//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: gonna build a house // Story: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The last of the Dark Kingdom // by Shadowponyty //------------------------------// Chapter 4: Gonna build a house It has been several days since me and Pete have stayed in Ponyville we have not yet managed to find our way home or returning to our human forms but I have gotten used to walking on my hooves… mostly. Pete however has practically mastered walking in Ponyville and is even helping buck apples at sweet Apple Acres. During these several days Pete and I have been socialising with the ponies and we seem to have been accepted rather quickly I have to admit that this world is so much better than the one I was from. The world I was from was filled with so many problems, so many selfish people and disasters happening, but this world is just amazing and beautiful in so many ways that I do not think I would ever want to go back there. But the inevitable will have to happen soon we do not belong in this world so eventually we will have to go. “Tynam are you still asleep? I swear you’re worse than Spike” I heard Twilights voice from downstairs and heard her giggle to herself. I had been staying at the library since I came here Twilight wanted to run some tests on what my horn was doing in the fight with Alucard, but for some reason my horn had not done what it did since that fight just the odd spark now and again. Pete was invited to stay with Apple Jacks family as long as he worked the fields picking apples, but it’s not as bad as being experimented on by Twilight. “I’ll be right down” I told Twilight from upstairs I was in a spare room she had it was small but at least I had somewhere to stay. “Well hurry because we are meeting the others soon” Twilight said I was a little surprised to hear that not that I did not want to see them it’s just I was hoping to read one of the daring do books today but I guess that would have to wait. “So what are we doing today?” I asked as I walked out of the door to the room I was in and hurried down the stairs. “Well we are going to build you and Pete a house today” Twilight said. “Huh? Build us a house as in today? Can you ponies really work that fast?” I questioned. “Well we do have magic and we know some skilled ponies so you and Pete should have the house up and running by the end of today” Twilight smiled. “I really appreciate the thought but is that okay with you all because it’s so much work” I told Twilight. “Well you’re going to have to get your own place eventually so why not now?” Twilight pointed out. Me and Twilight both left her house she told me that everypony in poniville was going to help me and Pete I felt honoured I did not think all the ponies would be willing to help. When we got to the meeting place I saw the entire group including Pete they were all gathered in a circle they appeared to be looking at something. “Hey everypony what’s going on?” I said approaching the group I saw what they were looking at and it appeared to be a blueprint of a house at everponys hooves. “We are looking at a blueprint for your house and working out who’s good for what job” Pinkie said looking pumped and ready to get some work done. “Umm Pinkie they already started on the house and they seem to be doing just fine we just need to know what kind of things you want” Apple Jack said. “Yes like a garden for all the animals to play” Fluttershy suggested. “Of course you are going to need bedrooms and some fashionable curtains for the windows oh and a good colour for the outside of the house as long as it’s not green” Rarity carried on. “You could have a small Library to study your magic” Twilight jumped in. “Or a huge Party room!” Pinkie said. “Okay let’s just get the house up first shall we?” Pete said over the ponies. “But my opinion is that the outside colour of the house should be blue” Pete declared. “Blue are you serious?” I asked him in my opinion it was a terrible colour to put on a house even if this world is brightly coloured I think it should remain a simple colour. “I want it to be white” I argued. “Why white?” Pete argued back. “Because it’s a simple colour do you see anypony else using blue on their houses” I pointed out they were all mainly white or a kind of yellow colour. Pete glared at me. “Fine but were painting most of the inside blue” Pete told me. “That’s fine with me” I told him glaring back. “Whoa you two hold your horses I’m sure you two can work it out” Apple Jack said coming between us. “I guess, sorry Pete” I said. “Yeah me too” Pete apologised. “Okay now let’s get this show on the road Yeeeeeeehaaaaaw!” Apple Jack said excitedly. And so we set to work the walls of the house were up thanks to the land ponies and Unicorns. As for the roof Pete and I as well as other ponies were on ladders nailing tile after tile to create the roof it was difficult enough that I did not know how to use a hammer if my life depended on it but it was even more