My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The last of the Dark Kingdom

by Shadowponyty

Chapter 3: A friend in need

Chapter 3: A friend in need

A mix of emotions ran through me shock, fear and anger that someone would even do this to my friend I did not think this kind of world was possible but now I suppose it has to be real now.

“Be gone!” Alucard shouted as I was lifted off of my hooves and thrown into one of the nearby tables of food and drink.

“Why you!” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and darted towards Alucard hooves ready for action but Alucard was not at the podium anymore as Rainbow Dash crashed into the podium making a massive smashing sound.

Alucard then reappeared at the exit of the hall shocking all of the ponies.

Fear rushed through all the ponies in the hall but 5 ponies approached Alucard I assumed Rainbow Dash was supposed to be there with them but she was sorting herself out with the microphones cord being tangled against her wing.

“Who are you? And what do you want? And how can you use magic when you are a land pony?” Twilight asked glaring at the new foe.

“Me as I said before I am Alucard of the dark family I am from the dark kingdom that every pony has apparently forgotten” He spoke as he walked around the room in my friend Pete’s pony body.

“I have never heard of them who are they? Do they throw parties?” Pinkie Pie asked bouncing happily and was about to ask something else but Apple Jack stuffed her hoof in Pinkie Pie’s mouth to silence her.

“What I want is to see the entire land of Equestria thrown into darkness so that my kingdom can rule the land in eternal everlasting darkness forever” Alucard said his eyes glowing red.

“But that still does not explain the magic” Rarity cut in.

“Well whoever I possess my magic, spells and abilities are transferred to that body” Alucard explained.

“But there is no spell like that in the world how can you do that?” Twilight was clueless.

“It seems like you have a thing or two to learn about the dark kingdoms magic peasant” Alucard had a smirk on his face.
I struggled to get up from the broken table I was on top of “Why did you bring us here?” I asked my anger rising.

“You see I entered you miserable world by mistake and you followed me so I had to get rid of you but then I thought you could be useful so I teleported you to this world so that I could use you both for my plans only things did not go as expected” Alucard sighed.

“Of course I could not teleport outside of the tree that I was sealed in here in this dimension even if I tried the seal would force me back to the tree in other dimensions I am free to do as I please but I do not want other dimensions I want this one here” Alucard explained.

“I threw your friend into the portal that would make him end up outside of my tree I had originally planned on both of you being there but you somehow threw off the trajectory where you would have originally been” Alucard continued he never seemed to shut up.

“So why didn’t you just possess me huh?” I shouted.

“Well some people are not as strong willed as others also I you were out of range and I can only take control of one pony at a time” Alucard said then showing an evil smile.

I was helped by the other ponies around me from the table I stood on my hooves “Let him go!”

“I’m sorry?” Alucard asked “What was that? I couldn’t hear you”

“I said let my friend go!” I shouted at the top of my voice.

“Sorry I can’t do that but if you want him why don’t you come and get him” Alucard said as the door’s opened by themselves.

“Get back here and send me and my friend back!” It hurt my throat raising my voice so much but I was so frustrated because I did not know what I could do.

“I will be waiting for you all at the dark family’s hidden Mansion in the everfree forest” Alucard spoke.

“When the time comes you will know where the mansion is if you want to save your friend then be there tomorrow at midnight I now take my leave” Alucard then disappeared in a dark poof of smoke.

After Alucard had disappeared panic then filled the room as I heard Ponies talking, shouting and worrying the Mayor of Ponyville was trying to keep everyone calm.

I had to get out of here and find my way to the Everfree forest then to that castle I got out of the town hall it was night outside there was no way I would be able to find Alucard tonight I would have to search tomorrow.

“Where do you think you’re going huh?” I heard Rainbow Dash’s voice as she tackled me to the ground and held me down.

“Where do you think? To the Everfree forest” I told her.

“You can’t do that it’s dangerous to go there at night with all of the wild creatures in there” Twilight said walking out with the rest of her group.

“Um yeah it’s really scary in there I don’t think we should go there” Fluttershy said hiding behind Apple Jack.

