My Best Friend Applejack

by SuperBronyFunTimeWooHoo


Rain. Rain, Rain and more Rain. That’s all Mathew saw. For miles were gray, dark, gloomy clouds. The sky almost described his day. His backpack ripped from carrying too many books. He was tripped by the school bully. He had not money left for his lunch and was forced to ask other people. He would ask his friends, if he had any. He failed his History quiz with a one way ticket to summer school, And Dad was making supper tonight. Mathew was 14 years of age as a Freshman in High school. A fish out of water too. He was made fun of for one major thing. Being a Brony. He was called a lot of names. Pony fag, gay. And the list went on. It wasn't the best last day of school at all. Mathew had a bad reputation at his last school. He used to be the most popular kid at school until someone figured out that secret. Mathew tried to tell them,

“What does me being a brony have to do with your Life?”

But they ignored him. Mathew had a happy life over the summer watching My Little Pony Reruns and such. His family never questioned his Brony-ness. They just rolled with it and never talked about it unless he brought it up. after walking in the rain to his house in turned out that he forgot his Math homework at school and was going to have to serve a detention with the kids who ALWAYS heckled him.

Luckly, it was Friday and Saturday comes. It would be a new Episode of My Little Pony. It was a new season! Season 3 would be out and ready! Mathew was so excited! Seeing his favorite characters! Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbowdash! Oh of course Rainbowdash that was Mathew’s favorite character on the show! But Not Applejack. Certainly not Applejack. Mathew hated Applejack For he cared none for the Orange pony. There was nothing good about her! Orange was his least favorite color, He hated cowboys, and He hated Applejack Cereal!

“Mathew!.How was your day?”

“Can you E-mail my teacher that I don’t have my Math homework in Mom?” Asked Mathew Demandingly

"Well It's nice to see you too, Ask Nicely dear!” His Mother said scolding him

“Ugh Can you PLEASE E-mail my teacher that I don’t have my Math homework in Mom!” Said Mathew one more time

“Fine, but don’t let this happen again!” Yelled his Mother

“Sure!” He Shouted back

Mathew ran into the kitchen where his father was making dinner.

“Hey pops, What’s for dinner?” Asked Mathew

“Oh Hey sport! We’re having burgers! Your favorite!”

Mathew loved burgers, when his mom made them. Whenever dad made them he called them “Dark matter on a bun”. This was facetious of him but very funny too.

“Awesome, just make sure there’s no horse meat in them, Remember last time?”

“Don’t worry We won’t put Rainbow – What’s her na-,“

“DAD!” Yelled Mathew he hated it when Dad brought up anything about My Little Pony.


Mathew went up to his room and watched some TV and took a nap until it was time for dinner.

“Hey Matt how was your day?” Dad asked

“Fine, just fine” It was the same response every time Someone asked that.

“Nothing exciting?”

“Well.. “Mathew got his backpack and pulled out his Test

“Oh Matt! A 76? I though you said you were going to improve?!” Said Mathew’s Mom

“Well I didn't mean too,”

“You do know this might mean Summer school,”

“Yes Mam..” Said Mathew Sadly,"

“No Computer until your grades improve!” Said Mathew’s Dad Sternly

“What?! That’s not fair!” Mathew Yelled.

“Sit down Mister!”

Mathew quickly sat down.

“Listen get your grade up or you’re not getting your computer back!”

Mathew nodded and continued to eat. After supper Mathew went upstairs to his bed and fell asleep and Dreamed of the Show My Little Pony all night it would just be him and them peacefully. Plus his Mom and dad were going to be away so he had the house to himself. So he could do anything he wanted. Saturday came, and Mathew raced downstairs had a muffin and rushed back to his TV and was ready to watch some Ponies! But To Nigel’s Surprise 8 words popped onto the screen that he never wanted to see. Especially at a time like this.