//------------------------------// // Kaged in // Story: Autumn's Storm // by AeroDynamics //------------------------------// I felt a soft nudge on my shoulder. I leaned over and peered into Rainbow Dash’s face. I leapt out of my bed on the opposite side to her. “Rainbow Dash, how many times do I have to tell you, STOP BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE” I screamed. “Autumn, who is Rainbow Dash?” said a voice that did not match my friend’s at all. I let my eyes readjust to the darkness of the room, and the still form of RD started to change. I first noticed the desperado hat, and I had my hunch. I watched as the figure changed slowly until Kage took its place. “Sorry about that” I said as I walked over and turned the lights on. Gaaahhh! I quickly dimmed the lights to avoid being blinded, but it was too late. “Sorry, but could you give me a second, I’m trying to remember how to see” I spoke, hoping that it was loud enough for Kage to here. I heard a little giggle as my sight returned to me. “Don’t worry about it; I’m pretty sure I did the same for the first week I was here. Frankly I’m surprised that I can still see”. I stood back up, and walked over to the door and held it open for Kage, who walked out the door with a polite thank you. I followed and let the door close behind me as we walked through the hallway. I looked over to the sides and saw the pictures that were there yesterday. We walked out into the main room, where Glory and Alex were sitting at the kitchen counter staring at ratchet. We walked up and took a seat next to them. “I call it… A COFFEE MACHINE” ratchet yelled as he pressed a button on the strange machine that sat on the counter in front of all of them. Black liquid started to pour out of a nozzle and into a cup, which ratchet promptly swiped up with his magic and took to another counter, and filled up the rest of the cup with another liquid, but this one was tan. He stirred it and handed it back to Alex and Grinned at him. “I don’t know ratchet… is this gonna taste like that soda you made for me the other day?” said the Pegasus, with a look of disgust. “No… I put in the second part so that it tastes good. It should actually taste like vanilla” said the colt Alex grabbed the cup off the counter and took a small sip, then another one, but larger. He smiled, turned and shoved the cup into glory’s face. “Glory, you HAVE to try this, it’s so delicious!” Alex said as glory took the cup from him and drank a little. She too smiled and gave the cup to Kage, who drank a little and gave it to me. I looked at the small amount of liquid left in the glass. Probably only enough for one drink. I shrugged, and drank down the last of the “coffee” and felt a warm glow in my stomach. I handed the cup back to Alex, who asked Ratchet for another cup. Ratchet, in turn, looked at the smile on all our faces and asked us if we wanted another cup. Alex and Glory both responded with a quick “YES!”, but Kage looked at him and said “Sorry, but no. Me and Autumn are going out for the day”. The three in front of us looked astonished, and Glory had her mouth wide open. Kage got up and walked out of the room, and I quickly got out of the chair, said bye, and followed her. I found her at the edge of the cliff that I came in on. “Meet you at the bottom” She said, jumping off. I dashed to the edge and stared down, where I saw here land in a large body of water. I jumped off to, and flapped my wings as I got close to the floor to ease in my landing. I closed my wings and landed with a soft thud on the ground beside the pool. Kage held up a hoof and I helped pull her out. She shook her entire body, and most of the water that came off missed me, but I still got wet. “Dry me off?” she asked. I flew around in circles about her, making a very small tornado, and funneled the water back into the pool. Landing again, I looked at her and asked where she wanted to go. “Well, I’ve always wanted to go to Sugarcube Corner.” She said. “Sounds like fun, but how are we gonna get there? I mean, I can walk with you, but that would take forever”. “Who said anything about walking?” She responded, and then sprinted forward. I launched myself into the air and caught up with her. “Try to keep up Autumn” was the last thing I heard before she sprinted forward again, much faster than before. Surprised by the sudden increase in speed, I fell behind. I pumped my wings again and again, but I still couldn’t keep up. I imagined a gust of controlled wind and I rushed forward. I came up to her, and she stopped. Not slowed down and stopped, just stopped. Unable to do the same, I shot past her and ran into a tree, not just any tree though, no, this tree is Twilights house. I crashed through the wall and smashed into a bookcase, the latter falling on top of me. I looked around, but all I could see were stars; Stars that danced in my vision, over and over again. Somepony lifted the bookshelf off of me, along with all of the books at the same time. I stood back up and saw Twilight looking down at me from the stairs. “Autumn, what are you doing here, I thought you went with Alex to the E.S.O.” she said. I looked up at her, trying to say that Kage wanted to come, but no sound escaped. Rainbow Dash peered in from the gaping hole in the wall and saw Kage as she walked coolly over to where I was standing. She threw herself from the new window and landed