//------------------------------// // A little help from my friends // Story: Fallout NLR // by d716 //------------------------------// Good Evening New Haygas! This is Mr. New Haygas Bring you the evening news; NLR was recently redeployed a number of Rangers form the NLR Core Region to the Dream Valley when asked Colonel Bluegrass Hue stated "It was part of a new strategy" A number of NLR criminals in the form a chain gang has recently escaped, NLR has issue a reward for their capture, they are to be treated as hoofed and dangerous. Over in the Legion side, reports of a male member in their armed forces has finally been confirmed as the Legate Bucephalus, rumor has it he first came to rank by coming into a Legion fort and beaten the commanding centurion to death in front of her assemble troops, he then order one tenth of the force be killed by the other nine-tenth, unsurprisingly the Centuria inset attacked him, only for him to kill almost half their number… he then made the survivors carry out his previous order… That's one hell of a first impression. The New Haygas news has been brought to you by the Gallapenia, Gallapenia come gallop on over. This is Mr. New Haygas wishing Dream Valley to have some Sweet Dreams. Fallout: NLR A little help from my friends Compare to Damm', Buckehm was Canterlot, the town was two big buildings, one a casino the other an hotel with several buildings around it, and a roller-coaster, on the back of the casino looked like what would have been an drive-in movie which would explain all the Auto Carriage wrecks dotted throughout the town. Shame that the Coaster probably isn't in working order, the only other one I know is in Stable City and Stable City is full of xenophobic pricks. On the other side of the highway leading into Buckhm was a small NLR base which is rather odd as last time I check this was an independent town, must have been recently annexed. "Well better go check in." I said to myself walking to the camp. The camp was a handful of tents surrounded by a wall of sandbags a few sentries were along the lines. "By the sun you Rangers got here fast" a yellow unicorn with a green mane exclaimed. "What are you talking about?" I asked "Wait, you're oh…" "I'm just passing through, err?" "Sergeant Forest Dawn, well since you're here maybe you can help us out. A few days ago one of our chain gangs escaped…" "Oh just those guys, I've already ran into a few." "That was you? Anyway" Dawn pointed to the building closest to the coaster "About two dozen are held up throughout the town, most in the main housing area." Her hoof moved to the casino "the rest along with most of the townsfolk are in the casino." "Any guess what they're after?" "Odds are just looting the place." Said Dawn as she gave a shrug. "So what are you waiting for?" "You mean other than the face that we don't have fancy night vision goggles like you? We've been given orders to stay pull, Lt Hayfield and the half of us just left form Damm' you're work I guess. Don't get us wrong, the ponies I have left can sure as hell storm in and kill them all, if it wasn't for one thing, our Intel has it most are hooved with dynamite and I'm sure one of them knows how to make traps." "Dynamite? I didn't see any on the ones I've already encounter is your Intel right?" "By 'Intel' I mean one of the bitches threw a few wend we try to enter the town. " "Oh" I replied "But still, who in their right mind would give criminals dynamite?" Granted it made sense, most NCR chain gangs mostly work on fixing old road ways, but guards are supposed to armed any explosions. "Lazy guards." Dawn rebutted, yeah that also made sense. "But the real problem is if the criminals get jumpy and blow up the civilians if we storm in." "Aww" I said draping my hoofs over Dawn's shoulders bring her in "That's why I'm here for. " I said with the worlds dumbest biggest grim, even though you really couldn't see it. Letting her go I started a light trot over to the main building. "Wait just like that?" Dawn exclaimed? "It's kinda my job sweetie" I said with a wink "One Ranger, one riot." It wasn't like it was going to be all to difficult, if they were like to ones in Damm' most will most likely be poorly armed and equip: don't really know who armed them if they were, it is possible they found a Ranger safe house there is one in the area, well six years ago anyway. I'll go check it on it tomorrow. To tell you the truth I really didn't have much of a plan, I mean it was just twenty of them plus they don't know I'm here so stealth is on my side along with my- crap. Stop and making a quite turn to Dawn. "Hey