The Chaos Factor

by Mr Jelly

Clump chapter

Yeah, I'm just going to post everything I've made of this story so far, well, all competed chapters anyway, as one giant chapter because I don't really have ideas for this story anymore.

As if on cue, a bright light shot past the castle. The color of which was cyan.

“GROOOOOOOOOOOO” A growl was heard from below.

The Lycan shrank immensely when the bright light covered her, leaving a dark grey wolf that slowly transformed back into a pony, back into Rain Whisper.

“Losing confidence?” Cyburst said, chuckling even more.

The mare looked down at her hooves, and then at her disheveled mane.

“Dammit.” She said. “I thought it’d last longer.”

Cyburst got in Rain Whisper’s face, “Not if you’re scared.”

“I’m not scared!” Rain shouted. “It was the light.”

“That scared the crap out of you.” Cyburst said, his body almost waving.


The whole room started to shake.

A purple aura appeared around Rain Whisper, then built up at her side, taking the shape of a larger pony. An ash grey and purple stallion appeared with glowing eyes and wind that seemed to circulate around him.

“What was that?” Mirage asked, looking at the two ponies and avian creature that remained in the room.

“Hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm.” Cyburst laughed, “He’s climbing the castle walls.”

“Who?” Mirage asked looking around, “How the hell did I get here?”

A mare was launched out of the side wall, the castle moved under her to cushion her landing. Gaia looked around with sleepy eyes.

“Where am I?” She asked, “Where’d Aero go?”

“He’s almost here!” The Avian said, almost bouncing up and down with happiness.

Two more ponies rose up from the ground, one with a dark blue aura surrounding him, accompanied by an identical fur color but with a red mane, the other remained on fire for a few seconds, then the flames doused. Night Flash and Aero.

“The fuck?” They asked in unison.

“It’s about to show itself,” Cyburst laughed, bending his knees, “I haven’t had this much fun in decades!”

Water leaked out of the walls and gathered in the middle of the room, making a small blue pony appear. A purple hole in the air dropped another mare on top of the blue one, her fur a glowing lavender with a hot pink mane that moved and sparkled like Luna’s.

“Thalassa? Clock Star?” Rain asked in confusion, looking at the other four ponies that had randomly appeared. “What are you all doing here?!”

“GBeast is here!!” Cyburst said, then he vanished.
are they going to say anything.
The far wall heaved, cracked, then fell, revealing a creature that wasn’t from this world. It stood crouched, as if it were about to pounce. It was a dark blue, with a armor like breastplate that was a slightly lighter blue. just under that were two more armor-like breastplates, but instead of blue, they were crimson. It had a tail that ended in a two chinked, very sharp point. It had arms with gauntlet-like wrists that held two blades right above it’s claws. Everything except for it’s eyes on it’s face was covered by something similar to a lion’s head, if the loin was blue and it’s mane ended in five razor-like points. The front of the mane was bright gold, while the back was blue. It’s lower legs were covered by the same material as it’s wrists, the top looking like the mane, and the bottom ending with three claws. It’s shoulders had blade-like pads that shined in the moonlight.

GBeast looked around the room, noticing everypony looking directly at him. He uttered a low growl.

“Are we supposed to fight this big motherfucker?” Aero asked, spreading his wings and flying up to eye-height with the creature. “Can’t be that hard, can it?”

GBeast grabbed Aero by the head and thrust him face first through the ground.

“GROOOOOOOO!!!!” He roared, the whole room shook from the power.

Aero looked up as blood streamed down his nose. “Is that all you’ve got?!” He shouted, catching ablaze and kamikaze attacking the Creature.

GBeast grabbed the pegasus again and kicked him through a wall into the side of the mountain. GBeast leaped through the hole and slammed his fist into Aero’s face.

“Aero!” Gaia shouted, making the mountain come back and throw the creature into a wall that collapsed on top of it, along with a sharp pillar of rock that hit it in the shoulder.

