A Royal History Lesson

by crazyjw18

The Price of a Rainbow

Celestia blinked as she found herself staring at an all too familiar purple landscape stretched out before her. "What just happened?" she asked slowly.

"Huh? How did we get outside?" Luna chimed in.

A dark shadow crept over the two confused ponies. "It must have been Twilight," a deep rumbling voice said.

Luna's eyes grew as wide as saucers as she gazed up at the great purple dragon towering over them. "Big Sister!" she managed to squeak.

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "She winked us right out of the castle!" she uttered in a scandalized tone. "The nerve!" She spun around to face her sister. "I didn't even know you could wink somepony else."

"She always was rather talented," the dragon noted sadly.

"Dragon!" Luna yelped as she dove behind her sister.

"Oh calm down, Luna," Celestia said. "He's a nice dragon." She peered around. "Now where was that tunnel?" she demanded. "I'm going to go give that uppity pony a piece of my mind!"

"I don't think that would be a good idea," the dragon answered.

"Why not?" Celestia snapped as she took to the air, exposing her still panicked sister.

"Just look at what you're wearing," the dragon pointed out.

Celestia's eyes widened as she noticed the heart shaped pendant hanging from her neck. "The Rainbow?" she exclaimed.

"The spells must already be failing," the dragon murmured as he turned away. "It would be too dangerous to go back down there now. All the ponies are likely already gone anyways."

Celestia blinked back tears as she stared at the shiny locket. "That's not fair," she muttered. "I didn't want this stupid thing at their expense."

"I can't say that I'm not upset myself," the dragon said as he carefully laid one of his hands on the pony's head. "But this was their choice."

"It was Twilight's choice!" Celestia countered.

The dragon shook his head. "No, not just hers. That was no kind of existence for any pony," he said, his tone growing husky. "Ponies are meant to run free, to laugh and play in the sun. Not to be endlessly trapped in the darkness. I didn't get a chance to speak with many of my old friends, but I knew them well enough to be certain they wouldn't have wanted that."

"But still...." Celestia trailed off as she saw the dragon swiping furtively at his eyes. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "This must be so hard for you."

"Big Sister, why is he crying?" Luna asked plaintively, her fear of the huge creature suddenly forgotten.

Celestia landed next to her sister. "The ponies in the castle were his dear friends," she explained quietly.

"Are they really all gone? Even Truly and Baby Moondancer?"

"Yes, Luna, I'm afraid so."

Luna frowned. "Can't you bring them back somehow?"

"No, I can't."

"What about Mama?"

"No, this is beyond even her."

"Even if she uses the Rainbow of Light?"

Celestia sighed. "Luna, listen to me. If the Rainbow's presence really was the only thing keeping their spirits bound to this plane, then there isn't anything that anypony can do to bring them back. They're just gone. Forever."

Luna sank down on the ground. "I don't get it," she muttered.

"There's some things in this world unicorn magic just can't do," Celestia answered heavily. "I don't like it any more than you do."

The two ponies and the dragon remained in that spot for quite some time, each one lost in their own thoughts and regrets. They were all weary from the day's efforts, and few words passed between them. Eventually the smaller pony nodded off, nestled safely against her sister's flank.

"So, what will you do now?" Celestia finally asked.

"I honestly don't know," the dragon admitted. "Up until today, I thought I was going to die down there." He let out a deep breath, a swirl of black smoke escaping his massive jaws. "And before that, all I ever wanted was see all my friends one more time." He stared off towards the west where the sun had long since sank out of sight. "I just don't know what to do."

Celestia just nodded, unsure how to reply. "In the morning we'll need to head back towards the palace," she mused. "I expect I'll be in quite a bit of trouble for sneaking off with Luna, but hopefully Mama and Papa won't be too mad." She snuck a glance at the troubled dragon. "Maybe you could come back with us. They have healers and everything there."

"Judging by your first reaction to me, I'm not so certain I would be welcomed," he chuckled. "It's been so long that I doubt anyone remembers me."

"I would vouch for you."

His toothy grin widened for a moment, then disappeared. "I sure you would," he replied. "And I will admit that's a tempting offer. After all, I've lived with ponies almost my entire life." He looked away, this time his gaze fixed on the untamed wilds to the east. "But I'm an adult dragon now. It's high time that I acted like it. There's a big world out there, and I think I should see more than just a tiny fraction of it."

"Widening your horizons. That's a very noble pursuit," Celestia observed.

"No, I'm just being selfish again," he admitted. "I may still have family out there somewhere. Other dragons, I mean. Somewhere there has to be others like me."

"Well, whatever your goal, you have my best wishes."

"And you mine," he replied. "Are you absolutely certain you don't want my help against that monster?"

"Yes," she answered forcibly. "From my mother's description, he's not a creature that can be fought with brute strength."

"Very well. I will respect your wishes," he sighed. "You, both of you, just stay safe."

"We will." She looked down at the pendant still hanging from her neck. "I'm sure my mother will easily defeat that beast with this."

