Sentience - The Ultimate Party Machine

by PinkamenaParty



Ponyville has always been a small town, built on friendships and hard work. Ponies who live in this town all know each other well and normally get along. This can be attributed to the shenanigans of a single pony, who helped keep the smiles going all around for all this time. This pink mare with the poofy mane, usually seen hopping around town on all four hooves with a big grin on her face, Pinkamena Diane Pie, known by her friends as Pinkie Pie.
Lately, however, Pinkie hasn't been able to keep up as much as she used to, and has been seen visiting the Ponyville Hospital more and more often. Some of the younger fillies have also reported seeing her sneaking around an abandoned workshop not far from Sweet Apple Acres, but this information is still unconfirmed. Given Pinkie's celebrity status, her reasons for such secrecy must be somewhat important.

Final Assembly & Boot-Up

As she tightened the last few bolts, Pinkie heaved a heavy sigh. The hard work she had put into designing and building the machine was finally complete. She picked up a dirty rag from the toolbox and wiped away the oily stains in her slightly-graying coat.
"Finally! You and I are going to have so much fun!" Pinkie squealed with joy, seeming to defy her aging appearance by prancing around happily while picking up the remaining tools she had left out.
Pinkie had just finished cleaning up the shabby workshop when someone began knocking on the old wooden door from outside.
"Hey, Pinkie, You in there?" A curious voice asked, from outside.
"Oh, Dashie! Come on in!" Pinkie replied loudly, struggling to contain her own excitement.
The door swung open, a flood of light illuminating the entire room, glimmering off of the pony-shaped machine in the middle of the room. Rainbow Dash stepped in slowly, the bandages on her wings from her most recent accident snagging a bit on the splintering doorframe. She stops a few feet in, her eyes fixate on the pink-colored machine in the center of the room.
"W-what is that?" Rainbow Dash asked nervously, seeming a bit confused as to what she was seeing.
"Oh, you're just in time to meet her," Pinkie said.
Pinkie giggled quietly as she poked a small metallic rod into a slot in the pony-shaped machine's ear. At first, nothing happened, but after a few seconds of silence, the machine's eyes opened. Its deep blue-colored eyes darted around curiously, taking in the surroundings.
"Is THAT a p-pony?" Rainbow dash stammered, backing off a bit.
"Don't worry, Dashie, This is Felicity, a robot I built to spread joy among ponies everywhere!" Pinkie replied, the excitement in her voice quite apparent at this point.
The mechanical pony jumped down from the workbench it was placed on and walked a bit unsteadily over to Rainbow Dash.
"D-Dashie?" Felicity spoke, seeming to look up and down Rainbow Dash's form nervously. She reached out her metallic hoof and prodded her cheek gently.
"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie with an annoyed expression while Felicity continued softly prodding her cheek.
"That's odd, she's supposed to wait for voice triggers before doing things," Pinkie said, astonished that the robot was actually showing signs of free will, unlike those previously built construction bots they used in Canterlot.
Pinkie proceeded to examine Felicity and check the small diagnostic screen hidden beneath her mane.
"Everything seems okay from what I can tell," Pinkie sighed, before covering the screen again and looking over Felicity's body one more time.
"I-Is there something wrong with me?" Felicity inquired, looking back at Pinkie with a somewhat sad expression on her face.
After that, Pinkie realized exactly what was going on, and began prancing around the room again, jumping for joy.
"This is awesome," -Pinkie cried out with joy- "I invented a robot with free will and emotions!"
"Wow, that's cool and all, but I gotta fly" -Rainbow Dash folded her bandaged wings back "I mean, I gotta go, obviously not fly," She corrected herself.
As Rainbow Dash left, she looked back at Felicity, who was standing in the doorway gazing at her with a curious expression on her face.
"That thing creeps me out," Rainbow Dash thought aloud.
Pinkie walked out of the workshop and turned to Felicity.
"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!" she blurted out, grinning like a little girl.
"Um... I'm Felicity." Felicity replied nervously, looking down at the ground in front of her.
"I know that, silly filly!" Pinkie said, putting her hoof on the robotic mare's head and messing up her mane.
Pinkie turned around and began walking back towards Ponyville, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the small workshop behind her.
"Come on, Felicity, -Pinkie beckoned to her- "lets go home, to Sugarcube Corner!"
Felicity smiled shyly and followed the spastastic pink mare towards town. She looked around at the fields on both sides of the road, staring in awe at the massive amount of apple trees that lined all the way to the hills in the distance. As she followed Pinkie through the town, she began feeling a bit self-conscious as other ponies stared at her and she hid her face behind her mane.
"Here we are!" Pinkie exclaimed as she stopped in front of Sugarcube Corner.
Felicity bumped into Pinkie, not realizing she had stopped.
"S-sorry!" Felicity stammered, stumbling back a few steps.
"It's okay, you didn't mean any harm," Pinkie said, putting her hoof on Felicity's shoulder, "come on, let's get you settled into your new home!"
Felicity followed her inside quietly, closing the door behind her. She followed Pinkie upstairs to a room with a dusty sign on the door that read "Pound & Pumpkin" on it.
"This used to be the Cake Twins' room, but they moved to Manehattan when they expanded their confectionery business, so you can use it for now," Pinkie said with a little smile on her face.
She opened the door. The room itself was dusty, and there were a few cobwebs in the corners, but otherwise well maintained. A bunk-bed sat in front of the window, the beds still made from last time they were used. Other than the bed, the room was entirely empty, the rest of the furniture gone.
"I'll buy some furniture for you tomorrow, just talk to me about what you need tomorrow and i'll see what I can get," Pinkie smiled as she walked across the hall to her own room.
"O-Okay," Felicity replied, again sounding nervous and a bit confused.
"Good night, Felly," Pinkie giggled at the nickname she had just come up with and closed the door behind her.
Felicity sat down on the bed and looked out the window at the sky, which was darkening more and more as the sun set. As she gazed up at the stars which were beginning to appear, she began to wonder why she existed and what she was meant to do.