GBeast Broke his claw out out of the rubble and lifted himself out. He looked at Gaia, then to Aero, then back to Gaia. He launched himself at Gaia, slamming into the pony’s side. GBeast grabbed Gaia’s neck and squeezed.

Mirage broke in, shocking the creature in every accessible metal surface on its body, electrocuting it to the point where Gaia could escape.

GBeast looked at Mirage before using his arm like a hammer, throwing the ash grey stallion off. GBeast’s claws raked the stallion’s side, leaving deep gashes. The stallion rebounded and threw small electrical charges that stuck to the creature and exploded. GBeast snarled at him, before his claws and head shot out from his body and grabbed him, sinking claws and teeth alike into Mirage’s flesh.

Mirage gritted his teeth and looked at the other ponies, seeing them desperately trying to help with powers that did nothing to the bloodlusted creature, even his daughters electricity seemed to be brighter and more powerful than his.

He looked back at his bursting flesh and dying electrical power, he could feel one of his ribs snap, followed by another, and another. The pain grew increasingly unbearable. He looked back to his daughter that was now right next to him, trying to speak to him, he couldn’t hear her, his heartbeat was the only thing he could hear.

He put his wing out to his daughter, cradling her face and looking into her eyes, which was soaked with tears, then spoke his last words to her.

“Happy Birthday, Sweetie.”

He felt his body bend and crack more as she slipped out of his wing, telling the others and eventually escaping, Luna remained for a few seconds more than the others, nodding at Mirage then smiling, he remembered his father, he remembered Blackblood, he remembered Celestia, he remembered Black Mirage and finally, he remembered Vinyl. He prayed tha-

Mirage’s eyes closed, his body fell limp and the weight of the creatures jaws closed around his body, then he was dropped, in two pieces, onto the ground, where he didn’t move, where he didn’t breathe, where he didn’t speak.

Ever again. E.

GBeast looked around the room. Nopony could be seen. There was a scent in the air. The scent of the few ponies who were nowhere to be found anymore. He sniffed the air. There was another. A different scent one he hadn’t smelled in a long time.

He Roared and launched himself in a seemingly random direction, just to catch something in mid-air. He clawed at the unseeable object. which created a large gust of wind.

“You’re Smarter than I thought.” Cyburst said, becoming visible, “Do you know why you couldn’t see me?”

GBeast stared at him.

“You’re not much of a talker, are you?” He asked, placing a hand on his chin.

GBeast didn’t twitch.

“Whatever.” Cyburst shrugged, “It was a mirage.”

GBeast was like a statue.

“Heat creates mirages.” He continued, “Do you know what heat is?”

GBeast’s head cocked to the side.

“Heat is the transfer of energy.” Cyburst said grinning.

Cyburst crouched and lunged straight into GBeast. The both were launched through a wall and over Canterlot. GBeast bit one of Cyburst’s arm, making him let go. GBeast caught himself on a building, where he looked at Cyburst and roared.

“Roaring won’t intimidate me!” Cyburst said.

GBeast’s head and claws detached from his body and flew at Cyburst, who slapped them down easily.

“You can do better than that!” Cyburst said as GBeast got his limbs back.

GBeast opened his mouth and shot a bolt of lightning out at the Stallion. The bolt hit Cyburst straight in the chest and sent him to the ground.

“There we go!” Cyburst said, getting on his two legs, “Let’s get down to business!”

Cyburst flapped his wings, sending a whirlwind at the Cybeast. Red feathers sliced GBeast’s sides. GBeast picked up a large piece of the ground and hurled it at Cyburst. Cyburst stopped his barrage of feathers and flew to the side, but GBeast foresaw his reaction and stabbed Cyburst in the chest. Cyburst grabbed GBeast and threw him off.

“Ok. I can’t seem to get a good read on you.” Cyburst said, “Time to speed up!”

“...Are you sure?..” Phoenix thought, “...It’s bloodsoaked as it is...”

