Whelp, this is Mildly Suckish

by darkdude141

I has a mowhawk.

My Cutie Mark is awesome! My friend Kegan and I are basically something like this:

Imagine two little girls. Imagine They had the same birthday. Imagine they got the presents they wanted. ALL the presents they wanted. Imagine someone ten times happier. Imagine the two extremely happy little girls couldn't talk or brag about their toys at all. AT ALL. AT ALL!

Yeah, I should probably back up.

We had horse ears. Cartoon horse ears. They felt really weird. Kegan's were yellow. Mine were black and white. Who does Zecora interact with? Applebloom, Kegan was turning into Applebloom. I'm glad I'm the one who turned into Zecora.

We were both squealing with delight through out school the next day.


Yeah, we had a sleepover. We watched the episode "Hearts and Hooves Day" It was the only episode on Netflix we both knew had our characters in it. We watched the part where Applebloom is in Zacora's shack a bunch of times. Next we watched "The Cutie Pox" After that, we watched my introductory video in season one. Then we watched the CMC episodes.


When we woke up, we were having hair problems.

I had a black and white mohawk. That was cool. (Heh heh HAHAHAHAHAAH) Kegan... (Heh) had a... (ha) red and girly mane (HAHAHAHAHAHAAFJAGNANCVIKNBD) ...Ahem... I'm cool now... (Bwahahkajdhfcslkdhfjkh)

Also, we had tails. Tails. Beast. I had a black tail that felt really nice. Kegan had a short little red tail. I laughed so very much. Let's just say it ended with a broken nose for Spencer-pony. Totally worth it.

I always wish Zecora would be a human.

...WAIT HOLD THE PHONE HERE! Re-read paragraph 7. "MY introductory video"

...Shit, my brain is thinking of Zecora as me.