//------------------------------// // The Adventures of Doctor Whooves and Professor Rouse Part 1 // Story: A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria // by TimeTravelinc //------------------------------// Another beautiful day had sprouted out, thanks to Princess Celestia. Everything was going to seem normal, or at least as normal as the upside-down house and James could really get. Suddenly, the air started to shift and blow. Then there was a sound, like a machine, breathing. *VWOORP! VWOORP!* Soon, a phone booth started to appear, as space and time started to disorient, and shift. *VWOORP! VWOORP! VWOORP! Thud!* Sitting there on the front lawn of James' house was a strange box, sitting there. The words "Police Public Call Box" were on the sign, and it was blue. Very blue. Soon, the door opened to revealing pony in brown, with a hourglass for a cutie mark. "I wonder where I've landed this time." he muttered, then noticed the hooves. "Ah right, so I am back on Earth. Just not my earth, so why-." Suddenly, there was a explosion that came from the basement, resulting in smoke coming from the house and the chimney. The strange pony looked behind him to see the unusual building that stood behind his box. "Well blimey, this is new. I wonder who lives here?" he said. Suddenly, Derpy swooped in, only to land on the porch of the house, which confused the Doctor. She rang the doorbell, waiting for a few moments. Suddenly, the door opened to a charded human in a labcoat. "Hey Derpy, how's it hanging?" he said. She shrugged, then handed him his mail. James smiled, then pulled out a fresh muffin, still ok, even though he didn't seem so. She smiled, then grabbed the muffin with her mouth. "We've got to get together sometime, y'know? Talk a little, play some games?" he said. She nodded in agreement. James then turned towards the blue Police Box, also taking note of the brown colt. "Hey, How many times have I told you about setting up your selling booths in my yard?" James said. The brown colt looked at him with confusion. "This isn't a selling booth." he said, "This is sophisticated technology." "Yeah right, and I'm the King of Muffintown." James deadpanned. "Muffintown? Where?" Derpy said, looking around James just patted her head, "Sorry Derpy. Until I can invent my special engine needed to traverse Space, Time, and the Multiverse, the idea of Muffintown is all just a dream." Derpy pouted then flew off, then James said, "Ok Derpy, I'll see you later." he said. James then turned towards the brown pony. "As for you, take your... " James looked at it, confused at what he was looking at. That's when it hit him, like a oncoming Space-Time thingy-majiggy. "How did you create this, when there are no phone booths in Equestria?" James said to the brown pony. There was a silence in the air, as the brown pony realized to who, or what he was talking to. There was more silence, only to follow with the brown pony speaking, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Doctor Whooves." The Doctor held out a hoof, to which James was confused. He then said, "You're not freaked out that I'm a human, or that I exist?" he said. The Doctor laughed, then said, "Of course I'm not. I've seen weirder than you, like Cybermen, and Daleks." That's when James mind smacked him upside the head. He knew why everything seemed so familiar. "Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey." he said. He then looked at the box, while The Doctor was surprised by what he just said. What he said next surprised him. "No way. A Tardis, parked in my yard... but why?" he said, thinking out loud. James pulled out his scanner, and started to scan the area, while the Doctor looked at him with shock. "What?" he said. Soon, the device started to bleep, showing a rift. James looked up to the sky, then realized the truth. "Well that explains why your Tardis did that." he said, then he walked back to the Doctor. There's a rift in Space-Time in my area, and you need to refuel your Tardis. Right?" he said. James smiled as the Doctor stood there in shock. Ten Minutes Later... As the Doctor sat there watching his Tardis refuel in the yard of the strange scientist, he wondered who he was . He then came out, with two sandwiches. "I don't know if you ate meat, so I made you a rose petal sandwich." he said, handing a sandwich to him. The Doctor took it, then started to munch on it, strange enough is that he didn't exactly trust the kid before him. He seemed to know too much, which frightened him. 'That's a new one, being frightened. I've been afraid, but frightened? That's a new thing.' he thought as he munched on the sandwich. "Who are you?" he said finally. James looked at the Doctor, then said, "Well, I'm James Rouse, the new Scientist of Equestria. Funny thing was that I used to be on a island in the Bermuda Triangle, led by Professor Wonder." The Doctor was curious on this, "How is he, by the way?" he said. "Meh, he's still trying to make a homemade twister, almost killed me in the process." James said, calmly. The Doctor looked at him with shock, while James was busy thinking on his engine. 'I swear I placed those plans somewhere, but where?' he thought Then the Doctor said something. "Come again? What did you say?" James said. "I said, How did you survive the incident?" he said. James thought for a moment, then said, "It wasn't a normal twister Doctor. Plus it was near a rift in Space-Time, making it smoother for the transition." James said, sipping on the Coca-cola. Suddenly, there was a unusual sound that emitted from the Tardis. "Oh no, The Cloister Bell." "Something's wrong," James said, as the wind blew, "Something is very, very wrong." he said. Both soon ran to the Tardis, and entered as it soon launched itself into time and space. Both the Doctor and James entered the Tardis, to which James was taken by surprise by the 'Bigger-on-the-inside' ability of the Tardis. James was about to do the dance, when he turned to slammed into the doors, just as they closed. He turned around, rubbing his nose. Suddenly, the Tardis started to take off. "No, no, nonononono-NO!" The Doctor said, as he started pressing buttons. Suddenly, there was a quake. "What was that? A timequake?" "No, we aren't near one of those-" The Doctor stopped in mid-sentence and slowly turned toward the strange boy. "How the heck do you know what a Timequake is?" he said in shock. James rubbed the back of his neck, giving the Doctor a sheepish smile. "I kinda have a long history of weird things happening. Why just last week, I was-" Suddenly, there was a crash. As the Doctor checked his scanners, James said, "So, you'll still in the Coral Desktop Setting for this? I thought that you changed it... or was that later?" James was confused and started to think, as the Doctor looked at him again. 'How does he know those things?' James then noticed the monitor. He noticed that the planet they were getting close to was familiar looking. "Huh, a planet only Rani coul-" James stopped, as he realized why it looked familiar. "Doctor, we have to turn around." he said, as fear started to go through him. "Why, what's so-?" "Doctor, now's not the time for asking questions. I'll explain everything back at my house, presuming that you can get us back?" James said. The Doctor looked into his eyes, seeing something that could make him trust him. The Doctor nodded, and pulled the lever... ... and nothing happened. "That's not good," The Doctor said, "That's not good at all." Suddenly, the Tardis shook as they flew, then the Cloister bell rung, as they got tossed around. As they held on tight to the console, James couldn't help but say, "Well, this is definitely, Deja Vu." The Doctor looked at the boy, wondering what the mystery behind him was.