difficult because I had to use my mouth. Pete however seemed to be doing fine with a hammer in his mouth like it was second nature to him in fact he got pretty used to walking on four hooves pretty quickly I’m still having trouble walking but I get better day by day. “H.. ar. You so us.. t.. t… alre.y?” I said muffled by the hammer in my mouth. “What was that Ty?” Pete could not understand me I put my hammer down. “I asked how are you so used to this already?” I said to Pete. “Used to what?” Pete questioned. “Walking, using tools with your mouth next I’m going to see you flying like Rainbow Dash” I said “Oh umm I don’t know guess I’m just a natural I would like to be able to fly like Rainbow Dash though too bad I wasn’t turned into a Pegasus” Pete sighed picking up his hammer and hammering the nails. The clock then struck 12 as the bell dinged and donged I then thought of something clever. “Pete stop!” I said and Pete looked at me the hammer still in his mouth. “Hammer time” I said pointing at the clock and to the hammer and we both chuckled. “I wonder if they have that song here” Pete thought out loud. “Well let’s get this over with before we start looking all over Equestria for music from our world” I rolled my eyes and got back to work. “Agreed” Pete nodded as we set back to work. It had reached 3:00pm the whole house was up now it was just the task of decorating the house including the garden that had been set up outside. “So how do we want the inside of the house to look?” Pete asked me when we were gathered around the blueprints again. “I don’t mind how the inside looks as long as we can get a TV I’m curious to see what kind of shows they have here in Ponyville” I said and looked around to see confused looks on the ponies faces. “What a TV?” Apple Jack asked. “Is it a kind of instrument?” Pinkie guessed. “You can’t be serious you guys don’t have TV’s in this world?” I was close to passing out from shock a world without TV was the worst thing I could imagine how could I watch my favourite shows? How could I watch my anime? “Ty you look pale is it really that shocking?” Pete looked concerned. “No it’s fine I can live without TV hahahah I’ll be fine” I said hopefully Ponyille would have a lot of things to keep me entertained but if they didn’t then… “So here’s the colours of paint you two wanted” Twilight said using her magic to set them in front of us. “We’ve decided on the outside colour of the house so that leaves the inside” I said. “Remember whose designing the inside house Tynam that’s what we agreed” Pete stepped in. “Come on dude you can’t decide on all the colours in the house” I told Pete. “You agreed to let me paint the inside if you got to choose the outside colour” Pete argued. “I said you could do some of it!” I argued back. “Okay that’s enough you two” Apple Jack stepped in annoyed. “Now what’s a colour that you both like?” She asked. “Well I wanted to go for a mature colour for the living room and dining room I was thinking a light blue” Pete said. “I can agree with that colour I want it in my room too” I nodded. “I want green in my room” Pete said. “Good now was that so hard?” Apple Jack sighed. As we painted the house the furniture began to arrive including sofa’s, shelves, wardrobes etc. It was a lot of work bringing everything up the stairs and moving it all into the house, but we managed to fit it all in through the door. The house was not yet finished we still needed to sort out the garden the problem was I knew a little bit about gardening but Pete he knew absolutely nothing… in my opinion. We were outside in the soon to be garden and of course me and Pete were arguing about what should be in the garden. “Look if we put a flower bed here and maybe plant some seeds here we could grow our own vegetables” I said. “I think all that really matters in a garden is a shed” Pete told me. “Well what about flowers and growing vegetables and all that a shed is just a waste of space and it will block the flowers form the sun and what do you need a shed for anyway?” I glared at him. “Well I might want to make some things you know build stuff I could make bird houses and sell them” Pete glared back. “You have a point there but they better not get in the way of my flowers” I said my Mum loved her garden a lot and I guess that rubbed off me a bit because I grew to like it in time after realising what I was doing I was helping something grow something so fragile as seeds cannot grow without proper love and care. “Those Ponies have done nothing but argue all day I don’t see how they are going to get through living together if they cannot cooperate or compromise” Apple Jack said to the group. “Your right I think someone’s going to need to remind them about this” Twilight said stepping forward. “Lookout below!” Came a clumsy voice. Suddenly a piano dropped from the sky as it landed on top of the house with a loud crash as it went straight through the roof and sounded like it caused a lot of damage to the house besides the roof. I saw the whole thing and my mouth was hanging wide open as well as other ponies mouths were seeing the damage that had been done to the new house that was just built today. “Dang it Derpy that roof took forever now we are going to have to do it all again” Rainbow Dash yelled at a grey pony with a blonde mane. