How It Works

by Crazypurplebat

Chapter 4: The Change of Seasons

Chapter 4: The Change of Seasons

"Will you hurry up?!" called Rainbow Dash anxiously as she shifted her weight from one hoof to the other. The blue pegasus expertly
ducked low as Tank the tortoise passed overhead.

"You can't rush perfection," the ivory unicorn stated matter-of-factly. She paused at the door as Opal leisurely exited Carousel Boutique. Rarity shut the door behind her, and from beneath her wide brimmed, floral hat she chimed, "Ready!"

"About time," said Rainbow Dash as she snapped open her wings and leapt into the air. "I'll meet you guys there," she called over her shoulder as she shot into the sky, Tank following slowly in suit.

"Rainbow Dash is right," added Twilight turning to see Rainbow Dash a mere speck in the sky. "Applejack is probably wondering where we are." With that Twilight and her three remaining friends set off towards the park, their pets in tow.

They arrived to find Applejack rolling out a large red and white picnic blanket. Winona was trying to help her master by tugging at one of the corners, but it just created more wrinkles in the fabric. Rainbow Dash was hovering several feet off the ground, waiting for the slow-paced tortoise to arrive. Tank was much faster in the air than on the ground, but he still traveled much slower than Rainbow Dash, especially when she was in a hurry. "Come on buddy," she said landing on the ground as Tank drew close. The magically rotating blades that were trapped to his back, sputtered to a halt a few feet above the ground and he crashed to the earth. Rainbow Dash flipped helped her pet to his feet and straightened his gear.

"Haha," Pinkie Pie giggled at the sight. "Tank is so clumsy."

"No he's not!" Rainbow Dash replied hotly. "He meant to do that!"

"Oh Tank! Are you alright?" asked Fluttershy in a worried tone as she came nose to nose with the tortoise.

"Of course he is," Rainbow answered. "He's tough like me!" She tapped her hoof on his solid shell and Tank slowly smiled up at her.

Soon the ponies and their pets had settled into their normal groove, playing and socializing with their friends. "I'm so glad you'll be able to make Nightmare Night this year Rarity," Twilight said sparking a conversation. "Princess Luna sent me a letter saying that she will be returning this year for the festivities!"

"The Princess will be there?" squealed Rarity, her eyes going wide with excitement. "I'm so glad spent extra time on my costume, it shall be fabulous!" The year previous Rarity had missed Nightmare Night. She had so many costume orders she had spent every minute until the very last working, and by the time the festivities began she was much too tired to join in the fun.

"Oh what is your costume?" asked Twilight. "I'm going as a 'mad scientist' this year, hopefully it will be easier for someponies to recognize."

"Why I've managed to create the most gorgeous witch ensemble!" Rarity exclaimed eager to elaborate on her work. "It's the most daring shade of teal, and the hat is just to die for!"

"That sounds just super-duper-fantastic," cheered Pinkie Pie entering the conversation.

"What are you going as darling?" Rarity inquired.

"Oh that's a secret!" the pink mare replied. "I can't spoil the surprise!"

"Well Ah'm goin' as a timber wolf," said Applejack dropping into a menacing pose.

"And I'll be sailing the night skies as a vampire pirate!" shouted Rainbow Dash adding to the silliness by rearing onto her back hooves and initiating an act of invisible swordplay. The girls feel into fits of laughter.

"So why a vampire pirate?" asked Twilight.

She shrugged, "I couldn't decide, so why not both. What about you Fluttershy?" she asked turning to her pegasus companion. "What are you going as?"

Fluttershy huddled close to the ground, half her face hidden by her long pink mane. "Oh, w-well I'm not going," she whispered, barely audible.

"Why not?" asked Pinkie Pie. "Its super-duper fun!"

"It''s much to scary," she managed to squeak out.

"Oh, you should Fluttershy, it really isn't that scary, and I'm sure Rarity would make you a costume," said Twilight patting her friend on the shoulder.

