Restoring Harmony to the Cosmos

by Orfearus

Eternal Nightmare

A cold wind blew into Ponyville, carrying with it a light snow that sparkled under the newly risen moon.

“Cumoooooooon Twilight” came a shout from a baby purple dragon, drifting up the stairs of the library he inhabited

“Hold on Spike. The suns just set and we have plenty of time” returned a reply from a purple unicorn, the other inhabitant of the library

“Were going to be late for the party!”

“You just want to make sure your there to hold open the door for Rarity when she arrives” teased the unicorn
If they were in the same room, she would have seen the dragon turn a bright red

“That is NOT why I’m hurrying …”

“Relax Spike. I’ve learnt my lesson about keeping secrets, I’m not going to tell anypony. Besides, I think it’s sweet how you’re always going after her”. If it were possible, Spike would have turned an even brighter shade of red

“That doesn’t change the fact that we’re going to be LATE”

“Coming Spike”

Twilight finished magically combing her mane, and walked across her room to the large collection of dresses that Rarity had made for her

“What’s the occasion for this party anyways?” she shouted down, trying to decide between her star-studded gala dress, or a more frilly, yet equally attractive, deep blue dress gilded with gold ribbons.

“Dunno. Pinkie finds any excuse for a party.”

Then it hit her

“The Winter Moon Celebration!” she thought out loud. How could she forget! And especially since it was the first one in over a thousand years, she knew that the celebration would be huge. And for such an occasion, Pinkie always pulled out all the stops and went overboard on the sweet baking. Since ponies on sugar rushes and formal dresses rarely went well together, she decided to levitate out a simple black dress from the other side of her wardrobe. It was rather elegant in form, still formal enough for the even, slim so it wouldn’t get wrecked by many dancing pones, and most importantly, durable.


“Just putting on my dress. Wouldn’t want Rarity to see you show up with an underdressed pony.”

As she trotted down the stairs of the library, she noticed a slight pink blush disappearing from the dragons face. The pink accent made him look all the cuter, dressed up in a full tuxedo with a black top hat and a red bowtie, with a small black satchel hanging at his side.

“You look great, now let’s go before were late.” He said, visibly embarrassed about how easily Twilight could return the conversation to Rarity

“Where would I be without my number one assistant?” She rhetorically asked



The full moon was just rising in the sky as Twilight and her assistant Spike left the giant tree that housed the library. Snow was starting to accumulate on the ground – the weather patrol said there would only be light flurries throughout most of the week. Even though there was a chill in the air, neither one minded as the watched the light of the moon dance among each hoof-crafted snow flake. They walked in silence, admiring the view until Twilight suddenly stopped. Levitating in front of her was a masterfully crafted snowflake.

“Wow! I’ve never seen such a beautiful little snowflake.” The snowflake glowed in the magical field surrounding it, sparkling brighter for the moonlight that shone down upon it, and reflecting in Twilights bright eyes. But then realization struck. “If only I had my preservation kit with me.” She said, sulking, as she slowly lowered the snowflake to the ground.

Only to have it land in the preservation kit in Spike’s outstretched claws.

“Here you go” Spike said, as Twilights face lit up once more

“Wow Spike, you’re amazing! This is just what I need to finish my snowflake collection. You’ve been working so hard lately; perhaps I’ll give you a few days off to be Rarities number one assistant.”

“I still don’t see why…. Wait. YOU WOULD DO THAT?!?!”

“Well, I don’t see anything on my schedule for next week, I think….

She was cut off mid-sentence as Spike embraced her in a bone-crushing hug.

Twilight gladly accepted the hug – it was rare for Spike to show such affection. In fact, Twilight couldn’t remember the last hug Spike had given her. She decided to take a second or two and savour the moment. It wasn’t until a cold wind blew through her mane and sent a shiver down her spine that she was brought back to reality.

“Spike, were here.” She announced.

He looked around, and sure enough they had arrived at Sugarcube Corner. However, if you were not accustomed to the place you would not have recognized it through the party decorations. There were so many streamers, they seemed to grow out of the house. Dark blue was the dominant color, but every once in a while you could see some orange or pink ones mixed in. Balloons were floating everywhere around the building, gleaming as the moonlight shone through them and bathing the house in a cacophony of colors. The sweet smell of baked goods, gingerbread strongest among them, wafted out through the open doors. Everything about the house just screamed PARTY. They both took the sight in for a few moments.

“Wow, Pinkie really outdid herself this time” Twilight commented. “We've only had a few parties of this calibre before.”

“I hope were not too late for Rarity” was the only response she got out of Spike.

Twilight raised a hoof to knock at the door, as an eager Spike waited behind her.

“COOOMIIIING Twilight” Came an overly excited shout from inside. The door opened to reveal the bouncy pink pony who had given the shout from inside.