“Look you guys don’t understand that pony Alucard was possessing that was the friend I mentioned I need to get him back”

I told them as Rainbow Dash frowned and got off of me.

“Sorry Tynam” Rainbow Dash said.

I got to my hooves “I know it’s going to be dangerous but please show me the way to the Everfree forest if I have to find it alone then I will” I told them seriously.

The ponies looked to each other and they all nodded.

“Whoa there sugar cube us ponies ain’t going to let you go there all by yourself” Apple Jack told me with a heart-warming smile.

“That’s right we can’t just leave you and your friend hanging now can we” Rainbow dash then high fived me… well it was more like a high hoof really.

“Yeah we are all friends here aren’t we? Weeeeeee” Pinkie said bouncing around happily.

“We can help you Tynam you don’t have to do this alone” Twilight spoke.

“I doubt that I will get out of the forest with a bit of dirt on me but I suppose I can help out without getting too messy” Rarity said.

“I guess… umm if you are all going I’ll go too” Fluttershy said but her legs looked pretty shaky.

“Thank you all of you” I told them appreciatively.

“But the first thing we need to do is get the elements of harmony from Princess Celestia” Twilight said.

“Who the heck is that?” I asked confused and all the ponies gasped.

“She is only the ruler of all Equestria” Rainbow Dash said.

“You really aren’t from here are you sugar cube?” Apple Jack said.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to say this whole time guys” I rolled my eyes.

“Come on we don’t have time to waste” Twilight told us as we all headed for the train station and eagerly awaited the train.

After what felt like a long train journey we awoke in our train seats it was now morning which meant at midnight tonight the fate of my friend would be decided.

As we all arrived at a place called Canterlot it was huge and with a giant castle in the city as well.

Me and the other ponies made our way to the castle and I suddenly had a realisation this was my first time meeting royalty and it made me pretty nervous as I slowed down my walking retreating to the back of the group with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

“Hey! What are you doing back here?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Umm no reason just thought I would hang with you guy’s” I said.

“Oh that’s nice of you” Fluttershy said with her small smile.

“I think someone is a tad bit nervous” Rarity said turning her head to me as she walked.

“Well it’s my first time meeting royalty in person what am I supposed to say?” I asked.

“Just show some respect and manners and you’ll be just fine” Apple Jack said from the front of the group.

As we approached a giant door it opened before any of us touched it and two unicorn guards stepped aside so that we could pass the room we entered was a giant hall with pillars and beautiful decorations and flooring around it.

Everything seemed to shine like diamonds “The janitor here must really do a good job I hope he gets paid well” I said to the group.

“Oh don’t worry about me young fella I get paid enough I love my cleaning duties” An old bearded unicorn spoke as he used the mop with his magic on a spot he missed and whistled a happy little tune to himself as he carried on with his work.

At the end of the room there was a throne and sitting there was a giant horse that was so much taller than any of the ponies in our group its mane was almost magical it looked like the mysteries of the universe could be in that mane.

Oh no I could not handle this was this the princess she was amazing what if I said the wrong thing and was thrown into the dungeon or banished? I had to hide I quickly dove behind one of the pillars so I could not be seen by anyone.

“Welcome my faithful student Twilight and friends” Princess Celestia spoke and then looked toward the pillar that I was hiding behind as my heart sank I could feel her eyes piercing through the concrete.

“Who is this? Is he with you?” Celestia asked Twilight with a smile I was surprised I did not expect royalty to be so calm and kind towards their subjects.

“This is Tynam the Unicorn he arrived at ponyville yesterday he said he was looking for his friend who was later found out to be possessed by the dark pony known as Alucard” Twilight explained.

Celestia’s face showed great concern to the matter of Alucard “Show yourself Tynam the unicorn” She said.

I stepped out nervous “Yes Ma’am I mean sir, I mean Princess Celestia I mean your royal highness” I said trotting over as I misplaced a hoof in my steps and fell on my face again.

“He is an odd one” I heard Celestia whisper to Twilight then walked to me as she stared down at me I thought I would feel intimidated but no I felt calm as if I could trust this what appeared to be some kind of Goddess horse.