“I know, but if I’m going to save this city, no... this world, I have to.” Cyburst said, body flickering again.

“...Ok...” Phoenix thought, “...Be careful, GBeast is already at full power, and he doesn’t need to save his somepony...”
“Shut up and get ready.” Cyburst shouted

“ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, RELEASE!!!” Cyburst shouted, before an orange light ascended from his body into the heavens.

Applejack was glad to see Rain Whisper come back, but then was shocked to see the six ponies following her.

“Ah’...Ah’ don’t know what to say.” Applejack stammered, “Where’d y’all come from?”

“Applejack... It’s bad.” Gaia said, remembering the orange pony from so long ago. She looked over at Rain Whisper, who had her head buried in Luna’s back, which was now dripping with tears from carrying the unicorn.

“What happened? Where’s Quiet Ocarina and Cy?” Applejack said, a worried look on her face.

“What do you mean where is Quiet Ocarina?!” Rain shouted from Luna’s back. “She was here!”

“Ah’ thought she went with Cy to help you?!” Applejack said, “Where could she be?!”

“She...” Rain Whisper looked back to the castle, where a bright orange light went straight up into the sky. “No...”

“Rain... don’t...” Clock Star said. “I know what you are feeling, don’t do it.”

“Might as well get my birthday present.” Rain said, vanishing.

“It was ‘er birthday?” Applejack asked.

Luna nodded slowly.

The castle had another bright flash, Rain Whisper reappeared on top of it, being slowly engulfed by a red aura. Her body was at the point of discharge, arcing out red electricity to any conductor.

The mare spotted the two large beasts fighting. GBeast was jumping from building to building, sending large pieces of them down onto Cyburst, who was breaking them and sending orange, bird shaped flames back. Cyburst eventually shot at GBeast and threw him into a mountain. Something shined from GBeast’s left wrist, but it was too far away to see. Rain Whisper would have to get closer.

Electrical current appeared under Rain Whisper as she stepped out onto air, floating her above the fight and getting her to a good position, as a large red field appeared around her, her body slowly changed, giving her large wings and depleting her horn, her fur turned to a darkening grey until it turned completely black, her mane and tail lost their blue coloring and changed with her fur, her eyes turned into the same color of red that surrounded her and colored her mane and tail. The pony that stood in her place was her grandfather.

Black Mirage had awoken.

GBeast had thrown Cyburst off and blew flames at him. Cyburst landed on the ground and rolled to avoid them and let out an air-cutting screech that ripped at GBeast’s skin. GBeast launched down and sent Cyburst flying at the castle. Cyburst went through a few spires near the outside before losing momentum and slamming into the main spire. Cyburst looked at the new arrival, then back at GBeast. He couldn’t decide what to do.

“Oca...” Black Mirage said. “Why...?”

“I’m sorry, but how do you know that name?” Cyburst asked the pony.

“OCA!” Black shouted, appearing in front of the GBeast. “Why did you do this?!”

GBeast got on his hands and kicked Black Mirage through the same pillars as Cyburst and, in turn, Black Mirage landed right next to Cyburst.

“That’s not Ocarina right now.” Cyburst said, looking closely at the new pegasus,“The mare doesn’t even know that she’s fighting me. Answer my question.”

The pegasus ignored Cyburst, flying back towards GBeast and grabbing it and lighting up the entire castle with burning electrical power that actually damaged the Cybeast. GBeast looked at the pony and roared.

“You wake up. Wake up now.” Black said, not stopping the electrical power that pulsed into GBeast.

“She’s not even conscious! She cannot hear you!” Cyburst shouts, flying at a breakneck pace at GBeast.

GBeast sliced down Black Mirage’s sides with his claws. Once at the other side of him, Gbeast sent electricity through his mane and at Black Mirage.

The electricity was immediately absorbed and the wounds healed, the small pony launched itself back at the Cybeast, smashing him into a wall and locked it there with the earth. Ice built up around the showing skin of the Cybeast then shattered, leaving numerous cuts which were then fried shut with electrical energy, smoke even emanated from the body of the pony as it discharged into numerous locations on the body of the Cybeast.