I'm going to need a shoulder mounted gun harness for my BB gun." "You're WHAT?" Dawn said with a look of 'what the fuck did I just hear' on her face. "Yeah need a gun harness for it, mine broke?" Didn't take too long to fix the gun harness to my jacket, it was design to use they after all and load my BB gun, and again, trotted out into the town. The night was eerily quit not even a coyote howl, I was near what looks like the local Dream Express building, the message and courier business. It was just then two ponies came out of the came out of the casino. I was still a good dozen feet away from them so they didn't see me. The light of the nearby post illuminated them, Both were earth pony mares one was yellow with a gray mane the other was dark green and have a bone white mane they wore light armor over there prison uniforms, still don't know why they haven't taken off those, dotted all long their bodies were sticks of dynamite. They were making some little chitchat I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying but what I was paying what the fact these two idiots were smoking. They were smoking while having a good dozen sticks of explosives strap to them! OK time to take these dumb-asses out. With a quick jerk of shoulder unfolds the red rider so it can be fired. I always like talking about it to ponies, it always gives a "is this filly retarded" and I always tell them "You just need to know where to aim" and that's true. But what I never tell them is how it's great for leading ponies into a trap… Another quick jerk form my shoulder and aid form my helmets aiming assistants spells, I fire the Red Ryder in just the right spot in the back of the head to give the gray pony a concussion. Next I ran into the Dream Express building as fast, but also as loudly as I could, need to make them think I'm just some snot noises little squirt. Getting up against the wall near the door so wend it open it should cover me form there view, I wanted for them to come in, the gray one should be easy enough just another hit to the head should do. For the few seconds that I wanted I quickly scanned the room, the whole place was lined with filing cabinets and the room itself was split by the serves desk. What truly caught my eye was what's on this desk, it was about the size of a ponies' head with long wires sticking all along the back of its head the front somewhat looks like those pre-war pests; parasprites I believe they were call, but had an arty-horn on the left size. I've never seen this type of robot before but form the books and parts around it, I'm guessing it must have broken down and the owner of the store must have been trying to fix it. Would need to examine it better after I'm done maybe even try and finish fixing it, that light beam gun on it could come in hoofy. As expected the two escape criminals enter. "You little manure pile, were the buck are you?" the yellow one yelled "Hey Lemon Drop" the green one said "I think I need to go lay down…" "Walk it off Tea, can't let some brat-" Interrupting Lemon's little rant, I sprung my trap. With just a quick right hoof to Tea's face I knocked the green mare out cold and before her friend could reacted I drawing my revolver on her. "Hey there, looks like I j got the dropped on you Drop" "Ha ha ha, you're a real stand up ass" she said dripping with sarcasm. "So, wanna answer some questions?" "Go mount yourself" "I'm not really my type, were did you get you're gear? That Light beam isn't NLR type" Unlike most Light Beam rifles which look somewhat like an unicorn horn this on looked more like a box. "Like it eh, the local Gun Runners in the area just started making them a year or two ago, based off a new design, came from the west if you believe it, you know what's the best par?" Lemon said with a smile "It's always ready to fire." In the blink of an eye two beam of white light hit me in the chest, while my armor absorbed the energy of the beams but the force was enough to knock me off my hooves and crack a rib or two. That yellow bitch wasn't going to let me get back up or use my revolver. In quick session she pinned my gun hoof with her left foreleg and threw a front kick to my stomach with the other. "Bucking NLR assholes" she remarked as she started to press on my neck down with her hoof, slowly putting more pressure. I was in no mood to die in a mail room, using the helmet's arty-horn I took my Red Ryder out of harness and pointed it at mare, with any luck the sight of seeing an earth pony "using" something only an unicorn can do might caught her off guard. "What the? Really? What the hell can that