"The Rainbow certainly has been used for great deeds in the past," the dragon replied. "And its power is proportional to the magical power of its wielder. If you're mother is as strong as you say, then I don't think she'll have much trouble."

"Me either," Celestia, fighting back a yawn.
"You had better get some sleep if you're leaving in the morning," he advised as he careful wound his huge body in a protective circle around the pair.

"I think you're right," she agreed. "Good night."

"Sleep tight, little ones."

"Don't you need to take a break soon?" Luna asked impatiently from her precarious perch on her sister's back.

"No, I'm fine," Celestia lied as she sped through the air. "How are you doing?"

"I'm tired," the younger pony whined.

"I know. Sorry that I've pushed you so hard today. I just want to get back soon."

"Sorry that I couldn't keep up," Luna apologized in turn. "You're a lot faster than before."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah. Is it because you're wearing the Rainbow?"

"I don't know. Maybe," Celestia answered. "We are making good time. And I certainly don't feel as tired as I thought I would."

"Can I wear it for a while?" Luna asked. "Maybe it will make me faster too."

"Sure," Celestia replied as she glided to a stop high above the ground. She carefully slipped the pendant over her head and looped it around her sister's neck. "Just make sure it doesn't slip off."

"I don't feel any different," Luna said disappointedly as Celestia resumed her flight.

"Neither did I."

Luna frowned. "Maybe I'll be faster now." She flapped her wings and slipped off her sister's back.

"Be careful," Celestia warned as she kept a close eye on the smaller filly.

Luna pumped her wings frantically as she tried to match her sister's speed. "It's not working," she complained. "Plus your wings are a lot bigger than mine."

"Don't wear yourself out any more," Celestia replied as she slowed down. She dropped down and deftly caught her little sister on her back. "Why don't you get some rest?"

"It's not fair," Luna murmured as she shut her eyes. "I want to fly fast too."

"You will, someday," Celestia promised. "Just give it a bit more time. She turned to give her sister an encouraging smile, but found the little filly was already fast asleep. "Sweet dreams, little sister," she whispered as she picked up her speed once more.

The ground raced by far below as the winged unicorn sailed silently through the darkening sky. As she flew, she pondered at both her newfound speed and endurance. For some reason she suspected that the Rainbow wasn't the real cause. Perhaps in the course of freeing that poor dragon she had unlocked some hidden power within herself.

In any case, the reason wasn't that important. What was important was getting back to the palace as soon as possible. Who knew when that monster would start to stir once again?

Celestia greeted the rising sun with a weary smile. "We don't have that much further now," she announced unsteadily.

"Big Sister, you can't keep going like this!" Luna scolded. No longer having any trouble keeping up, the smaller pony soared close to her sister's side and gave her a worried look. "You barely slept at all last night."

"I'm fine," Celestia protested, unable to keep a slight wobble out of her voice. "Besides, I'll be able to sleep plenty once Mama gets the Rainbow."

"Not if you crash first," Luna retorted.

"I'm not going to crash," Celestia insisted. Though her eyelids felt heavy and her vision was a bit blurred, there was no way she was going to stop when they were so close. She clumsily passed a hoof over her eyes, trying to clear them. "

As she looked back up, she noticed a dark smudge had appeared on the horizon. "What is that?" she murmured.

"Is it a fire?" Luna asked worriedly.

Celestia's eyes snapped fully open, her exhaustion temporarily forgotten. "No way! That's right around where the palace should be!"

"Is it the monster?"

Celestia didn't answer as she forced herself to fly faster. Luna sped up as well, not wanting to be left behind.

As they drew closer, the sisters' worst fears were confirmed. The palace was indeed burning. An entire wing was already completely engulfed in flames and despite the desperate efforts of scores of pegasus and unicorn ponies, it appeared that the rest of the grand structure would soon follow.

Celestia homed in on one of the ponies supervising the frantic water bucket brigades. "What happened?" she demanded. "Where are our parents?"

The burly brown pegasus wearily glanced back over his shoulder, his eyes widening as he recognized the two winged unicorns. "Holy hooves, you're the Queen's little fillies!"

"Where's Mama and Papa?" Luna asked pitifully.

"Ah...um...well...." The pegasus scowled worriedly. "Follow me," he finally got out, then he swooped down towards the courtyard and landed just outside of a large tent, calling out as he landed.

Celestia and Luna followed him more slowly, looking around worriedly at the spreading destruction as they descended.

An elderly looking unicorn that Celestia vaguely recalled being introduced as one of her mother's advisors, Silver Gild, emerged slowly from the tent. "What's happened now?" he demanded. His eyes lighted on the two sisters. "Oh my...." He stared at them somberly for a moment before gesturing for them to follow him inside.

"What's going on?" Celestia asked as she trotted after him. "I want to know where our parents are!"

"Your mother is... not well," the advisor reluctantly answered. "Honestly, we really should have noticed that something was wrong sooner, but with her physical injuries and everything else that's happened...." He coughed nervously. "Also it seems that your sudden disappearance greatly aggravated her condition."

"What does that mean?" Celestia practically shouted.