GBeast roared with rage and broke the earth around him. His body turned a light green and he charged straight at the pegasus.

The pegasus rammed its body into the Cybeast, making it fall onto its back, despite the pony’s size, it was extremely powerful and seemed to have no limit to its energy. As GBeast hit the ground, large parts of the ceiling fell on top of Black Mirage, burying the pegasus for a short period of time.

The pegasus flew atop the Cybeast and landed on its chest, staring down into it’s eyes.

“I told you to wake up.” It said.

An even powerful storm of electricity barraged the armor on the Cybeast, cracking it in numerous places and eventually breaking most of it off and shocking the bare skin and fur. GBeast grabbed the pegasus and threw it to the far wall, then shot out his head and claws, which sunk into the pegasus. The pressure of GBeast’s jaws snapped ribs of Black Mirage.

“You will not take me too!” Black shouted.

Bright red lines began to outline everything in the room, even the living beings, the lines seemed to shudder and shake, then all of them struck down at GBeast at once, throwing it around and smashing it into things without mercy, Black’s body faded through the restraints and restored any wounds, just as they finished, Black’s body caught on fire again and it slammed itself repeatedly into GBeast, exploding small glowing yellow fragments that embedded themselves into GBeast’s skin, only to explode again.

Cyburst flew into GBeast and threw him out of the wall and onto the other side of town. Cyburst turned towards Black Mirage.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?!” Cyburst shouted.

The body of the pony shuddered as it stared at Cyburst. “Finishing this.”

Black Mirage raised a hoof and the clouds above grew dark, then began to flash red inside of them, all striking down onto Black Mirage.

Cyburst threw himself onto Black Mirage, grabbing hold and sending them both into the ground.

“That’s not your job!” Cyburst shouted his feathers bristling, “Don’t you get it?!”

“It’s not my job, its Revenge!” Black shouted.

“IF YOU AVENGE YOUR FATHER YOU’LL KILL YOUR BEST FRIEND!” Cyburst shouted as he shoved Black Mirage’s face into the ground.

Rain Whisper’s eyes stared into Cyburst’s, then the eyes returned to red.

“Take care of it then.” She said, throwing Cyburst into a wall to get up.

“What do you think I’ve been trying to do, play with a god?” Cyburst said, “You may have solved something though.“

“It sure looked like you were playing with it, I was the one who took care of it.” She said, discharging a bolt of electricity into a nearby wall.

“That’s because you were trying to kill her.” Cyburst said, “If I killed her, I’d lose my...”

Cyburst stopped and looked away.

“I know.” Black said.

“I’d lose my....” Cyburst said, looking at the ground.

The pegasus turned to the Cybeast.

“She did what I could not.” He said in a new voice and tone. “If it was up to me, I’d kill her, but she will not allow it...” He said.

The pegasus turned around and left the room in search for her father.

Cyburst flew through a hole and went towards GBeast.

“...What are you going to do?..” Phoenix thought, “...You can’t win a fight by not killing her...”

“That’s not true.” Cyburst said, “I’m going to try what Rain did earlier.”

“...But that did nothing...” Phoenix thought, “...Why do you think you will make a difference?..”

“Rain wasn’t saying the right words.” Cyburst said, landing right next to GBeast, who growled at him, “And I think I might know the right ones.”

“Quiet Ocarina.” Cyburst said, looking down at GBeast.

GBeast jumped up and bit into Cyburst’s shoulder, his claws mangling Cyburst’s chest.

“I know you might not think this is true.” Cyburst said, falling to the ground, “But I have something to tell you.”

GBeast didn’t stop. GBeast broke through Cyburst’s rib cage and grabbed his heart.

“I’m your father.” Cyburst said.

GBeast stopped. Cyburst’s ribcage returned and his flesh regenerated.