“You are not from this world are you?” Celestia spoke.

“I… well… no” I said.

“Then please explain to me what happened” Celestia said.

I took my time in explaining in as much detail as I could about what had happened to me and Pete and how we had seen Alucard and how he sent us to this strange world the group of ponies I was with were surprised about the fact that I thought
I was human but Celestia I could not tell what she was thinking from her face.

“I see so you are a human” Celestia said.

“Yes” I Replied.

“And the pony you mentioned Alucard my sister Luna and I fought him years ago in fact most people have forgotten about him” Celestia said.

“You know Alucard Princess? He seemed different to other ponies in fact he somehow used a spell that I have no knowledge about” Twilight said.

“I have a lot to explain please follow me all of you” Celestia led all of us to a room filled with paintings that told stories I could see that Twillight and the others were in a lot of the paintings but we did not stop by any of them instead we went into another room where several paintings were.

I looked across the room one of the paintings showed what looked to be Celestia and another pony putting what appeared to be a kind of force field around an entire city but another pony that appeared to be Alucard was outside of the field.

“As I told everypony before Luna and me fought Alucard but not just him also others like him known as the dark family and their subjects the Dark ponies” Celestia explained.

“On this painting why does it look like you are sealing an entire city Princess” Rarity pointed out.

“Yes well the entire city was ruled by the dark family and the dark ponies in that city were evil like the dark family they raged war throughout Equestria not caring who got in their way they just destroyed” Celestia answered.

“We tried to reason with them but they were pure evil which left me and my sister no other choice but to seal the entire dark city with all of the dark ponies inside” Celestia continued.

“But Alucard son of the dark family managed to get out of the city before it was sealed we caught up with him and he fought us he was powerful but we managed to seal him into the great tree in the Everfree forest” Celestia said.

“But he can still use magic and he possessed my friend and is using him as his puppet” I told Celestia.

“I am fully aware my little pony and our best hope are the elements of harmony to defeat Alucard” Celestia said but she then realised something.

“But I am not sure what will happen to your friend if they are used on him I do not know if he will be destroyed or if Alucard will be released from him” Celestia said.

“But what can we do if we can’t use the elements” Rainbow Dash asked as the rest of the ponies had looks of worry on their faces.

“I am not sure but I know you can all find a way to get Tynam’s friend back safely” Celestia said.

“I’ll do it” I spoke up I could not let this happen to Pete if it did I would never forgive myself.

“But we do not know how we can get your friend separated from Alucard before we use the elements” Twilight mentioned.

“Just let me talk to my friend I can try and get through to him before you use the elements maybe even get Alucard out
before you use the elements” I said.

“Oh… umm are you sure you can do that?” Fluttershy asked me.

“I don’t know but I have to try I can’t just sit around doing nothing” I spoke clearly.

“I have never been surer about anything else in my life I will not let one of my friends get hurt from Alucard or anyone” I said

“Who’s anyone?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Oh oh are they somepony I don’t know? No wait wait wait! Maybe its somepony in the village” Pinkie Pie kept making random guesses until Apple Jack stuffed her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth to keep her quiet.

“I think what Tynam means is anypony” Apple Jack made that clear.

“Wow your way of speaking is strange” I told them.

Celestia cleared her throat and we all perked up to pay attention.

“Tynam of the human dimension I wish you the best of luck in getting through to your friend I believe that you can do it” Celestia smiled at me.

“And my faithful student and her loyal friends I wish you the best of luck as well the fate of all Equestria is in your hooves” Celestia smiled to the group of ponies.

“Thank you Princess we won’t let you down” Me and Twilight both said at the same time we looked to each other and chuckled.

A chest levitated towards the princess as it opened and there were 5 necklaces and a tiara in the box as the jewellery levitated and attached themselves to the six ponies.

“May you all return safely and be victorious” Celestia said and the six ponies and I bowed in respect to her.

“Come on everypony we have to get back to Ponyville” Twilight said as she ran out of the giant doors where we came in from she was soon followed by the others and myself.

After the train ride back we all went to Twilights library to see if there would be anything we could use to help get Pete back or something about the dark city or dark family.