in front on top of me. “I won’t let you kill autumn!” the cyan Pegasus yelled at Kage, who took one look at her… and fell to the ground, laughing. “What makes you think that I want to kill him? We came here together to get some lunch at Sugarcube Corner. Do you have any idea how badly I want to make it up to him? I NEARLY KILLED HIM! I already hate myself for it” she said with a frown. I stood up, throwing Rainbow Dash off of me, walked over to Kage, and consoled her. “It’s ok Kage, I forgive you. After all, I’m still here aren’t I?” She giggled. I looked over to Rainbow Dash, “Dash, I appreciate you trying to aid me, but I’m not a colt anymore, and I can handle myself.” I turned and flicked my tail at her in annoyance as I walked off. Kage showed up beside me. “Was that really necessary?” I sat down and crossed my front legs. “I’m tired of her treating me like a foal! She’s done it ever since I met her” I huffed. Kage lowered her head and picked me up, right in the middle of town, and walked us over to the restaurant. She stopped at the door and bucked me off. My face hit the door and I slid down and hit the floor just as a pink mare opened it. I stood back up and faced her. “Hey Autumn, who’s your friend?” She said, bouncing around me. She took Kage’s hoof and shook it with enough force to shake Her too! “I’m Pinkie Pie, and I am so so so so sooo happy to meet you!” I smiled, looking at Kage’s expression of utter confusion. “um… I’m… Kage?” She said. Pinkie pie stopped shaking her hoof, gasped, and looked at me, then at Kage, and back at me…again. She back flipped over me and rushed inside. “Relax, she’s just being Pinkie” I said, laughing. We walked inside and the interior of the shop was full of decorations. Pinkie dropped down from the ceiling. Seeing the confused looks on our faces, she explained. “I know everypony in town, and since I don’t know you that means you’re not from here. And if you’re not from here that means that you never had my cupcakes before, or my cake, or my pie, or cookies, or punch, or…” I shoved my hoof in her mouth to silence her. “Pinkie Pie, were just here for lunch. That’s all we want, were not here for a party…” I started saying, but Pinkie Pie just disappeared from sight, for like, 10 second, then reappeared in a fancy waiter outfit, with a mustache. “Please follow me” she said, bouncing to a table. She set down a couple of menus and disappeared again. We sat down and looked up to find water on the table, along with flowers, napkins, and silverware. I continued to stare at the flowers, and I could feel my cheeks burning. We ordered our food. I got a cupcake, and Kage got the apple pie. We sat there for ten or so minutes, talking about our pasts when Pinkie came back with our food. She walked up with a very large serving plate balanced on her head. Setting it down on the table, she gave Kage her pie and me My cupcake-asaurus! “Holy crap! This thing is a cupcake? It’s bigger than my head!” I lifted the cupcake to show them, and got the opposite response that I wanted. Pinkie Just smiled and bounced away, And Kage fell backwards roaring in fits of laughter. UUGGHH! I set the cupcake back on the table and looked at Kage. Her face really deserves a Pie right now. And with that thought, A jet of wind set her chair upright, and her face slammed into the pie. This time it was me that fell over in a hysterical laughing fit, and Kage that had a pillar of wood grow from the floor and send MY face towards the cupcake. I really hate wind right now. I wanted to stop my face from hitting the cupcake, but accidentally blew myself into the cupcake harder. I heard a smoosh as my face collided with the frosting, then the chocolate pastry itself. We Both laughed, cleaned off, then ate the remains of our food. After giving our thanks to Pinkie, we made our way back to the E.S.O. where we walked into the dark corridor that made the entrance so hard to find. “Coffeecoffeecoffee!” we both heard come from the main room. We rushed in to find Alex and Ratchet Bouncing off the furniture, walls, and anything else possible. I looked over to the Kitchen and saw Too many cups to count stacking up to fill the entire sink. “HOW MANY CUPS OF COFFEe HAVE YOU HAD!?” I screamed, hoping they would hear me. “32 CUPS!” cried Alex. “I HAVE NO IDEA!” shrieked Ratchet, who bounced wrong and smashed into the floor. “Kage, would you kindly stop them?” I asked. She responded with a crazy grin and stood up on her back hooves. “YOU HAVE TILL 3 TO SIT DOWN AND STOP BOUNCING! 1…” and she slammed her hooves to the floor, shaking the entire cliffside. Two cages wrapped around them and fell to the floor. I shot her a glare. “What?” she said innocently “I got bored”. Yeah right. She kept them in the cages while she “confiscated” the offending coffee machine. She came back from the hallway leading to the rooms just as Shining Armor walked in. “What in equestrian is going on in here?” he asked as he saw the two bouncing wildly inside the cages. “Ratchet invented something he called a Coffee Machine, and they drank WAAAAYY to much, and couldn’t stop bouncing, so we put them in these cages” Kage said. “I see… well, you two go to sleep, and I’ll take care of these two hooligans” Shining armor stated with reluctance. “G’night Shining” I yelled back to him as I walked through the hallway to my room. I hopped in bed and pulled up the covers.