thing do?" she said smugly knowing that it can't harm her, good that will give me enough time to get the shot all line up. "Shoot your eye out…" I said With aid of VATS I fired it in just the right way to have the ball baring go straight threw the eye socket and bounded around her skull for a bit killing her in less than a second. No matter how thick skilled or hard header a pony is on the inside everypony is a bit of a softie. As I try to sit up right, which is very hard to do wend you ribs are cracked. I took, well threw off, my helmet to the ground, it needed some time for it to recharge so I needed to use my mouth for this. Plus it's a pain to clean blood out of it and I'm coughing it up a pint. Reaching into my saddle bag I pulled out a red needle, stimpack, an old world liquid spell that alters a pony's natural magic field to accelerate cell regeneration. After infecting it into my shoulder I just sit back and wait until it mends my wounds. Well that's done time to fix a robot. After a few minutes examining it, I couldn't find anything wrong with into on the outside only a few scratches and dents which are to be expected for any robot most being over two hundred years old. However the largest dent looked fresh, the chip pant exposed bright clean metal rather than dull starched up the others had, by that I would guess the robot took a sniper round and had something knocked lose. Its pretty amazing how such a small Robot has armor good enough to be able to prevent bullet form going threw it. So with a quick whack with a hoof in the right place should fix that, a little 'wasteland repair'. As I stood back I watch the robot make a few noises as it slowly began to float in place. "Hello there" I said The robot makes a bleeping noise "Umm what?" The robot makes another bleeping noise. "I still don't-, wait say the alphabet." The robot begins to make some more bleeping noises as I listen to it. It was clear that each bleep had a different tone and pitch and with that I should be able to get the most of it. "Ok then, what is your name?" The Robot makes a bleeping noise "GUM-e? What does that mean?" GUM-e makes a bleeping noise "Oh sorry I didn't know that was privet. What model are you? You look kinda like a flying eye back home." GUM-e makes a bleeping noise "Wait did you say Enclave?" The Enclave what was left of the Nobles of the old world, many years ago they tried 'save' Equstira, only their definition of saving was killing about 60% of the population, thankfully they were beaten. GUM-e makes a bleeping noise "Oh good, would hate to have to break you after just fixing you." GUM-e makes a bleeding noise "What do mean 'I'll like to see you try?'!" GUM-e make a- "-at it means, you little pony." Said GUM-e "Whatever, think you can help me fight a few dozen criminals?" "Killing organics? Oh joy my second favorite hobby" "eer I'm hoping to try bring them in alive, have any non-lethal weapons?" "Inflicting pain on organics? Oh joy my favorite hobby'' I'm starting to regret this. After unarming the took criminals, and searching the place for any money, both had those boxy Light-beam rifles, a few Micro Magic Cells, and in total 30 sticks of dynamite, also some deep fried cookies. We headed out to the main building. "So GUM-e" I inquired "The Enclave…" "If you're wondering if they are still operating in the area, no they are not." GUM-e budding in guessing what I was going to say. "I was made in one of the Northwestern bases, which is where any remaining personal that didn't go into hiding was relocated." "Really? Our scouts reported the Northwest was pretty badly burned." "Which is why it was chosen, it would be easier to rebuild, and control the locals, most that seem to believe the war happen not twenty years ago." "So in a way, like Shaggy Fetlocks before President Midnight took over for her mother as leader." "A little worst off was yes, we belief it has something to do with their close proximity to the Everfree forest." The Everfree forest that's something I've haven't heard of since pre-war history classes back wend I was a filly. "Umm, what has happen to Everfree?" "Nothing, it has remained unchanged." "Wow that's creepy; hey do you have a radio?" "I am a prototype new model of iSprites with the latest in armaments, with armor and sensors far surpassing any old world equivalent, oh course I do." "Nice" About this time we have come to the front door of the casino. I still haven't figure out a plain that doesn't involved throwing a massive amounts of dynamite at anything that moves. Oh well as the Ranger motto goes 'the best plans are those that