//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Understanding Magic // Story: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The last of the Dark Kingdom // by Shadowponyty //------------------------------// Chapter 5: Understanding Magic. It has now been a week since me and Pete moved into our new house in Ponyville it had been quiet since then apart from the occasional random Pinkie pie party out of nowhere and magic spell gone wrong from Twilights experiments. But other than that everything was fine until… I woke up to birds outside tweeting I then realised for some reason it was getting louder until it was piercing my eardrums my eyes opened and I saw a bird in my room flying around I do not know how it got in the window was shut I looked to see a hole in my ceiling and the roof above it. It appears me and Pete did not do the best job on the roof when all the other ponies went home when we started arguing. “Hey get out of here” I told the bird jumping out of my bed and trying to grab a broom with my hooves and swat at it but I was so clumsy at holding things with them and it kept falling over as the bird panicked and flew into the bookcase in my room and knocking a lot of the books off the shelves. “It took me forever to get those in order!” I shouted at the bird mortified that it destroyed my hard work as I dived to grab it but I hit my horn on the wall and now it was stuck. “Ty what’s going on in there” I heard Pete on the other side of the door. “Pete there’s a bird in the house” I said. “What do you mean a bird? You mean a girl right?” Pete asked confused. “No a bird just flew in” I said trying to pull my horn out of the wall . “Holy cow! how did that happen?” Pete said after he bucked the door open. “A little help would be nice here Pete” I said when at that moment I flew back getting my horn with a small chunk of the wall out of the wall. “So there really is a bird in your room” Pete said as the bird landed on his head “Well can you get it out of here it’s caused a huge mess that I need to clean up” I said annoyed at the bird. “Sure thing Ty come on little bird oh I’m going to be out with Fluttershy and AJ today rounding up bunnies Pete said. “Oh and I’m not invited?” I asked. “Well I would invite you but this mess looks like it might take a while to clean” Pete said as he then walked out and shut the door behind him. I looked at my room there was more damage done than I thought there were books scattered and my secret stash of snacks had been torn open and scattered across the room it was going to take me forever to clean this mess up. After what felt like hours my room was finally clean it would have helped if I had my hands to pick the things up I could barely pick anything up with my hooves or my mouth it was going to take a while to get used to this. “Tynam you in here?” I heard Twilights voice. “We brought you a present darling” I heard Rarity’s voice. “I’m up here guy’s” I called. The door to my room opened and in came Rarity and Twilight Rarity carrying a bag on her back. They saw the bags of trash in my room and Rarity had a disgusted look on her face. “How could you have all the rubbish piled up in the place you sleep?” Rarity exclaimed. “Well a bird got into my room and started trashing everything and because I’m not used to these hooves it took me forever to pick all this stuff up” I explained. “I see… anyway here we brought you these for you and Pete” Rarity said her horn glowing and a blue light opened her bag and what appeared to be Tuxedo’s made for ponies floated out of the bag towards me but Rarity noticed that I did not look too clean and put them directly in the wardrobe in my room. “Thank’s you two you did not have to go through the trouble” I said. “Nonsense every Colt deserves to look fashionable at a party now and again” Rarity said. “Also with The Grand Galloping Galla approaching you will need something to wear” Twilight pointed out. “The what?” I asked confused. “Tynam I was wondering why didn’t you use your magic to pick it up?” Twilight asked changing the subject. “Magic? I can’t use magic ever since we defeated Alucard I have not been able to do anything with my horn” I explained. “Hmm? Maybe you just need some practice” Twilight said. “Of course every unicorn needs training” Rarity said. “Well where am I going to learn magic from?” I asked. “We could teach you I’ve been thinking about starting up a group where I could teach ponies how to use their magic” Twilight said. “That’s a wonderful idea and you, me and Tynam can be the first members of the group” Rarity said fascinated by the idea. “I like that idea I like it a lot” I said it would make cleaning the house a lot easier using magic to pick up and clean everything. “Alright then we should host our first meeting at the library and show Ty the basics of magic” Twilight said clapping her hooves excitedly. When we got to the library I expected more physical training but it was just reading books of spells for me and Twilight and Rarity actually practicing magic or discussing ideas for the group we just put together. I was looking through a book of beginner spells Twilight told me I had to expand my mind to help focus on the magic I got that I was not the smartest pony in Equestria but I was quite creative when it got to thinking of magic, legends and stories I like to create my own ideas of heroes and villains and possible adventures but I usually give up on this stuff after a while though. I noticed a spell for levitation I could not see any words for the spell I thought it would be like Harry Potter with a “wingardium Leviosa” and something magically flies up to the ceiling. I looked to my left to see a quill on the table next to me it would be best to start with something light. I concentrated on the quill trying to make it levitate nothing I tried poking it with my horn nothing I tried concentrating power to my horn and then nothing happened. “Why isn’t this working?” I said frustrated with myself. “Magic takes practice Tynam” Rarity said. “That’s right and to use magic you need to understand it for yourself like me and Rarity had to do” Twilight said. “Okay how do I understand it I’ve been looking at these books forever and still I do not understand it” I face hoofed myself. “Well you have to be able to understand it in your own way the way I did it was through focused study” Twilight explained to me. “So I need to find a way to understand magic in my own way” I asked. “That’s right and I’m guessing that studying is not your way of understanding” Twilight said. “I’m not really the smartest person in my world I feel like practical things are the only way I understand what the teachers are saying now Pete on the other hand he is like a computer he is so smart that I’m a little jealous” I said. “Well