//------------------------------// // I wonder what's for dinner. // Story: The Element of Time // by Theater Critic //------------------------------// I opened the door to smell food coming from the kitchen. I saw the library surrounded with books neatly organized and in alphabetical order, what Twilight would usually do. Twilight got out of the kitchen, levitating 3 plates of rice with her horn. She set them down on the wooden table, and noticed me standing there. "You hungry?" Twilight asked me. "Yeah, kind of." I replied. "Well, dinner is ready!" Twilight turned her head behind her. "Spike! Dinner is ready!" I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. "Oh boy!" Spike called out as he sat down. "What are we having for dinner?" "Rice." Twilight said. Spike looked confused. "Wait, rice? That wasn't on your schedule." "Well, it is now!" Twilight said. She sat down and began to eat her rice. I was confused also. Twilight always follows her schedule in the show. This is a big change for Twilight. Something is amiss. Something I don't know about. Does this happen in season 4. Well, season for wasn't out yet, so I didn't know what was going on. I took a spoonful of my rice and ate it. "So." I said to Twilight. "I realized this "relationship" we have came out of complete nowhere, so I want to ask you a few things and just talk to make our relationship stand somewhere." "Oh, ok!" Twilight replied. "What do you want to ask me?" "Well, what is your interests?" I already know what Twilights interests are, but I just want to hear her say it. "Well, I like to read books, and I like to hang out with my friends, and I especially love learning! I always crave learning new things. It just gives me a good feeling! What are you interests?" I thought about it for a moment, then finally said, "Well, I like reviewing movies, and watch My Little-" I stopped before I could say the whole thing. Paradoxes, you idiot, I thought. If I told them, paradoxes would become real and destroy the fabric of space and time "My Little what?" Twilight asked. I was totally screwed. I tired to think of the most insane bullcrap I could ever say. "My Little Human!" I finally said. I almost facehoofed. "Oh, I love My Little Human!" Twilight said. My heart sank. How the buck could she know what My Little Human was? "I have some of the toys! I have Alex, Joey, Gavin, and Connor!" My heart stopped. Those were the names of my friends. And myself. Connor. Connor. Connor. "Who is your favorite character?" Twilight asked. "Joey." I replied. Joey was my best friend. He was autistic. Well, more like Asperger's Syndrome. He didn't really like My Little Pony. He liked Pokemon. He liked Pokemon as much as I liked MLP. And hearing his name reminds me of home. "I think I'm done." I said. Twilight picked up the plates. Then, I saw the best thing any Brony could see. Plot. Twilight's plot was so gorgeous. Her plot was the best looking plot in the whole series! Then, I had a wingboner. And nopony wants to be seen with a wingboner. Twilight notices me staring at her plot. "You like what you see?" Twilight asked me. You can have it tonight, if you want." Twilight would never do this in the show. But, who cares? My greatest dream is going to come true: To have an intimate night with Twilight Sparkle, the most beautiful pony in Ponyville! After a few minutes, Twilight comes out of the kitchen after washing the dishes and sits next to me. "Are you good at academics?" She asks. "No. I only get As and Bs. My brother, on the other hand, gets straight As. My brother is the smarter kid." I reply to Twilght. "Isn't the older kid, which I presume is your brother, the smarter one by default?" "Yeah, I guess so." I reply. Twilight walks upstairs to her bedroom. "Come in my bed when your ready!" Twilght said with her half lidded eyes. She walked into her bedroom. "Your lucky you can be intimate with her!" Spike said. "She is a good looking mare!" Spike walked to his bed, and got in it, falling asleep. I walked upstairs and went inside Twilight's room, about to have the night of my life.