you make up in ten seconds flat.' "Ranger Snow" Said GUM-e "I am detecting three sentries outside this door, recommending the use of several sticks of Trinitrotoluene" "Or wouldn't that just take half the place? And blow them up?" "Yes, yes it would." "And probably take us out too" "Well you maybe" "Nay I have a better ideal" "awww" Without a second notice I busted the door open, gun raised throwing serval stick of dynamite, unlit with the arty-horn. "NLR! THOU ART ON THE GROUND DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. As I though the three guarding the place were in shock, figures they're not real warriors just some unlucky ponies, who's luck is about to get worst. "Take that one" I yelled to GUM-e pointing to the nearest of the three, with an instant the Arty-horn on GUM-e shot and arc of pure magic energy at the colt bring him to his knees in pain. The next knocked him out cold, the next several were just to make sure, the following shoots were, just because GUM-e likes electrocuting ponies I guess. All of a sudden something I've never though it would see. "WIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" I do not know what that was but it would seem the robot I picked up makes his own battle music, which is so awesome. Sadly I did not have the time to enjoy this fact as one of the ponies; an unicorn began firing an NLR Serves Rifle an Marshmallow type 16 in fact holding it with her magic. Sadly nopony told her you can just shot a weapon out of the air while its just floating like that. The last of the three naturely gaved up, mostly because I told her if she didn't I'll shot all the dynmite I threw all over her general area. Taking off my helmet I addressed the group of civilians most were hiding under the blackjack tables in near the center which seems to be some kind of display. "Are you all alright?" With that a large machine that walked on two legs with two dragon like arms step forward it was as tall as an alicorn what would be its head glowed like the sun and it wore a cowpony hat. "Well HOWDY little missy, welcome to the Bon-bon and Lyra casino, I'm Bucky Hammy, welcome to our little slumber party." "A Humtectron?" I exclaimed "And slumber party?" "Well of course I'm a humtectron" Bucky Hammy reply "Don't caugth know, wend Robo CO had a contest to design their latest model, one Lyr-" "I don't need a history lesson" I interrupted "I need to know what's going on." With that a grey earth colt came out form cover his bright orange mane clashed with his coat and had what looks to be two casino tolkins for a cutie mark. "Sorry about old Buck, one of the gang members messed with his programming." Re said "I'm Slot Chip by the way, run the casino. Nice to see you got that robot Zip Code found." "Ranger Snow, nice to meet you, also hopes he doesn't mind, if I take it." I replied Turning to the group Slot yelled "Hey Zip Code! You mind if she takes that robot you've found?" "What, no its fine." The elderly stallion yelled back. "So mine telling how things went down? The soldiers surrounding the town didn't say much other than the basic" getting back on topic. "Well" Slot started "we somewhat though they were just a group that came to stay at the casino, we don't get that many so the whole town threw a party… then they pulled out guns…" "You didn't think the fact they were all wearing prison uniforms odds?" "Ever seen the Kings?" Slot rebutted talking about the two very oddly dressed gangs in the area around New Haygas, for the most part they're harmless even helpful, minus wend they 'fight' over who should have the name anyway. "Fine, but surely you must have though a group that large was raiders?" "Who raids anymore? "The Droogs for one" I interjected "Droogs" Somepony else yelled "those assholes are just a bunch of druggies!" Turning around I saw a rather young red pegisi with a green mane sitting at a slot machine playing them like nothing has happen, she wore a black jackal with a flaming skull wearing a hat with a spear point on top. On her flank was a three mail letter. Turning back to Slot I asked "What the hay is a Takhi doing here?" "Playing slots by the looks of it" Slot joked "That's just Speed Runner, don't mind her, she's just the Dream Express part-time courier." 