maybe what you need is to watch us using magic to understand it” Rarity proposed. “Would you mind? It would be really helpful” I said the ponies nodded and I sat down and watched as the two unicorns performed spell after spell after spell. I watched closely some of these spells I saw in the book I was reading earlier like the levitation and what appeared to be some kind of beacon of magic even some strange ones where Twilight made Spike grow a Moustache that he seemed to like a lot. An hour passed and Rarity and Twilight appeared to be exhausted after performing so many spells, the problem was that I still could not understand magic. “Do you understand it yet?” Twilight asked me exhausted. “No I just don’t understand your concentrating and you can pull off magic but when I do it nothing happens” I responded. “Well we tried what you suggested and nothing” Rarity said collapsing onto a very luxurious sofa in an overdramatic way. “Maybe I’m just not cut out for magic” I said disappointed was it because I was just no good at it I was able too against Alucard but that was an important situation now I’m just learning it for fun. “That’s not true you used it before and you had no knowledge of it back then so you have the power to use magic it will just be a little while” Rarity said. “Maybe we should stop for today and try again tomorrow so that you can think about what you saw today and take this with you” Twilight said using a levitation spell to put a book in a bag for me and the bag was put on my back. “Thanks you will probably have it back by tomorrow though because of how useless I am at magic” I said walking out of the door. “Should we go after him?” Rarity asked. “No he needs to be alone right now besides if I know the real Tynam he won’t give up so easily” Twilight said with a smile. I kept on walking until I came across a lake the sun was setting making the lake look beautiful no one else was here and most of all it was quiet. This was the perfect place to be alone with my thoughts I began to think what is magic and how do I understand it? I thought back to the time when we fought with Alucard I knew I had to help Pete even if I could not do much he was my friend and that gave me the power too… “That’s it friendship is magic the power does not just come from me it comes from my friends and the bonds that I make” I said to myself. I saw leaves falling from a nearby tree as I then closed my eyes and concentrated my horn glowed black as a black aura surrounded the leaves falling and they floated towards me. I opened my eyes and saw that the leaves were moving with the levitation spell that I was casting I became overjoyed finally I was using magic and it felt amazing. The next day Pete awoke from his sleep he noticed that it was rather quiet this morning usually Ty is up doing something by now. He checked Ty’s room but no one was there Pete proceeded down the stairs still no one there maybe Ty went out early then again he is not usually up till sometime in the afternoon. There was a knock at the door Pete opened it and he saw Twilight and Rarity. “Good morning Pete” Twilight said cheerily. “Morning you two how can I help you ponies today?” Pete asked with a smile. “Well we were just wondering did Tynam come home yesterday.” Rarity asked. “I don’t think he did his bed is still made and he forgot to take the bags of trash out of his room” Pete said. “Eww are those things still there?” Rarity asked. “We probably should have reminded him to take it out when we left for the library” Twilight sighed her ears flopping down. “Where could he be then?” Pete asked. “We have no idea we told him to take a break and think about magic and that’s the last time we saw him” Twilight said. “You don’t think Alucard got him do you?” Pete asked. “No I don’t think we will hear from him ever again” Twilight said. “Yeah the princess sealed him good” Pinkie said appearing out of nowhere. “Pinkie when did you get here?” Pete asked Pinkie who was bouncing excitedly. “I’ve been hiding here forever we were playing hide and seek right?” Pinkie said. “No” Pete was confused. “Oh I guess I got confused with what I wanted to do and what I was doing” Pinkie said. The other ponies sighed. “So have you seen Ty?” Twilight asked. “Well yeah he’s at the lake playing with rocks “ Pinkie said. “Why would he be playing with rocks?” Pete asked. “Well I wouldn’t say he was playing with them they were floating around him like ghost rocks” Pinkie said and then realised what she said. “Ah Ponyville has ghost rocks!” Pinkie said and ran out of the house. “She is so random” The three ponies said at the same time. The three decided to go to the lake where Ty apparently was and they saw him standing on a big rock in the middle of the lake. Above him were several small flat stones with a black aura around them as they span around Ty in circles they then dispersed and the stones skipped over the water of the lake in all directions. “He did it” Twilight and Rarity said excited and ran over to Ty along with Pete. I turned to see Twilight and the others running over to me they were probably worried about me because I did not come home last night I was here all night practicing my magic. “That was absolutely smashing” Rarity said to me. “Yes it looks like you mastered levitation already that’s just amazing” Twilight said. “Thanks everypony but I’ve still got a long way to go if I want to be as good as you two” I said rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed. “Still just to learn all this in one day that’s impressive” Pete looked impressed himself it was not easy impressing him. “Oh Ty we are about to have our group meeting would you like to join us” Rarity asked. “Maybe next time” I said as I fell on my back exhausted I had been up all night working on my magic and was very tired. “Well I guess we should get you home then” Pete rolled his eyes. After getting some rest I started my letter to the princess. Dear Princess Celestia In the last two days I struggled to understand the power of magic I thought it was something unicorns instantly had but I learned that first you must understand magic in order to be able to use it right. I realised that to understand magic you need to understand the power of friendship which I did not figure out until I thought back to the time we fought Alucard I used magic to protect my friends and from here on out I am going to use my magic in order to help my new friends here in Ponyville. Your human/pony/unicorn subject Tynam. I levitated the letter over to Spike and with a poof of smoke it was sent. So what happens with my new powers now is a mystery but I know I would use them for the good of my friends but still it won’t stop me from having a little fun with people once in a while. I then gave a mischievous smile.