. I quickly made my way to the vent and kicked open and crawled out, falling about five feet before landing on soft, lush grass.
I stood up slowly to look at my surroundings. I could see everything. The trees, clouds, flowers, and everything else. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I didn’t know what to do. I took a small step forward and took a deep breath. The smell was sweet and peaceful unlike the labs dank, and disgusting, musky smell.
“It’s about time…”
I turned around and I saw him. #19
“19!!” I screamed as I ran over to him and gave him a big hug.
I returned the gesture with a hug of his own and a soft kiss on the lips.
“I was getting worried. I thought they had caught you.”
“They almost did.” I said as I leaned into his chest. “But I’m safe now.”
“Not quite.”
“What?” I looked up to him.
“You may be outside but you’re still an active Subject on the loose. They’re going to hunt you down no matter what the cost.”
“What? What should I do then?”
19 was silent for a bit before he spoke.
“The Everfree Forest. Go there and find a zebra named Zecora. I know her. She’s a good friend of mine. She’ll shelter you for a while until the heat goes down.”
“What if she doesn’t let me stay?”
“Just tell her 19 sent you. She’ll let you. Trust me.”
I smiled and gave him a small kiss “What about you?”
“I’ll stay here and watch what happens. I’ll come visit you when I can.”
“Are you sure?” I said in one desperate plea to get him to come with me.
“I can’t, 21. I told you already.”
His words were soft as he pulled me into a deep kiss. He retracted back and looked at me with his beautiful purple eyes.
“Don’t worry, 21. You’ll find someone out there. It’s only a matter of time.”
As he said his final words he moved away from me and unfolded his wings for lift off.
“I’ll always remember you, 19!”
“And I, you, 21!”
With that, he flew off swiftly, leaving me alone for the last time. Just like the cell, I looked at where he was just now, thinking of all the time we had together. All of it was the happiest moments of my life but I was still in danger. I shook my head and ran off quickly, not taking a moment to look back at that lab.

Chamber Unknown

        The chamber was huge, fit for two princess and a few guest easily. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were both in the back of the chamber at full attention. A few moments passed and knock was heard at the giant door.
        “Come” Said Celestia in a calm voice
        “Who are we meeting again, sister?”
        “One of our scientist, remember?”
        Luna shivered in disgust. She hated those scientists more than anypony but did not object. The large doors swung open and three ponies entered. One of the was a scientist from the lab, the other two were guard of Celestia. She commanded the guards they could leave and did just so, leaving only the scientist and two princess in the room.
        “You wanted to speak with us?” Asked Celestia, starting to meeting
        The scientist dipped his head in respect before starting
        “Yes, your majesty. As you are fully aware, you asked use to make a pony with advanced sentient attributes and adaptations.”
        “Yes, we are fully aware.” Said Luna.
        “Well… yesterday, in the middle of testing her, the power went out in the facility and well…”
        “Speak up.” Commanded Luna. “We do not have all day!”
        Celestia put a hoof out to calm her sister. “What happened?”
        “Well… she escaped.”
        “Escaped!?” Yelled Luna. “You let our personal request escape!? How dare you! By Celestia’s sun we should banish you to the moon right now for a thousand years and…”
        Luna fell quiet and calmed herself. The scientist was cowering in fear of Luna, scared like no tomorrow. As if he really was about to be banished.
        “She escaped then?”
        “Ye… yes your majesty” Said the scientist, still cowering in fear.
        Celestia stare at him for a while before she spoke.
        “Excuse me?” Said Luna and the scientist.
        “This is Excellent news, scientist.”
        “Excellent? How is this excellent, sister!? She is a danger to Equestria and should be found and terminated immediately!”
        Celestia gave off a soft laugh before ordering the scientist out the door. He did just so quickly, the large doors closing behind him.
        “Oh dearest sister” Celestia started. “Do you really think this should be a big surprise?”
        “Well yes! She should not have been… wait… you planned this!?”
        Celestia smiled and got up and walked over to the giant window, overlooking Canterlot.
        “Of course I knew. I knew from the start she would escape.”
        “But why?” Asked Luna, coming up next to her “Why would you be ok with this?”
        “Because… I wanted a little test of my own. I wanted to see if an artificial life form made in the labs of Canterlot could make it out in the normal pony world.”
        “So why not just have them make her then release her?”
        “Cause that would have been too easy. I need her to be challenge before I knew if I had to intervene or not.”
