A Royal History Lesson

by crazyjw18

Stubborn Kindness and Reluctant Honesty

"Well, I've cleared away most of the smaller stuff," Celestia observed as she settled down next to the dragon's head for a moment's rest.

"This is a lot better," the dragon admitted as he gingerly flexed his newly freed wings. Luckily the delicate appendages were both still in one piece, though it was quite painful to move them after so long. "But I'm still not able to get free."

Celestia nodded as she studied the huge beam resting at a steep angle across the dragon's hips. One end was partially buried in castle floor next to the dragon while the far end was stuck up high in the air. She guessed that dislodging such a big beam was what had caused the whole ceiling to collapse in the first place.

"My lifting power is a lot stronger than I thought, but that thing's still way too heavy for me to even budge it," she replied. "Do you think if we both lifted at the same time that it might move?"

The dragon looked hopeful. "We won't know until we try."

Celestia took up position on his broad back. "All right, are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied as he tensed his hindquarters.

"Ok, let's go," she called out as she concentrated her magical power on lifting the massive structure.

The dragon managed to get a foot planted on the floor for just a moment before it slipped back out from under him. "I can't do it," he wheezed. "I just can't."

Celestia slowly released her hold on the beam. "Sorry," she gasped as she tried to keep her balance. " I put everything I had into that."

"I know you did," the dragon sighed as he laid his head back down. "It's just too much to ask of any pony."

"Maybe if we tried again," Celestia began.

"No, there's no point," he replied. "It wasn't like I almost made it."

"Well, I don't know what else to do," she griped as she tapped her hoof impatiently on his scales.

"It's not like I'm not used to it," he said in an attempt to reassure her. "Maybe you could just come back with some help."

"I don't know how soon that would be," she retorted. "Plus there's no telling what will happen with this whole Tirek business."


"He's this terrible monster that's attacking Equestria," she hurriedly explained. "In fact, he's the whole reason I came here."

"You must be looking for the Rainbow of Light," the dragon guessed.

"Yeah, I am," Celestia confirmed. "But I don't want to just leave you here like this."

"Listen," he replied, his tone suddenly assertive, "Stopping a monster is a lot more important than freeing me. I'll be ok, even if it's a long time before anyone comes back."

Celestia closed her eyes for a moment. "No," she decided. "It just wouldn't be right. Besides, I just got an idea."

She took to the air once more. "Now where should I lift?" she asked herself as she tried to recall the basic principle of leverage. She stared at the end of the beam that was sticking up in the air, wondering if applying a downward force there would do any good. "No, that won't work, he'll still be the pivot point," she muttered. "I've got to change that first."

"What are you doing?" the dragon asked nervously as Celestia started slowly dragging a large section of a broken pillar over to his side.

"I'm making a fulcrum," she answered briskly. "I learned about it in school."


"Good, it's just tall enough," she said as she scooted the pillar underneath the beam. "Now to wedge it in place."

"What's a fulcrum?" the dragon ventured to ask.

"You'll see in a moment," Celestia replied as she finished positioning the pillar. "Hopefully." After quickly rechecking that everything looked right, Celestia flew to the far end of the beam and landed. "Ok now, get ready to move fast if this works."

The dragon still looked confused, but he nodded in agreement.

She closed her eyes and braced her legs, then put all of her energy into pressing down on the beam beneath her.

At first there was no reaction. But just as Celestia was beginning to despair a loud groaning noise came from the pillar. "Come on," she whispered as she continued to pour on more power. Sparks flew wildly in every direction from her horn as its incandescent light grew more intense.

"I feel it moving!" the dragon exclaimed as he tried to wiggle free. "Just a bit more!"

Celestia clenched her teeth tightly together as she felt her knees starting to buckle. Despite her determination she could tell that she wouldn't be able to keep going much longer. Any moment now her already over-taxed energy was going to run out.

The dragon sunk his front claws deep into the stone floor and pulled as hard as he could. With a grinding screech his battered body began to slide out from under the beam one scale at a time. A deafening roar echoed through the chamber as he struggled with all his might to extract himself.

The last of Celestia's power quickly fled as she collapsed onto her side, the light from her horn dimming as she fell. Her sweat-lathered sides heaved as her lungs desperately tried to pull in enough air. The dragon's incessant roar was the last thing she heard before she finally slipped into unconsciousness.

"Oh, so you finally got here," a voice grumped suddenly.

The startled little black filly nearly fell over. "Who's there?' Luna demanded nervously.

"I'm Lickety Split," the answer came in the same gruff tone. "Why? What does it matter?"

"Oh." Luna was quiet for a moment. "My name's Luna."

"Did I ask? Geez, why did I get stuck doing this?"

"I'm sorry?" Luna apologized, not sure what to say. "Are you giving me the next test?"

"Duh, did you think I was just here for my health?" Lickety Split retorted. "Now come on, hurry up and follow me."

