//------------------------------// // Chapter 2- A Visit to Raritys House // Story: Genderflip // by Darkillusion1 //------------------------------// Twilight knocks on the door of Rarity’s house. Rarity opened the door and greeted Twilight in a very friendly manner. “Oh Hi Twilight! What can I do for you dear?” Twilight stood there as Moonbeam stepped forward and she held a hoof to reveal her to Rarity. “Hello Rarity! Say I was wondering, can you clean up my friend Moonbeam and give him... er, I mean, her a set of clothes?” Rarity replied to Twilight in a very excited manner, mainly for her love of fashion, “Oh of course Darling! Come on in!” Rarity walked her to the back of her shop and brought out some of her more recently made dresses, then held up an almost blindingly bright dress. “Darling, this sparkly dress will fit you perfectly!” Rarity exclaimed as Spike burst out laughing on the floor and said while holding his side, still laughing uncontrollably, “AH HA HA HA! YES! That would be PERFECT for hi- I mean her to wear!” Moonbeam growled at Spike ferociously and cracked a fake smile, choking back her pride. “Of course Rarity... that looks really nice... but can I get something less... sparkly? Maybe spiky wiky would want a dress also...?” She said teasing spike, and scrunching her face up into a cute expression to mock him. Rarity looked at Spike, then back at Moonbeam, “Ah yes, of course dear, something less sparkly coming right up! But as for Spike, he is a dragon. So, sorry Spiky, I can't let you wear a dress dear...it might be cute and all, but I don't have the appropriate size for you.” Spike walked out, glaring at Moonbeam as Twilight walked in and asked, “How is everything going Moonbeam?” Moonbeam just looked down and sighs, then says, “Please control Spike for me! He is really getting on my nerves!” Twilight shuffled her hooves nervously and let out a small, light hearted laugh, “Sorry... Spike has been acting very... differently, lately but I will try control him.” Rarity ran into the room and was so excited she could hardly breathe! Rarity held up a black dress with red around the edges, obviously it reminded her of what Moonbeam looked like, “Darling, I found a splendid dress that will be absolutely gorgeous on you!” Rarity, in almost a blur of speed, put the dress on Moonbeam. Moonbeam looked at herself and chose her words carefully, “I-I guess this is good enough... Thank you Rarity!” Twilight giggled a bit at this display and got a straight face again, cleared her throat and apologized, “Oh, s-sorry Moonbeam, I just never thought of you ever wearing that and it actually fitting you well.” Rarity put the hanger on the rack and said “Oh, you very Welcome Dear! You seem oddly familiar to a pony I know... could it be possible that you’re Moonwing’s sister? You two look like practically the same pony! Well, with the exception of your genders...” Twilight covered her face at this comment as Moonbeam replied to Rarity with, “I’m not his sister, but I’m his cousin, Moonbeam, nice to meet you Rarity!” She held out a hoof to show they should shake hooves, and Rarity hesitated for a second, then grabbed her hoof and they shook. The the shop bells rang, followed by Rarity calling out to the customer, “Welcome, I’ll be right with you!” A delivery colt walked in with a bunch of cloth fabric for Rarity, and looked at Moonbeam, then the colt blushes. He gave the fabrics to Rarity and knelt in front of Moonbeam and sincerely said perfectly as if he’d recited it for a million mares prior, “Madam, may I have thy name? And may I say you are wearing such a beautiful dress!” Twilight looked in horror and shock, all that came out of her mouth was a small gasp and an, “Oh no!” She starts to flip through a book she had conveniently brought with her, She whispered to herself, “It doesn't say anything about a colt liking a colt in this love book! Oh wait, Moonwing is physically a mare right now... so I guess its ok?” The colt stood up and offered his left hoof to her, “ May I take you to a date?” Moonbeam gasped, plenty of shock value is seen in her eyes by everyone, but the colt and Rarity think it’s excitement! Rarity jumped into the conversation and quickly made up Moonbeams mind for her, “That Sounds like a splendid idea! Plus, you are in that fabulous dress right now! You really should go with him Moonbeam!” Twilight is just shaking her head in the back with surprise, disgust, and shock all at once. Moonbeam looked at Rarity and the colt, thinking up an excuse to get out of this predicament, “Sorry... umm... I already have a special