//------------------------------// // Pinkie Sense, Cartoon Physics, and a Discovery // Story: A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria // by TimeTravelinc //------------------------------// A Science of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria Chapter 15: Pinkie Sense, Cartoon Physics, and a Discovery It was a beautiful day in Equestria in Ponyville. James was just taking a break from his experiments and decided to go for a walk with his friends. James suddenly noticed Pinkie... and she was wearing a umbrella hat. James was curious, and decided to talk to his pink friend. He soon walked up to Pinkie, confused as to why she would have it on, 'Unless she doesn't want to get a sunburn on her fa- Do ponies get sunburn?' he thought. He placed his thought about ponies getting sunburn under "Strange Questions" file of his brain. He then proceeded towards her friend. "Hey Pinkie, what's with the umbrella hat? In fact, I didn't know Equestria HAD invented umbrella hats." He then made a quick mental note to check what inventions they did had. "Of course we have umbrella hats silly. As for why I'm wearing-" Suddenly, her tail twitched. James was confused. "James, yer better high tail it for cover. Sumthin is about to fall." Applejack said, nearby. James saw AJ hide under her applecart. James was now confused by what was happening. "Why pray tell should I do thAAAAHHH-" He suddenly fell into a pot hole, a very deep pot hole. James soon pulled himself out and brushed himself off. He looked at Applejack, to which he said, "Just a coincidence." he said. He soon started to walk towards the cart. Suddenly, Pinkie's tail twitched. A flower pot fell and landed right in front of him. That caused his brain to state that, that was strike two. "K, that was a freaky coincidence." he said. Twilight soon walked up to Applejack's cart. "Hey Applejack, how's it going?" "Hide Twilight, Pinkie's tail is twitchin'." Applejack said. Twilight panicked and ran to a nearby tree. "Alright, that's enough. Why are all of you guys so jumpy?" At the exact moment, Pinkie's tail started to twitched again, and Derpy soon fell from the sky, landing right in front of him. She muttered something, then sat up. "Are you James R.?" she said. James was still shocked, but nodded slowly. She handed him a clipboard, then wrote his signature on it. Derpy nodded, then gave him the package. She then flew off. "Ok. Once is a coincidence. Twice is a freaky coincidence. Three times, something strange is happening, and your..." He paused for a moment, then said, "Pinkie, what do you call your Sixth Sense?" "My Pinkie Sense." she said. James nodded slowly, then said, "I had a feeling it was somewhat obvious." Twilight came out of her hiding spot, looking at the man of science. "Wait, you believe that the Pinkie Sense is real!" she said. James nodded. Twilight looked at him, even more confused. "Why?" she said. James smiled, then said, "Because my dear Twilight, Once is a coincidence. Twice is a freaky coincidence. Three times, and well... you basically get the idea." Twilight was surprised. "Basically, Pinkie gave me proof that her sixth sense was real." He suddenly had an idea, then looked at Pinkie. He then said, "Hey Pinkie, how would you like to be part of scientific history?" he said. Pinkie looked at him, then thought about it for a moment. Five Minutes Later... James placed the helmet onto Pinkie's head, then said, "Don't worry, this won't hurt you. The device is going to just scan your brain with harmless lasers, that are in the earpiece." He then plugged the helmet, into the computer. The helmet soon started to come to life, then James turned the dial from "Rage" to "Brain Scanner" Soon, the helmet whirred to life, as the light soon started to come on. The buttons, switches, and lights all started to do things, Lights blinked on and off, as the device made mechanical noises. James looked at what the computer was telling him about Pinkie. He was curious on why and how she was able to do certain things. He then realized that the computer would take an hour just to map out her brain, so he decided to show Twilight some shows on TV. Over the past week or so, James was able to send signals into space-time making a satellite (built from nothing but a crystal, some duct tape, chewing gum, a satellite dish and a flux capacitor) He used it to get TV signals which brought him even closer to achieving his dream of getting back to Earth. (However, his plan was to just visit it every so often, and live on the Earth in Ponyville) Twilight was interested in James' culture, so she would stay to watch some of his shows. James did however warn her that humans were violent, but not all humans. She was however interested on strange quotes that he seemed to make up. She ended finding it out by him introducing the internet. (Again, he cautioned her) She found out what it was James quoted on, and usually made fun of her by ways of memes. He then introduced her to others, including websites that introduced the basic idea of fandom (Plus and minuses, while trying to avoid some inappropriate things.) and the fun behind it. She understood it, and took the idea of following TV shows was fun. James was once again, searching the TV for something to watch. 