“That’s amazing, Pinkie. How did you know it was me?”

A timid yellow pegasus walked up behind Pinkie. “What’s even more amazing is that’s 15 ponies in a row” exclaimed Fluttershy “Pinkie must be psychic!”

The pink pony only smiled at that and bounced away to get more cookies for the new guests.

The inside of the house was just as decorated as the outside. Streamers lined the walls and hung from the ceiling. Plates of sweets lined the tables, and a large portion of the floor was cleared as a dance floor. Pinkie had even set up some extra fancy lights that bathed the entire place in a rainbow of changing colors. Even though the party wasn’t slated to start for half an hour, there were already many ponies there; nopony wanted to be late for a famous Pinkie Pie Party. Luckily for Spike, Rarity wasn’t one of them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were arguing over a gingerbread house

“We should just eat it now” Shouted Dash

“But there arn’t any ponies ‘ere yet. A’least wait till th’ party kicks off” replied Applejack.

“Fine” Dash said, flying away from the argument.

“So Twilight” came a timid voice from beside her. “Do you really think Pinkie could have psychic powers?” asked Fluttershy

“Well, I’ve read about many ponies who claim to be psychic. But in the end it’s all just an elaborate hoax set up to profit. However, it IS Pinkie Pie. You never can tell with that pony.”

Twilight looked around and spotted Pinkie with even MORE sweets. Perhaps a cookie or two would be a good idea. As she headed towards Pinkie, Rainbow Dash landed next to Pinkie and whispered something into her ear. The pink pony bounded back into the kitchen, only to return with a tray of muffins. A moment later, a knock came from the door

“Ditzy’s here, Ditzy’s here” Pinkie shouted, rushing forwards to open the door for the newest guest. Sure enough, Ditzy Doo was waiting at the door.

“Wow Pinkie, those muffins sure look good” The new pegasus replied.

“Do you like them??” Pinkie asked, giving one of her famous Pinkie Pie smiles.

“guees ere grooood” came the muffled reply, through a mouthful of muffin.

“16 in a row” Fluttershy whispered to Twilight. “I guess I have to believe she’s psychic.”

But something didn’t feel right. Twilight was determined to get to the bottom of this. She stood to the side of the party, remaining unnoticed by others and observing the scene. Ponies were having a great time already, even though the party had barely begun. Music was just playing in the background, and the chatter of excited ponies rose up through the air. Twilight’s eye also caught Rainbow Dash, as he rose up to the air and hovered by the window, clearly watching for something. Or some ponies. So this was all a trick! An elaborate prank! But the fact that they chose to pull it on Fluttershy infuriated Twilight. I’ll show them she thought, conjuring up a voice amplification spell she had learnt – the same spell used to make the Royal Canterlot Voice if she wasn’t mistaken. Carefully placing the spell on Rainbow Dash, she leaned back against the wall and waited for their prank to fall apart.

Moments later, Dash hurried down over to Pinkie Pie. She leaned in as if to whisper something into her ear.


The magically amplified voice echoed throughout the entire room

Rainbow Dash shot straight up into the ceiling

Pinkie Pie dove for cover underneath a table of treats, knocking most of them over

Spike turned right around at the mention of Rarities name

Outside, Rarity jumped up nearly as much as Rainbow Dash.

When everything calmed down, Fluttershy approached Pinkie and Dash with a fury the rivalled that of the Grand Galloping Gala.

“YOU LIED TO ME” She shouted

“More of j-just a f-fib. It was o-only a j-j-joke” stuttered Rainbow Dash, visibly cowering in fear from the normally kind-hearted pegasus.

“I told you we shouldn’t have pranked her” Pinkie said to Dash

“YOU LIED TO ME” Fluttershy shouted, approaching the cowering pair

Twilight galloped over in an attempt to calm the enraged Fluttershy

“Relax, Fluttershy. They were just pulling a harmless practical joke. They really didn’t mean any harm from it, just trying to have some fun.”

Though the words themselves did not reach Fluttershy in her rage, the calming feel of a friends hoof on her shoulder and the comforting tone of Twilights voice seemed to lesson her anger a bit.

“AND MAY I INQUIRE AS TO WHY SOME PONY IS SHOUTING MY NAME AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS?” Interjected Rarity, entering through the door Spike was holding open.

“Someone” Spike said, glaring at Twilight “was just ruining a practical joke”

“They were trying to trick Fluttershy into thinking Pinkie was psychic. I couldn’t just stand by and let it happen”

“Well, ya do remember her Pinkie senses? Wouldn’t be too ‘ard to believe she was psychic” Applejack said

Fluttershy, having calmed down by this point, started to look at the floor.