"Ok," Luna replied as she began trotting down the hall.

"Not so fast!" Lickety Split scolded her. "Do you want me to have to run or something?"

"No, I just..." Luna slid to a stop and looked down. "Sorry," she apologized again, "I wasn't sure how fast to go."

"Just try to keep up with me," the voice ordered. "Well, come on!"

"I'm trying," Luna protested as she started walking again. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see in a minute," Lickety Split replied.

"How come you're so mad?"

"I'm not mad!" Lickety Split sighed. "Listen, I've been stuck wandering in this hallway for who knows how long, and I haven't even had a bit of ice cream since that stupid Twilight did this to us. Sorry I'm not all rainbows and sunshine, but that's just how it is."

Luna's ears drooped. "I'm sorry,"

"Don't apologize so much," Lickety Split protested. "Sorry I snapped at you. You're just a little kid, after all."

"I'm not a goat," Luna murmured.

"Huh?" After a moment Lickety Split chuckled. "Hey, that's a good one. You're not half bad."

Luna's ears perked back up. "Really?"

"We're almost there," Lickety Split announced. "Hey, Luna, are you a good girl?"

"Most of the time," Luna answered shyly. "Sometimes I get in trouble though."

"You don't tell lies, do you?"

"Well... not usually."

"Good. This test is to see how truthful you are," Lickety Split explained. "You'd better be completely honest if you want to pass."

"Oh, I will be," Luna said earnestly. "I promise I won't lie at all."

"I hope that's true," Lickety Split replied. "Otherwise you'll get eaten by a troll."

Luna's eyes widened. "A troll?"

"A huge mean pony eating troll with big teeth." Lickety Split was about to go on, but stopped when she saw tears springing up in the little pony's eyes. "Hey, Don't cry. I was just teasing."

"So there's no troll?"

"Nope, not even a little one," Lickety Split promised.

"You're not very honest," Luna retorted as she tossed her head irritably.

"I guess you've got me there."

"Is this it?" Luna asked as they emerged in a small circular room.

"Yeah, it is," Lickety Split confirmed. "Now go sit in the middle."

Luna quickly did as she was told. "Now what?"

"Are you ready?" Lickety Split loudly whispered.

"Yes, I am ready," a new more pleasant sounding voice answered. "Little pony, what is your name?"


"Why have you come here?"

"We need the Rainbow of Light," Luna replied.

"Why do you need it?"

"Big Sister said it's to stop a monster."

"Do you believe her?"

Luna looked confused. "Why wouldn't I?" she asked.

"Is that a yes?"


"Is your sister a good pony?"

"Yes," Luna repeated.

"Do you love your sister?"

"Yes, of course I do" Luna said, her confusion beginning to be replaced with irritation. "What kind of question is that?"

"Do you have any plans to use the Rainbow for evil?"

Luna stomped her hoof on the floor. "I don't like these questions," she complained. "Big Sister would never ever do anything bad."

"And yet I sense in you some...misgivings about your sister," the voice replied. "Why is that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Luna replied, tears starting to well up in her eyes once again.

"There's something you're hiding, deep in your heart, isn't there?"


"Is it jealousy?"

Luna stubbornly fixed her eyes on the floor and refused to answer.

"That's it, isn't it," the voice asked gently. "You dislike all the attention she gets. You're afraid that you'll never be able to measure up to her, not matter what you do."

A single tear crept down Luna's cheek.

"Now, now, there is no need to cry," the voice consoled. "I know this is tough, but we have to make sure that you're completely honest, even with yourself."

"I love Big Sister," Luna admitted with a sniffle. "But she's so smart and pretty. Everyone back home always talks about how amazing she is and how well she can fly. No one ever talks about me."

"I know that it's difficult to feel like you're living in someone else's shadow, but give it time," the voice advised. "You've got a beautiful coat and mane, and you're extremely articulate for your age. You'll grow up to be an amazing mare, I'm sure of it."

"You think so?"

"Definitely. And I'm quite satisfied that you possess the qualities needed to use the Rainbow of Light properly."

"So I passed the test?" Luna asked hopefully.

"You sure did!" Lickety-Split answered. "At this rate you'll be done in no time."

"What do I do now?"

A concealed door creaked open on the far side of the chamber. "Go this way," the test-giving voice said.

"I can't take you any further," Lickety Split chimed in. "But you should be fine on your own from here on."

Luna nodded. "Ok. I'll be going then."

"Keep your head up!" Lickety Split called out as Luna trotted off. "I tell ya, Ribbon," she said quietly to the other voice in the room, "that kid sure does tug on your heart strings, doesn't she?"

"Yes, she really does," Ribbon replied. "I do hope that everything turns out well for her. Even though Luna is so young, I could see that her jealous streak runs deep."

"But that's pretty normal for siblings, right?"

"It's not unusual," Ribbon agreed. "Hopefully the feeling will fade as she gets older."