//------------------------------// // why is this happening // Story: Rainbow Factory Alternate Ending // by Alicornpony1234 //------------------------------// As the workers were bringing in the first batch of fillies Lighting was confused. In her head she was thinking " why were they bringing fillies in here, she thought. Um excuse me uh worker she said, why are they bringing in fillies in here she asked again. Oh you'll see boss said the worker. Lightning saw they were in chains and then she saw a big machine on the bottom of were she was sitting, that made her look more confused. One worker went up to her and said " do you want us to begin boss" he said, uh sure I guess lighting said. Then something shot out of nowhere she saw chains coming down from the ceiling and grabbed one of the little fillies. The filly had a blue coat like her and a white mane, her cutie mark was a cloud and a strawberry. She supposed her name was strawberry cloud. someone gave her a file witch had her name and she was right it was strawberry cloud. Then something happened the chains let go and she fell into the machine She watched in horror as the machine turned her into a rainbow she fell back and started screaming for it to stop as the chains started shooting every where and the fillies got turned into rainbows and when it stopped she started screaming that WHY IS THIS HAPPENING WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then a few days had pass and she went mad she started enjoying the fillies being turned into rainbows. Her blue mane was all covered in blood and so was her coat, she would go to the fillies and say every pony is useful to us, and she wasn't the same ever again. Oh Luna your being silly of course rainbow dash wasn't kidnaped by changelings said the white alicorn, What if she was what if your wrong said Luna. Oh get in carriage Luna we must go see twilight, fine said, what if everyone in ponyville freak out because im there, oh they wont. 5 minutes later OMY GOSH IS LUNA THE LUNAR PRINCESS EVERYONE RUUUUUUNNNNNN. Well I stand corrected said celestia, see I told you, no pony likes me. Oh come lets go to twilight. Oh hello princess and Luna said the main six. Well I came cause you sent us a letter of how rainbow dash is missing and how you saw a sonic rain boom, celestia said. We should check badlands, said Luna. Luna she is not at the badlands said celestia, wait maybe she is said Rarity, yea maybe she is there said pinkie pie. Oh fine we'll go then there is a carriage outside all should go on it all the pony with wings will fly all the wingless ponies go on the carriage said celestia. Ok then lets go said Aj 20 minutes later So your looking for your pony friend is that correct, said Chrysalis. Yea do you have her said Luna, No I don't you can check my whole kingdom said chrysalis, fine we will, said fluttershy. a while later We looked everywhere and she's not there . Well I told you she wasn't here said Chrysalis well lets go said Celestia wait before you go I would like to help you find your friend said chrysalis you want to h..h.. help said Luna. Yes I will said chrysalis. Ok let get started said Twilight. Meanwhile in pony heaven Well hello there filly what's your name said Rd um my name is strawberry cloud. Well what was the cause of death, um I was grinded into a rainbow, that's the 300 th time this day said scootaloo, well we must shut down that factory or else every filly will be a rainbow, said Rd, yes we should, said strawberry cloud, gather the rest of the ponies who were turned into a rainbow we must get revenge. the two fillies did what they were told to. *im sorry every filly who died on that machine now I will destroy it* Now my job is finished tomorrow will be better, all the fillies begging for not to be killed, o well Lightning said. We will be turning ponies into rainbows like Earth, pegasi, and unicorns, perhaps even an alicorn, she said to herself, nothing can stop me now. Then she saw a the workers bring in late fillies, well what do we have here sir she said, we have fillies that were late to the exam. Lightning noticed a filly that looked familiar. She realized it was her sister, Gem. She flew to her and said you ,you failed your exam, no I was late said gem. Gem then noticed it was her sister Lightning . She flew up in enjoyment but then grew sad when she saw blood on her face and coat and mane. she asked what happened, and then lightning said oh you'll see she said. the chains fell down and snatched up fillies and then the last filly was her very own sister. Gem watch with horror in her eyes and she started crying when the chain fell and grabbed her, why lightning why, lightning looked up and said I told you never fail or be late for the exam. And the last words Gem said were why lightning and I will still love you even though you kill me and she fell into the machine. Lightning for the first time started to cry when she killed her own sister, She heard laughing in her head she was playing a memory of Gem getting her cutie mark and showing her cutie mark to her, her cutie mark was heart gem then lightning started sobbing. Gem was in pony heaven and saw fillies and ponies marching and standing she saw a Pegasus walking to her, well hello Rd said we need another filly she said. what is happening Gem said, well we are going to go destroy the rainbow machine that killed us all she said. will I was killed by my own sister. Rainbow felt sorry for her, well we are going to destroy that machine you wanna help Rd said, gem said yes I want to help, well get in the line, she went to the line. Lightning went to her home not that far from the factory, she saw the colors of the rainbows and saw the color green and blue, those were the colors of her sister, when she came home her parents where there, they were crying, lightning asked why, they answered, they said that Gem her sister went missing, she replayed the memory of her killing and turning Gem into a rainbow. She told them follow me she planned to turn them to rainbows, she feared that that they would find out what really happened to Gem maybe even the princes would find out she would get punished, she does not know what would happen if they all found out. They were in the factory the were right on top of the machine then she pushed them in the machine as fast as lightning and the were turned into a rainbow, she killed her own mother and father. To Be Continue........... .