//------------------------------// // Space will bring you home // Story: The Rise of King Galaxy // by DaxterGalaxy //------------------------------// Space will bring you home ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the dark depths of space an object glided across the cosmos. It is a master of its surroundings for it controls them. It is known as a savior to some, but a destroyer too many. It is not a machine, a rock or a godly entity. It doesn't believe in gods for it is a god because of its power. It is a living thing. "For all my years I've been ruling this galaxy, never have I been so bored..... When it comes to personal space these stars have the best. But why am I stuck in the middle of no where? There should be a star nearby." The creature thought in its head. The creature slowly looked into space, just staring straight a head just hoping to spot something. It then noticed something was wrong with the light of the stars in front of it. The light was moving in a liquid like motion. As if there was water covering that portion of space, the creature then stuck an appendage into this liquid form. It didn't feel any colder from the rest of the surroundings. It actually felt hot..... The creature slipped its body into this strange substance. What it saw even brought horror to its eyes. The sun and moon where not in the laws of motion it set, they were being controlled by something extremely powerful, but it just had to figure out what. Then the creature figured it out. Celestia, the princess destined to control its home planets sun and the creatures own sister. Now instead of horror it felt complete joy. It warmed the creature's heart and body; it could feel that the promise of its home planet could make this feel so much emotion. Happy, energetic, excited are just some of the many words that could describe what it feels. It wanted to go to the planet so badly, but it couldn't move. So it just waited for the sun's planets gravity it pulls it in. “I can't wait to see everypony once again, Tia, Luna, Discord, Mom, Dad and all the rest of my home. They'll have a huge parade to welcome home the country's only son and air to the throne. It’ll be so spectacular that....... Why is it getting hot? --------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful spring morning in Ponyville. Celestia's sun was giving a comforting glow and a relaxing warm feeling that most ponies enjoyed. It was the type of weather that was perfect for those working outside and even better for the wild life, especially one mare who was taking her time on her daily route. Derpy Hooves was a blond maned, grey Pegasus that was the town’s mailmare. A pair of gold crossed eyes and a smile adorned this mare as she walked down the streets of Ponyville. Her next stop on the route was Sugarcube Corner. Derpy trotted over to the door over this bakery and gave it a couple of knocks. A blue mare answered the door; she had dark pink eyes and a two shaded mane that twisted to look like soft swerved ice cream cone. "Why hello Derpy, do you have my mail today?" She said in a motherly voice. “I brought you a letter Mrs. Cake!" said the happy mare. She had a wide smile that could warm even the coldest hearts. She then stuffed her head into her bag and pulled out a small package in her teeth. Mrs. Cake then took the bag from Derpy and then said something that brought joy to the mare's heart every time she heard it. "Time for your daily muffin Derpy! Have you been a good girl today?" Mrs. Cake treated the full grown mare like a filly even though they were a couple years apart in age, Derpy even being a mother even longer. But seeing her bob her head up and down in an overacted "yes" gave her a warm feeling inside. Mrs. Cake then gave Derpy her muffin, said good bye, and then parted there separate ways. Derpy then made her way over to the town library to deliver the mail, but a falling object in the sky instead caught her attention. With one eye on the library and one on the falling object she watched sore across the sky in a blazing furry. The light coming off it was enough to blind the sun and hot enough to burn metal. She continued to watch it till Derpy noticed the falling object was coming right at her. Having no time to think she leaped into a nearby house for cover. She ducked her head and went into a small furry ball in the hopes of protecting herself from the blast. This would have done well if it won’t for that the blast was bigger then she expected. Derpy was tossed like a rag doll 50 feet as a giant blast of sound and flames spread from the epicenter of the impact crater. The crater was massive for something so small. After tumbling across the ground for ten seconds Derpy got up and headed towards the mark of her assailant was. The crater was a sunken hole of burning rock and dirt. The debris of what were some unfortunate house burning around it and in the center lied a weirdly shaped object. Derpy strained her eyes looking at the object in the crater. "It looks like it has 4 legs, a tail, and a head and..... IT'S A PONY!" Derpy skidded down the side of the crater, nearly hitting some burning rocks on the way to the epicenter. When she got to where the pony was she hadn't expected what she then saw. The pony was massive! It looked even larger then Celestia, but what was even stranger was its appeal. It was a huge black stallion. He had short black mane that lead about a few inches from its head to the bottom of its ear. The tips of the hair were decked of with red spikes. He had a massive unicorn’s horn the popped put of a black round hat with a white stripe at the bottom of a perfect semi-circle side band, the brim was a perfect ring. This creature has on a dark black pair of round sunglasses (John Lenon type if your wondering) that perfectly covered his eyes so that you couldn't see them. He has on a black petty coat with straps that when across his midsection. Derpy leaned over the body. It's unconscious stare looking deep into her soul. Then she saw the massive pony move. She heard his breathing; a low baritone hum came out of him as he started to stir. He started to open his eyes..... And in his very sight was a beautiful mare. Her beautiful golden hair covered in dust and a bewildered look on her face. He took a large breath and held it in. He then exhaled and said. "How lucky am I to see such a beautiful creature as I stir. What is your name young mare?" "I'm Derpy Hooves." "Well Derpy, I'm Galaxy and it's a pleasure to meet you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is my first chapter of what I hope to be is a very long and fruitful story. Sorry it's so short but I wrote it in a hour and i hope to make it much longer in the future. Any feedback it wanted.