//------------------------------// // The clothes // Story: Evolvion // by Ramboom //------------------------------// I woke up and looked over my list. I went over to my bags, I had enouth meat to last 2 Weeks so clothes first. I turned the page and sceced what I would like for the club. It was a purple dress with a fanned out short skirt thing with random purple gems the top section was a deeper purple and was full of little gems. I flew out the window with the drawstring bag around my wrist. I clang onto my notebook and looked around for the dressmakers. I saw it and walked in. "Welcome to - oh my dear what ARE you whering!" Said a mare who I recognized as Rarety "What this? Well good that I am here then. Could you make me something like this?" I showed her the notebook. She took it with her magic. "Well I would make some adjustments to your design, but ok." "It is for a club I am planing on starting." "What about Vinals?!" "She fired me." "So you weren't good enough?" "Oh no I was TOO good" I smiled as I didn't want to many ponys to know what really hapened."I was outshineing her." She nodded not quite believing me "Come tomorrow and check up on it, ok?" "Thanks, how much do I oue you?" "Nothing for your first time since you always where clothes." "You know I have more clothes that survived the crash." I said the clothes was a white jumpsuit and a orange one that I hated. "What was that?" "Nouthing" not wanting to pay for the dress. Next stop... The realastate I looked around and after a LONG time I found one. I walked in and I was met buy a green green with a yellow mane. "Hello madam, what are you looking for today?" "I am looking for somewhere where I could run a club. Do you have a place?" "One, fully functional 50 bits, I don't think you would last long agenst Vinal" "Hmmm I survived flesh being torn out of my back and 13 years without any friends, a crash, and this long with talking ponys, I can take on ANYTHING!" "If you are shore then, come with me." After a little wile of walking we came to a club with a neon sign outside saying GOOD TIME. He took me inside and turned on the lights. I raised my eyebrows. He told me "It is so cheep because we can't get somepony to by it. I smiled and said "I will take it!" "Are you shore?" "Yep" "We will go back and do the paperwork" After the walk back I did the paper work and said in pony years I was 18, but I didn't know. It took a few minets of negotiation untill he let me have the club. After I flew as fast as I could and found Rainbow Dash. "COME ON, I have something no somePLACE to show you!" She groaned "did you really do it?" "Of coarse I did" "We'll your bucked" "You promised to help me how HELP ME set this place up!" She rolled of the cloud she was on and I flew to the club. I walked inside and turned on the lights. "Wow why dosent Vinal have this place?" Rainbow remarked "The neon sign, hers says her name in big bold lights." "Can I get my friends to help?" "Shore we need all the help we can get." After 10 minets exploring she came back. "There are one the way!" I smiled and wated 2 more minets." They came and the city mark crusaders yelled "cuty mark DJS" I shock my head. "We need to get this place cleaned up first but then I will let you all have a lesson ok?" "YAY" they yelled "Let's get cracking!" I looked around and saw AJ, Rarity, Twilight, Pinky Pie , Fluttershy and her animals Bu dusk the place was working and set up. "I can't thank you enouth. But I am going to stay here and I'm starving, and you might not like what I have to eat... Sooo, you might want to leave." Everyone but Rainbow and AJ nodded. I understood rainbow but Apple Jack! She looked at me "Why might we want to leave?" I came out clean "I am an omnivore. I need to eat meat and plants." AK was about to leave not wanting to see me eat meat. She instead just didn't look at me. After I started to think about the song that I should right, "Good time, Good time..." I mumbled. After a couple of minets I gave up. I noticed that Rainbow and AJ left. I locked the door and walked to look at Vinal's I noticed that the line was smaller then usual. I smiled and went home when I got home I realized that I left my iPod there, it would be safe. I climbed into the bed and sleep soon found me.