'Part-time' odds are the Takhis just sent her over for field training so she can drug run for them. After all why train a pony yourself wend you can just send them away were somepony and do it for you and pay you to boot. "Yeah I'm going to mind her." I said walking to Speed. "What the hay do you do you want Ranger?" Speed angrily asked still feeding the machine. Not that surprising to tell the truth the NLR and Takhis never, got along to put it mildly. "You seem pretty claim for the whole hostage thing" "pfft, they're wouldn't going to kill anypony, their leader seems to have a brain he knows we're the meat shield form the NLR outside. So again what the hay do you want." "Oh I just want to know if some of your Takhi buddies came by. I need to give them something I own them. Maybe came with an unicorn in heavy armor." With that Speed dropped her chip she had in her mouth, her wings unfolded and ear turned down. "Sun burn" she mumbles to herself. "I know that jackass was trouble…" "Oh goodie you know him" "What's in it for me?" Speed asked "Well" I said trying to be as smooth as old world silk and placing my hoof on her shoulder "You seem to be stressed maybe I can, help that." I then moved far too close into Speed's personal space. Speed blushed, ears going full down "Umm ahh what are you talking about?" she said trying to lean back on her stood without falling off it. For a drug runner in training and member of the Republic's oldest enemies she's pretty cute wend she isn't in her angry mode. "Oh you'll find out as so as I deal with this whole little escape prisoners problem. " I said in a singing voice "But I would like to know what you know about the pony that shot me." Speed took a second to figure out what I just said then noticed the two rather fresh scars on my face. "Glezz that must have hurt." "meh" I shrugged. "What do you mean 'meh'? Anyway he showed up at our camp and took us he was looking for some help with a 'problem'" Speed made hoof quotes when she said 'problem'. "Went on some weird rant about how 'serving our country was a reward in itself' wend me asked about payment, Hawk Mover and Nine Hill went along despite me telling them not too." "Why didn't you want them to go?" "One, he looked and acted like one of those Herd of Steel jackasses. And I know how these things work, just like those wanna-be raiders who have nothing better to do than shoot random ponies for no reason. You know what happens, some mule mounting jackass, like you; no offence, comes and bucking kills them all. And the Takhis don't need another jackass… coming and… killing us all…" Speed stop right then heavy implying she would have gone on an even longer rant if she didn't stopped herself, during the last part she looked like coming to tears. I blinked for a bit in shock "You have and oddly worldly viewpoint for a pony that's barely a mare." "Yeah I know, I was a foal wend the Flowers set up a school, they kinda rubbed off on me and a few other I guess so I got interested in post-war history, started noticing some patterns..." "Any ideal were they gone?" getting back on topic. "Yeah 'A'terton, just follow the road east." "Thanks" I reply giving her a smile. "Stay around and I'll give you a surprise wend I get back." Leaving Speed with just an awkward simile on her face trying to figure out what just happen, I returned to Slot Chip and Bucky. Istarted to think of a way for the towns folk to defend themselves in cast the criminals return wend I notic Buck. Bucky may have been just facy tourt guild but he was still a fully equiled humtectron by the looks of him, mosty likely he also doubles as the cansico guard. Going over Bucky I notic his light beam weapons seem offline. "Hey Slot" I asked "How come Bucky weapons are offline line these things are basically walking power armor wouldn't he be more useful in defending the town?" "Well" Slot started rubbing his hoof ageist his head "We really don't have much crime and like I said Raiders are a non-issue so no real point, plus he makes a great trout guild." "Yeah I'm sure. Anyway we can turn them on?" Slot moves his hoof to his chin trying to think of something "I'm not sure, normaly we just pay a Flower to come fix it." "Well that sucks, take the weapons form the prisoners and wait here I'll happen the rest." "Sure thing" Stoll said giving a node. After making a quick passing of the towns folk to make sure they're ok, for the most part nothing too bad, a few beaten up but they live. They did however mention how the sheift, his wife and depty were missing and feared the worst. During this time I start to see the casino in better detail. The place was in a way part museum with pictures and items form the Old World, almost of the pictures had two mares, one a mint colored unicorn the other a cream earth pony. "So Bucky I'm guessing those two were Lyra and Bon-Bon?" "You darn tooting right little missy!" Bucky reply "They made this hotel and casino thanks to royalties