“I-I’m sorry I yelled.” Came a now timid voice from Fluttershy

“Don’t worry Shy. It was really wrong of us to trick you” replied Rainbow. One of the most sincere apologies that she had ever given

“We won’t do it again” said her pink sidekick in crime “Now who wants to PARTY!”

The music rose up, and the events of the night were soon forgotten in the joys of the party. The party was everything it was expected to be, and more. Each pony partied long into night, and returned home exhausted as the full moon rested in the sky, as if anticipating the coming morning


In Canterlot, Luna had never felt so exhausted. Raising the moon was always tough work, but every time she had recovered within the hour. Never having been one for public celebrations, she thought at first it was just the effort this Winter Moon Celebration required. But after having 3 full meals that night, and more snacks and sweets than she had eaten in a very long time, her energy was no closer to recovering. Am I getting weak? She asked herself. I know I’ve neglected to practice magic daily, but I should still be strong enough to fulfill my royal duties. Extremely disturbed by her lack of strength, she went to seek the only pony she trusted would be able to help. Her sister


Luna entered her sister’s room, knowing that it was still an hour or more before she needed to be up to raise the sun. But to her surprise, the bed at the side of the room was empty.

“Tia, you here” She called out tentatively

“Out here” came the voice she was searching for from out on the balcony.

There sat Celestia, looking over Canterlot. She didn’t look her normal, perfectly groomed, leader of the ponies self; her mane was dishevelled, and she seemed visibly distressed.

“Luna” said Celestia softly. “I have always tried to be strong for you. As the older sister, I have tried to guide you and make this life easier for you.” She turned and looked deeply into her sisters eyes. Her own eyes were filled with sorrow, and a tear gleamed in the light of the full moon above. “But today I am weak” She said, turning her head to the ground. “I feel like I have let you down, sister, for I have let my energy slip from me.” Every single word seemed like a struggle, emotionally tearing the princess of the sun up on the inside. “I have grown too weak. I fear I do not have the strength needed to raise the sun this morning.” With those final words, she let her whole body droop down to the floor.

They remained in silence for a long while, as a mixture of emotions started to well up inside Luna. Celestia had always been there for her. But now, it was Celestia that turned to her for help. Disappointment, not at her sister, but at herself, rose inside of her. Could she really have not realized everything Celestia did for her, every day? She was princess of the night, and yet still ran back to her sister when confronted with difficulty. She should be stronger! This mixed with the sadness her sister left in the air, and the fear for her sister in this weakened state threatened to overwhelm her mind. She was at a complete loss for what to do.

“I’m sorry to put this burden upon you”. If it were possible, Celestia would have lowered herself even more.

Those words made a new feeling rise up inside Luna this time. A sheer determination to be there for her sister began to flood Luna’s body. It was time to step up to her true potential. The time to raise the sun was almost there. She reached into the deepest recesses of her power, and let it join with her body. Her horn started to glow, but she knew she would need more. Farther into the infinitesimal cavern of magic her body housed, and her entire being glowed with a magical light. She would be strong. For her sister. A tendril of magic blasted out to her horn, reaching the cosmos, feeling the connection between sun and moon. She directed her magic to move the celestial bodies through the sky.

And then she collapsed.

Celestia lunged out to catch her falling sister, but was not fast enough to prevent the limp body from hitting the floor.

“LUNA” She shouted. “Are you alright?”

Picking up the fallen sister, and feeling the steady breathing of her lungs and beating of her heart, Celestia embraced her under the still starry sky.

“I’m so sorry Tia. I tried to be strong for you. But I fear I am not strong enough” She said, gazing up at the moon that she failed to lower from the sky.

Celestia tried to look into her sister’s eyes, but Luna concealed her defeat by turning he gaze to the floor.

“All night I felt weak. I was afraid that I would let you down.”

“You have not let me down, sister. You are strong”

“NOT strong enough to even move the moon that my destiny dictates. I couldn’t even re-gather my energy after raising it this night.” Her sorrow was overwhelming at this point. “What can I do” She sobbed, into the comfort of her sister’s mane

“We’ll find a solution”

“But I’ve worked so hard to get everypony to like me again. If the sun does not rise, they will fear me as Nightmare Moon again. I can’t stand the thought of losing my friends---” at that thought she could not bear to continue.

“You tried your hardest to lower the moon. This is not the work of Nightmare Moon – that much I am certain of. I will stand by you. Nopony will hate you for this, for all the work you’ve done to try and bring the day back around.” The calming voice of Celestia seemed to bring solace to her sister’s heart. They would find a solution to whatever was causing this. They had to. But for now, the two princesses simply stared out over Canterlot and the grounds beyond, as they remained in each other’s comforting embrace.

And for the first time since Nightmare Moons destruction, the sun did not rise over Equestria.