After searching for a while we came up empty.

“I can’t believe we have nothing on the dark family or anything on possession spells I really need to get an update on my collection of books” Twilight said frustrated as she trotted around the library.

“Well why would you want anything on possession spells that’s evil magic isn’t it? Weeeeeee!” Pinkie pie said for some reason she was running on the globe in that was in the corner of the library.

“Pinkie pie why are you doing that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“So I can say I ran all over the world silly isn’t it obvious?” Pinkie Pie said but she then fell off the globe.

“Um I’m not sure if there is anything about the dark family of spells over here” Fluttershy said.

“Oh bother looking at all of this small print is making my eyes hurt” Rarity said.

“I don’t think we are going to find anything here” Apple Jack said.

“Everyon… sorry I mean everypony thank you so much for going through all of this trouble to help me get Pete out of this mess I know it’s hard but I really do appreciate your efforts” I told them all.

“It’s okay it’s what friends do” Pinkie said cheerfully.

“That’s right partner we ain’t going to let one of our friends get pushed around by an evil pony” Apple Jack told me.

“Thanks Everypony” I said smiling to them to be honest I never had many friends back in my dimension probably because I did not have much confidence in myself to approach many people but now I’m here I feel like I can approach anyone.
I looked to the clock in the library and saw that it was getting late and it was about an hour before we had to meet Alucard at his hidden mansion but we only knew it was in the Everfree forest.

“Guy’s shouldn’t we get going now” I said.

“You’re right Tynam we have to go now but we have to keep our eyes open so that we don’t fall into a trap” Twilight said.
We entered the Everfree forest it was dark it was hard to see but the moon was shining so we had some light so we could see a little we did not know where we were going and were wondering around the forest for some time.
I then stopped and so did the rest of the ponies we were in a clearing the moon was shining brightly on us I tried looking to see if I could find the mansion.

“Why are we stopping?” Rainbow Dash complained.

“I don’t know I was following Tynam” Apple Jack said.

“I don’t know why you were following me I have no idea where I’m going I was following Twilight” I told Apple Jack.

“You were?” Twilight asked confused.

“Are we lost?” Fluttershy asked she was scared as her body was shaking and her ears flopped down.

“Oh of course not darling we just don’t know where we are” Rarity said trying to comfort Fluttershy.

“That’s the same thing silly” Pinkie Pie said.

“We should have thought this through a little more” I told them.

“Me and Fluttershy we’ll see if we can see that mansion from the air” Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed Fluttershy and flew up high with her.

“So do you guys really think that there’s a mansion in this forest” I asked as I walked but then walked into something like I hit a huge brick wall my mind went blank for a second.

“What happened darling?” Rarity asked running over with the others.

“I walked into something” I told them as I felt for what I walked into looking like I was swatting at the air with my hooves.

“Is there something here?” Twilight asked after feeling around for what I was looking for.

The other ponies felt around the area for the invisible wall that we could not see we could feel something but it was still invisible.

“It’s not a force field” Twilight said.

“Your right it does not feel the same as one” Rarity replied.

“What are you doing down there why are you swatting at the air” Rainbow Dash yelled from the sky as she flew back down with Fluttershy.

As I heard Twilight explaining to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash I could feel something cold running to my head and it felt as if it was going to my horn.

I did not know what was going on my body started to feel cold.

“Ty you okay your horns glowing black?” Rainbow Dash called.

“Are you using a spell?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know what’s going on” I said when I felt a force come out of my horn it blew me off my hooves knocking me back as a black blast came out of my horn and hit the invisible wall as the wall started to glow white it also lit up the rest of what was there.

When I got back up I could see that the light had taken the form of a giant mansion I saw that the ponies were surprised at
what I had just done I was myself I did not know I had it in me to even use magic.

“Way to go Ty” Rainbow Dash said holding up her hoof for what Pinkie called a bro hoof I assumed it was their equivalent of a bro fist I raised my hoof and me and her bumped hooves.

“I’m not sure that was ordinary magic but good work Tynam” Twilight said.

