Chrysalis: The Journey Of A Queen

by Foalfree Press


Hot and musty air flowed through the canyons. A large and jagged structure stood tall in the blistering sky, it's obsidian-black color shining bright in the hot sun. Inside, thousands of jet black bodies swarmed, their insect-like wings buzzing loudly. A large female with a sea green cape, and a large crown adorned with crystals stood at the center of the stage. The blues and greens of the crystals shined upon the crowd.
The crowd's attention was directed at the center of the stage. A large blue-green sphere was gently rolling back and fourth. A hush fell over the crowd as the pod gave one last violent shake and split open. A wave of excitement washed over the crowd as the small bundle flopped out of the pod. A soft glow wrapped around the bundle, and a blanket of soft woven fibers wrapped around her like a blanket. The large female held the smaller female in her jagged arms.
She raised the bundle for the crowd to see, and spoke in a strong, yet gentile voice."Chrysalis"The crowd cheered as their new princess became a part of their hive.