Different Dimensions

by MidnightInk97

Cotton Candy

Celestia’s jaw dropped as a new body in the room sauntered out of the shadows. At this point everypony’s eyes bulged out of their sockets when they saw that the thing was an exact replica of the sun princess.
“Can this get any freaking weirder?!”
I looked at the real Celestia. (I think. I’m not too sure after I learned about the changlings. For all we know she could be some alien from another planet or something! I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised.)
The other Celestias' body shimmered leaving a tall male beast whose body was made up of different creatures. “Did you like my body?” The animal asked, flapping it’s one dragon wing and one Pegasus wing. “I mean it was a little chubby around the edges, you know Celestia, how you like to indulge in a little midnight snack every once in a while.” He smirked. Celestia’s white muzzle flushed with not just embarrassment but pure rage that her secret (Which I found out wasn’t really a secret in the first place) had been revealed.
Celestia stomped her hoof, clearly pissed off, daring the monster to throw another insult her way.
"Oh Celestia, why must you always be a party pooper." He said as he glided up next to the sun princess, twirling his claws through her mane. "Maybe..." His voice echoed after he suddenly vanished only to reappear on the other side of Celestia and pull her mane right off her head with ease and plopped it onto a cone. "Maybe some cotton candy will cheer you up!" he snickered as he took a bite from the detached mane.
We all stood around, probably looking like freaking fish, with our mouths absent mindedly opening and closing in shock, even poker face Luna. Celestia, from the looks of it, was the most shocked out of all of us and ready to pop like a water balloon. I seriously couldn't believe this guy. Who did he think he was?!
As the creature munched on his newly snatched treat, his yellow eyes wandered around the room before landing on on Silver and me. "Oh goody!" He exclaimed, throwing his cotton candy into the air which disappeared and then 'POOFED' back onto Celstia's bald head, perfectly unchewed. "Did Celestia decide she needed more Alicorn minions to do all of her "tiring" work?" He asked maliciously.
'I am so done with this guy.' I thought as I stomped towards him with new-found strength. "No! She is a great princess and she did not create us in any way, shape or form." I huffed at him who was taken aback by my anger but he soon recovered and bent down so his face was right in front of mine.
"Uh huh. Tell me some more stories kid." I headbutted him, silently accepting his challenge and I asked bitterly, "Who the hell are you and what do you want from us?"
Discord straightened up with a confused expression but then he just laughed, falling to a blue couch that shimmered into view. He laughed so hard that his stomach suddenly burst open and let out streamers and confetti. We all craned our heads to get a glimpse of the motionless beast. Just as I thought that he had literally died of laughter, the body disappeared. I frantically looked around until I turned my head and his face was right there.
"AAHH!" We all screamed and I scrambled backwards on my numb hooves.
"You should have seen your faces! You really thought I was dead! Well sorry to disappoint you but I am Discord, the Master of Chaos, so forever I shall reign." He exclaimed.
'Great.' I thought, mentally rolling my eyes. 'Another immortal, evil god. All of this is giving me a headache.'
"Why couldn't have saved your chaos for another day?" Silver whined.
"Awe." He said clasping his paws together. "Would you like some cheese with that wine?" Silver's mouth instantly filled up with cheese sticks, almost gagging her.
"Knock it off!" I growled as a new wave of power surge through me. Silver trotted up next to and she wasn't lookin' too happy either. This was the first time I had seen Silver's ugly side and I made a mental note not to piss her off in the future. With her presence next to me, our strengths some how doubled as if our powers were connected. I felt like I could do anything . Silver gave me a curious glance and I knew she had felt it too.
We turned back to Discord who was holding back a laugh as he looked between Silver and I. "You guys crack me up!" But could we do this later I kind of have to run some 'errands'." He stated looking at a watch on his wrist that wasn't there before with a devilish grin.
"Hey! We aren't finished with you yet!" I yelled as I sprinted towards Discord and braced for the impact but I never came. I passed through him like he hadn't had been there at all. I looked at the fading holographic image with disappointment.
"We have to get back to Canterlot. Who knows what damage has already been done." Twilight said and with that she turned on her hooves and galloped back to the waiting chariots.
'So damn close!' I stomped in annoyance. I turned towards my stunned friends and princesses. "I'm sorry I let him get away." I apologized staring at the floor of my chariot.
"It's not your fault sweetheart. If anyone is to blame it would be me. I had the chance to do something but I let it slip through my hooves." Celestia stated.
"We all had a chance to do someing princess. I can't imagine what you must be going through." Winter said.
"Winter is right sister. What has happened is in the past now." Luna said.
"I suggest we press forward but I'm afraid that our research will have to be postponed until we are able to get this under control." Twilight stated.
I looked to Celestia. "She is correct. Our top priority is to protect the kingdom and with three or more enemies attacking at once, we need all attention on the people." My heart sank with each word, and the realization came to me that Silver and I may never get a chance to go home.
"Well screw them. I will join and help fight. Sitting around on my ass is not going to get me any closer to going home so I will help in any way possible." Silver stated bravely still boiling with anger. I gaped at her language and once I had gotten past the initial shock stood up as well. "I will fight too." I stated.
"That's very noble but this isn't your problem and I am deeply sorry I got all of you into this mess." Celestia admitted.
"We are already involved so why not just go the rest of the way." I said. Silver nodded in agreement.
Celestia smiled as if she knew that we would object on staying out. "Thank you girls so much and a guest suite in the castle so Twilight can teach you girls how to use your magic. And thank you for taking care of these girls and getting them here safely." Celestia said to Winter. Winter beamed at the gratitude from royalty. "I would like to make just one request." Winter stated. Celestia nodded and signaled for her to continue. "My daughter and I would like to stay in Canterlot to look after them and help in any way."
Celestia thought about it for a second and then smiled. "That is a wonderful idea since it looks like you guys have already bonded quite well."
"Then it is settled." Luna said in her usual solid tone, but behind the straight face she held, I could see that she was smiling a little inside. She was happy to have somepony new to teach her about the night she creates and she knew that that somepony was me.