
by Layne Mittens

Chapter five part 2: Not so Welcome Home

"Princess what is going on? Why can't Fluttershy hear this?" Twilight asked feeling as guilty as she probably ever was before, knowing the others probably felt the same way.
The Princess sighed, "My dear young princess and student, Twilight, I hoped this wouldn't happen, but Fluttershy is in great danger this deals with her past, her family, and her future. I'm sending you to Triple Equasia, her homeland. It is a land ruled by Princess Infinate, she is a wise young princess who is a dear friend of mine, one of her and Equestria's most hated foes could annihilate our lives-"
"E-qu-asia, haha that's a funny word!" Pinkie accidentally interrupted. "Who names a town Triple Equasia anyway?"
Celestia grinned and continued, "Triple Equasia was named for 'The Ultimate Three' they are a powerful, group who can and are one of the only who can defeat enemy's like the ones you will be facing. The creature you will be facing is called Lord Reaper, he is a terrible villain who's goals are too traumatizing and heartless for me to say. He is close to be awakened and fully powerful, and even now he is able to do horrible things. If he becomes fully powerful, Equestria could be doomed, without the 'The Ultimate Three' "
"Princess if the 'The Ultimate Three', is one of the only ponies who can defeat him, then why do you need us?" Twilight asked.
"That is a good question Twilight. The thing is 'The Ultimate Three' is well is apart they are separated and in a bad state of condition and situation. You can use the Elements of Harmony to temporarily defeat him, but we need you all to help fight and find 'The Ultimate Three'. You need to help unlock the secrets we need, to get rid of Lord Reaper once and for all!"
"I'm confused! Where does Fluttershy have too do with this?" Rainbow Dash worriedly asked.
"All good questions Princess Infinate will explain this all to you, for now all I can tell you she is a key to this puzzle and she can do many things."
"Hello?" Fluttershy's echoed through a long hallway. A dark colored Alicorn came out of the shadows tiredly.
"Ah Fluttershy"
"Princess Luna, you wanted to see me."
Luna nodded, "Yes, I do. I hear you want to learn about your past."
Fluttershy shockingly looked up, "How did you, how could you."
Luna stopped her, "I am the Princess of the night, I can see into your dreams. I also have resources. And I can help you."
"You can please tell me everything!"
"The things I can tell you are limited, but I want to say you aren't nothing Fluttershy your destiny is very special. You have great power, with that comes great responsibility. What you want to learn is dangerous, you have to trust me. Your past and future is dangerous. Someday it will make sense and you will know. Your destiny will be fulfilled. Your mind is very curious, but take cation. For now I can tell or well give you this." Luna handed her a gold plated pendant shaped like a star in the sky, looking more like a butterfly with sharp pointed wings. "Open it." Inside played three fierce alicorn drawings spinning around, actually spinning around a sign made no sense. She had no idea what it meant. It resembled a ... A little musical sound played, that sounded so familiar. The three alicorns looked so familiar.
Luna closed it, "Don't look at it for too long." Futtershy felt so confused and felt as tough she being treated like a child. What was with all the secrets?! "This belonged to you from along time ago, hopefully you will learn your true self, but not your uh-" Luna paused.
"Past?" Futtershy finished what she knew Luna was going to say in the nicest way possible. Luna nodded as she crowned the necklace on her neck. Fluttershy smiled as she held it in her hoof. The music played over again like a music box. Her heart pounded as she wished she could just know! No more secrets!
Celestia walked thought the doors, she gesturered them to come out. Luna walked gracefully next to Fluttershy. The image turned to her friends. Rarity smiled at Fluttershy, as she sat next to her. "Girls I'm sending my sister with you to help figure out the evil darkness." Luna looked up shockingly. "You must follow in the correct footsteps for this to work! the fate of Equestria and Triple Equasia is in your hands. Fluttershy began to notice Luna normally was left out in all the missions. Celestia was always the center of attention. "It'll take about a week to get there by train so I'm sending you all by a teleportation spell on the train. Actually Luna shall start off the spell! Off you go now good luck!" They all stood up and stood close to one another. They hurried down the tall steps and on to the wet, slippery roads.
Every pony boarded quickly. They dried off with towels one of the train butlers handed out. Luna lead them to the car behind the engine a small room filled with just windows and tables and chairs to the side. Luna's dark blue magic roamed over her horn as the train started to speed up and the horizon faded.
The speed was ultimately fast, even inside Fluttershy's long pink hair wooshed to the back of her. Rainbow Dash spit out Fluttershy's hair as it flew into her mouth. Fluttershy squeaked guilty and grabbed into her hair.
The horizon faded to white then to a place that seemed very unfamiliar. The sky was starry and a dark faded turquoise. Every pony seemed to float. "Where are we?" Twilight was the only to speak.
