Different Dimensions

by MidnightInk97

Safety in Numbers... Or Not

We started our quick descend into the great city that really wasn't so great at the moment. Celestia, Luna and Twilight had already leapt from their rides, yelling out orders to the Royal Pegasi guards when Canterlot had come into view just a few minutes earlier. I peered over the edge and down onto the chaos that was spreading. Ponies shrieked and scrambled off in different directions with either what looked like mini Chrysalis's or monsters on their flanks.
Some ponies stayed to fight off the attack (Mostly the guards) but a good majority of Canterlots' citizens fled to the safety of their homes. I so badly wanted to be down there in action but I got direct orders from Luna to stay put and from the look on her face she seemed desperate to keep me safe for some reason, but I trusted her instincts.
I scanned the streets for any signs of Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon or Discord but we didn't see them. "They might have sent their minions to do the dirty work for them." Fire spoke up. Silver was looking out at the sky when she suddenly whipped her head around to face me. "Don't you dare Sapphira Night!" She warned. I stared, dumbfounded, at her while Winter and Fire looked between the both of us.
My jaw dropped. "Wha... H-how... How did you know?" I asked in bewilderment.
Silver looked just as shocked as me. "I don't know. A thought just popped into my head and I realized it was yours when you said..er...thought my name." Silver and I looked over at Winter and Fire who were staring at us from their chariot in shear confusion until Fire spoke up. "Freaky."

We touched down in the princesses garden at the back of the castle and were quickly rushed inside by guards. We galloped as hard as we could through the corridors. We were so close to our destination until bits of the castle wall exploded from our right. The next explosion sent me flying through the air and then the last thing I remember was slamming into a wall before blacking out.

"SAPPHIRA! Sapphira, please wake up!"
I don't quite know what happened but I suddenly was jerked from my slumber, gasping for air. "Oh my gosh! Thank Celestia you are okay!" Fire exclaimed throwing her hooves around me that triggered a mini mind bomb to go off in my head. I looked around at my surroundings to see I was in a white room in a bed with heart moniter beeping steadily. "Ow. What happened? Where is Silver?" I asked frantically when my vision had fully returned. Winter silently pointed to the bed across from mine. Silver was on it and quietly breathing and I noticed that her foreleg was heavily bandaged.
"The princesses were fending off Chrysalis when all four of the magical energies combined and caused explosion." Winter stated. "It was so powerful that it and a second explosion destroyed three whole walls into the hallway, which is where we were at the time."
I stared at her in disbelief. "The princesses are okay and so is Silver for now but a shard of glass made a deep wound in her shoulder and she was in critical condition and she lost a lot of blood but she is stable now. Luckily both of you have the same basic body make-up since you are from a different dimension. You, on the the other hand, have been out for a few hours now and the princesses were forced to evacuate the city after the 'magical bomb' and we were sent to a secret fallout shelter underneath Canterlot at the moment while the princesses are moving everypony into random fallout locations across Equestria until these enemies can be brought down. Unfortunately, while the princesses got everypony underground, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon and Discord have taken over the city with their monsters." Winter finished with a nervous sigh.
I felt my heart crawl up my throat as my stomach fell. My thoughts were interrupted when a white unicorn accompanied by a yellow pagasus came into the small hospital. "Okay, we need everypony out so we can run some tests and these fillies can get some rest." The unicorn stated as she started to shoo Winter and Fire out. I glanced nervously towards my adoptive family, silently begging them not to leave. Winter got the message. "It's okay Sapphira. Theses ponies will take excellent care of you. We will be right outside the whole time." Winter stated with a half-hearted smile and I nodded to her before she and Fire exited the room.
"Hello Sapphira." The yellow pegasus greeted quietly. "My name is Fluttershy. I was sent personally by my friend Princess Twilight Sparkle to take extra special care of you and your friend Silver. I usually only work with animals but I am willing to work with you two." She finished with a small smile a shy blush. Her voice was silky and as quiet as butterfly wings and it immediately calmed my nerves for some reason. I don't know how but I felt I could trust her like I did Luna. "Now I am just going to run a few simple tests before you fall back to sleep so if you could just bear with me." She said with a small giggle that was too cute to resist giggling along with her.
Through out the check up, Fluttershy told me about her adventures with Twilight and her other friends like when they had been sent up a mountain by Celestia, before Twilight became princess, to tell a dragon to leave his snoring was causing toxic smoke. She also told me about how she loves animals and kids and all sorts of other fascinating stories that made me forget for a peaceful minute about reality. It was simple but fully enjoyed and appreciated.
Fluttershy finished up checking for and major injuries and she didn't even question my wings and horn to my relief."You have been such a nice young mare for me." She said. I grinned sleepily at her and yawned. "You looked completely exhausted. Would you like me sing a lullaby to help you fall asleep?" I nodded eagerly and scooched down underneath the warm blankets. I slowly drifted to sleep as Fluttershy sang quietly, I thought, before I completely dozed off that I might finally get a restful sleep with no nightmares. Boy oh boy was I ever so wrong.

I was once again in the dark, dank, and cold hallway with the same growling noise coming from behind. But this time i felt a lot braver than the last nightmare. I turned and stood tall as the creature got closer and closer. What i found out is that as the noise got closer, it split into two separate sounds. One was paws hitting a concrete floor and big wings flapping. Instead of being scared and running away screaming in terror I became more intrigued by the two creatures persueing me until they sounded like they were right in front of me. I squinted through the inky darkness trying to distinguish the two animals.
All of a sudden a lantern was lit and I was standing in front of a big grey wolf and a pure black raven. "Do not be alarmed my young queens." The wolf spoke.