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash it’s like it kind of fell out” Derpy said. “Did you leave the shutter open again how many times do we have to tell you Derpy?” Rainbow Dash carried on. “What I want to know is who wanted a piano in the house” I turned to glare at Pete. “Oh so now your blaming me for that?” Pete asked sounding annoyed. “Darn right I am” I Answered back. “All I wanted was to have a little calming music in the house” Pete said. “And all I wanted was to have was some flowers in the garden that get enough sun so they can grow!” I yelled. “ENOUGH!” Twilight shouted at the top of her voice and me and Pete silenced. “You two need to decide on what you want for this house together so until you can do that we are not going to continue work on this house” Twilight said as she walked off angered by mine and Pete’s arguing. The other ponies soon followed it was getting late so they just headed home I was frustrated with Pete and I could tell he felt the same way about me right now. “I just wanted to play a bit of music to cheer us up” Pete mumbled. “Excuse me?” I asked. “Think about it Ty after coming here and having no possible way of getting home and our families being worried sick about us we could use a bit of time to relax and listen to some music don’t you think” Pete said. I was silent I did not know he was that worried about me I thought he had accepted this life but he wants to go home just as much as I do. “Sure we have Twilight and the others and I like them a lot in fact this place is a lot more appealing than our world but we don’t belong here no matter how you look at it we are supposed to be humans and we are meant to be in our own world” Pete spoke the truth. I knew eventually our time here would end but I did not want to think about it my time here was so much better than anything in my world could compare to even if the was a dark pony after us the first day we were here it felt good just to be with the new friends I made here and Pete my best friend of all was here by my side as well. I swallowed hard me and him did not really discuss our ideas with each other and come to an agreement on them we just wanted the house our own way but we would have to compromise if living together was going to work and who was I to tell Pete what to have he could have a football stadium if he wanted and if he could fit it in his room. “I’m sorry” I said apologetically. “No worries I’m sorry too it was my fault” Pete said. “No it was mine” I persisted. “It’s both our fault” Pete said and I nodded in agreement. “From now on we build this house our way even if we have to work all night” I said and me and Pete hoof bumped and got to work on repairing the roof. The next morning I was sleeping on top of the roof Pete was a short ways away from me we had worked nearly all night but the roof was fixed but there were still a few more things to do as I saw the ponies returning to help with the house I sighed in relief it was good because I had no idea what else needed to be done like plumbing, heating and all that stuff that usually comes with the house. Twilight suggested that while I was here I should write to the princess about what I have learned staying here in Ponyville and right now it was not a bad idea. I took a pencil with my mouth and tried my best to write with it on a scroll when I was finished it read: Dear Princess Celestia In my first few days of staying here I have realised the kindness and generosity of this town but I have also learnt how hard it is to build a house with a friend when you both have completely different tastes. I have learned that true friends should compromise with each other if they ever plan on moving in together and if they can learn to accept the differences between them the friendship between those two or maybe more friends will grow even closer. I have also learnt that a true friend is always looking out for you even through little things. Your human/pony/unicorn subject Tynam. “Spike could you send this off for me” I asked as I handed the small dragon the scroll as he took it and sent it off to the princess in a burst of flame. As soon as I stepped out of the library I saw that the house was finished and it was exactly what me and Pete wanted. “Come on everypony we need a picture” Apple Jack announced as everypony there huddled in to be part of the picture. “Big smiles and cheese!” Everypony gave the biggest smile they could as the picture was taken. That evening we framed the photo and put it up on the wall in the living room on top of the fireplace this commemorated our what Pete and I had learned that day as well as our first picture with all the ponies in ponyville.