My Best Friend Applejack

by SuperBronyFunTimeWooHoo


"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you!" Said Mathew Sternly

"That is no way to treat a mare mister!" said the voice.

Mathew looked up "Listen I don- WAHH??" Mathew was very surprised to find who else but Applejack at his feet! "How- Wh- How did you get here?!"

The orange pony just looked at him with an angry look. "Well It's nice to meet you too," Applejack exclaimed "The name is A-"

Mathew interrupted "Yeah, Yeah Applejack I know you."

Applejack looked very surprised to know that a creature she had never seen before know her name! "H-How'd you know sugercube?"

"Well, Duh! There's a TV Show about you!" Mathew you replied "My Little Pony? Friendship is Magic!"

Applejack was very surprised when she heard this! "A TV show? About me?"

"Well it's not really about you.. If fact your hardly in any episodes!"

"Oh.. wow, Am ah' famous?! Just a bit?!" Applejack asked excited

"Really, your not that famous at all, not a lot of people like you," Mathew said

"Oh my, that's not good," Applejack said sadly "Anyway off of that subject what's yer' name sugercube?"

"Uh... Mathew just Mathew," He said nervously. He was still trying to get over the fact that Applejack was right by him. Also he's LEAST favorite pony.

"Well, Mathew, Why were you cryin' over there?"

"Oh it's something stupid you don't need to worry about it," Mathew said quietly "How the hell did you get here?"

"Well Twilight was doin' some of her magic shamgic silly book stuff and she needed to test a Portal dimension thingamajig on somepony so she tried it out on me and now I'm here!"

"Oh great, I could had anypony I wanted and I ended up with you, Great this day just keeps on getting better and better' Mathew said sarcasticly

"Listen Mathew, I don't like your tone and you should treat a me better! And watch your language!"

"I'll say any fucking thing I want! Don't tell me what to do!" Mathew yelled in her face.

"MATHEW!" Applejack gasped

"Listen here and Listen well AJ! I don't care if you get back home and I don't care if you die out here! I. Hate. You"

Applejack began to shed a tear, "W-We-Well, I hate you too! Y-Y-You Salt Sphere!" She began to close her eyes and walk away"

Suddenly a big boom of thunder happened and it started to rain Mathew thought none of Applejack. He picked up his jacket and ran home. Mathew thought about the Orange Pony, Why season 3 was canceled? So many things went through his head. After his parents returned home he ate supper and went straight to bed. He thought a lot about Applejack that night. Then he figured out something that hit him so hard.

The reason why Season 3 was canceled was because they were missing a character. Applejack said something about Twilight making a Dimension Portal and she landed here. Away from the pony dimension. Which is where the show would "Animated" but really it's being filmed! They canceled it because Applejack is not there! And she doesn't realize it! Mathew knew what he had to do. He got his clothes on and his jacket and headed out the door.

Mathew arrived at the park and it was raining harder then ever. Mathew cried out for Her.

"Applejack!" He cried "Applejack!" He searched all over the place under the slides in the trees but then he heard a cry come from under a water fountain.


Indeed it was her.

"Go away! Ah' don't need you here!"

Applejack.." Mathew tried to cope with her 'I'm so sorry for what I said earlier, I-I don't know what I was thinking. I'm here to take you to my home so you can stay dry and keep you there until we find a way to get you back home,"

"Fine... you promise to get me back home?"

"I promise!"

"Pinkie Pie swear?"

"Cross my heart and home to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Mathew picked up applejack and put his sweater over her to keep her dry and warm. He took her home and got a warm blanket where she could sleep.

"Now be quiet, my parents don't like animals in the house,"

"Ah' Will be 'Night"

Mathew laid down in his bed

"sigh good night Applejack,"