The last thing Cyburst felt were tears before losing consciousness. E.

Cyburst opened his eyes to see the sunset on the far side of Canterlot. The city itself was being repaired rather quickly. Most of the Castle was back in place, except for the newest hole. Canterlot’s streets would need repaving, but that take at the most a day. Cyburst looked back to the sunset. The only half of the sun was visible. The sky was a dark orange close to the sun, and got progressively more into a light purple the farther it spread.

Cyburst turned his head to see a rather quiet GBeast by his side. Cyburst noticed that the cloth-like cover had moved away from it’s mouth, revealing a blue pony muzzle. It’s mouth was in a ageless frown. It’s eyes were rather full with tears, but none fell. GBeast was looking down at the motionless grass below her right hand.

“Hey.” Cyburst said simply, pushing himself up into a sitting position.

“Hey...” GBeast said, but it was quieter. Like the pony who originally owned the body.

“So you’ve found control over Gregar?” He said, scooting closer.

“For the most part.” Quiet Ocarina said, still looking at the ground.

“Okay enough of the small talk.” Cyburst said, scooting close enough to kiss the mare, “You have questions. So, ask them.”

“Why’d you abandon me?!” Quiet Ocarina said, jerking her head towards him.

“It’s a long story.” Cyburst said, looking away, “But I didn’t abandon you.”

“Well, give me the short version.” She pushed.

“Basically, you were stolen from me and Candy Corn a day after birth.” Cyburst said, his eyes welling up, “Not even enough time to know who’s your mother.”

“Was she, I mean Candy Corn, my mother?” Ocarina asked.

“Yes, although she didn’t survive the encounter with the bastards.” Cyburst said.

“Oh...” Ocarina said, pointing to her hole body, “Why did... This happen to me?”

“I-I think that’s my fault.” Cyburst stammered, “You are my daughter, so it kind of makes sense that you can BeastOut. I guess Falzar had enough memory data of Gregar to unconsciously make a copy of it.”

“I’m not really sure what that means...” Ocarina said, looking back down, “Then what’s this anklet?”

“It was a present from me.” Cyburst said, looking at the pendant. “I gave it to you before you were taken.”

“Okay. Why didn’t you search for me?” The blue Cybeast asked.

“I’m sorry.” Cyburst said, looking into her eyes with tears in his, “I assumed you were dead.”

Quiet Ocarina hugged her father for the first time. Cyburst wrapped his arms around his daughter tightly.

“I’m sorry.” Cyburst said, streams down his cheeks, “I’m so, so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” Ocarina said, patting his back, “I turned out fine.”

“Yes. Yes you did.” Cyburst said, chuckling a little, “Who do I have to thank for that?”

“A mare that goes by the name of Octavia.” Ocarina said, pulling away, “She’s a Chellest for the symphony.”

“I’ve seen a few of their shows.” Cyburst said, wiping his eyes, “She’s pretty good.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never really been into instruments.” Ocarina said, turning towards the twilight, “I’m more into singing and dancing.”

“Heh, the dawn of a new generation.” Cyburst chuckled, then his eyes widened, “Crap! I forgot all about Luna!”

Cyburst stood up and crouched to take off, but didn’t. Instead, he opened a hand for Ocarina.

“You want to see the princess of the night?” Cyburst asked as Ocarina grabbed his hand.

“I think I already have.” She said.

They both walked down the mountain towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Cyburst and Ocarina arrived at the farm to find everypony waiting for them. Applejack was tending to Luna, who was cringing from the exertion. The elementals were mourning a loss. Apple Seed just sat, staring into the distance from shock of the whole situation. Once Cyburst opened the gate, he turned back to his normal self.

“Hello everypony.” He said, “What’s the worst thing at the moment?”

“Luna.” Applejack said.

“Ah, right.” Cyburst said.

Cyburst walked up to Luna. The mare of the night looked up to the stallion. Cyburst nodded and they touched their horns together. In a flash of purple light, Luna was up on her feet again.