"Infinity, enjoy this picture while it lasts, this beauty won't last forever!" Luna acted like an encyclopedia. Fluttershy looked around, it was beautiful and almost as peaceful as laying in a quiet field with bunnies. 'Or knowing the fact you defeated impairing creatures from the world!' Fluttershy thought automatically. She shivered at the thought.
Luna was right it only last for a few moments, as they became memories. The new image coming to picture was a bright beautiful sky, with ironically dark clouds to the way left. The doors opened letting in a nice warm breeze. The girls and Spike stepped off the train. "Ooh this place is beautiful where are my sunglasses and hat, to match summery weather?" Rarity looked through her bag. Fluttershy placed hers in her back.
Luna leaded them to a giant palace, like a tourist guide. Her neck felt so different with the pendent on. She opened it up as it played music played and the ponies were like holograms same with the dove. She closely looked at each Alicorn one looked like herself, in a way but this one had a yellow ombré body and a horn with waiver hair.
She also noticed the other two ponies. One looked like the princess in her dreams and the young colt each looking older than she remembered seeing before. Although it was forbidden she just wanted to know why? What was her past? What was her destiny. Luna looked over as she quickly closed it.
Fluttershy looked up, "Ooh why aren't the ponies crossing the street? Is it illegal here or ooh! Are we a parade we need a flugelhorn for a parade!" Luna laughed and shook her head. Each pony stared at them as though they were famous. They whispered to one another, still staring. Their skepticism and excitement escalated. Soon the whole town had gathered around them talking even louder. Ponies snapped pictures and bounced up and down, they made Pinkie Pie seem like a calm and gentle pony.
"Could it be her?"
"Is that the princess!"
"Has she returned?!"
"Can I have your autograph?!" One bowed to her and held up a price of paper. Luna sighed as Fluttershy signed it.
"They must be talking about Twilight, but I didn't know it spread this fast!" Little did Fluttershy know they weren't talking about Twilight.
"Ya me either!" Twilight said slowly. "Maybe they want friends of the princesses?" Soon ponies were cheering, Fluttershy feared what would come next, grabbing them or attacking them. Or something worse. The all kept shouting, "Princess! Princess!" 'Twilight must be very popular' Fluttershy thought to herself. They speed up to a trot as Luna held her wings against Fluttershy and Twilight for protection. Spike came to Twilight's side as Rainbow did to Fluttershy. 'Why am I suddenly so important?! What happened to the Fluttershy nobody knew?!' She thought once more.
Some royal guards assisted them as they shooed away the audience. They without fighting backed away. They stood before a light blue faded with grey shiny palace. Deja vu came to her mind, like she had been her before. By that was impossible as far as she remembered she had only ever gone to Ponyville and Cloudsdale, also the places they had gone on missions.
The air soon became quiet as a Pegasus stepped out, he was so familiar so amazing. He was talking to some pony, then stopped as though something caught his eye.
An ombré grey body, with magnificent wings and adorable blue, spiky layered hair, with cute little hinted gold and purple stripes. His eyes were a soft forest green, which came with a crooked smile with some dimples to match. He was perfect. Something one pony could only dream of. The stallion was dressed in a cute nerdy type glasses that just fit right on him, that made him even better.
Fluttershy smiled and sighed in a happy romantic way. She looked to see the feelings were mutual as he gazed at her back. It was a romantic staring contest. Her heart felt warm and glowy. He mind felt as though he was just so important, like he was part if her destiny.
From the distance, not breaking the 'love spell', "The 'heck, love at first sight? Oh dear Celestia. They just fricken saw each other for not even five seconds!" Spike criticized.
"Oh Spike shush! I think it is wonderful, I bet they are perfect for each other I can just hear the wedding bells ringing! Ooh!" Rarity rambled.
Twilight did a facepalm, "They're just two pegasi who are looking awkwardly at each other! It's not like the know each other so they aren't in love! Futtershy. Probably saw something interesting."
"Fluttershy and that guy who's name I don't know, sitting in a tree k-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage." Pinkie teased. Applejack hit Pinkie in a shut up kind of way.
Fluttershy and the other pegasus blinked in embarrassment. They both shook their heads at the silly moment. The grey pegasus introduced himself, "Uh hello ladies and dragon." Spike frowned. "I am Blazing Wings squire/assistant/knight to the princess."
"Blazing Wings." Fluttershy caught herself saying. Dash pushed her playfully.
"Hello Blazing Wings, I'll introduce you to the helpers." Luna stepped forward. "This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Futtershy!"