        Celestia gave a slight giggle before continuing.
        “To be honest, sister, if I’m surprised at anything it’s how soon she escaped. I would have expected another month or two before any signs of an escape.”
        “Then it seems she learned quickly, sister.”
        “That she did, Luna” Celestia said with a smile. “That she did…”

        I’ve been running for hours now. I had no idea where I was going except for a forest. There were a dozen forests. How do I know if I’m in the right one? I finally tired out, nearly out of energy as I came up to a tree.
        “I…I need to rest…” I said as I glopped down onto the tree. I was so tired, I hadn’t realized it. I soon closed my and when I opened them, it was night time. I must have fallen asleep. I stood up and gave myself a quick stretch before venturing on. I didn’t run though as I had a feeling I had lost any of my chasers, if any, on me.
        As I continued to walk, I started to hear strange noises. They sound like words but at the same time, not. I continued my way towards it. A few moments later, I came across a giant tree with a hole and cross in it. There was a light inside to.
        “Now even I know that’s not natural.” I said to myself, walking towards it.
        As I approached the tree, I peeked inside the window. Inside was strange. There were wooden hangings of faces. A bookshelf that had weird containers. And strange charms or something hanging from the ceiling. It wasn’t natural, alright. As I continued to peek inside, a creature popped into view. It was white with black stripes. It had a bunch of golden rings around its neck and a swirl like pattern on it rump.
        “Ok…now that’s strange.”
        I watched a bit longer before thinking  back to what 19 had said.
        “The Everfree Forest. Go there and find a zebra named Zecora. I know her. She’s a good friend of mine. She’ll shelter you for a while until the heat goes down.”
        This was the only creature I had seen ever since I left the lab so she’s about as good of a chance than anything. I took a deep breath and approached the door. I knocked on it a few times and waited. Only a few moment later, the creature had answered the door.
        “Who is this at my front door? Nothing but a guest and never more.”
        “…What?” I was confused at what she said. “I’m going take that as a hi so I’ll just introduce myself. Hello, my name is Subject: P-T-21. Though most just call me 21. I’m from the lab up at Canterlot and I’ve escaped. I have a friend who goes by the name of 19 who said I am to look for a zebra named Zecora. Are you Zecora?”
        The strange creature smiled before it spoke.
        “A friend of 19’s you are? Then a welcome guest in house by far”
        “What? Listen, are you Zecora or not?”
        The creature laughed before responding.
        “That I am, young one, that I am.”
        I sighed in relief. Finally a normal sentence from her. Zecora step aside and allowed me access to her home. I nodded as thanks and stepped inside. I looked around and saw all the strange things that were hanging in her house. I don’t know what was weirder, the lab or here. Either was I was safe now.
        “You must be tired after the trip. Come over here and take a sip.”
         I looked over to Zecora who was at a table, holding on of those containers. As much as it bugged me, I did as see asked and drank what was inside. It was sweet and tasted of bananas. I suddenly felt full of energy and completely rejuvenated.
        “Wow! That’s strong stuff, Zecora. Did you make that?”
        Zecora nodded as she handed me one more container. I drank it again and it was the same stuff. I was full of energy now. Like I could run for miles. I shook my head though to get the thought out of my head and looked over to Zecora.
        “Thank you, Zecora. For the refreshment and the place to stay.”
        “Tis not a problem, you see? Now go and rest and I’ll bring you some tea.”
        Her words were still confusing but they were understandable. I got up from the table and walked over to a nearby couch and laid down on it. It wasn’t long before I was hand some tea like Zecora said and she was back to her work. All I did was smiled and took a sip of the tea. I placed it on a nearby table and rested my head to go to sleep.
        I was only in a light sleep before I heard another bang at the door. I lifted my head as I saw Zecora venture over and opened the door.
        “Arcadence it is good to see. To what do I owe the pleasure of being seen by me?”
        “Arcadence?” I asked myself. That’s a strange name.
        “Hey Zecora. It’s nice to see you to.” Said the new pony. It sounded of a stallion. “Look, my buds got a scare in me just now and I was wondering if you had anything I could get a quick scare out of them with?”
        “A scary potion is what you seek. Please come in and take a seat”
        As Zecora moved back inside, the stallion she was talking to walked inside.
        “Oh my…” I said to myself, blushing lightly.
