The Lucas Chronicles #5: The Rescue

by AkemiTheSunbro

Chapter 1

Hello. My name is Lucas. First thing I should make note of, I'm a human living in the 'magical' world of Equestria. How I got here, however, is an entirely different story for another day. But since you're here, I'm assuming you've heard of the Television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yeah, they don't role the cameras when I'm around, and when I am around and they desperately want a certain moment, they tell me to basically sit in a corner and be quiet, just because I'm a human. Bull crap, I know, but what can ya do? I should probably also note that the one known as Twilight Sparkle has allowed me to live in her tree library with her for the time being. Anyway, lots of funny stuff happens between the 'Mane 6', as I remember the Internet used to call them, and myself when the cameras are not rolling. This is one of those times.
"What happened?" Derpy asked as Twilight walked through the door of her library.
"Well," Twilight started. "an ancient, evil entity of chaos was released, he turned us into the opposites of ourselves, minus Lucas, probably because he's human, and we used the Elements of Harmony to defeat him. What's odd though, when Celestia said this happened the last time, about a thousand years ago, he was turned into stone. But this time, he straight up disappeared. I assume he was disintegrated."
"You do realize taking care of your enemies would be easier with a gun, right? And, also, where's Lucas?" Derpy's questions continued as she spun one of her handguns around in her hoof.
"You know what? Some of us aren't from the future and thus, we don't have access to guns. Please don't spin it like that. I've seen you use it and frankly, I'm quite terrified of it. As for Lucas, he went to hang out with Fluttershy for a while. Now if you'll excuse me, I am exhausted from that entire incident. Good night." Twilight said.
"But it's only ten o'clock in the morni-"
"Good night!" She cut Derpy off. Derpy sighed. She had nothing to do, so she tried to hang out with my human friends. Jeremy and Ben were playing Xbox. "Hey guys. Wanna do something?"
Ben quickly answered, "No."
Followed by Jeremy, "Go away."
"Well then." Derpy said. Maybe I should ask Isaac. she thought. She walked downstairs, only to find Isaac sleeping. Nevermind. She didn't know much about Isaac, but she knew if she woke him up, she forfeited life. And she really didn't want to die today. Finding nothing else to do, she grabbed a muffin out of the pantry and set it on the table. Surprisingly, that muffin kept her occupied all day.
The next day, she found a deck of playing cards. Not sure what to do with them, she brought them home, set them on the table and stared at them. This went on for quite a while until Isaac eventually came up and said, "Hmm. Cards. I'm going to teach you how to play poker."
That's a start. Ben and Jeremy soon joined them.
Maybe we're actually starting to become friends! She thought, ...Or maybe they've just reached the pinnacle of boredom like I have. She figured that that was actually the logical solution.
Either way, the deck of cards kept the four of them occupied for another day.
On the next morning, Twilight finally woke up, but only because Fluttershy came and slammed the door, panting. "Lucas... Creatures... Darkness... And-"
"Slow down." Twilight said. "Take a deep breath. Now, what about Lucas?"
"What's wrong?" Derpy asked.
Fluttershy followed Twilight's instructions, and said, "Lucas was on his way home from my house the night we defeated Discord, but he was attacked by these shadowy dark creatures and they took him away. He fought back, but there were so many and he couldn't fight them all..."
"That was three days ago." Jeremy said. "Why'd- nevermind, I don't care."
Ben spoke, "I think Jeremy means to ask, why's this information surfacing now? It's been three days."
"Umm..." Fluttershy whimpered, "I got scared... So I hid... Those creatures were in town all throughout the past couple days, ever since they took Lucas."
"What?!" Twilight exclaimed. They all walked over to the window and looked outside. Sure enough, instead of ponies, the shadow creatures took their place.
"Huh," Ben marveled. "so there are shadow creatures out there."
"WHAT?!?" Twilight yelled. "How could've you not known about this?!?"
Jeremy laughed. "Psh! We're homeschooled gamers! We don't go outside! That's just stupid if you thought we would!"
Derpy spoke, "I was distracted by a muffin..."
Twilight hit her forehead with her hoof and said, "Well, we need to find Lucas in order to stop Chrysalis."
"On it." Derpy said as she grabbed her handguns and attached them to her hip. Then, as if out of nowhere, she strapped a sub machine gun to her back, then grabbed a muffin and also attached that to her hip. Then, she gathered supplies, such as ammunition for her guns.
Jeremy spoke, "I would ask where that SMG came from, but frankly, I don't care."
"You don't think that, with the chance of Reapers being summoned, I'd leave my timeline without more firepower, do you?" She said.
"I said I didn't care!" Jeremy said, irritated.
Twilight explained, "I feel an immense amount of dark energy from the Everfree forest. That might be your best bet Derpy."