“Wow Ty was all like whoa! And the mansion was all like ffffffwoooooosh!” Pinkie Pie said copying exactly what I did.

“Okay can we just get in and save Tynam’s friend already we wasted too much time we have five minutes before midnight according to the clock up on that here part of the mansion” Apple Jack said pointing her hoof at the clock tower on the mansion.

“We’ve got too hurry” Twilight told everyone we all charged to the doors of the mansion and Apple Jack bucked the door open with her back hooves.

When we were all I could not see a thing in the mansion it was pitch black and I could not even see my own hoof in front of my face.

“I’ve got this” Twilight said as her horn glowed and an orb of light shot from it lighting up the room revealing what was in the mansion.

I saw that we were in a huge hall but everything was in ruins there was dust and cobwebs everywhere vases were broken.
At the end of the hall there was a stair case and in the middle a huge glass door and two other staircase one leading to the right side and the other leading to the left side of the mansion.

“I am so glad you all decided to come” Alucard’s voice sounded throughout the mansion he was nowhere to be seen though.

“Where are you Alucard? Show yourself!” I shouted.

“Sorry I don’t feel like it” Alucard said.

“You know it’s a shame I cannot meet you in my own body only through other ponies because of the seal on my tree in fact if I was out of the tree Equestria would be enveloped in darkness right now” Alucard continued.

I was about to speak up but Twilight held her hoof in front of me to stop me from saying anything.

“Alucard we are here to stop you” Twilight spoke

“Really? I would like to see you try to get to me through my subjects” Alucard said.

After what he said the clock struck midnight and a bell made a loud dong as shadows appeared on the floor as small creatures started to emerge from the shadows.

The creatures were green, they had red eyes, sharp teeth and huge ears and for some reason they were wearing what appeared to be tuxedos but they were wasted on those creature because they stank worse than a trash can and there were so many of them it was like a personal army.

“These are my subject’s The Goblins I dressed them smart for just this occasion so you’re lucky they could have smelt worse” Alucard said.

“I will have to admit their clothes look amazing but their smell is terrible” Rarity said holding her nose.
“I’m in the ball room come and stop me if you can make it past them oh and to make it more interesting you have five minutes to get here before I get bored I may just throw this body into another dimension let the game begin” Alucard finished.

The Goblins made their way towards us as our group looked at each other nervously it took Twilight to break the silence.

“Okay every pony line up Tynam get behind the line” Twilight said as all the ponies lined up next to each other and I got behind them all.

“Twilight I can fight too” I mentioned but Apple Jack put her hoof in my mouth to stop me from talking what is it with her and doing that to ponies?

“I think we all know why you’re behind us” Apple Jack said with a smile.

“Umm I don…” Fluttershy was about to say something but her quiet voice was interrupted by mine.

“Well can you tell me anyway?” I asked.

“We are giving you a chance to get to Alucard so you can get your friend Pete back” Twilight said to me.

“That’s right we are going to buy you some time by dealing with these ruffians” Rarity said glaring at the goblins making them cower a little.

“We’ll hold them off and when you see an opening to get through them then take it and head for the ball room” Twilight said.

“Yeah we can deal with this guy’s” Rainbow Dash said doing a few warm up exercises getting ready for the fight.

“You do your best Tynam we all know you can do it” Fluttershy told me with a smile.

“Thanks everyone” I told them as there was a moment’s silence and then.

“CHARGE!” Pinkie Pie shouted as we all charged towards the army of Goblins.

I watched closely for an opening as I saw Twilight using her magic to throw Goblins into each other, Pinkie Pie… for some reason had a cannon that shot huge amounts of confetti at the goblins, then there was Apple Jack who bucked a bunch of Goblins with her hind hooves kicking them across the room.

Fluttershy was surrounded and looked completely terrified as the Goblins dove towards her I was about to go and help but then saw that the Goblins had all dove into each other hitting their heads hard as the fell to the ground unconscious.
Rainbow Dash flew up and dove down into a huge group of the Goblins and then hurled them out of the way, I saw as a goblin grabbed Rarity by the mane and Rarity’s face showed so much rage.

