//------------------------------// // Don't Blink // Story: The Angels Take Manehattan // by Steve Stevenson //------------------------------// "This place is policed by Pegasus." The Doctor explained, pausing now. "Every time you try to escape, you get zapped further back in time." "So this place belongs to Pegasus? They built it?" Amy asked, obviously confused. "Displacing someone back in time creates time energy. That’s what the Pegasus feed on." he explained, looking out the window, "But normally, it's a one-off, a hit-and-run. But if they could keep hold their victims, feed off their time energy over and over again...." he paused, and turned towards them. "This place is a farm. A battery farm. How many Pegasus in the city?" he asked River. "It's like they've taken over every statue in the city." she replied. "Yeah, the Angels take Manehattan because they can. Because they've never had a food source like this one. The city that never sleeps." a loud metal clang sound was heard from outside. "What was that?" Rory asked. "I don't know, but I think they're coming for you." the Doctor replied. They all stood there, speechless. "What does that mean?" Rory asked. The doctor sat down in a red chair near by. "What's going to happen to me? What is physically going to happen?" The Doctor rubbed his face with his hooves, and then responded: "The Pegasus will come for you. They'll zap you back in time to this very spot, 30, 40 years ago. And you will live out the rest of your life in that room. Until you die in that bed." silence fell over the room, except for the clang sound in the distance. "And will Amy be there?" Rory continued. "No." The Doctor said in a hushed and reverend tone. "How do you know?" Amy chimed in. "Because he was so pleased to see you again." The Doctor replied. "Okay, well they haven't taken me yet." Rory confidentially stated. "What if I just run?" he asked, the confidence completely gone. "What if I just get the hell out of here? Then that never happened!" "It already has Rory! You've just witnessed your own future!!" he exclaimed. "Doctor, he's right!" River chimed in. "No he isn't!" The Doctor retorted "If Rory got out, it would create a paradox." River explained. The loud crashing sound got louder. "Okay, what is that?" Amy asked, but her question was ignored. "This is the Pegasus's food source. The paradox poisons the well. It could kill them all. Oh, this place would literally un-happen." "It would be almost impossible." he replied. "Loving the almost." River smirked. "But to create a paradox like that takes almost unimaginable power. What have we got, hey? Tell me. Come on, what?" Amy walked up and put her hooves in Rory's. "I won't let them take him. That's what we got." The crashing got louder, as if it was right next to the building. Rory looked out the window. "Whatever that thing is, it's getting closer." The Doctor turned to Rory, and put his hooves on his shoulders. "Rory, Even if you got out, you'd have to keep running the rest of your life. They would be chasing you forever." Amy walked towards the door, and put her hooves on the knob. "Well then, we'd better get started.'' and she flung open the door, revealing a Pegasus, frozen in attack mode. "Husband, run!" she called back. He grabbed her hoof, and they bolted out the door. The Doctor ran up and whispered to his wife: "River, I’m not sure this is going to work." "Shut up husband." and she grabbed his hoof and started to run. The lights went off, then back on, and the Pegasus was closer. The lights flickered again, and they were right over them! ------------------------- Amy and Rory started down the stairs, but the angels were coming up! "Up!" Amy demanded. "What good is up?" "Uhhh, better than down!" she stammered, and bolted up the stairs. Rory burst through the roof access door, and stood, looking over the edge. He felt a dark presence behind him. He slowly turned, and gasped at the sight he saw. The Statue of Liberty was right in front of him, about to attack!! Amy rushed to his side. "I always wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty. I guess she got impatient." Rory joked. He stood there, panting, and then rushed behind Amy. "What? What is it? What?" she questioned, not looking away from the Statue of Liberty. "Just keep your eyes on that!" he shouted, and rushed to the edge. "Is there a way down?" Amy asked. "No, but there’s a way out." he replied. He stepped onto the ledge, and faced the Lady Liberty. "What are you doing?" she asked, still not looking back. "Rory! What are you doing?" she called again. She looked back, and saw him on the ledge. "Rory. Stop it, you'll die!" she tried to reason. "Yeah, twice." he replied, "In the same building, on the same night. Who else could do that?" "Just come down." she responded, tears starting to stream from her eyes. "This is the right thing to do. This will work. If I die now, it's a paradox. Right? The paradox killed the Pegasus. Tell me I’m wrong." she didn't say anything. "Go on, please, because I’m really scared." she still said nothing. "Great. The one time you couldn't manage It." he murmured, and almost fell off. She grabbed him, and made sure he stayed stable. He grabbed her left hoof in his, and held them tightly. "Amy," he said, and placed her hoof on his chest. "I’m going to need a little help here." and he started to fall back. She grabbed his shirt. "No, just stop it!" she cried. "No! Think it through. This will work. This will kill the Pegasus." he replied. "It will kill you too." she started. "Will it? River said this place would be erased from time. Never exist. But if this place never existed, what did I fall off of?" "You think you'll just come back to life?" she said through gritted teeth. "When don't I" he replied rather pridefully. "Rory!" "And anyway, what else is there? Die of old age downstairs, never see you again? Amy. Please. If you love me, then trust me and push." he said. She stood there, not doing anything but looking up at him. "I can't." she said after a moment silence. "You have to!" he shouted. "Could you? If it was me. Could you do it?" she asked. "To save you, I could do anything.'" he answered. She let go of his shirt, and got onto the ledge with him. She looked him dead in the eyes. "Prove it." "No! I can't take you too!" he whispered. "You said we'd come back to life. Money where your mouth is this time." she replied, and put his hooves on her hips. "Together or not at all." "What the hell are you doing?" the Doctor's voice said behind them. "Changing the future." Amy replied, staring into her husband’s green eyes for what might be the last time, "it’s called marriage." And with that the two leaned off the edge, plummeting towards the ground.