//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: One Heart's Destiny // by Robobrony //------------------------------// One Heart’s Destiny Chapter 1 It was a beautiful sunny day in Ponyville. The birds were singing, the animals were playing, and a lone cloaked pony sat under an apple tree hungrily staring at the apples above his head. The pony’s cloak was white with black lining and a clasp made up of a round ruby with gold surrounding it. From what could be seen of the pony, he had a white coat with black hooves and a black tail sticking out the back, his head and face was covered by his hood, but his muzzle was visible and had a kind of frown on it as he looked upon the apples in the tree in the middle of an apple orchard he wandered into. His cloak was rather dirty, with a few holes and tears in it along the sides and the back. As he thought of how to get the apples out of the tree, he licked his lips at the sight as he was very hungry. He walked up to the tree and turned his backside to it. He reared his back legs and bucked the tree as hard as he could, to his great fortune, three apples fell out. A smile still remained missing on his muzzle as he walked up to his meal and began to eat. After finishing off the three apples, he was still hungry as he hadn’t eaten in such a long time, so he figured he would try to knock some more apples out of the tree. Before he got the chance, a southern accented voice called out to him. “HEY, JUST WHAT IN TARNATION DO YA THINK YER DOIN, them apples is property of the apple family!” The pony turned his head to the left to see a very unhappy mare with an orange coat, a blonde mane and tail tied up at the ends with red ribbons, three whit freckles on each cheek, and wearing a stetson hat. The pony was terrified to be confronted by a pony who seems to have made a claim to the apple trees. He quickly took off away from the mare to get away, but she wasn’t about to let him go for taking her apples without her permission. She quickly gave chase after the cloaked pony. “Yall best get back here right now and pay fer them apples you done ate!” The cloaked pony ran as fast as he could and tried to call back to her to get her to leave him alone. “I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me!” As the mare gave chase, she heard his pleas and answered back. “I aint gonna hurt ya, I just want ya ta pay fer what ya stole!” The pony didn’t believe her. “Yeah right, I’m not taking any chances! Please just leave me alone!” The pony wasn’t paying attention to where he was going as he yelled out to her. The mare called back to him. “HEY, look out fer that hill!” Too late, the pony fell down the steep hill in front of him and took a nasty tumble down to the bottom where his head met a large rock. The pony was met with a great amount of pain in his head as he began to slowly lose consciousness from the blow, the world slowly grew dark as he heard the mare that was chasing him call out someone’s name. “Big Mac, I need yer help!” Before he could hear anything else, he was out. Some time later, the pony slowly began to regain consciousness. To his relief, his cloak was still on with his hood over his head, his suroundings, however, have changed. He found himself in a bed with a cast around his left foreleg and he felt a bandage around his head. The room he was in had a small window to his right, a wooden door on the other side of the room in front of him as well as another wooden door to his left. There was also a nightstand and a small lamp on it next to the bed he was in. He was feeling very frightened at this point, he had no idea where he was and why he was there, not to mention the fact that his left foreleg seemed to be broken. That was going to make getting out of there very difficult. Before he could even try, the door to his left opened and in walked the mare that was chasing him earlier. “Well glad ta see yer awake now, you and me need to have a talk.” The pony quickly scrambled out of bed, ignoring the pain from his broken leg and quickly made his way to a corner of the room where it was shadowed . He curled up into a ball on the floor. “Please don’t hurt me, I swear I didn’t know those apples were yours. I was just so hungry and they looked so good.” The pony was shivering with fear at this point. The orange mare looked curiously at the pony huddled in a corner, clearly terrified. She was upset at him for eating her apples without paying for them, but seeing how scared he was and the fact that he got hurt so bad, she figured he had been through enough. She spoke in the kindest voice she could. “Easy there sugar cube, I can see that you’ve been through enough, I ain’t gonna hurt ya, I promise.” “Yeah right, that’s what they all say to lull me into a false sense of security, then the next thing you know, BAM, I’m lying face down in a gutter covered in bruises. You already hurt me enough with my broken leg and banged up head, isn’t that enough punishment?” The orange mare couldn’t believe what she heard. “What in tarnation are you talkin about, I didn’t do all that to you, that happened when you took that tumble down the hill. And who in their right mind would be that mean?” “Try every pony I’ve ever met, I may have stolen things before, but it was only food so I wouldn’t starve to death, whenever I get caught, I get beaten up and left to die in some ally.” The mare was still in shock as she couldn’t believe there were such places that would behave like that to a simple food thief, at least none in this country that she’s heard of. “Well, I aint never heard of places that do that to a simple food thief, but