Rarity's eyes lit up and ideas began racing through her mind. "Why I have the most darling costume for you Fluttershy," she chimed. "You would just look adorable!"


Applejack cut in, "And you could stay with me at the games, nothing scary ever happens there."


"Or you could stay with me and the foals!" offered Pinkie Pie. "Some of them don't like scary things either and you get tons of treats!"

"Oh, alright," she pale yellow pony whispered in defeat.

"Speaking of treats," added Applejack, changing the subject. "We are about ta' harvest the last of the apples and I could sure use a hoof with some baking."

"Awww," cried Pinkie Pie in dismay. "I promised the Cakes I'd foalsit the twins tomorrow!" Her bottom lip began to quiver at the though of missing out on fun with her friends.

"Ah don't worry about it Pinkie," Applejack said with an easy smile. "I'll bring you some of the pies." Pinkie Pie instantly brightened at the promise of Applejack's famous pies.

"I'd love to help," started Rainbow Dash. "But I've got to lead the weather patrol tomorrow."

"And I'll need to start on Fluttershy's costume right away if it is to be done on time."

"A-and tomorrow is tail fluffing day for Angel, he doesn't like it if we miss tail fluffing day," added Fluttershy with a guilty look on her face.

"Not to worry sugarcube, we wouldn't want to miss tail fluffing day," Applejack replied, putting the pony's worries to rest, and earning a grateful smile from the small white rabbit.

"Well I'm free tomorrow," offered Twilight. "What time should I come over?"

"Earlier the better," the earth pony replied. "We got a lot a baking to do!"

Twilight nodded, she had planned on getting up early tomorrow to read some new books the library had just received, so it wouldn't be too much of a change to her schedule. "Well I better get going," she said. "Spike is helping me reshelve the archives and I don't want him to have to do all of it."

"I gotta be gettin' along too," said Applejack. "The south orchard still has some apples on the branches and Winona and me gotta get on that."

The others agreed each listing off the afternoon plans they had, before going their separate ways.

"Sorry for keeping you up so late," Twilight apologized to Owlicious as she entered the bright red, welcoming door of the library.

He ruffled his feathers from his perch on her back and hooted cheerfully as if to say he didn't mind.

"Well you go get some sleep," she continued. "You've earned it." He inclined his head and flew upstairs to his perch by Twilight's bed, where he could sleep without being disturbed.

"Spike?" Twilight called, her voice echoing through the library. "I'm back!" She headed towards the back rooms where the archives were kept, poking her head through various doors in search of her assistant. "Spike," she called again as she opened a door, worry was starting to tinge her voice.

She entered the room and was startled to find a mountain of books, that had apparently fallen from the shelves to the floor. In the stunned silence she heard a pained groan from beneath the texts.

"Spike!" she cried as she used her magic to replace stacks of books on the shelves, to reveal a slightly crushed dragon. "What happened?" Twilight demanded as she helped him to his feet.

He swayed for a moment before finally regaining his balance. A small bump was forming on his head. "I was organizing the books, like you said," he paused for a moment as the multiple Twilights focused into one. Instead of continuing with the conversation he just held out a flattened scroll in answer. Twilight put the pieces together, realizing that Celestia must have sent a letter and Spike had fallen off the ladder as he received it, along with contents of the shelves.

The promise of news from her mentor instantly drew her attention, but she ignored it, setting it aside for later reading. "Aren't you going to read it?" Spike mumbled.

"I will," she replied, taking on a motherly tone. "But first we are going to fix you up." Twilight led him out of the room and to the kitchen where she prepared a pack of ice. She handed him the frozen compress, which he in turn pressed to his throbbing temple. "Better?" she inquired.

He nodded, wincing with the resulting pain. Twilight smiled, happy with her medical handiwork. She found him a seat on one of the plush couches in the main room of the library. "I'll go grab the letter," she said. "Be right back."

She returned a moment later, and unrolled the parchment on one of the wooden tables. Before she began reading she took the time to carefully smooth out any creases that had formed from beneath the weight of the books. A smile appeared on her face as she saw the familiar, elegant font of her mentor.

