//------------------------------// // Falling // Story: A Young Flier's Heart // by JoeChacho //------------------------------// The next day went along like any other day went thru my classes and then computer class rolled around this time Caleb was in class today. I let out an overly exaggerated 'yo' trying to sound as stupid as possible. Caleb was a cool guy, I might have only known him for a little less than a year it I could tell he was going to be a huge part of my life. We have had some deep conversations before and that is why we are really close friends. Caleb is a really tall earth pony he has a blue coat and orange mane and tail, he had a basketball for a cutie mark. He loved playing basketball, I played once in awhile but stormball was my favorite sport. Although playing it wasn't my special talent I enjoyed playing it. After catching Caleb up with the work, Velvet sits right next to her friend to talk. Caleb caught me staring at her as she walked by and I'm sure he wanted to say something but instead he gave me a quick look and a slight smirk. "What?" I asked. "Oh, it's nothing." he replied. "There was so much sarcasm in that reply that there was a puddle under your chair Caleb" I said as I slugged him in the shoulder. "Any way, you gonna catch the Wonderbolts show tonight? I got an extra ticket." Caleb shook his head, “Can’t," I looked shocked and was about to ask why but he started to tell me beforehand, "I'm headed to Appaloosa for the weekend" "damn. Alright man make sure you don't hurt your back legs again. It’s still beyond me how you hurt yourself last year in the school." He gave a halfhearted chuckle "me neither. But thanks for the offer man." The class bell rung "whoo I'm gone. Later Caleb catch you at the courts in an hour" he nodded, "alright Chacho catch you later." "hey can I come to watch you guys play?" asked a cute voice behind me. "Sure you can pl-" a lump caught in my throat. When I turned to see Velvet only a foot away. I fumbled my words a bit; "s-sure you could play too" she just smiled and walked past me and just said "sounds like fun. See you then Chacho." I would be lying if I would have said I wasn't looking forward to seeing her then. After a quick mental high I took off into the hallway to my locker and dumped my books in it and started to leave. I noticed Caleb and Velvet talking walking my way. They finally reached me and told me they were skipping class. "well ok let's get out of here then," I said to them. We trotted the hoofball courts and hoped they were empty. Velvet and Caleb were talking while I just listened and kept myself busy by doing a few aerial tricks to warm up my mussels. After we got there we started to play a game. Velvet let out a shocked gasp, probably at how hard we actually hit the ball. Caleb beat me in a quick game to five points. I remembered that I had an extra ticket and no one to take so I asked Velvet. "Hey Velvet. I have a question" she cocked her head to the side with an interested look on her face, "I have an extra tickets to see the Wonderbolts tonight and was wondering" a small blush crept across my face as I said the last part “if you wanted to go with me." She said "sure I love the Wonderbolts, I haven’t gone to a show in such a long time. What time should we meet?" "um... It starts around 8 so maybe 7:30?" she was nodding until she realized something. "Oh my gosh! I need to get home I need to do my chores before my parents get home. I completely forgot sorry guys I have to get home now I'll see you at the Wonderbolts show Chacho, and have a safe weekend Caleb" after that she rushed off 'Damn it. I should have walk her home or at least offered to. I'm such an idiot.' With Velvet gone Caleb and I played another game to seven points this time I won. “Woahhhhh! Look at you getting good." I just chuckled. Sunny day accompanied by my best friends Quills and Keyes had come to the courts and Said they wanted to play too. After a few games the sun started to set and a cool breeze picked up checking my watch it read 5:36pm "alright guys I'm going home to shower and get ready to see the Wonderbolts tonight. Quills and Keyes both gave a good reason why they couldn't go earlier that day so they both asked who I would take since they couldn't go I just said "a new friend". Both looked to one another and just dismissed it then we all departed. Flying home at a slow paste was not something new after playing hoofball, after a few hours anypony would be tired. My breathing regulated itself and I started to fly faster to get home. I landed in front of my mom's house. My parents were divorced and my mother has custody of me but I still get to see my dad when I want to. Pushing past the door to the house, I flew up the stairs and went to take my shower. After drying off I checked the clock in my room while looking for my "Sonic Rainboom" shirt. I found my shirt which had Rainbow Dash doing a Sonic Rainboom on it and put my watch back on wrote a note to my mom saying that I will be home after the Wonderbolts show was over. After securing my saddle bags I left the house to meet up with Velvet at the school because the Wonderbolts are performing at the stadium not too far from there 'alright Chach. She is cute but She's just a friend, nothing romantic, or sexual.' With my quick mental talk I soon ended up at the school, five minutes early. "well I guess I could get a quick flying session" I said then proceeded to take off my Rainbow Dash shirt and tucked it into my saddle bags which had a rag for quickies like this. I pushed my saddle bags to the side by a tree then took a low crouching stance ready to take off. Like a rocket I took off into the sky stopping only a few feet above the few clouds to check to see if Velvet was nearby before I started. No sign of Velvet just a bunch of ponies closing up their shops early today because of the show at eight. with that I let out a calming sigh and counted down 3...2...1...“GO.” I said under my breath. Flapping my wings hard and fast I launched higher into the sky breaking through a cloud. I did a backflip and went into a nose dive once I noticed I could see ponies getting bigger I pulled up not too close to the ground I grabbed a cloud on its edge and let it rotate so I could launch myself in the opposite direction. "man I wonder if I could..." my thoughts interrupted when I punched through a cloud that came out of nowhere. I slowed myself to see where it could have come from but the weather patrol said there was to be partly cloudy. Paying it no mind any more I began to do corkscrews while making a giant vertical loop in the sky when I met the bottom of the loop I went straight down pulled my wings to make sure I could skid when I land and let my momentum take me. I noticed Velvet sitting by my saddle bags, before I could land I lost control and smacked into the floor.