Brandon Pierce: An Equestrian Tale

by BronyInDisguise

Chapter 3 - The Vortex

Chapter 3

The hallway was clear, no sign of anyone. The halls were lit only by the windows from the other rooms.

Is this place closed already?

I begin to sneak down the hall that we had come from during the tour. I was a lot more awake now, with the combination of intense fear, and 5 hours of sleep. I continue to sneak thought the halls. Checking every one of them before I advanced. My body was tense, i walked quieter than I had ever walked before in my life. I might have felt like a ninja, if it wasent for the dreaded fear of being arrested for breaking and entering.
I came down a certain hall. It was the hall with the top secret door.
So Far So good, I'm almost out of here.


I froze in place, my heart pounding in my chest. What do I do? I can't get caught! I've gotta hide! The footsteps were getting louder and I could now hear men talking. They were getting closer.

I turn to my left to find the Top Secret door. At this point, I had no other options. There were no others doors nearby. I go for the handle, praying that the door would be open. I turn the handle. The door opened.

Thank you, Thank you!

I rush into the room, quickly but silently closing the door behind me. Hopefully, they will just walk on by. They're probably just guards patrolling the halls before locking up.

It was then that I finally noticed the room itself. It was about the size of an average lab, looked about the same to. Although there was one key difference. Sitting near the wall to the far side of the room was a large, circular machine. It was made out of what seemed like stainless steel, shaped into a large, doughnut like shape. There were large amounts of blinking lights around it, seeming to fill the room with light. To the left of the machine was what looked like a control panel. It was covered in button and switches that were beyond my understanding.

"Wow... This is awesome!" I said to myself. "Is this some kind of transporter? I didn't know that this was possible."

The door began to open.


I quickly hid behind the machine. Those two men had come in here. Here, out of all the others rooms in the lab, they had to choose the one that I was hiding in! Thankfully, they hadn't noticed me because they seemed to carry on their conversation.

"I assure you Dr. Grant that the Warp Gate is now in working condition. It has taken us months, but were believe that we have found the problem."

Another man, his voice a lot deeper, spoke

"You better hope this works Abernathy. The government has spend hundreds of thousands getting all the necessary parts for your machine, and even more to keep it hidden from everyone. This is your last chance, Doctor. If it doesn't work now, im shutting this down."

"You need not worry sir, In positive that this will be a tremendous success."

The voices began to drift toward the control panel. They were about to turn the machine on!

How in the actual heck am I gonna get out of here now? I'm trapped! Wait... did they say "Warp Gate"?

"Sir, you might want to put these on." Goggles were exchanged between the two of them.

"Alright, lets see if this has been a worthy investment." the deeper voice said.

"Commencing start up in 5. 4. 3."

Ahh, crap what do I do?

"2. 1."

I'm screwed

The machine then roared to life. I could hear parts touring inside of it. Electricity roared though as more and more sound began to generate from its core. Then, a bright flash. The sound dissipated, replaced with a low hum of energy.

"Hah! Its Works!" yelled Dr. Grant "Abernathy, you Genius, It actually works!"

"Like I said sir, we have made sure that the device is in perfect condi.."

Then, without warning, something inside the machine exploded.

"Oh no" said the doctor.

"What do you mean Oh No?"

The machine began to rumble and a buzzing noise could be heard.

"Something inside has malfunctioned!" said the doctor

"Well then turn it off!"

"I can't it's not responding! The world changer is going crazy!"

Nows my Chance! If I don't leave now, I'm dead!

I jump from my hiding spot and run for the door!

"Get Down!"

I Turn to face the machine. The machines light grew, the purple vortex expanded, the noise grew. Then... it exploded. The vortex shot out of the crumbling machine like a cannon... and I was right in its path.

I shield my eyes in a hopeless attempt to block the coming blast. I stood there, frozen in place, the world seeming to slow down to a crawl. This is it I thought. This is how I die.

I stood there for what felt like forever, waiting for the intense pain of death. I waited... and waited... and waited.

Wheres the pain? Am I dead?

For some reason, I felt... weightless. Like I was inside a pool. I didn't feel anything. The air around me just felt... different.

I slowly open my eyes. What I saw... was both terrifying, and beautiful.

I was... floating... in what look like a ever expansive purple void.

I've got to be dead. This can't be real. Where am I?

I quickly turn around to see what remained. There, a few feet away from me, were bits and pieces of the machine that had exploded. Flying through the space, like they were in orbit.

Was I sucked through the vortex?

I immediately thought it was a stupid question. Of course I was. How else could I have ended up here.

Well... now what do I do?

Then, it was like gravity was switched back on.

I was falling. Falling through endless space. I didn't scream, either because I didn't know where I was falling, or because of intense fear. What was happening? How in the world could this be happening? There is no way that this could possibly be happening! I've got to still be dreaming! That's it! I'm still in that closet, sleeping like a baby. I'll wake up soon and this nightmare will be all over!

Directly below me, something was happening. What I can only describe as another vortex. And I was heading right for it. I could see... light! A brilliant blue sky! Outside! The way out of this place!

I kept falling, drawing closer and closer to the unknown vortex. This is my only chance of getting out and I was going to take it, no matter where it led me.