//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Dueling Dash and the tounament at Bedlam's End // by awkwardGardener //------------------------------// --Author's note-- This story is an alternate universe Yugioh/My Little Pony crossover. The characters are all human and the setting is still Equestria, just with humans and children's card games. This is just the prologue. I hope you enjoy reading this, and tell me if you have any suggestions to improve my writing style and effectiveness. Draw Phase 0. There was a knock at the front door. Dash got up from her breakfast to see who it was. She opened the door to reveal a cross-eyed postal worker. “Hi Dashie!” Dash's eye-lid twitched at the use of the nickname, which went unnoticed by the post mistress, “Not much for you today. Just a few letters. One of them looks pretty important.” She said as she handed over the two or three envelopes. “Thanks Derpy.” Dash said lamely as she closed the door. She turned and started back to her bowl of store brand cereal, hoping it wasn't already soggy. If you were to ask Rainbow Dash, she prefers just Dash, she would tell you that her life is rather unremarkable. The rainbow haired 22-year-old mostly spent her days looking for a job or hanging out with Derpy on her days off. Sometimes she would enter small Duel Monsters tournaments for fun. She was a skilled duelist, and many of the newcomers dreaded having to duel her. But she hadn't expected what she saw for a return address on the first letter. It read Discard Corporation 13, Strife Way , Bedlam's End, EQ Discard Corp. was the creators of her favorite card game (you know, the one mentioned before). After a moment of shock she tore the envelope open, almost ripping the letter in half. She unfolded the letter and two cards fell out, but she was more interested in the text than the cards at the moment. It read: Dear, Ms. Rainbow Dash, It has come to our attention that your dueling skills have become very well known in the Cloudsdale area. Your support of the Duel Monsters franchise has benefited both you and our company. You are formally invited to a tournament to be hosted by us at our company headquarters at Bedlam's End. The tournament will start on the sixth of May, at 10:00 AM sharp. You are welcome to bring one friend, who may then register for the tournament. Enclosed within this letter are two new cards that we feel are especially suited for your deck. We look forward to seeing you at the tournament. Discard Corp. Dash picked up the cards that had fallen from the letter. The first was a card called Solidarity. 'This could be handy.' she thought to herself after reading the effect. She then looked at the second card and gasped in surprise. The card was titled Hysteric Party, and she had been looking for a copy for months to no avail. It was the perfect addition to her deck. With this, her monsters could swarm... well, more than they did already. The tournament was only a week away. She had to see if Derpy could get a few days off to come with her. Dash's deck also needed to be in top form if she wanted to come out victorious. She had no doubt that there would be some kind of prize for first place, there always was. This could be her finest moment as a duelist, she couldn't afford to mess it up! End Phase 0.