//------------------------------// // It's been a long time since we've talked // Story: The Rise of King Galaxy // by DaxterGalaxy //------------------------------// It's been a long time since we've talked This chapter is going to take a while. It has to explain a lot and will help set stuff up for later. P.S. Luna talks normal, the accent isn't worth the time and effort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The sun gave what little light it could muster onto Canterlot Castle. Its twiddling rays cast shades of red, orange and yellow onto the darkening structures. The castle glowed with a light purple, and its surroundings gained a dark red color. Inside the castle were many stained glass windows, their images and stories told on the floor by the sunset lights that hung over the edge of the horizon? In a dark room sat 3 immortal beings, each sipping tea. The Goddess of the Sun sat still as her rule over the land faded and her sister took over the land. Another being stared at the Celestial Sisters, annoyed as they broke the laws he had set for the universe. He finally spoke up, the annoyance visible in his voice. "Wouldn't it be easier if you let the Sun and Moon move on there own?" Luna looked confused. She was raised by the fact that nature had to be controlled. She had no idea that there were laws that her brother set, but she felt powerful and useful because of her duty. "I think it's a lot more efficient controlling the sun and the moon. We can do a lot with these powers. As long as we use them wisely, there is no harm. And it’s also our birthright." Galaxy was grinding his teeth. Annoyed that his sister had the gall to break his authority, he loved her with all his heart, but even his own sister had to learn that his law was final. "The laws are meant to control ALL objects in space. Many life forms depend on the natural movement of the stars and moons in order to live. What do you think would happen if they figured out there king let one Solar System break his laws? What kind of ruler would I be?" Celestia and Luna looked at him with a confused look. They looked at each other, seeming to read each others thoughts before Celestia spoke up. "You're a king?" Galaxy then realized that they didn't know what he had been doing all those years in space. "I wasn't just twiddling my hooves all these years. I've been busy conquering planets. I'm the king of over 10,000 solar systems. My rule stretches to all the reaches of this universe. I take many shapes and forms as a being of multiple planets. Let me show you one." Galaxy's horn began to glow an inky black as darkness engulfed him. His form began to change, as if his entire DNA was morphing into a new creature. His muzzle became flat. His arms and legs changed shape and grew to new heights. His torso sat up and his spine straightened. When the dark force faded a new creature came to being. He was sitting upright with a tea cup in his hand. He had muscle visible all over his body but he still managed to look tall and skinny. He had on his favorite black hat and sunglasses. He wore a black tie with a white button down white shirt that seem to disappear behind his long black petty coat. He had on black pants that covered his legs, which in turn made him look even taller. It ended in black leather shoes that could crush a ponies head in a single stomp. This form was well known across the Galaxy as being the body of a king. "This is what most of the well known Galaxy see's me as, I call it my "Human Form". I made it when I traveled to a planet that was full of fur-less apes. It was fun and all but unfortunately it fell to a horrible disease. They became cannibals and almost ate the planet to extinction." Both Luna and Celestia looked up in total amazement. Luna couldn't believe that this creature was her brother. All she could think were questions about what he exactly did in space. She finally gulped and asked him her first question. "What happened to the planet?" Galaxy flicked his hat up to show his dark glasses. Luna felt that he was looking into her soul, just trying to read her most inner thoughts and feelings. He took a sip of his tea and answered her question. "I blew it up." He said it in a casual tone that even Celestia was weary of. There was no telling on how powerful he truly was. She made a mental note to keep an eye on him. Luna looked at her older brother with huge eyes and an open mouth that could attract flies. She saw Galaxy as a role model, and knowing that he could blow up planets gave new respect and an urge to be like him. The silence was broken by an unexpected question by Galaxy. "Where's Discord?" Celestia became pale at the mention of the Draconequus. She knew where this would lead into. Galaxy and Discord were inseparable as colts, but she knew he was going to figure it out someday. Celestia pointed a weak hoof towards a window. "In the garden" Galaxy pushed his chair aside and sat up. He was truly massive; his shadow cast a dark feeling to Celestia. She lowered her head to the floor. She couldn't dare look him in the eyes after what she did. When Galaxy reached the window he looked outside and scanned the garden. He couldn't see Discord or any signs of him being there (often food products gave a firm trail as to the spirits whereabouts). The only thing he actually saw was a statue of Discord. But after starring at the stone carving he gave a nervous chuckle and looked back at Celestia. He had a worried tone in his voice, for he already knew the answer. "I can't see him, there's only a statue in the garden." A single tear fell down Celestia's cheek, as the cold memories flowed back to her. The silence gave Galaxy his answer. The next question would be the start of a conversation that Celestia was trying to avoid since her brother's return. "Why is Discord in stone?" "We had to." "Why didn't you just talk to him?" "He was murdering thousands, we couldn't let him continue." "Why was he killing in the first place? The Discord I know would never kill." Celestia kept silent, for she had to hold back the sobs that were silently building in her throat. She can't show her weakness now. Even the tiniest sign of a break in her guard spelled death for her, but it wasn't enough. "YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO?" Galaxy's body began to tighten, rage filling his heart. Celestia could feel his power rising from the anger and it could turn deadly if she showed signs of fear. Luna sat silent, she wanted to stop this but she didn't know how. She finally gained the courage to speak up, but it was too late. Galaxy disappeared in a flash of dark aura and reappeared in front of Celestia. His arm came for Celestia's neck. She had no time to think before she was raised into the air. He held her with one arm, both eyes at the same height. Celestia just continued to stare at his dark glasses. She remembers the eyes behind them, and she hated seeing them hurt. Galaxy tightened his grip on his captive. The sudden tightening caused Celestia to choke, but still she stared at his eyes. Looking anywhere else for one second was an invitation for death. She finally was able to speak, but barely audible because of the restrictive airway. "Do you.......... remember that.......... day? The day............... that changed you.......... forever." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This took way to long then I wanted it to. I should of finished this in half an hour. I was making ruff drafts in class today. The next chapter will explain what happened to Galaxy and why Discord became evil. and why there are only 3 alicorns left. See ya then.