Twilight Sparkle,
My Faithful Student, I know you are always looking to expand your range of knowledge
and I think you might be interested in a new subject. The subject pertains to the early
development of foals. I find it is important to understand foals as they are our future.
Friendship is a powerful bond, but there is none more powerful of that between a mother
and foal. I have several books in mind that I believe would be of help. One of these
could also be of particular help in your magic studies. You should already have them in
your collection in Ponyville, but if you do not, let me know, and I will be more than
happy to send them to you!
Foalhood: The Early Years
The Bond: The Connection Between Mother and Foal
Ley Lines: Unicorn Anatomy, Development and Magic
Equestria's Youth: A Guide to Foals and Parental Techniques
Best wishes, I am looking forward to your next report.

Princess Celestia

"Hmm, well that's interesting," Twilight commented under her breath. "She is right though, I've never done extensive research on the subject, this could be quite interesting!"

"What is it?" Spike mumbled from his spot on the couch, he had laid back on the cushions, the ice pack placed firmly on his face.

"Celestia wants me to do some research into foals," she replied absent-mindedly rereading the letter.

"Why's she want you to read that?" he asked sitting up on his elbows.

Twilight shrugged, her gaze still fixed on the letter. "I don't know, she mentioned that they are our future, these things are important to know."

"Maybe the Princess is pregnant," Spike suggested cracking a smile.

"Spike!" Twilight exclaimed, turning to face him. "Don't be ridiculous! Besides the Princess doesn't even have a special somepony!"

Spike laughed as he jumped off the couch. "You really need to lighten up Twi. I'm going to head to bed if you don't mind, I have a horrible headache."

She nodded as she watched him head upstairs. The afternoon was growing late as Twilight began to make her way around the library, picking up the recommended books, blowing off the thin layers of dust that coated them as she went. When she had finally gathered all three, as well as several others that had caught her attention, she set them out on the table and found a comfortable chair in which to read them.

Twilight stayed up late into the night, studying book after book on how to raise foals, the early development of foals, and even several on pregnancy. However, as midnight neared, her eyes began to droop and the lines started running together. She shook her head surprised at the sudden onset of exhaustion. Twilight rarely ever grew tired while she was studying, the promise of new information keeping her wide awake.

She looked over her shoulder to where Owlicious was dusting the shelves with the tips of his wings, from upstairs she could hear Spike snoring. She stood up, her eyelids growing heavier by the moment with the need for sleep. She headed to the kitchen and made a cup of tea, having figured she had just been in one place too long, but when that didn't help she grew frustrated. She tried splashing her face with cold water, stepping outside into the chilly night air, even caffeine had no affect on her. Owlicious observed her as she traipsed around the house trying any and all remedies she could think of. She flipped through a book of magical remedies, turning the pages so quickly that they were nearly ripped from their binding. Halfway through the lists of potions, remedies, and cures exhaustion finally overtook her and she fell asleep within its pages.

The early morning sun woke Twilight the next day. She found herself where she had fallen asleep the night before, upon the pages of Spells, Potions, and Cures for the Magical Pony. Her mane stuck to the left side of her face and the pages were damp from where she had drooled during the night.

She stood and stretched relieving the pain of the kinks and cramps that had formed overnight. She grumbled as she fixed her mane with a quick spell, this was very unlike her to fall asleep while she was working.

She looked out the window, blinking her eyes as she adjusted to the bright sunlight streaming through the panes of glass. She leapt to her hooves with a sudden realization. "I slept in," she said in utter disbelief. She had told Applejack that she would be at the farm early this morning and the sun was already reaching higher into the sky.

Twilight raced around the library picking up her saddlebags and filling them with the necessities: quills, ink wells, parchment, and a book on baking. She ran for the door at a quick pace, almost knocking a still sleepy Spike off his feet.

"Where ya' going?" he called out after her rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Aj's," she called back not bothering to slow down. Spike shrugged as she disappeared around the corner.