'Ooo, Powerpuff girls. I've always wanted to show Twilight this show.' "Hey, click on that one!" Pinkie exclaimed. James was looking at what Pinkie was pointing at, and was confused. "My Little Pony?" he then looked at Pinkie, "Seriously?" "Watch it, it will change everything and explain nothing, and yet it will make sense so much that-." James held up his hands, then said, "Alright, I'll watch it. But, I feel like I'm going to regret this." James said. He clicked on it, just as it was coming on. "Once upon a time..." The Next day... James turned off the TV in shock, understanding what Pinkie had just said... Several hours ago. He looked at Twilight who was just as much of shock as James. They both looked at each other, then back at Pinkie. She looked back at them, then said, "And that was just Season 1." she said. Suddenly, the machine dinged, which started James and Twilight. James looked at the machine, jumped up, then looked at the monitors. "Huh, took longer than I expected." he said. James then looked back at Pinkie Pie, then said, "How long?" Pinkie thought for a moment, then said, "Since Twilight came into Ponyville." Twilight was even in more shock. James calculated the time compared to the episodes, "That means about the beginning of Season 1 to now... I think." He then grabbed a nearby chalkboard, and flipped it. He then started to draw some other people in it, including a anamorphic rabbit with a carrot. "This may also confirm my second theory about Pinkie." he said. He continued to draw cartoon characters, as Twilight looked at his drawings. He then stopped and looked at her. "Twilight, what do all of these," he started, emphasizing the drawings on the chalkboard, "have in common?" Twilight looked at them, then said, "They're all weird looking." James looked at the drawings with a straight face, then said, "Besides that." Pinkie raised her hand, hopping like a kid with a question who was impatient. "They all follow Cartoon Physics?" James pointed at her, like she got it, which she did. He then pointed at each one, and said their names. "Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker, Animaniacs, Roger Rabbit. All of them follow a set of physics that seem to defy normal physics all in the name of humor." he said. James then grabbed some DVDs and pulled out the first one, which was "The Three Stooges". Then, they started to watch more, moving on to the animations. As they watched, James explained to her the idea of humor, and creatures (like Pinkie Pie) could defy physics, but never replace them completely. As she watched, she realized that Pinkie wasn't the only one to survive what happened to her. "James, could this... cartoon physics have a effect on other ponies?" she asked. James thought for a moment, then said, "I think so. The physics here aren't exactly strict," he then looked at her with a confused look, "Why?" Twilight tapped her hooves, then said, "Well because, I seemed to have survived getting blunt objects dropped on my head, or the occasional door slamming." James just raised an eyebrow at Twilight. Then suddenly Pinkie said, "There's also a fandom." Pinkie's note seemed to hit James like a ton of bricks, then he quickly ran to the computer and started looking up information. Five seconds later, he returned, unlatching Pinkie from the helmet. He then said, "Follow me." and soon sped off, with Pinkie and Twilight close behind. He then started looking on Youtube for the show. "..." There were over a thousand results, some involving the real episodes of MLP:FIM. He clicked on one. This was what they saw. When it ended, James realized who made it. "Doggunnit MAD. Why?" James then started looking for more videos to make him feel better. He then found one. Twilight was shocked again as she realized that her event with the "Pinkie Sense" was actually now a song. "What? Someone has just ponifyed a song?" "And a Beatles song no less." Pinkie said. James looked at her, then said, "You've been through my CD Collection again, haven't you?" Pinkie just gave him a sheepish smile, like she forgot to tell him. James wasn't impressed, then said, "Alright, who else has been?" "Well, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were listening to some album called... At least... I think it was called "Hemispheres"?" James looked at her with shock. "One of my Rush CDs?" he exclaimed, "I don't know if Fluttershy would handle it. It's kinda loud." he said, thinking about it. He then he turned back to her and said, "This discussion isn't over." He then went and started looking for other things. After a while, things started getting strange and interesting as he found a website filled with Fan Fiction, when suddenly his watch went off. "Guys, we'll have to continue with this tomorrow." James said. Both mares awwed, as James held his hands up as if to say 'Hold on' "Now guys, we have to get back to our jobs, so that means that we have to leave my house... well, except for me, and go home." James said. Both thought this through, then nodded, realizing that it was true. They couldn't avoid their responsibilities any longer. They both said goodnight to him, then left. James checked his watch then yelled, "It's only three o' clock." He waved it off, then went back to doing more research on this new discovery, making notes along the way.