//------------------------------// // Crash & Recovery // Story: Sentience - The Ultimate Party Machine // by PinkamenaParty //------------------------------// Grief and Despair Although Felicity couldn't understand her own emotions all too well yet, she knew losing somepony she cared about was a painful experience. In the days before Pinkie's funeral, Felicity spent her time sitting in front of the small workshop where Pinkie built her, staring into the dark windows from the outside, as if hoping Pinkie would somehow jump out from the fireplace, covered in soot, and yell "SURPRISE! IT WAS ALL A JOKE!". However, deep down, she knew that wouldn't happen. Everyone who had known Pinkie showed up for the memorial services and burial at the edge of the Everfree Forest, paying their respects and giving their final goodbyes. Even in death Pinkie continued to smile, almost as if it were her way of telling everybody to keep smiling too. This sparked something in Felicity's mind, a blurred memory of a time she couldn't previously remember. That night, Felicity dreamt of a beautiful melody. the soft, but happy humming seemed to lift her spirits, even if only a little. A soft, lovely voice began to sing to her, even though all she could see was darkness and nothing else, it sounded so familiar to her as the song went on. "It's true some days are dark and lonely..... and maybe you feel sad, but Pinkie will be here to show you that it isn't that bad" Suddenly, she could see again, she saw Pinkie crouched in front of her, working on the wiring in her chest compartments. "There's one thing that makes me happy, it makes my whole life worthwhile. And that's when i talk to my friends and get them to smile!" Pinkie then looked up at Felicity and smiled. "Someday, you'll know what true happiness is, and you'll learn how joyous it is to share it with others." She awoke from the dream to find herself lying on the floor at the foot of Pinkie's bed, remembering she had fallen asleep there the previous night after feeding Gummy, who was now curled up around her protectively. Gummy was easily as large as a table, but still as friendly as he always was, even comforting Felicity in her time of grief.