//------------------------------// // The Worst Day Ever. // Story: My Best Friend Applejack // by SuperBronyFunTimeWooHoo //------------------------------// "Season Three has been canceled until further Notice," An Announcer on the TV said. Mathew's jaw dropped like a bomb. He wanted to yell but he was to stunned to have the message go through him. He was so prepared for this he waited so many Holidays, Birthdays, Funerals every single occasion you can think of! And this is what he waited for. Matthew has some many questions. But he just stared at his TV, motionless so many things went through his head. The moment he waited for. Ruined, by what though? He may never know. After some dramatic staring Mathew woke up out of his trance and went to take a shower. He was so excited he forgot about the shower. He thought and thought about why the season was canceled "Did the studio burn down? He Yelled. Strangely the shower was the best place for Mathew to think it. What he thought about in there stayed in his mind for ever. He thought about getting a shower by his desk so every time the teacher said something that would be on a quiz he would hop in his shower and think about it and he would remember it, As you can think the Principle did not like that Idea. Mathew got a Towel and dried him self of then clumsily tripped over his towel and hit his head on the floor. A Tooth then came out "God Damnit!" Yelled Mathew He picked himself and his tooth up. "Great Now I'm going to need a filling," He said Sternly Mathew went into his bedroom and got his clothes on.There was one problem. Mathew had only one shirt that was a Brony shirt he never wore and if he went out in public he would probably get murdered. But he had no choice He put on the shirt and a jacket over it and headed to the park. Mathew's missing tooth was really bothering him he kept poking at it and really creepy with blood all over his mouth. He arrived at the park where he saw his Middle School crush, Grace. Her hair was a smooth golden blonde. Her voice was like Honey in the air. But she would never talk to a person like Mathew. He was a Brony she was... Beautiful. Mathew decided he would stand up and talk to her! He was a man! A real man! He watched a show for little girls! He was a real man! He walked up getting closer by the second then all of a sudden.... "H-H-Hi there" Mathew said trembling. "He he! Hi there! What's your name?" "It's Uh... M-Mathew from Mr. Pate's class?" "Oh I remember you! Your the guy who everybody called Ponyfag! Ha That was Funny! "Yeah funny..." Mathew said under his breath." "Your over that dumb "My Little Pony" Show right?" "It's not Du- I mean yeah That show is stupid!" Mathew said Stupidly "Awesome! Hey I'm having a party tonight would you like to come? Mathew Burst with excitement "Yeah! What time!?" "7:00 tonight See you there!" Grace said happily "Hey.. Why are you wearing jacket?" She asked "Oh, It's Pretty cold outside Don't you think? He he" Mathew said suspiciously "It's 89 Outside and it's Summer, Are you hiding something from me?" "N-N-No! I have to g- Waahh!" Mathew tripped and met some of the people who went to his school. "Hey Ponyfag! What are doing outside? Shouldn't you be coming Pinkie Pie's hair?" A Member from the group chuckled "Hey It's warm outside, Let me take that jacket for you!" A large person picked Mathew up and ripped of his jacket reveling his shirt. "BWWWWAAAAHAA!" The Bullies fell down laughing" "Is that all you could find?" Said a member of the Group The shirt was and Out line of Rainbowdash's Mane and under it said 20% cooler. "More like 20% GAYER!" All of the people in the group laughed including Grace. "See you later FAG!" The Group left and Grace walked up to him and said "Don't even think about coming to my Party FAG!" She then kicked him. Mathew was so angry and sad. His jacket was ripped his Reputation was ruined everything was wrong it was indeed the worst day ever. He then picked up his jacket and ran to a tree and sat behind it curling up in a ball not ever wanting to come out. Then a familiar voice came from the tree across from him "What you crying about sugercube?"