//------------------------------// // Please stop no not the hammer // Story: Lunas Revenge // by Roamingmoon //------------------------------// Why do the lulz hurt so much stop it. Come on guys do the banana or whatever that is. Sitting around a table in central city where our four favorite characters. Luna and Master Chief had a steaming cup of tea sitting before them while Mario stared at his espresso and The Human drank from a can of NOZ. The two smaller humans looked as if a hangover was blasting through their head. Which it was. Master Chief in a rare instance had his helmet off and took a sip from his tea to all that passed he looked ridiculous such a large man drinking from a tiny cup and looking peaceful all the while. Unlike his smaller counterparts he was trained and ready even with his hangover he looked fine and daunting as ever. The lunar princess looked the same as ever except the smile splayed across her lips as she taunted her companions, magic was the best thing ever. “WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE AWAKE FRIENDS” Luna screams in the Voice. Both Mario and the Human glare at Luna, passing people stare at the horse that just talked in amazement. Whispers begin to circulate around them. Passing quickly from person to person until it makes it to one Colonel Mustang in his office. “Are you sure and there just out in the open talking” Roy looked down at his desk before abruptly standing and moving to leave, Lieutenant Hawkeye quickly following. “Sir what’s going on” Lieutenant Hawkeye keeps a brisk as Mustang moves out the building into the city proper. “It seems someone decided to play god” Mustang frowns as move through the streets. The four of them have almost finished their drinks when they hear a shout and look up to see to two officers before them. The Human smiles as he stands looking at the male. “Colonel Mustang so good to meet you” Mustang frowns. “Who are you and why do you have a chimera” Mustang asks while pointing at Luna. Who huffs indignantly, the human looks back at her with a smile and gives a wink. “Colonel come here and I’ll tell you” mustangs frown deepens as he comes forward and listens to the young man ready for anything. “The pencil is a lie” there’s a small flash and Mustang jumps back bringing his glove around to nothing. In the seats that where the four creatures where sitting was nothing on the table some money spun before heavily slamming down. The colonel grabs his head and looks into the sky. “What does that mean” sitting infront of the burning ice block that is the secret hideout Luna smiles at the Human. “So what did you tell him exactly” The Human smirks at her and the rest then looks at his nails. “Oh just the secret to the universe is all” The others begin to laugh before Luna lets her horn flash and all of them stand before a building a heavy base beat pounds into the ground and into their feet. “Everyone ready for another night” all of them smile even master chief and head into the club. The light flash and the base booms as body’s grind and laugh each of them hits the bar and orders their own drink. Mario gets the super Mario shot a combination of Grenadine, Blue Bols, and Tequila silver. Luna ordered a Royal tini a combo of gin, simple syrup, lime juice, and curacao. Master chief ordered the halo cocktail a combo of midori, jack Daniels, jager, lemon lime soda, two different mio water enhancers and mango puree, and finally the human ordered a Chaos cocktail the combination of Everclear, cherry brandy, Benedictine herbal liqueur, Bailey's Irish cream, cream, and a maraschino cherry. After downing their drinks they head out onto the Dance floor.