"Fluttershy." Blazing Wings whispered. He then smiled. "We haven't much time I shall escort you to your rooms." Blazing Wings stood close to Fluttershy. He grinned at her and she returned it. He lead the girls into a ginormous palace. It was at least twice the size of the Palace in The Crystal Empire. The walls were filled with shiny glossy columns. He lead them across the room to a wide set of spiral stairs.
There were so many twists and turns in the palace, Fluttershy didn't understand how a princess and her servants could get around. He lead them to a long narrow hallway that turned into a balcony and two other giant rooms all on the end. Around them were a bunch of doors. A sign was held to each door with a cutie mark telling who's room was who's.
"How do they know what our cutie marks are?" Rainbow Dash questioned, narrowing at Blazing Wings.
"The princess's talent is time and spirit. She must have gone back to see you all. Each room should please the uniqueness of each one if you." Futtershy looked to the room next to here with a lightening butterfly on the door.
"What's that room for?"
"Uh please don't go in there it is a mess and uh." Fluttershy nodded skeptically. She opened her door that lead to a nice sunny room filled with art stuff and and plant themed furniture.
"Nice isn't it. I've always wanted a room like this!" The squire walked in.
"Ya the princess did a good job designing it."
"So uh Fluttershy, I know we just met, but uh I was wondering if you wanted to see the Palace garden we just put it in a month ago. And from this room I can you must like animals and agriculture stuff."
"Ya, animals are just adorable creatures."
"I like them to, but when they are nice to me."
"So um uh would you like to I mean you don't have to cause I'm sure you very .busy and-"
"I would love to go to the garden with you." She shushed him. She smiled very excitedly.
"It would be faster if we flew down from the- Oh!" He looked to see Fluttershy's wing cast. "May I ask what happened?"
"Some terrible creatures attacked my town, so I fought to save my friends and home. They hit me terribly." Blazing wings eyes widened. He shook his head and gestured her to follow him. I private stairs opened up from nowhere. He patted the seat and asked her to sit next to him on the rail. Hesitantly she jumped up on it. "Now just slide away!" She closed her eyes and squeaked. He looked at her concernly, "Don't worry it's safe, but if you need to hold on to me that's fine. Hold on tight!" And she did. She quickly clung to him. He smiled. He kicked back and off they went sliding down the hidden wide spiral stairs. She briefly let go as she started to enjoy it. She began to learn to tolerate and take a risk. The ride lasted for a minute or two. They fell onto a patch of soft grass. She had landed next to him as she helped him up.
She followed Blazing Wings to a huge garden that felt like a beautiful forest. Birds sang everywhere the flowers were in bloom and so beautiful. A bunny came up to her and sniffed her legs. She smiled and petted her head. Blazing Wings had left to examine a tree still keeping an eye on Shy.
A humming bird and canary flew by her. She held a hoof out, to give them a place to sit. She mimicked their song, as it made her think of her own. Her song So Many Wonders, the song she sang when she first came to low ground, or the first time she remembered.
A miming bird flew next her, it could mimic anything. She decided to sing her song and it of course followed along. "What is this place filled with so many wonders!" The voice had startled her, she turned to see that Blazing Wings felt embarrassed as though her scared her. "Sorry, I just-uh-it was a beautiful song. You have an amazing voice Fluttershy." He too had squeaked. A squirrel came up to him as he petted him softly. "So Blazing Wings what do you uh do?"
"He laughed besides being a squire guard I like to come out to the garden for peace." He looked at her necklace. "That's really pretty." She opened it as it played the tune and the three alicorns. "My mom told me a ledgend about something like this, about three born royalty members who put their talents together creating hope and with that they could fight against anything. Oh and if you want you can just call me Wings." Their conversation ended with a huge roll of thunder. Blaring like it started right inside your ears. Futtershy screamed and hid under him. He rubbed her in compassion. "It's okay we are safe the trees have a ancient magic spell to protect us from the thunder and lightening." Futtershy got up and once again started talking to him about animals and the ecosystem. Disguising her from the panic she felt deep inside.
"I wonder what the princess is going to be like." Twilight paced herself in a huge room next to the balcony. The room was really empty except for the occasional tables and statues. The main thing in the room was the high column windows and a huge floor geyser-like fountain.
"I bet she is divine!" Rarity squealed.
"We'll if she is that 'divine' then she doesn't have to take for ever!" Rainbow Dash said hinting that she was very annoyed.
"I wonder if she likes games! Ooh we should through a party while we are here. To bad Vinyl is sick she could dj it! Maybe the princess knows how to dj!"
"Did some pony call my name?" They all turned to see a tall Alicorn with a ombré green body and misty textured and colored flowey mane. She had an odd purple shaded eye color. "Hello Luna and you all must be Fluttershy's friends."
"How do you know Fluttershy?" Applejack skeptically asked raising a brow.