ponies round here are much nicer. How about we take care of introductions, my name is Applejack.” The pony looked at the mare skeptically and decided to try and go along with what she said. “My name is Heart Wing.” “It’s a real fine pleasure ta meet ya heart wing, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, just outside of Ponyville.” Heart Wing looked at her curiously. “Ponyville, as in, the town located in the country of Equestria?” Applejack took on another curious look at Heart Wing’s question. “Well, yeah, don’t tell me ya forgot the name of yer country?” Heart Wing then looked to the side and down as he spoke softly to himself. “So, I finally made it, I don’t believe it.” Applejack’s confused look never left her face. “You all right there sugar cube?” Heat Wing then looked back up at her. “Yeah, I’m all right, uh thanks for not beating me so I guess I’ll just be going then if you don’t mind.” “Oh no you don’t, in case you forgot, you got a broken leg and a banged up head, you aint goin anywhere until yer all healed up. Sorry partner, but yer stayin in this here room until yer better. Don’t worry, me and my family will make sure yer nice and comfortable until you get back on yer hooves.” Heart Wing did not like the sound of this. “Look I really appreciate your help, but I can’t stay here, I…..have something I need to do.” Applejack didn’t believe him. “Nice try darlin, but I can sniff out a lie when I hear one.” Applejack started to move closer to Heart Wing. Heart Wing started to get more nervous as she moved closer to him. “STOP, please don’t come any closer!” Applejack quickly halted her advance. “What is it Heart Wing, I already told ya I aint gonna hurt ya, I promise. No pony around here gets beaten fer stealin food.” “It’s just that….well, I’m not exactly comfortable around others, I just don’t want to risk you seeing what I look like under this cloak.” “Now look here sugar cube, I aint never meet a unicorn I didn’t like, I know yer a unicorn because I had ta remove yer hood to get them bandages on yer head. I am curious though about yer cloak, when I tried ta take it off ya, I couldn’t undo the clasp. If ya don’t mind me askin, why is that?” “It’s enchanted, this cloak was enchanted so that only I can take it off if I want. It was a gift from my……my……mother.” Heart Wing looked down solemly at mentioning his mother. Applejack gave a sad look as well upon seeing Heart Wing appear sad. “Gosh, I’m sorry, but why would you want to hide what ya are, there are plenty of unicorns round here, I even happen to be friends with two.” “I……I’d rather not say.” “Come on now, why would you be ashamed of bein a unicorn?” Heart Wing could tell she was going to be persistent, so he figured he might as well get this over with. She’d probably find out eventually anyway. “You really want to know, fine then.” Heart Wing then lifted his good hoof to the clasp and undid it. He stepped out of the shadows and removed his cloak. He stood before Applejack and spread out a pair of wings as well, he was an alicorn, his mane was black like his tail and his eyes were gold colored. Heart Wing seemed rather starved though, his ribs were almost visible and his coat was so shaggy and dirty. Applejack was in awe, standing before her was an alicorn, it wasn’t the first time she met one, but the only alicorns she knew were the three princesses of Equestria. Celestia, Luna and Cadence. “Well hog tie me and call me a cow, you’re an alicorn?” Heart Wing looked sternly at her. “Well, go ahead, make fun of me, I’ve heard them all. Freak, mutant, abomination, call me whatever you want, I’m used to it by now.” He said as he looked away and folded back his wings. After a moment of having trouble trying to find what to say, Applejack decided to respond to what he said last. “Now why in the hay would I make fun of you for bein an alicorn?” Heart Wing looked back at Applejack with the same stern look. “Why do you think, because I was an accident, alicorns aren’t real, yet I was born like this! Just look at me, I’m a freak of nature.” “Now just you wait one gosh darn minute, you ain’t no freak. Have you forgotten about Equestria’s princesses, they’re alicorns too remember?” “That’s the thing, I’m not from Equestria, so forgive me if I don’t believe you about your princesses being alicorns.” “Well, I’ll prove it to you, remember when I said that two of my friends are unicorns, well it just so happens that one of them is a personal student to one of them, and she and the princesses will certainly want to meet you. But fer now, you need to rest up and get yer strength back, yer lookin mighty thin there fer some pony yer size. I’m sure all my friends will want to meet you.” “You’re really set on this, aren’t you, why do you care so much? Why are you helping me?” “Cause that’s what friends do, and from what I’ve heard about you from you, you could use some friends, now why don’t you get back in bed and rest up, I’ll bring you somethin ta eat in a bit.” Applejack then turned to leave the room to leave her new guest to rest. Heart wing couldn’t believe what was going on. Applejack was going out of her way to help him get better, and now calling him a friend. Why, why would she care so much. As he thought about the good deed she was doing for him, a pulse of pain surged through his body from his heart. He grunted in pain. “AGH, not again, why is this happening now after so long? What is this pain in my heart?” Heart Wing just shook it off and crawled back into bed to rest. “Well, at least I kept my promise to my mother, but why did she want me to come here, it just doesn’t make sense.”