“Thank you, Cyburst.” She said to the Stallion, “I didn’t know how much longer I could last.”

“Well, I had to.” He replied, “I was the one to put you in the situation. Now, what next?”

“What are we supposed to tell Vinyl?” Aero asked, holding Gaia up.

“The truth.” Cyburst said, “There’s no point in lying.”

“I will get her here.” Clock Star said, beginning to glow.

With a flash of blue light, Vinyl appeared in the middle of everypony, confused and dizzy.

“I- Whoa, what?” She asked, looking around. “What’s up guys?” She said with her normal, cheery tone.

“Good news, or bad news first.” Cyburst said, “I highly suggest good first.”

Vinyl frowned. “Good...” She said cautiously.

“Well, I saved Equestria, again, from total destruction.” Cyburst said, holding the unicorn’s shoulders, “And the bad news... I think somepony else should tell you. A familiar face would be better than an unknown one.”

Aero stepped up to Vinyl, putting a hoof on her back and giving a teary smile. “Vinyl...”

“The coin’s in the air.” Cyburst whispered.

Rain Whisper appeared in the air, dropping down next to Vinyl and Aero.

“Dad’s dead.” She said coldly.

“The coin drops.” Cyburst whispered again.

Vinyl stepped away from her daughter, an incredulous look on her face. “What?”

“And it’s her fault.” Rain said with a hostile tone, looking over at Quiet Ocarina.

“That’s not entirely true.” Cyburst said, trying to ease some tension.

“Shut the fuck up, Cyburst!” Rain screamed with pain lacing her words. “If she is so calm now, why didn’t she stop before she ripped my father in half?!” She shouted.

“She wasn’t aware of that until now.” Cyburst said, “And it wasn’t her who did that, it was Gregar.”

“I-I” Ocarina stuttered, looking at her hands.

“Wash my father’s blood off your claws!” Rain shouted, “Then say you’re sorry!”

Rain’s horn lit up, flashing quickly and teleporting away, leaving a burned circle where she was.

“So young and innocent, that one.” Cyburst said, as serious as possible, “I don’t think she get’s it yet.”

“What have I done?” Ocarina said, curling into a ball at the front gate.

Vinyl vanished.

“Hey, it’s not your fault.” Cyburst said, rubbing the Beast’s back, “And it will never be.”


“No buts, it’s not your mind that killed Mirage, it was Gregar’s.” Cyburst said, then he got back up to look at the group, “Now, what else has to be said?”

“Nothing.” Night Flash spoke, “We lose ponies every day, there is no reason for us to exaggerate this.”

“Well, I’m glad you feel that way, Nighty.” Cyburst said, “Everypony else feel this way too?”

“We love, we lose.” Clock Star noted, “It’s life.”

The five remaining elemental ponies vanished.

“Well color me surprised, they really did all feel that way.” Cyburst said, “That’s too bad.”

“What do we do now?” Applejack asked.

“Well, I want to see Octavia to give her my thanks.” Cyburst said looking at Ocarina, “But first, I need to say goodbye.”

“To whom?” Applejack asked.

“You.” The stallion said, walking up to the mare.

“Oh...” Applejack said, looking down at the ground, “Well see ‘ya then.”

“Applejack...” Cyburst said, putting a hoof on her shoulder.

“And you’ll always have a room in the Apple Family.” She continued.

“Applejack.” The stallion said again.

“What?” The mare said, looking back up.

But before she could respond, something touched her lips. She looked shocked at first, then fell into it. But Cyburst pulled back and winked.

“Good bye!” Cyburst laughed, before running away.

“Wait what?” Applejack said, “GET BACK HERE!”

“Nope.” Cyburst said, levitating Ocarina, who was still in a ball, away from the farm.

All Applejack could do was chuckle.

And there we go, now, I'm putting this story on hiatus due to lack of interest. If I can get at least ten people to say they want it continued, I'll write more of it. There is said it, I don't feel like I have enough followers.