Let's Be Evil!

by MythrilMoth

Pinkie Pie's Evil Idea

As most stories begin, it was an ordinary, bright, sunny day in Ponyville. A large picnic blanket was spread out on the grass in the park, and six mares plus one dragon were lazing in the warm afternoon sun after a delicious picnic lunch.

"Let's be evil!" Pinkie Pie abruptly said.

Everypony turned and stared at the pink party pony.

"...WHAT?" Twilight gasped.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie? Y'all done got inta some'a them...funny brownies again?"

"As a game!" Pinkie said. "We could take turns! One of us comes up with an evil, nefarious scheme, and then everypony else has to stop her!"

The other five mares exchanged glances. "That's stupid," Rainbow Dash said.

"Why would you even think of something like that?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie shrugged. "I'm bored."

"You're bored, so you want to be evil?" Twilight retorted flatly, arching an eyebrow.

"Not FOR REAL evil!" Pinkie Pie said with an exaggerated groan. "I mean fake evil!" She paused. "Well except we'd actually have to do something kinda-for-real evil or there'd be no point to the game I mean come on, but it's not like anypony's gonna get hurt because the six of us are pretty much the strongest ponies in Equestria so there's no way five of us can't stop one of us before anypony gets hurt so it's really just a game!"

Rarity scoffed. "Puh-LEASE, dah-ling, that is simply the most ludicrous idea—"

Pinkie smiled...well, evilly...at Rarity. "I triple diamond dog dare ya!"

Rarity's head snapped around, her eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I said I TRIPLE. DIAMOND. DOG. DARE YA!" Pinkie repeated, punctuating each word by poking Rarity's chest with a hoof.

"Ooooooooooooooooooh," Rainbow Dash and Applejack ooooooohed, impressed.

Rarity glared at Pinkie. "Oh, IT. IS. ON!"

"Seriously?" Twilight said, eyes half-lidded.

"My dear Twilight, a triple diamond dog dare simply cannot go unanswered, even for a refined mare such as myself!"

"Yeah, that's...pretty much the dariest dare a pony can dare," Applejack said.

"What are you, schoolfillies?" Twilight asked archly.

"Well, you're perfectly welcome to not play, Twilight," Rarity said, fluffing her mane. "After all, there's no possible way any of you can compete with moi."

Twilight stared at Rarity. "Um. Hello? Threw the entire town into chaos with a Want It, Need It spell here?"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "That was crazy, not evil. True evil requires poise, cunning—"

"—mismatched body parts—"

"Well I'm in," Rainbow Dash said. "I can't let anypony be more awesome than me at anything!"

Applejack sighed. "Oh, horseapples. Count me in too. Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy hid her face under her hooves. "I...I don't like evil," she whispered.

"Oh come on, Fluttershy, it's just a game!" Dash said.

"I don't like evil games," Fluttershy said.

"Well, you can always let your little henchbunny do all the work," Spike pointed out. "That rabbit is more evil than Nightmare Moon and Discord combined!"

"Angel is NOT evil!" Fluttershy shouted, wings flared. Then, she ducked her head, tucking her wings tight against her body. "He's just, um, a little high-strung sometimes, maybe?"

"Right, so Fluttershy's in too," Rainbow Dash declared.

"I never said—"

"I guess that settles it, we're all playing," Twilight said.

"But, I, um—"

"YAY!" Pinkie Pie pulled a spinner out of wherever Pinkie Pie pulls stuff, which had all of their cutie marks on it. "Let's spin this to see who gets to be evil first!"

"Um, excuse me, I—"

"Wait a minute!" Twilight said. "We need to lay down some rules first."

"Rules, shmules," Dash said.

"No, Twilight is quite correct," Rarity said. "We must agree on how far to carry the game, what constitutes a victory or a defeat, and what the prize is for the winner."

"If you'd just listen, please, I—"

"Sounds fair to me," Applejack said.

"If I could just interrupt, please—"

"Okay, how about this?" Twilight said. "First rule: we're not actually going to hurt anypony."

"Agreed," Dash nodded.

"Second rule: Anything we damage, we have to fix it ourselves, or pay to replace it."

"Sounds fair," Applejack nodded.

"—um, hello, I'm sorry, but if you'd just please—"

"Third rule: Win or lose, whichever one of us is 'evil' at the end of each round picks the next pony to be evil."

Fluttershy sighed. "I give up."

"Fourth rule: If the 'evil' pony wins her turn, her prize is anything she wants from Sugar Cube Corner, since this is Pinkie's game."

"Oooh, playing for baked goods! I'm in! I'm in!"

"Uh, sugarcube? This was YOUR idea."

"Oh yeah! But right, what Twilight said."

"One more thing," Rarity said. "In order for this to work, nopony else can be in on it. It has to seem absolutely real to everypony else, or else it's just silly."

Twilight frowned. "I don't know if I'm okay with that," she said. "I'd rather everypony be in on the game."

"Nah, Rarity's right," Dash said. "We gotta really play it up, get into it."

Applejack sighed. "Ah don't wanna make anypony mad at me..."

"Alright, how about this, then," Twilight said. "While each round is on, we keep everypony in the dark. But anypony that gets caught up in our game, after the round they were involved in is over, we have to let them in on it."

"Sounds fair," Applejack nodded.

"Yeah, everypony loves a good prank," Dash said.

"So, are we all agreed on the rules, then?" Twilight asked. When everypony nodded (except for Fluttershy, who just sighed and ducked her head), Twilight turned to Pinkie Pie. "Alright, then, go ahead and spin!"

Pinkie laid the spinner on the table and gave it a good, hard spin. The six mares leaned in close, watching the little arrow as it started to slow down...

* * * * *

Night fell over the peaceful town of Ponyville. The last light had gone dark in the last window. Everypony was snug in their beds.

Everypony, that is, save for one.

Clouds obscured the moon. Thunder rumbled.

"So, it's time..."

A flash of lightning revealed the silhouette of a cloaked mare, standing on the roof of the Ponyville town hall.

"Citizens of Ponyville...sleep well tonight, for tomorrow, you will know the EVIL of—!"