The princess gave herself a facepalm, " I suppose you're all curious and I should begin."My name is Princess Infinate the princess of time and spirit."
"Oh! Oh! Can you travel through time?!" Pinkie bounced up and down.
The princess nodded. Every pony awed except Dash. "How does that have to do with Fluttershy?"
She calmly told them, "Fluttershy is my sister." Every pony except Luna and Infinate gasped.
"Wait that would make her a-" Rarity began.
"Yes a princess."
"But why does she not remember of this?" Twilight asked.
"The thing is girls look over there you see a roll of thunder over a tiny town in the distance. That was once ruled to Lord Reaper who left his citizens in terrifying poverty. My people tried to go against him to stop his darkness and free his citizens. He is a soul sucker who kills the innocent. He and his demons favor alicorn blood most of all. I had cast a spell on him that caused my sister amnesia. I thought I had put him away for good, but the more she learns the more it is able to harm others. You must do your best to use the Elements of Harmony without her knowing what is going on. And she can't know I'm here or else total chaos."
"Poor Fluttershy and poor you of course not being able to be with your family for years it must have been." Rarity said holding back a couple of tears. The princess too was trying not to cry.
"But what exactly do you want us to do?" Twilight changed the subject.
"Celestia said your elements of harmony could help have a temporary solution for the problem. Also help find 'The Ultimate three'. I'm sure you've learned about them. Some how using the elements of harmony could unlock the puzzle to our ancient library. That holds all, but is hidden and doesn't walk along the ground we do. What might help you is this." She gave Twilight a necklace that was shaped like a butterfly with sharp wings. Ancient symbols were written on the back. "Can you figure out a way to activate it?"
"We will do our best princess! I have no idea how, but it can't be that hard. Solving a mystery might be fun girls. Where do we start?!"
Soul walker:
Something wasn't right I could feel it. He told me to look in those weak pathetic eyes and 'take care of it'. He told me to kill it. My leader told me fate wanted me to be a heartless killer. That that was all I was. It felt interesting as I bit into a beige colored pony, its soul filled through me as it felt easier to walk, to run, to KILL. A little high pitched voice came from the distance.
I shook my head as my ear twitched every time I heard it. I shook my head again and decided to follow it. The voice kept laughing, not at me I hope.
I came to a dead end revealing a creepy looking butterfly. I stared at as it flew in a circle. It then disappeared into thin air. I raised an invisible brow.
More sound played this time a siren blared through my ears I dropped low as it irritated me though it gave me my new mission. I backed up and didn't do as told, it felt different.
Smoke flared around me, I had the sudden urge to kill once again. My eyes started to glow. My heart for once started to work as it glowed too. Pain filled through me, but like it was a badge, though I still wanted to sink my teeth into some pony's soul, just less. I tasted the blood in my teeth still lusting for it, but had an off taste.
I tried to run and did. I backed away, what had just happened. I followed back to my master. Wondering, but clueless. And worried to know.
"Okay so open your eyes!" Wings had lead her up to a different part of the Palace. She opened them to reveal a sunset colored sky, turning the ground below them in beautiful colors. She looked down. It was so far down so very far! She wobbled as he steadied her. She was on top of a balcony rail. "Stay steady. Now pull your arms back and let the wind through." She did as told and the beat against her as though she was flying. It felt amazing. The sun beat against her giving her a warm summery glow.
She felt invincible. She stretched back as she heard the beautiful birds song. Accidentally leaning forward she slid down the rail and into thin air. She screamed, being traumatized. She kicked gently, instead if a panicking way. She kept turning, as so did her heart. Wings mouth dropped and didn't hesitate to fly down. She nearly the ground as he scooped her up. She once again hung on to him. He gently placed her back on the balcony. She ducked her head, "th-thank you, you saved me."
"Fluttershy are you alright?"
She nodded, "Just a little traumatized."
"I'm glad your alright" He helped her up.
"You saved my life!"
"Of course I would do anything for you!" He once again gazed at her. Fluttershy backed up, now that was cute, but creepy.
"Wait... What?! Your acting as if had we known each other a long time ago, instead of not even twenty-four hours!" He smiled guiltily and whispered idiot to himself. She ran forward in question and confusion.
"Fluttershy wait I'm sorry!" He called from behind. She kept on running. What was with all these secrets. She shut her eyes going into the nearest room. Her face hit something hard. She opened them to see Dash looking at her with wide eyes, same with the others.
"What the?" She looked over to see, to see. "Infinate!"
The Alicorn turned, "Fluttershy." A crashing rumbling sound came from nowhere, but only Fluttershy seemed to notice. Her head started to pound her vision got blurry and she wobbled backward, hitting once again some black horizon.