//------------------------------// // The Whole Story // Story: DJ BAB-3 // by Firestopper //------------------------------// DJ BAB-3 By Pon3PieDash "Oh Octavia! I'm just sayin' that you need to be more caring." Vinyl Scratch looked into Octavia's eyes from behind her purple glasses. "Right, coming from the mare who acts like a foal and doesn't care about anything." Octavia rolled her eyes and looked outside. "If I act like a foal, I would cry, suck on a pacifier, and wear a diaper, but I don't!" Vinyl looked offended by Octavia's comment. "Look, I don't have time to argue. I have to be in Manehattan by tomorrow afternoon." Octavia heard a train approaching Ponyville. "Yeah, yeah, your big, fancy, dance. I have so much time to argue with you, that I'll go to the dance with you!" Vinyl Scratch's horn started to glow and her necessities were sloppily packed into her bag. "It's called a ball, and it's for the big Orange family reunion. Come if you want, but you'll have to act as what you call 'fancy' and with what I call 'proper etiquette'." The grey mare eyed her unlikely acquaintance. "Fine, I'll act fancy for you, but we're not finished with this." Vinyl angrily looked at Octavia. "What are we arguing about again?" Octavia knew, but wanted to embarrass Vinyl by pointing out her ADHD. "How you- I mean, how I- I mean, how we- Just forget it." Vinyl looked down at the ground and her glasses fell off. "Exactly, now hurry up, we're gonna be late." Octavia rushed towards the door. Vinyl's horn glows purple and a pair of sunglasses float to her hoof. She puts them on as Octavia turns to leave. "Look, Octavia, I'm sorry for acting like a foal earlier." The white mare looked sincerely sorry, as if she had done something bad. "Vinyl, it's absolutely fi-" Octavia was cut off when Vinyl had locked her into a hug. The hug had lasted for a minute or two. Octavia heard Vinyl mumble something, and all she could comprehend was 'love' and 'momma'. When Octavia was released, she seen tears running down Vinyl's cheeks from behind her purple shaded sunglasses. "Vinyl, why did you just hug me, and are you crying?" Octavia stared at her friend. "What? No! Can't a mare hug her friend as a sincere apology?" Vinyl says, taking off her sunglasses and wiping the tears from her eyes. "I guess you can. Are you sure that you're ok?" Octavia says, rolling the words around in her head. "Yes. I just don't want to lose your friendship. I love you like a mo-sister." Vinyl started to blush at her blunder. "Ok. Seriously, Vinyl, what's wrong?" The grey mare started to get worried about Vinyl. "Nothing, why are you so curious of me all of the sudden?" Vinyl looked away and tried to calm herself. On the way to the cottage that Octavia owns for when she's in Manehattan, they passed a foal supplies store. "Hey Vinyl, want me to go in there to get you a pacifier?" Octavia giggled at her joke. Vinyl Scratch blushed to a deep shade of crimson.  "Ha, ha. Very funny Octavia. Don't forget that I'm holding your luggage too." The white pony's cheeks kept getting darker. "I'm sorry, the store reminded me of what you said earlier." Octavia apologized, noticing she had struck a nerve. "Well, words hurt, what if somepony was a forever foal and they got offended by that remark?" Vinyl scratch had looked as if she would start crying at any moment. "I would feel bad, your not a-" Suddenly, Octavia remembered what she'd heard Vinyl say on the train, and Vinyl had asked her if she'd take in a foal and raise it as her own last week.'She's a forever foal! You should've listened closer to what she said on the train, you imbecile!' Octavia looked back, Vinyl's face was red and there were tears running down her cheeks from the purple sunglasses again. 'Oh dear Celestia, I've hurt her badly, why am I so uncaring?!' "Vinyl, I'm so sorry. Let's get to the cottage, I need to talk to you." Octavia watch her friend slowly collect herself. "Fine, l-let's go." Vinyl choked out from behind tears. They rushed to the cottage and had gotten into the study, the most private area of the cottage. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch got settled down so that they could talk. "Vinyl, I'm so sorry about that remark that I made to you out there. