//------------------------------// // First day of work. // Story: Evolvion // by Ramboom //------------------------------// As I woke up I saw the sun starting to rise, I got up off the floor where I steeped. I stretched and then flew off, I saw pegisi kicking clouds trying to get rid of them, I flew up to them, not crashing YAY, and asked if I could use some of the clouds to build a cloud house they nodded and I got to work 2 hours later I finished the cloud house it was bubpey, small and only had 2 rooms, but I made it and I felt proud of it. Then I relished that I left my bags at the club. I flew down with a crash landing. I opened up the club using the key that I saw Vinal get out the night before I found my bags and picked them up. I thought I might as well get some practice in. I walked over to the decks and plugged in my iPod luckley when it was plugged into the decks it charged itself. It turned onto a song called E.T I smiled when I saw the tital as I was an E.T. I I started to remix it but this time nearly flawless. Some ponys outside came in then I realizedthat I left the door a crack open. I shooed them away telling them that they where not meant to be in here. Then Vinal came in and said "You want to be the DJ for a little wile at the club tonight?" I replyed "Really? I would love that!!" Vinal smiled at me and left me to practice wile she did some work on the lights. After a wile I left to get some sleep befor the club opened. On my way home I saw pegisi placing clouds down around my house so I pushed the house up a few meters to make it easer for them. I walked into my house and put my bags down, luckley they didn't fall. I flopped onto my bed, then lying on my side sleep soon found me because it was soooo soft. It was dusk so I grabbed a tin of meat and ate it then I went down looking for wher I could find an apple. All the shops where closed. I wish one was opened, I walked over to the club and walked in past the bodyguard who stopped soo many ponys I saw Rainbow Dash in the cue and I signed for her to come over and told the gard that she was with me. He let boath of us in. Rainbow Dash turned to me and "oh thanks for getting me in, he didn't know I was the best flier in Equestria!" I just said "I better go to Vinal and ask when do I start, and this club really is a BIG deal. What is the youngest you can be to get in here?" I asked "12 but only around the dance floor, 18 for full area axcess, but the staff area." I was relived that I wasent braking any laws. I saw Vinal on the decks and walked over to her. "HEY."I yelled so she would hear me. "YOU WANA TAKE OVER FOR A BIT?" Vinal said to me. I nodded as it would be clearer. She said in my ear "try the track you where doing this morning." I nodded then pluged in my iPod and selected E.T and did something similar to what I did this morning. [youtube=m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=NkRmsU8j7H0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNkRmsU8j7H0] Everypony started to bob their heads to the beat. I fumbled up a bit at the end but it all worked out in the end.i smiled and laffed a little at this. Luckley no one could here me over the noise. I wanted to keep on going, but the song had to end sooner then later. When I finished it went on auto with the songs Vinal recorded before, probably to rest up. She signaled me to come with her. I went into a soon with a couch and one way glass looking into the club. She looked at me sexily I backed away saying "I'm a mare. A MARE" She locked the door with her magic and just said "there are 5 times more mares then colts here." I look around and ran away from her. "Just try it or... I will ... Fire you. " I said back "I was about to quit, and if you don't let me out, I would LOVE fresh MEAT to eat." She eyed me "you wouldn't, you said you never ate pony!" I smirked "First they don't talk and second their is a first time for EVERYTHING." She opened the door and yelled at me, "Your FIRED!!" I walked out picking up my iPod then Vinal said "This is company property, so it is mine now" I ran up to her and put hr in a headlock and cut of her airway after a few minutes. She stop levitating it and dropped it I walked away and said "Thank's for the parting gift. And in freanch, vous plus tard vous poney fou voir" (see you later you crazy pony) I turned back and said "Oh I have a heap of bits soooo I think I will start up my own club." "You wouldn't." "Yes and one rule would me no Vinals" I smiled and said "Ta Ta" When I got home and unpacked Rainbow crashed into my house and yelled at me "WHY IN CELESTIA'S NAME DID YOU QUIT!!" I relaxed and said "She tryed to force me to have sex with me. Then clamed that my iPod was hers!" She eyed me "your lying" "We'll I am going to start my own club." "That's original, all outher clubs went bankrupt." "Yes but none where ran by me." "Fine, do you want me to help?" "Yes, why wouldn't I!"my tummy grouled, "I think you should go home, before I eat some..." Rainbow Dash left FAST. I sureged and tucked in to some chicken. After I got out a note book and found a pen. I wrote a list of what I have to do 1. Get better clothes and go hunting 2. By a club 3. Name the club 4. Write some songs for it 5. Open the club 6. ? 7 profit (literally)