The Pony Virus: Between Dimensions

by shoopdahoop678

Quick announcement

Hey everypony, shoopdahoop678 here. First off, I am amazed by how positive a response i'm getting from this story. Only the first chapter has been submitted and I already have 6 trackers? You guys are amazing! That's why i'm extra sorry to say this isn't the next chapter of "TPV:BD", but if any of you have ever been a freshman in high school (which is probably 90% of you), you know how badly high school takes away your free time. Also, I will update the blog on my profile page whenever there is an announcement, so check there often. This is the first, last, and only time I will post a chapter like this, and that's because this is to let you know to look at my blog. Anyway, amongst high school, writer's block, the fact that this is my first story (so i'm having trouble working up the courage to sit down and write), and the skiing trip i'm taking from Thursday (Feb. 9) through to Monday (Feb. 13), I doubt I will be able to post until next week; however, starting then, I will attempt to post at least one chapter every 2 days, and if there is a problem, once again, it will be in my blog. Thanks for being great subscribers/trackers/people/ponies/etc.!