//------------------------------// // Opening Old Wounds // Story: A Young Flier's Heart // by JoeChacho //------------------------------// 'Smooth as motherbuckin silk Chach' I thought angrily to myself. Velvet helped me up after watching me take a pretty nasty spill, but it wasn't as bad as she thought just a few little cuts lining my jaw and a slightly bigger one on the left side of my face. "Oh my gosh. Chacho are you alright? Do we need to go to the hospital? Should I ..." I cut her off "I'm fine nothing really hurt" then under my breath I added” except my pride." "well you should clean up those cuts before we go to the show first. Wouldn't want to get them infected." she said with loving care. 'damn why does she have to be so freakin cute' I thought to myself "Fine I have a small first aid kit in my left saddle bag." she looked at me like I had grew a second head then I clarified "I have it for cases when someone I fly with or myself takes a spill like this" after saying this I hung my head knowing it was a lie. I kept it because Dash gave it to me before her Wonderbolt career. Flashback We were flying and she was teaching me how to stop myself right before hitting the ground like how she does and well you can guess how that worked out. I splattered on the floor Rainbow Dash had a worried look on her face when I hit but busted out in laughter when she heard me say "I-I'm f-fine" "ok kid lemme help you up." her rose colored eyes looked beautiful. "Ouch that's a nasty cut on your face dude. Let me get the first aid kit." Dash said before flying off to get the First aid kit. I trotted over to a pond to inspect the damage I had done. My face was covered in cuts and bruises along with the rest of my body but my face got the worst. I had a horizontal gash on my right cheek and a few big cuts along my neck down to my hooves. Rainbow Dash got back from retrieving the first aid kit from her saddle bags and she started to open it. "Sorry Rainbow Dash" I muttered "its ok Chacho not everypony can be as good as me, and even I took a few hard crash landings on my road to becoming a Wonderbolt. Oh and just call me Dash we have been friends for a while. Now sit still and let me clean these cuts so we can get back to flying." a few minutes after my cuts were cleaned and my gash bandaged Dash closed the first aid kit and nuzzled it toward me "here, take it you look like you are going to need it..." before I could say any words in protest she continued "you remind me of myself sometimes and if you want to get half as good as me you got a lot of hard landings waiting to happen." "Thanks Rai-" I cut myself off "Dash, thank you." she blushed a little. "I’ll keep it with me every time I train" I said with a confident smile. She laughed as expected but not at me or my dream but out of happiness. "alright kid I probably won't see you for a while so don't slack off, I wanna race when I come back." "you got it" I said; she chuckled and gave me a quick peck on the cheek" “I'm going to hold you to that one chump." she said after taking to the air and leaving me there to do what I please while she went to finish up her weather patrol duties, and then go on to become an official member of the Wonderbolts. End flashback As Velvet finished cleaning my cuts I looked at my watch and it read 7:45. "we should start heading over to the stadium the show starts in 15 minutes." velvet just nodded and smiled. 'Damn it why does she have to be cute'. I thought again for the umpteenth time. We walked in silence until Velvet spoke up. "So I take it that you like Rainbow Dash the best out of the Wonderbolts?" she said pointing at my shirt "I personally like Sorin' he's so cute -" 'typical mare' I thought for a second "especially when he messes up and makes it noticeable" then she said something under her breath that sounded like ‘but not as cute as you' but that could have been my imagination so I just brushed it off. "Yeah Dash has been my role model before she was a Wonderbolt and now that she is on the team I look up to her even more. I know it’s a long shot but I want to be a Wonderbolt just like Dash." Velvet just chuckled with a faint blush and then blurted out, "I like a man in uniform" "explains why you like Sorin so much then" I said then sticking out my tongue to tease her a bit. We laughed a bit more and soon were in front of the fair sized stadium. Ponyville was not huge but large amounts of ponies came to the town for several events and a Wonderbolts show was no exception, and with this show being the last of the season being sold out almost immediately made it an even bigger attraction. We gave our tickets to the mare behind the counter whom said with a wink "have a fun time you lovebirds". This making both of us blush "Thanks but we are just friends" I said "that's how these things start my little gentlecolt. First you take her out to a show as friends then by the end of the night you two can’t keep your hooves off each other" answered the mare "uhh ok" I said as I started to trot away hoping to not be further embarrassed. It was bad enough that I crashed into the ground now I had some random mare trying to play matchmaker. We went to our seats which were located in the front row of a middle sectioned set of seats. “Alright everypony are you ready for a show!” the announcer pony said over the microphone. A loud thunderous crowd answered with a booming 'Yeah!' I can’t hear you. I said are you ponies ready for a show?! And surprisingly louder 'YEAH' was elicited from the crowd “Alright then everypony. Here are the elite and most prestigious fliers in all of Equestria the~” stretching out the ‘e’ as much as possible “Wonderbolts.” All the ponies in the stadium clapped their hoofs or stomped them to make as much noise as possible. As this continued a storm cloud with lightning trailed Fleet foot and Surprise, as they flew together and completely in sync the shot in opposite directions forming an upside down “V” at first then it became a “W”. The crowd went wild at such a display although that’s how they open every show since Dash suggested it. The show ponies disappeared; Then the announcer started to introduce the Wonderbolts one by one. “Let’s get this show on the road my little ponies. First we have the leader of these fearless fliers. Ladies and gentle colts let’s give it up for miss Spitfire.” The crowd cheered loud as Spitfire came into view. Heavy metal instrumental music started playing as she made her entrance. Doing a ‘raincloud double backflip’ into a nosedive flapping her wings as she came closer to the stadium floor so that her tail would leave a fiery trail behind as she skidded across the stadium floor to await her fellow daredevil fliers. “Next we have her co-captain, a real ladies man it’s Sorin” A huge majority of the mares and a few stallions cheered extra loud when Sorin made his entry with a few big loops in the air and then ending with a triple front flip landing beside Spitfire. “Next we have a bit of a ‘surprise’ because here she comes its Surprise” The audience chuckled at the bad pun made to introduce Surprise but kept up their applauds. Music that was usually at one of Pinkie Pie’s parties started to play as the pegasus flew into everyponies view she just made a few zigzags in the air going to land next to Sorin. “Following Surprise is nopony other than the infamous Fleet Foot.” The crowd cheered and whistled as Fleet Foot came into view. Some Dubtrot stated to play. Fleet Foot didn’t like to outshine any of his comrades and just kept it simple. He just flew close enough to the people in the front row to hoof bump them as he flew around the oval stadium once. He took his place next to surprise. “Does anypony feel that wind? Well you should because here comes Silver Wind” As Silver Wind came into view a violin symphony started to play. The ponies cheered loudly as Silver Wind flew fast enough along the ground to make it seem like the wind behind her was actually silver after her second time around the stadium she stopped next to Fleet Foot. And now I knew that the best part of the intro was going to happen it was Dash’s turn to be introduced. “And the last of the fearless flyers are you ponies seeing a pot of gold because here comes Rainbow Dash” The crowd went ballistic. An electronic beat started to play, but it wasn’t the song Dash usually used when she made and entrance. I knew this song but I doubt many ponies know about it because it was an underground song made anonymously entitled “Luna’s Mission” I loved that song; did Dash really remember that? Did she do this for me? While the list of questions on why Dash chose that song she came into sight. Dash entered everyponies view making her cutie mark with a trail of smoke then she launched herself towards her fellow flyers doing four corkscrews and ending with a mid-air somersault landing right next to Silver Wind. “Alright everypony let’s get this show on the road” The announcer said.