"Alright. C'mon guys. Let's go rescue Lucas." She began to walk out, but she noticed that my human friends didn't follow her. "Guys? Don't you want to rescue Lucas?"
Isaac spoke first. "Lucas took my penny. He's a freaking piece of bullcrap. Whatever caught him, he can deal with on his own."
"AGH!" Ben complained. "That's effort."
"No." Jeremy said as he sat down the middle of the room.
"No." Jeremy cut her off.
Derpy sighed. "Looks like I'm going in alone." she thought. She walked out the door and looked upon the hordes of shadow creatures. Derpy smiled and said, "Just wild heaven."
She drew her handguns and fought through the hordes of creatures, making her way to the Everfree forest. She wondered where all the ponies were, but then figured they had just hid indoors when the shadows invaded. She eventually made it to the Everfree forest, and dashed inside. "That's odd," she said, "there doesn't seem to be any shadow creatures here. Hmm. Twilight said this is where the dark energy was coming from... But I don't see anything..."
Just then, she noticed the shadow creatures were all leaving the forest from one place. "It looks like they're coming from the old castle... That must be it! That must be where the dark energy is coming from!" She ran along the path she and I had taken when we pursued Nightmare Moon. She continued fighting through the waves of shadows, eventually making her way to the castle.
Inside the castle, she noticed the creatures pouring out the lower levels of the castle. So, she did the most sensible thing to do in that situation. She ran down the nearest hallway, descending to the lower levels. She noticed that the corridors got increasingly more narrow as she went, until only a single pony could fit at a time.
She continued to fight the creatures in front of when, out of nowhere, she heard a growl behind her. She looked behind her and saw a shadow creature readying to attack. "Crap." Derpy whispered as she turned and aimed her handguns. But as she was about to fire, a large key looking blade protruded from the shadow's chest area. The shadow disintegrated to reveal Ben and his duel Keyblades.
"Ben?!? You came!" Derpy exclaimed, surprised.
"Let's get something straight." He stated. "I'm not here to help you. Heck, I don't even think we need Lucas. I'm pretty sure we could handle the changeling 'threat' without him. But Jeremy, Isaac and I decided that he's the only one of us that knows anything about you guys... Needless to say, we did Rock Paper Scissors to decide who should go. I won, but Isaac continued to call Lucas a worthless piece of crap, and Jeremy just said, 'No.' and sat in the middle of the floor... That, and I kinda owe Lucas for blowing up his house in Terraria."
"Well, for whatever reason," Derpy said, "I'm glad your here. Now, come on. I think the energy is coming from this way!" They continued along the narrow corridor, fighting through waves of shadow creatures until coming upon an open space that didn't shine any light. Derpy put away her handguns.
Then, candles mysteriously lit, revealing what was in the cavern. They heard clapping and a voice speak. "Ah, the future pony and a human." Ben and Derpy turned to the voice who was still clapping. They couldn't describe what the holder of the voice was. "Congratulations for making it all the way here to me. Bravo! Bravo!" He stopped clapping. "Ah, but I see you are confused. I am Discord, god of chaos, and king of pandemonium. And what are you? A pony without an eye and a worthless man? Hah! What is a man to a king? Better yet, what is a king to a god?"
Ben replied, "...And what is a god to a non-believer. Your not my God. You can never even hope to come close to him." He readied his Keyblades to attack.
"Well, that won't be very fun." Discord said, now sitting at a makeshift throne. He snapped his fingers and Ben's Keyblades disappeared out of his hands and reappeared beside Discord's throne, along with one of Derpy's handguns.
Ben looked at his hands then back to Discord then shouted, "What? That's bullcrap! That doesn't even make any sense!"
Derpy looked at her hip and said, "He took my pistol!"
"Much better." Discord smiled. "Silly human, that's what chaos is! It doesn't make sense!" Just then, Derpy pulled the muffin on her hip, chucked it at Discord, and it exploded in his face.
As the smoke cleared, Ben was shocked, "Did... Did that muffin just... explode? How- on second thought, I don't wanna know."
The smoke cleared completely, revealing Discord completely unharmed. "Ah, you'll have to do better than that, my little pony. Now, how did you enjoy my army of Shadows?" As he said that, shadow creatures, now called Shadows, completely surrounded them. Literally, hundreds of them filled that cavern. "I hear you were quite the commander in your timeline." He spoke to Derpy. "You could be one again, commanding my Shadows, having them do your bidding. All you have to do is bow before me."
Derpy seriously considered this. With this army, we could even stand up against the Reapers!
...No. The Discord of my time was a liar and a deceiver. "...die..." She whispered. She pulled out her SMG and Ben dropped to the ground, because, y'know, he didn't really have the desire to be shot as she opened fire on all the Shadows and yelled, "Die... Die... Die... Die. Die. Die. Die! Die! Die! Die! DIE! DIE! DIE!! DIE!!!! DIE!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Click! Her SMG ran out of ammo. She threw it on the ground and drew her other handgun and continued to fire on all the Shadows, until Discord himself was the only enemy left. She aimed the barrel of the pistol straight at him. "Now," she said. "where's Lucas? I know you took him!"