“How dare you place your grubby stinking claws on my mane!” she shouted as the Goblins were then being tossed around the hall and there was a lot of crashing and smashing.

I saw an opening in the army and I ran through towards the staircase heading to the giant glass door at the top of the stairs I opened it but I saw that goblins were coming after me I quickly ran in and slammed the door barricading it with a nearby table as I felt the Goblins slam against the door I then saw a magical aura drag them away from the door before they could break the glass.

I sighed in relief as I turned to look behind me I was in a ball room it was pretty much like the rest of the mansion dark, dull and not much to look at but it was brighter than the other parts because of the huge window at the end of the room letting in the light from the moon.

There at the window I saw him in my friends pony body I approached cautiously towards him I was shaking a little I admit I was afraid that I have to do this alone but I have to do this.

“I’m glad that you are the one that made it here” Alucard spoke turning to face me I did not say anything though.

“I knew there was something special about you from the moment I saw you I knew you were just like me someone that has the potential to take over Equestria someone that has the power to do it if only they would let me help you” Alucard said.

“Can it!” I said plainly and when I saw the reaction on his face I knew that Alucard was not used to others talking back to him.

“I’m not here to talk to you I’m here to talk to my friend now get out of here” I said glaring at the red eyes on the pony.

“How dare you speak to me like I am a mere peasant!” Alucard gritted his teeth as a crystal horn appeared on the ponies head and launched a huge blast of black magic towards me.

The blast hit me it hurt but I could not give in I held my ground I would not fall this time I started to walk closer to Alucard no matter how much it hurt me the black magic did not let up though.

“Why do you resist? This pony is nothing compared to mine and you potential” Alucard said

“I resist because he is my friend and you chose to mess with the wrong ponies friend” I shouted as I continued towards Alucard my horn started to feel warm as the pain lessened it was like my horn was protecting me.

“It really is a shame you are too feeble minded to understand your true calling” he spoke as he increased the strength of the black magic blast.

“As I said I did not come to talk to you” I said as I felt the magic get stronger and my horns protection was starting to wear off as unimaginable pain hit jolted through my body.

“Pete! If you’re in there you have to fight him I know you can beat this guy” I said.

I then heard the door behind me crash open as I heard the gasps of the group of ponies behind me.

“Tynam get out of there” I heard Twilight yell.

“You’re going to hurt yourself badly stop it!” Apple Jack told me.

“Let us deal with this” Rainbow Dash was about to fly towards me to get me out of the way.

“No! I can get through to him just give me some time” I told them I was close to Alucard now and his dark magic finally stopped as I fell to the floor but crawled towards him and looked him right in the eye.

“Pete don’t you let this guy beat you he is just a spoiled brat with a big ego your better than someone like that you you’re the only one that was there for me when I needed someone back in our world and now it’s my turn to be there for you and

I’m telling you don’t lose to this guy” I said

I noticed a tear drop from the ponies left eye as the red eyes started to fade into a light blue I saw as black smoke shaped like the unicorn Alucard leave the ponies body the crystal horn disappeared from the pony but it was now on the black smoke Alucard.

The pony looked confused at first but then saw me lying on the ground as Alucard was about to strike.

“Ty!” The pony now proving that he was Pete and not Alucard dove towards me and moved me out of the way as the crystal horn that was about to hit me hit the ball rooms dance floor.

“Twilight now” I called to her to go all out.

“Alright everypony let’s show him the power of friendship!” Twilight said.

“Right” The five other ponies formed a type of battle formation as Twilights horn and tiara glowed the necklaces around the other ponies necks seemed to respond to the magic and released magic of their own.

“I will not lose to you not now and not ever” Alucard said as he charged black magic in his crystal horn.

The ponies then levitated in the air as I saw their eyes open they were bright white I could feel massive amounts of energy coming from these Ponies and the elements of harmony.

Me and Pete watched as a rainbow shot from the ponies and headed toward Alucard who shot his dark magic blast towards it but his attempt soon failed and hit him hard as he was shot straight back to the great Everfree forest.

The entire mansion was engulfed in light as I could then feel myself drift to unconsciousness.