Twilight knocked on the door of Applejack's house, panting heavily from her race across Ponyville.

"Howdy there Twilight! Just in time," Applejack said as she welcome the unicorn into the house. A light dusting of flour covered Applejack's nose and cheeks making her look almost a ghostly white. "Could I...get some water?" asked Twilight gulping in deep breaths of air.

"Sure thing Sugarcube," the earth pony said with a wink and a laugh. She gave her friend a tall glass of cool water and took the saddlebags from Twilight's back and throwing them in the corner. "Won't be needin' that," she commented. "Now come on, I just started the apple pies."

The morning was busy, yet it passed quickly as the two friends chatted. Applejack quickly took charge falling into a familiar rhythm, while Twilight ran backup: peeling apples, slicing the apples into small chunks, and covering the pies with layers of fresh made dough. Soon the window sills were filled with pies cooling from the oven and they moved onto the next treat and then the next.

By the time the sun reached high into the sky, signaling that it was near noon, every surface in the Apple's kitchen, dining room, and living room had been covered with fresh pastries.

"Whew!" said Applejack, as she leaned against the counter and crossed her hooves. "Now that was fun! Thanks for helping."

"Absolutely," said Twilight wiping the flour from her face and hooves with a damp rag. Her stomach rumbled and a blush rose to her cheeks. "Sorry," she laughed. "I left in a real rush this morning and forgot to eat breakfast."

Applejack laughed as well, "No worries! How about we take some a' these goodies and have a picnic in the orchard?"

"Sounds wonderful." Together the two ponies packed a wicker basket full of pies and fritters, and breads and headed out into the orchard. The trees had taken on a golden hue, and several of the leaves had begun to fall to the ground. The sun shone brightly behind the canopy, covering everything beneath in a golden light. They found a spot on top of a hill where they could see all of Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight used her magic to spread the out the same picnic blanket they had used the day before as Applejack began to unpack the food.

Twilight hadn't even realized how much they had packed until it was spread out before her. She concluded that Applejack must have packed some extra snacks while she had had her back turned. Along with the baked goods they had made that morning there was apple juice, apple sauce, apple fries, candy apples, apple jam, apples everywhere!

"Wow AJ, there's only two of us you know," Twilight joked elbowing her friend.

She shrugged in turn, "Ah get hungry when Ah bake. Now hurry up and get a plate goin'."

Twilight smiled and set about loading her plate high with apple themed delicacies, making sure to take a portion of everything. Soon her plate was piled high, and it teetered as Twilight lowered the precariously placed food on the ground.

"Ah shoulda brought more," Applejack commented, turning Twilight's earlier jest back at her.

Twilight felt heat rise to her cheeks and her ears lowered in embarrassment, "Sorry."

"No need to be sorreh! Get eatin', don't want you starvin' on me!"

The two passed the time with idle chatter, speaking around mouthfuls of food. As they reached the end of the meal Twilight reached for a slice of the pie they had made only hours before. The crust was flakey and golden and dusted with cinnamon, the inside was a gooey, amber liquid spotted with chunks of apple that dripped over the edges. Twilight licked her lips and inhaled the scent of the pastry, intent on enjoying it to the smallest detail, but the moment the warm cinnamon smell reached her nose she felt her stomach lurch. She dropped the slice of pie and her cheeks puffed out as she gagged. She began running towards the house but ended up retching behind one of the trees.

Applejack was up and following her friend in the blink of an eye. "Twilight? Twi, are you alright?" she asked worriedly, stroking her friends back in a soothing manner. There was no reply from the sick pony, besides the sound of gagging as her stomach heaved once more. Applejack stayed by her side waiting for the bout of retching to subside, emitting a calm aura, much like she did for Apple Bloom whenever she was ill.

On the other side of town, at the edge of the Everfree Forest, a cream stallion with a red and white mane, was bidding two fellow ponies adieu. The two ponies disappeared back within the Everfree Forest and Flim began trotting towards the small town of Ponyville in the distance