        He was quite handsome. A cobalt blue Stallion with sharp blonde mane and tail. It had streaks of blue running though it as well. His eyes were light blue like mine and he was rather built. He too had a strange symbol on his backside though I had no idea what it was. All I could do was stare at him in the distance.
        A few moments passed and Zecora returned with a green container in mouth and handed it to Acrcadence, who levitated it with his magic. We was a unicorn
        “Thanks Zecora.” Was all he said as he gave her a few gold coins. “I’ll make sure to help you out this weekend with herb hunting. I know you’re running low with all the potions I’ve been asking for recent.”
        Zecora gave him a smile and he began to walk out. When he went to turn though, he turned my way.
        “Oh… don’t see me… don’t see me…”
        As he started to walk out, he turned back to Zecora to thank her again but stopped half way…
        “Oh… hello.”
        Shot, he saw me. “H…hi…”
        “Zecora. Who’s your friend there?” He asked still looking right at me.
        “That its #21. A new friend she is.”
        Oh no… he thinks I’m a strange pony… well, I am. I’m made of slime for ponies sakes.
        He smiled at me and placed the potion down. “It’s a cute name”
        “Cute!?” I thought to myself, blushing hot red.
        He started to walk over to me and a smile on his face and eyes as calm as 19’s.
        “Hi there.”
        “Hi…” I said shyly.
        He chuckled a little “You’re… different”
        “I know”
        “I didn’t mean it as an insult. I find it cute actually.”
        “Cute? How am I cute? I’m made of slime.”
        “Well… I like difference in a pony.” He said, a light blush appearing
        “Yeah” He said looking next to me. “Do you mind?”
        “No. Not at all.”
        I moved my tail over and he sat down next to me. I was trusting him way too quickly. I don’t know why but I was. I knew he was a friend of Zecora’s, and Zecora was a friend of 19. Why wouldn’t I trust him? I shook my head and looked away blushing. I heard him chuckle a little.
        “You know, you don’t have to be shy of me. I’m not going to hurt you.”
        “I know… it’s just…”
        “Just what?”
        I was hesitant a bit but I looked over at him. I took a gulp and started to talk to him fully about me, who I was, and everything else.  I had just given my life story to a pony I have only known for a few minutes. Before I knew it, it was the middle of the night and impossible to travel.
        “Well that’s it…”
        “You’re… a lab experiment?”
        I nodded.
        “And you escaped?”
        He looked away and smiled. “Man, and I thought my friends were crazy. But that… that’s something, 21”
        I blushed a little and nodded in agreement. By now he had noticed that it was night time to and impossible to travel.
        “Damn it.”
        “It’s night time.”
        “The Everfree Forest is a place you don’t want to travel in at night. Hell, even at day you should travel in it.”
        “Strange creatures out there that will do all sorts of weird things.”
        “Oh… I’m sorry I took up your time.”
        “No, it’s my fault. I got caught up in the story of a beautiful mare.”
        “Be…Beautiful?” I asked, blushing.
        He nodded to me with a light smile. He was sweet, gentle, kind, he… he was just like 19. I looked away in embarrassment
        “No .I’m not beautiful. I’m a monster. An ugly, slime pony.”
        “But that’s what makes you unique.”
        He placed a hoof around my face and pulled it back towards him. Just like 19 did. I was staring into his eyes and him back at mine. I was blushing as red as I was with 19. My non-existing heart was beat just as fast to. My mind was filling with images that I couldn’t stop.
        He didn’t say a word after that and he leaned in closer to me. His eyes were closing. I knew what he was going for and my body was fighting emotions of mixed feelings. Do I lean into him or pull away? It was a total war inside me but one side had to win. I leaned in to him as well and our lips met in a soft kiss. My eyes were barely open as I felt myself blushing as I kissed him. I could see he was too. He slowly retracted from me and opened his eyes. They were soft like 19’s just like when we first kissed.
        “Yeah?” He said in a soft toned voice
        I didn’t say anything and I just leaned into him and rested my head against his chest. I don’t know why but I felt safe again. Just like I did with 19. It was as if I was with him right now but at the same time, I wasn’t. I slowly drifted off into a sleep, laying in Arcadence’s chest. I felt his arms wrap around me as I fell asleep into him.
        Maybe life on the outside wouldn’t be as hard as I thought… Maybe it could be like on the inside with 19. Who knows, but one thing was for sure. I had feelings for him like I did 19…
And I couldn’t be happier.

The End…?