"Whatever do you mean, my dear?" Discord asked sarcastically.
"Hey guys! What're you doing here?" A voice called.
Derpy lowered her gun, looked to the voice and said excitedly, "Lucas!"
"In the flesh." I said. "I woke up like ten minutes ago in a jail cell. Whoever the idiot was that captured me forget to lock the cell door-" I looked at Discord. "-And it's Discord. I guess I should have figured that one out.
"Oh hey, Ben's here! Let me guess, Derpy started looking for me but none of you followed. Then, for whatever reason you guys decided you wanted to save me but none of you really felt like it, so you all played Rock Paper Scissors and you won, but neither Jeremy nor Isaac wanted to come. Jeremy I assume just said, 'No.' and I assume Issac is still mad that I borrowed that penny. So you decided to come partially because no else would, and partially because you wanted to make up for blowing my house in Terraria. How'd I do?"
He replied, "Yeah, that's basically what happened. And don't worry, I'm sure Isaac will get over that whole penny thing eventually... Maybe."
Derpy interjected, "Lucas, are you okay? I'm glad we found you-" she was cut short by a gunshot sound followed by blood flowing out of Derpy's stomach. Her eyes grew wide in shock as she looked down and touched the point of impact, making her hoof all bloody. She looked up to Ben and I, who probably had the same look of shock on our own faces. She fell to her knees, coughed a bit of blood, then passed out on the stone as her face hit the ground. I looked to Discord, who was aiming Derpy's other pistol down the sights, with smoke still coming from the barrel.
"Oh boy," he said, "I really should get one of these!"
"Chaos Control!" I grabbed my Chaos Emerald and yelled. Time slowed as I drew Chillrend to attack. He tried firing at me, but was too slow. Time returned to normal as I kicked Derpy's gun away and slashed him, causing him to freeze everywhere except his face. I positioned the tip of my blade at his throat.
"Well," he said. "you got me. Now, finish me. Do what you must. Conclude this chaotic play. Just remember. All the world is a stage. Are you the main character, or just a supporting role?"
I spoke. "Ben, grab your Keyblades and Derpy's guns. I feel we may need to make a hasty exit to stage right." I took a moment to ponder Discord's question as Ben gathered up the weapons. "I would pray that I'm just a supporting role."
"What?" It was Discord's turn to look shocked.
I elaborated. "You see, the main role belongs to God and God alone. Wanna know why?" I sheathed Chillrend. "There's actually way too many reasons for me to even count. One of the most important being that He gives us second chances even when we screw up. Not only does he give us second chances when we throw our hands up, He gives us third chances and fourth chances and so on and so forth. And you see, that's why I'm cool with being the background, playing the supporting role. I know I screw up. But when I do, God still forgives me time and time again. And that's why I don't want the lead role. I mean why gain the whole world, if I'm just going to lose my soul because of it? And so, I want to extend God's same love and forgiveness to you, despite the fact that you just shot my friend."
Discord continued to look shocked. "Wow. That's some God you got there. So, your going to let me off Scott-Free."
I laughed. "Hahaha! No. While I forgive you, you still have consequences to your actions. Because I believe kidnapping, attempted murder, and invasion are all capital crimes. I'ma just let the princess handle that. Which reminds me, I should probably get Derpy to a hospital before she bleeds to death. C'mon Ben." We walked over Derpy's comatose body, with me dragging Discord the ice block. We gathered around the body and I said, "Chaos... Control!"
We warped out of that cave, leaving only a pool of Derpy's blood.
Derpy gasped as she sat up. "Where am I?" She asked. "What happened?" She looked down at her stomach and remembered that she was shot by Discord.
"Easy there," I said. "Everything's alright now. The doctors got the bullet out quickly and easily and you're all bandaged up. Just don't move around too much." Derpy looked around to see her hospital bed was surrounded by myself, Twilight, Fluttershy, and even Ben was there, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pocket.
Twilght was the next to speak. "Thank goodness you're awake! I'm so relieved!"
Fluttershy quietly said, "I'm... umm... glad you're okay..."
Derpy spoke, "So, everything is all right now?"
"Yep." I answered. "Discord is on trial for many crimes, the Shadows have all disappeared, you're healing nicely, and Ben even has a compliment for you."
Ben finally spoke. "I hate to say it, and trust me, I REALLY hate to say it, but... You're not a bad fighter."
Derpy smiled. "Thanks, neither are you. Now, who wants to learn how to play poker?"
We all laughed as Derpy dealt out the playing cards.