Lyra made for designing the one and only humtectron, one of Robo Co's most successful models! Who knew a little filly whose special talent of playing a lyre also dabbles in robotics?" "That sounds almost as out of place as a farmer becoming head of implied magic or something." I joked. "Mind holding off the trout once I'm done?" "Well shots I've been here for the past 212 years" Bucky saying the year in a deeper more robotic voice than his normal faux Applern voice. "Great, come on GUM-e baddies aren't going to be taken out themselves" "Joy I haven't inflicted pain on a pony in the last five minutes." He replied. "Hey" Slot stopping us "You're going to the front door!" Looking at door than back to Slot I replied "Yeah so?" Then keep walking. As me and GUM-e came out it wasn't too suprising that the remaning of the escapes were out, they were only seven of them rather than the good two dozen I had heard form the base just outside, funny how heads then to be counted more than once wend you don't want to do something. "Umm I thought they would be more or you" I said "Most have already left as so it was dark enough so you NLR dogs wouldn't gun then down" A stallion reply, form what I can has coat was indigo and his dark brown mane was cut short. Unlike the others he didn't carry any weapons and other than a saddle bag and ten gallon hat he wasn't wearing any armor. He felt oddly familiar. "The rest choose to stay in order to help me send the Republic a message…" "Let me guess" I interrupted "You're pissed off at the Republic or something; I get it but why drag these people with you." "No you don't" He said, "NLR thinks they can just walk in anywhere and act like they own the place, harassing the ponies whose families have lived here for years, taxed those who …" "Oh Shut the buck up" Rolling my eyes. "Thank you" Gum-e replied "Can I shot them now?" "In a sec" turning back to the leader "It seems like every other outlaw now a days has some reason for gunning down ponies, justice this, freedom that…" I use to miss those days wend raiders did what they do for no real reason, now they all have some kind of goal or acting in the name of freedom: freedom to attack and raid law binding citizens "Yes, I agree all that sucks, yes I can understand how sentence a mother fifteen years for steeling water so her foal wouldn't die is unfair, but those same laws have rebuild our world, it's those taxes that's use the build schools, railroads and find ways to make medical so another foal wouldn't die form illness. We can't just keep living in the past, picking at its corpse they're nothing left for us, we need to rebuild and we just have to live with the bad and work together." The leader just stood there, and then chuckled "You really haven't changed Snow" It was just then I knew why he sounded familiar, it was Buzz Blue, a ranger and a good friend, it would explain how these ponies have weapons , sure he didn't like the ceasefire with the Legion, no pony did but this wasn't something he would do. "Buzz?" "Hello again Snow, kill her." New Character! GUM-e iSprite Robot: GUM-e always has a DT of 8 a Light-Beam Rifle, and a zapper this cannot be removed or changed. He also does not trigger traps. GUM-e cannot use or be given healing spells or items but can use repair kits and spells. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 6 10 6 3 5 7 10 Tags Magic weapons, Science, Repair Companion perk gain! Eye of the Enclave: GUM-e is able to aid your VATS, -10% costs of AP, AP recharges +5% faster Level Up! Notes: Still working on how gun harness work but for the most part but most of the larger ones take a few seconds in order to be "ready to fire" high tech? Yeah but the Gun Runners (were most NLR weapons come from) are using pre-war designs and all of their weapons and brand new rather than 'sitting in a desk for the past 200 years'. If you're wonder why there are so many Pegasus here while more popular (and better written) Fallout/MLP crossover doesn't have many? Because most ponies in the story originated in Stable 15 which "Had every different type of culture, race and creed they could fit." Which more or less means about 1/3 being must be Pegasus, also Stable 32 which was all Pegasus (along with Stable 30: all Earth Pony and Stable 33: All Unicorn) The Mane Six all grew up in Stable 15 as well, alternate universe! Since some of this is meant to be basic post-war history that most in the area know already and so would sound really weird if they just about it like no of them has ever heard of it. Hope you've enjoy it and don't be shy pointing out any mistakens.