
by Flutterwh0

Where It All Began

Once every 500 years, the stars in the night sky begin to enter the end phases of their lives, causing their brightness to diminish and eventually fade away. The last part of their celestial life cycle is to “fall” from the sky, creating a natural phenomenon called a shooting star to be seen streaking across the sky.

A purple aura encased the history book, gently levitating it back into the bookshelf where it belonged. The purple unicorn paced back and forth across the room, a look of confusion upon her face. “Why would Luna just let the stars fall like that? Where do they even go? Oh Celestia this just doesn’t make sense!” Twilight though aloud. She sat back down, a loud grunt escaping from her lips in the process. She placed her head down in her hooves, letting out a long, loud sigh as she suddenly heard a gentle knock at her door.

Twilight stood and magically opened the door, allowing her to see Fluttershy standing there. “Oh, hi twilight…” she said softly, looking down towards the ground. “I-I heard you talking as I was walking by coming back from the market… It-it sounded like you were frustrated, and I wanted to come make sure that you were alright…” She began to poke the ground with her hoof, a slight blush in her cheeks.

Twilight smiled warmly at her, motioning for her to come inside as she retrieved the book once again. “I got a letter earlier from the princess, asking me to put together a Festival of sorts, kind of like the one we all did back in the Crystal Empire. She also sent me this book with a section marked out for me to read. It spoke of stars falling from the sky as they die, creating almost what seems to be a light show in the sky. None of it makes sense though!” She opened the book back up to a page with a very old image, showing a group of ponies looking into a telescope, a streak seen across the background of the image.

As twilight spoke, Fluttershy examined the page, reading what little words were there describing the image. “It-It sounds… scary” the timid Pegasus said as she sat on the ground, covering her face with her hooves. “The stars belong up in the sky, not falling down to where all of us ponies live. What if… what if one lands in Ponyville! Or Canterlot! Oh my… this can’t be good!” she said as her breathing became slightly more rapid, nervousness becoming clear as she began to shake slightly.

“It’s ok Fluttershy, I promise you that nothing bad like that is going to happen. From everything I’ve gathered, the stars aren’t actually falling to earth, they are just passing by a little closer than they usually do. I just wish I could find out more about this whole thing before I plan out an entire celebration for it.” Twilight said as she moved close to her friend, trying to comfort her the best that she can. She smiled softly at her friend, gently nudging her so that she would look up at her. “Besides, you know that Luna would never let something of her own creation cause harm to her subjects.”

Fluttershy let out a tiny squeak as she felt the nudge, looking up at twilight as she spoke, gently nodding in agreement. “I-I know Twilight, it will all be… nice.” She looked over towards the door, slowly making her way towards it. “I should… probably be going. I think I hear Angel Bunny calling me!” suddenly, she darted through the doorway, leaving a very confused Twilight to continue sitting and thinking about what to do.

Dear Princess Celestia,
I seem to be having some trouble comprehending this whole shooting star phenomenon. No matter how many books I look through, I can’t find any information on them at all. I know that you asked me to set this whole celebration up for the occasion, but I really need to know more about everything, so that I don’t mess something up. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Your Faithful Student
Twilight Sparkle

Twilight sighed, sitting down in the middle of the large, open library as Spike sent her letter to the princess. “Spike, what do you think I should do about this whole thing? On one hoof, I want to make this the best celebration that I possibly could, but on the other hoof, I feel completely clueless about this entire thing, and I’m not sure if I could do it! This whole thing is just so confusing!” Just as she finished her quick ramble, Spike burped, sending green fire and a letter flying into the air. The letter was soon enveloped in the aura of Twilights magic, unrolling so that it may be read.

My Faithful Student Twilight,
I can see where the confusion and frustration may stem from, and I shall do my best to explain. I am going to assume that you completed the books that I have sent to you, which tell the vast majority of what is actually known about the phenomenon. Not very much research has been done on this subject, seeing as it comes only once every 500 years, but nothing about it is dangerous in any way. The falling stars are symbolic of the beauty of life, and the life cycle. An old legend spoke of the stars having magical powers, having the ability to grant wishes to those who wish hard enough. I know that this may not exactly have been what you were expecting, but this is the extent of our knowledge on the matter. I hope that this has been of some assistance to you. I know that you can make this the greatest festival that anypony will ever see.
Yours Truly,
Princess Celestia

At the thought of magical power, Twilights face instantly lit up. She excitedly began jumping around the room, doing circles around a very confused Spike who just sat there and watched. When she came to a halt, she began frantically looking around the library. “Oh Celestia where is it! I can’t start planning without my…” she was interrupted as she noticed Spike holding up a long sheet of parchment and a quill. “Yea… those…” she said, turning bright red as she strolled over to the little dragon, pulling him into a hug. “Oh Spike, what would I ever do without you!”

Food from Pinkie and AJ
Music from Fluttershy and her bird orchestra
Skies cleared by Rainbow and her weather team
Decorations by Rarity

Spike continued to write everything that Twilight said, making a list that seemed to go on forever. She continued to spout out some of the most ridiculous ideas, but usually she seemed to know what she was doing, so he just continued to write. After what seemed like forever, the list was finally done. Spike wiped the sweat from his brow, a look of accomplishment upon his face. “So where should we start Twi?” he said, scanning the list one last time before she levitated it away from him.

“Well spike, I think first we should probably round up the girls. If this festival is going to be the best it can be, we’re going to need all the help we can get. Not to mention Celestia and Luna are counting on us!” She then used her magic to open the door of the library, taking off at a decent clip, spike holding on for dear life. She had a task to complete, and minimal time to take care of everything. This festival was going to be incredible, and everypony will be talking about it for years to come.