somepony...” Moonbeam blushes, her burnt black cheeks turning crimson and hot. The colt just looked down and started to walk away slowly. Suddenly, he rushed back to her and offered, “why don't we just go to Sugarcube Corner for a muffin? You know, as friends?” He tried to talk her into it as Moonbeam looked over her shoulder at Twilight who nodded. Moonbeam didn’t know what to do, so she just slowly replied, “Umm... I guess its ok...” and started to head toward the door of the shop. Before they left, Twilight stopped Moonbeam and whispered to her, “I will be following you guys just to be safe. Just remember, don't take off the coat, ok?” Moonbeam just replied with a confused, “...ok...” The two ponies walked towards sugarcube corner, followed by Twilight and Spike of course, but there was a shadow of a pony also following behind them.. The two arrived at sugarcube corner and took a table. The colt pulled a chair for Moonbeam and said ever so elegantly, “Here you go Madam.” Moonbeam sat on the chair as the colt held his hoof in the air and said, “May I also have your coat to put on the hanger?” Moonbeam remembered what Twilight said, so she held onto the coat tightly and replied to the colt with, “Oh, no, I think I’m fine! I will keep this coat! Really, it’s okay!” The colt got the hint and just sat down. Pinkie pie suddenly appeared out of nowhere and just exclaimed in her overly happy mood, “FUN! FUN! FUN! HI! What do you two lovebirds want to order today!” As she said this, her party cannon went off in the background, along with streamers and other party materials being blasted all over the bakery. The Colt ordered for him and his companion in this, ‘friendly outing,’ knowing exactly what to order, “Yes, may I have one muffin for me, and one for this beautiful mare here.” “Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie confirmed, bouncing away with the order pad in her mouth. She stopped dead in her tracks as she turned and bounced right back on over to Moonbeam. Pinkie gave a huge gasp, then she was replaced with a smoke silhouette of her, which stayed for about two seconds then dispersed. The colt was shuffling his hooves nervously, he started scanning the area to see Twilight with glasses and a fake mustache staring at them one table over. The colt looked at Moonbeam and smiles,he chuckles and asked in a hushed voice, “Uh, why are you friends staring at me?” Meanwhile, at Twilight’s table, Spike covered his face and pointed out the obvious, “This will never work Twilight!!!” Twilight spyed carefully in Moonbeam’s direction and without diverting attention stated, “No, this will work because I’m following the books instructions perfectly!” she handed Spike the book and spike read the title. “How to Stay Hidden the Easy Way” Spike just looked at her like she was completely stupid, “Seriously Twilight, this will not work! I bet they already know we’re here?!?” Back at the other table, Moonbeam looked over at Twilight, who was trying to cover her face underneath the table and awkwardly said to the Colt, “Umm... they’re just here because they’re worried about me.” The colt just shrugged it off, thinking it was just mares being the way they were raised, “Ok I guess. Wait, where are my manners? I didn't introduce myself yet! My name is Bolt Heartstring nice to meet you miss!” Moonbeam smiled at him and says “Nice to meet you Bolt.” She had been thinking as she said this that it WAS rather odd that they had been together at a table for nearly 15 minutes and they hadn’t exchanged names. She replied to Bolt with her name, “I’m Moonbeam.” Bolt shuffled his feet and asked shyly, “Who is your special somepony if I may ask?” Moonbeam was just about to say something when suddenly Bolt hugs Moonbeam and starts dramatically crying onto her, “I just need a hug! I’m SOOOO lonely.” he continued crying as Moonbeam was in shock while she was being hugged by this random colt that she just met not even thirty minutes prior. She started conforting him awkwardly, stroking his mane and soothly saying, “There, there, Bolt.” She had gotten the chance to yank him off of herself and took it. She put her hooves on his shoulders and firmly layed down the ground rules, “Look, hugging is ok, but no further than that ok?” Bolt just nodded as Moonbeam starts thinking “Ok, I feel a bit sorry for him and I want to help him out... and he is kind of... cute... WAIT! Why am I thinking like that!? I’m a colt, not a mare!” She shook her head free of the thought, then, Bolt suddenly hugs her again and that scares Moonbeam and she emits a high pitched squeak.