//------------------------------// // "Fireflies" // Story: Jukebox Scribbles // by Timaeus //------------------------------// Song Prompt - "Fireflies," Owl City Note: This chapter is related to Chapter 4 ("Take To The Sky") “Aww, c’mon Twilight! This is boring! What are we even doing out here anyways?” Rainbow moaned at her marefriend as they meandered through the fields of Ponyville. She hovered by Twilight, and with a disinterested gaze looked over the landscape. It was late. The two mares had enjoyed a simple picnic spent in each other’s company as they watched the sunset together. Rainbow could still feel the warmth of Twilight’s coat pressed up against hers as they snuggled beneath the golds, crimsons, violets, and myriad of colours that painted the sky for just a moment in time; a fleeting glimpse of beauty that few ponies have ever witnessed. Normally Rainbow Dash wasn’t the type for such sappy romantic stuff, but for Twilight it was more than worth it. The gleaming look of wonder in her eyes when they gazed at the sky melted Rainbow’s heart, and when Twilight shifted that gaze of wonder and love to her, Rainbow could feel her heart flutter about in her chest and she couldn’t help but love the lavender unicorn a little more. After some time wrapped in each other’s embrace, Twilight asked Rainbow to follow her. When she asked why, Twilight giggled and whispered in her ear that it was a surprise. This got Rainbow Dash excited. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what Twilight had in store for her. That was over an hour ago. Now, Rainbow Dash was incredibly bored with how things were progressing. “Twiliiiiiight!” Rainbow moaned again. “We’re almost there Rainbow!” Twilight snipped, her marefriend’s impatience finally starting to get on her nerves. Sighing, she turned to face her pegasus companion, “Look, I promise that you’ll love it. I really want this night to be special for the both of us, especially after you took my flying last week, remember?” she finished with a smile and small blush adorning her features as she remembered the lightning show and what happened after. Rainbow sported a similar blush and she looked down guiltily, “Alright Twi’. I trust you, and I promise to be a little more patient.” Twilight smiled and leaned forward to kiss Rainbow lightly on the lips, “Thank you,” she whispered as she licked Rainbow’s nose. Rainbow’s blush only grew at the sign of affection. Not another word passed between the couple as Twilight led them to a small grass clearing near the Ponyville lake. The sun had set by now, and the moon’s soft glow bounced off the still water and lit the clearing up just enough for Rainbow to make out Twilight setting down her lantern. Twilight beckoned Rainbow to come over and sit with her. “So...now that we’re here, will you finally tell me what’s going on?” Rainbow asked for what felt like the upteenth time that evening. “You’ll see,” Twilight responded with a hint of mischievousness in her voice. She leaned in to nuzzle Rainbow’s neck, “We got here a little bit early, so we have to wait for a little bit. But I can tell you this, aside from meeting the girls and you,” she started, placing extra emphasis on the last word, now looking Rainbow Dash right in the eyes she could so easily get lost in, “this has always been my favourite thing about Ponyville. If I ever needed to clear my head, I would come here at this time. It was one of the first things I discovered after I moved here when I went stargazing a couple of nights after we saved Princess Luna.” Rainbow Dash hated waiting. She was a pony of action! But for Twilight, she would slow down. Twilight cleared her throat, her eyes looking everywhere now but at Rainbow Dash, and she began speaking again, “This...this is also the place that I realized that I, well, that I...” Twilight stopped mid-sentence as she heard the faint sound of movement. She smiled as she saw a faint glow forming from around the pair. “Realized what, Twi’?” Rainbow asked, hanging off of her marefriend’s every word. “Shh, it’s starting,” Twilight said quietly, “Look.” Rainbow turned her head to see a soft yellow glow of what must of been a thousand fireflies flitting about in the night air all around them. She watched in awe as they lit up the night, their light bouncing off of the lake before them and surrounding them in a heavenly aura. No words were exchanged between the two as they gazed upon the golden glow of the lightning bugs drifting around them, bringing with them a sense of serenity and peace. Rainbow had lived in Ponyville for years, but never had she suspected there was something so...magical to be found here. She felt Twilight press her body against hers, and without looking instinctively wrapped a wing around the lavender unicorn and rested her head on Twilight’s, still spellbound by the wonder of nature before her. “Twilight...this is...amazing,” was all she could think of to say. She felt the mare wrapped in her wing shake as she giggled softly to herself. “I knew that you would.” “Umm, just curious but what were you about to say back there?” Rainbow inquired, lifting her head to look Twilight in the eyes. Twilight snuggled up closer to Rainbow and raised her head level to Rainbow’s, her confidence building as the fireflies surrounded them in their glow. “This place is special to me because it’s my own little haven from the world. It’s also the place where I first realized that...that I love you, with all of my heart. There isn’t another pony I’d rather be with right now or ever.” Rainbow smiled warmly as she kissed Twilight softly, “Me neither, Twi’, me neither.”