“Is he going to be okay?” I heard a voice as I opened my eyes my vision was blurry.

“The doctor said he would be fine so I wouldn’t worry about him he’s a strong pony” another voice spoke.

“I’m awake you know” I said to who was there I rubbed my eyes and realised they were still hooves so I guess the whole experience with ponies was not a dream.

I looked at my surroundings I saw that I was in a hospital bed and that the ponies talking were Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Oh I’m glad you’re okay I’m so happy I could just shout with joy yay” Fluttershy said I realised she did not really have a loud voice even if she was trying.

“Are you feeling alright should I get the doctor?” Twilight asked.

“No I’m fine is Pete here?” I asked them.

“Actually he did not need to come here he was perfectly fine and Pinkie pie dragged him off somewhere” Twilight said.

“I see well there is no stopping Pinkie pie is there?” I smiled.

“Well Pete did not leave your side for the four days you were out so Pinkie took him to get something to eat he did not look so good after sitting here for that long” Twilight explained.

“I see” I said as I managed to get out of the bed.

“Are you sure you are ready to get up? Well the doctor said you could leave as soon as you were up but if you could use more rest then you should” Fluttershy said with concern in her voice.

“Nope I’m fine I think four days is enough time for resting” I said with a smile.

“Well if you’re sure then let’s go meet with Pinkie Pie and the others” Twilight said as we all left the hospital together.

“So what happened with Alucard” I asked.

“He went back to the great tree and Princess Celestia increased the power of the seal on the tree” Twilight told me sounding proud of herself and her teacher.

“That’s great I’m glad you guys were there to help I do not know what would have happened to me or Pete” I said grateful of the ponies help.

“No thanks is needed we are glad we could help” Fluttershy said smiling brightly.

“So now that Alucard is gone what are you and Pete going to do now?” Twilight asked me.

“I… I did not give much thought about it” I said I did not know where we could stay me and Pete did not have a place here in ponyville so where would we live?

“You know that you two are always welcome to stay here till you can find a way home” Twilight told me.
A mix of emotions ran through me part of me wanted to hug Twilight and Fluttershy and thank them repeatedly seeing as we did not have anywhere to go I guess me and Pete would have to stay here.

“I would like that” I said smiling again I could not help it I have never been so happy to feel accepted by people well ponies in this case.

“Great now let’s go tell your friend” Twilight said as we all hurried to what looked to be a café called sugar cube corner.

We all went into the café and there we saw the rest of the ponies we were with celebrating and partying.

“Hey look who’s here” Apple Jacks voice spoke over the music as it stopped.

I saw my friend Pete at the end of the room as we walked to each other and I then sighed with a smile.

“You had me worried” I said to him.

“Sorry about that I was just a little possessed” Pete joked.

All the ponies around us looked at me and Pete expecting something I rolled my eyes.

“Come here!” I said with a smile and me and Pete hugged each other.

“It’s so touching” Pinkie Pie said tears streaming down from her eyes landing on Rarity’s mane as she opened up an umbrella to block the tears.

“Bleh” Rainbow Dash simply said practically killing the moment.

Me and Pete separated.

“So what do we do now?” Pete asked me.

“Well Twilight told us that we can stay as long as we want” I told Pete.

“So you two are staying oh my gosh this is going to be so much fun” Pinkie Pie said bouncing around the room excited.

“Well there is still one thing that we need to do to welcome you to Ponyville” Twilight said.

“What’s that?” I asked and as soon as I asked the ponies dragged me and Pete off to the front of the town hall and as the doors opened the ponies of ponyville cheered as we all entered and approached the podium where the Mayor was waiting for us.

When we got to the stage where the podium was the Mayor got everyone’s attention and made the announcement.

“Now everypony I am pleased to welcome the two newest additions to our town Tynam and Peter I hope that all of you will make them feel welcome” The mayor spoke as the crowd of ponies applauded by stamping their hooves on the ground below.

This was the day where our lives in ponyville started and this was also the day that I started to feel accepted as a pony.

“Come on everypony let’s go and party!” Pinkie called to everyone as I rolled my eyes smiling as Pete and I went to join our new group of friends.