MPD: Multiple Pony Disorder

by Preastore

Out of the Forest

Dark Woods looked around the dark forest, her eyes passing over the small clearing, looking for any signs of life. Thick trees spread out around in an oval-ish shape ring around the clearing, and soft grass swayed in the gently breeze. Everything took a darker tone of color as the moon rose up into the sky, Celestia's sun setting beyond the trees and the orange sky fades to black. Once she was sure there wasn't any, she got her foldable tent off her back and set it up. It was made up of leaves, vines, twigs and branches. It took along time to build because of hooves, but luckily, it did its job well.
Laying down under the sketchy-looking tent, she looked at her dirty, dark brown coat. It had grass stains, stickers (the pointy kind), and not really noticeable dirt smudges all over it. Her cutie mark, Five berries over a como canteen, could barely be seen under the dirt stains. Her dark, almost navy, blue tail wasn't much better. With leaves, stickers, and twigs pointing out of the tangled mess of a tail, it was way worse then her short coat.
“Could be worst.” She thought as she closed her tired eyes.
No, it couldn't. We're in the dark, scary Everfree Forest, with no civilization in sight, running from timber wolves, manticores, and who knows what else. Poison joke at every corner and don't get me started on the insects.” a voice replied in Dark's mind, grumpily.

“Who asked you, Bright Woods! At least you don't have to walk or fly through it! You're just a voice inside my head,Dark Woods tiredly, talking through clenched teeth.”sometimes, at least” Dark woods whispered.
Exactly,it's not my fault that I’m in your head, Darky! You could let me control and rest as a voice with no control over the body you're in.” Bright Woods mentally shot back, annoyance and determination in the voice.
“Not right now. I'm the one who's special talent is surviving. Now be quite so I can sleep, Bright” Dark said out loud. Bright went silent, wishing she had her own body instead of being a mind of this grumpy pegasus.
This was the result of Dark being MPD, also known as Multiple Pony Disorder. Two totally different ponies in one body. It's usually the result of a spell of a long since forbidden spell in Equestia. Dark Woods Wasn't from Equestia, though. She was from the country on the other side of the Everfree, Gallopia (Gallop-pee-ah). She lived in a small settlement calld Hoofdown. Well, until she was disowned by her father disowned you and sent to live in the feared Everfree Forest, where she has been for the last five years of her life.
In two hours since the end of her short conversation, Dark was fast asleep.
A growl formed at the bottom of Twig's wooden throat and his green eyes glowed in the darkness of night. He looked at the tent where the gentle breathing of a young pony could be heard. A gentle breeze carried the smell of forest and pony to his wooden face. Hunger clawed at his stomach as he quietly crept forward, never losing sight of the tent.
The Mare in the Moon looked down on the timber wolf named twig and the tent it was heading for. Her moon shone at full power, looking forward to the hunt. The mare trapped up there, Nightmare Moon, looked at the wolf creeping up to the tent, watching the scene unfold.
A howl echoed through the night, waking Dark Woods up. She heard a growl and sprang to her hooves, fully awake. Looking through the leaves of her tent, she saw the all to familiar green glow of timber wolves eyes. She heard the soft pawsteps as it made its way towards the tent. It looked alone, until the rest of the pack appeared from behind the bushes. She burst out of that tenet at full speed and opened her wings to full length.
She flapped once, getting a few hooves off the ground, before the lead wolf sprang at her faster then she could fly. He managed to get her right wing and pull her to the ground. The rest of the pack came forward and pinned her to the hard, cold ground. She felt the pain as the wolf's wooden claws dug into her wings, but out of instinct, she kicked the wolf's stomach at full power, shattering him into twigs and branches.
Scrambiling to her hooves, she heard angry growls of the pack. The rest dived at her and the one she shattered started rebuilding itself. The angry growls could be heard as she ran off, hoping to get away.
The hope went away as fast as lightning as she realized something, she was a second to late.
They tackled her to the ground, and pain was going through out her body. One scratched her flank, where her cutie mark is, while the other bit her back leg and warm blood spilled from the new wound. She closed her eyes as the wolves gave her wound after wound.
She fought back as hard as she could. Tears rolled down her cheeks, burning the already stinging cuts and scratches. Images flashed through her mind, her mother's death replied itself in her mind. She pushed the images aside as a claw went for her eye, tearing through the eyelid but barely missing the eyeball.
Dark scraemed in pain, the loud noise startling the timber wolves just enough for her to escape. She ran blindly as blood covered her eye, pain coursing through her body at every step. Her energy was fading fast as the light of day peeked into the forest, emitting from the end of the forest.
“Look! The forest's end-” Bright screamed mentally, right before Dark passed out and put the sentence out like a light. She scraped her leg as she fell face first into the ground right outside the forest.