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" Octavia felt terrible, she had hurt Vinyl's feelings very badly. "Yeah, I'll forgive you." Vinyl has taken off her sunglasses and stopped crying by now. "I have been wanting the feeling of being a foal again for the past few weeks. I've also wanted to tell you that since this morning, when I made that comeback about if I acted like a foal, I meant that I don't act like a foal, I WANT to act like a foal, but I don't have diapers, pacifiers, or the ability to cry over a bad dream. I also need a pony to take care of me. Will you be my momma?" There was a moment of silence. Vinyl had just asked Octavia to take on a huge responsibility. There wasn't much time to answer her question. She felt a feeling of love go through her. She then felt a sudden surge of energy. "Of course! I will do anything that a mother would do for a foal, I don't care what it takes. I do have a question though, what did you mumble to me on the train earlier?" The words had been going through her head ever since she heard them. "What I said was 'I love you, momma.' We can go to Ponyville later and get some forever foal supplies, they have milk, pacifiers, cribs, bott-" Vinyl spoke quickly before Octavia cut her off. "Or, maybe we can check out the foal supplies store here in Manehattan, if we don't have any luck, we can go check the one in Las Pegasus, and if we don't have any luck there, we will go to the one in Ponyville. This is so surprising! You're the fourth toughest mare that I know of." Octavia couldn't stop smiling.  "That's why I felt so shy to tell you. I may be outgoing, but when it comes to something that surprising, I can't find the courage to talk about it to you. Thank you for being my momma and not judging me for being a forever foal, it means so much to me." The white mare started to cry again. "You're very welcome, I'm glad to be your mother. Can you explain what a forever foal is to me? I'm still clueless on some areas of it." Octavia was looking at her baby. "Sure, just give me a second." Tears ran down her face. Vinyl lunged at Octavia and held her in a tight hug. Octavia started crying with Vinyl and kissed Vinyl on the top of her head. "I love you so much momma!" Vinyl said through her tears. "I love you too, my foal!" Octavia cried back. They sat in the study, cuddling and sobbing for 10 minutes. They let go of each other and stopped crying before Vinyl explained to Octavia what a forever foal was. "A forever foal is a stallion or mare who hasn't let go of their inner foal. They like to wear diapers, suck on pacifiers, drink from bottles, and sleep in cribs, you know, foal things. They want to feel the comfort of loving parents, a mother and father, a mother, or just a father. A forever foal depends on their parent or parents to play with them, tuck them in at night, change their diaper, and feed them. You still don't care, do you?" Vinyl looked longingly into her new mother's eyes. "Of course not! I love you too much. Even though we have our differences, you will be my child, I don't care what I have to do to take care of you!" Octavia kissed her friend's forehead once again. "Ok, that's about it, thank you for being my momma." Vinyl sniffled a bit. "You're welcome. How about some sleep so we can get to the ball and then go to the foal supplies store tomorrow?" The grey mare suggested. "Sure, you do know that you will have to work less now that you're my momma?" Vinyl slightly looked up. "Yes, I do." Octavia kept smiling at her baby filly. "Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight so I don't have bad dreams?" Vinyl shivered at the thought of the monsters. "No I don't. Follow me." Octavia led Vinyl up to the master bedroom, where they laid in bed. Vinyl held onto Octavia until she drifted off to sleep, then Octavia held Vinyl. After the ball, Vinyl and Octavia walked to the foal supplies store. As they walked in, Ditzy Doo walked out with a two boxes, one labeled 'DINKY', the other, which was quite smaller, was labeled 'DITZY'. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch walked to the front counter when they got there, the stallion greeted them warmly. "Welcome, may I help you?" The clerk had a brown trilby hat on his head. "Yes, we were wondering if you sold-" Octavia lowered her voice "forever foal items?" She looked over towards Vinyl. "Ah! Yes, follow me please." The stallion stepped out from the counter and walked to the back of the store with Vinyl and Octavia following him. They went through a door and were in another room with more shelves. The foal supplies were bigger. Vinyl looked in amazement at all of the forever foal supplies, pacifiers, diapers, bottles, foal food, cribs, changing tables, storybooks, toys, and highchairs, all in sizes for full grown stallions and mares, and she was getting a bit of everything! She had brought her pay from the last concert, which was more than enough to pay for what she was gonna get.  "I'll let you grab a box or two for the normal things. If you need a crib, highchair, or a changing table, I will call some helpers over to lift them. Do you mind if I ask who's who's parent?" The stallion's eyes moved back and forth between the two mares. "Not at all, I'm Vinyl's mother." Octavia gave the clerk a wide grin. "You are a good friend." The stallion returned the smile and patted Vinyl on the head, who gave him a shy smile. "Thank you." The grey mare looked at all of the items. "You're welcome." The stallion looked between the mares, giving them both a warm smile. Octavia told the store owner that they were getting a crib, a highchair, and a changing table, then left to get some dinkies, bottles, milk, diapers, foal food, teddy bears, toys, and bedtime storybooks. They paid 30 bits for everything. The helper stallions pulled a car to the train station and loaded the car that Octavia and Vinyl got into for 5 bits each. The stallions got into the car to go to Ponyville and take the crib, highchair, and changing table to Vinyl's and Octavia's cottage. They got to the cottage and the stallions assembled the crib, highchair, and changing table. "Have a good day you two." Octavia said to the stallions as they left. Octavia turned to Vinyl, who was prowling through a box. Octavia smiled and walked over to two other boxes and opened them. "Is this what you're looking for?" Octavia asks, holding a teddy bear. Vinyl looks up and she has a pacifier in her mouth. "Yesh!" Vinyl trots over to Octavia "Please, gimme da teddy bear!" Her pacifier made suckling sounds. "Here you are. Do you want a diaper put on you?" Octavia holds up a Snuggers diaper. "Yesh pwease." Vinyl blushes deeply. Octavia walks Vinyl up to her room and Vinyl jumps onto the table. She lays on her back and Octavia pulls Vinyl's tail through the hole that is made for tails and wraps her white flank in a deep blue disposable diaper.  "Are yew dun awlweady?" Vinyl looks over at Octavia with a questioning face. "Yep, I'm done, what do you want to eat?" Octavia rummages through the boxes, looking for the jars of food. "Carrotsh." Vinyl is sitting down on the floor, cuddling her new teddy. "Ok, let's put your teddy bear in your crib for tonight." Octavia starts to head downstairs. "Ok." Vinyl puts the teddy bear in the crib and walks downstairs with Octavia. She gets into her highchair and waits. When Octavia brings the little jar of crushed carrots over, she sets it down and opens it. She takes a spoonful and moves her hoof to Vinyl's mouth, but she turns her head and the carrots get on Vinyl's cheek. "Vinyl!" Octavia exclaims while grinning. "You got all messy!" She giggles. "It's a ga-" Octavia stuck the spoon in Vinyl's mouth. "Well, you caught me off gua-" Octavia got another spoonful in Vinyl's mouth. "I guess I won." Octavia said with a smile. She tries to give another spoonful to Vinyl, but she turns her face again, but Octavia moves the spoon in the same direction of Vinyl's mouth, this goes on until the jar of carrots is empty. "Ready for bed?" Octavia looks at Vinyl, her eyes heavy. "Yes." Vinyl says in a tired voice. "Ok, let's go." Octavia gives the white mare with a blue bottom a smile. Vinyl and Octavia head upstairs and go into Vinyl's room. Vinyl gets into her crib and gets under the sheets. "Momma?" Vinyl had a helpless look in her face. "Yes, my sweet baby?" Octavia felt like the luckiest mare in the world every time Vinyl called her that. "Will you tuck me in and sing me a bedtime song?" Vinyl made a pouty face. "Yes." Octavia folded the sheets under Vinyl's flank. "Hush, now. Quiet, now. It's time to rest your sleepy head. Hush, now. Quiet, now. It's time to go to bed. Hu-" There was a slight snoring sound coming from the crib. "Goodnight, my precious child, I love you." Octavia kissed Vinyl Scratch's forehead and felt her diaper, it was very puffy, so Octavia decided to change Vinyl. Vinyl whined when Octavia lifted her from the crib. She changed Vinyl's diaper and put Vinyl's pacifier in her mouth. The suckling sound that came from the crib was soothing. Octavia walked to bed, stopping to turn the hallway light off. She got into her bed and closed her eyes for a second, then she heard a voice from her doorway. She looks up and sees Vinyl with her teddy bear. "I had a bad dream, can I sleep with you again tonight?" "Of course! Hop in." The grey mare started to scoot over to give her room. "Thank you." Vinyl smiled and got beside the bed. "No problem." Octavia smiled widely, she was happy. Vinyl crawls into Octavia's bed and hugs Octavia. She falls asleep while still hugging Octavia and Octavia kisses Vinyl's forehead. "Goodnight, DJ BAB-3." Octavia said with a smile.  "Goodnight mommy. Sweep weww." Vinyl says past a pacifier.