//------------------------------// // Chapter Four: A Series of Unfortunate Chaos // Story: Revenge is Magic // by Moon-Chan //------------------------------// "Blank flanks!" This is what Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom dealt with everyday, both in school and out. They were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, joined together to try and discover their special talents and earn their Cutie Marks. But two of the fillies at the Ponyville schoolhouse had decided anyone with nothing on their flank weren't special at all. The fillies names were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Today was no different with the two wanna-be populars. "Blank flanks!" The three Cutie Mark Crusaders all shared the same thought: They are both so annoying. It was true. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were always bragging about how special they apparently were, talking in high-pitched voices that sounded like they were both on helium. At least they could get some peace and quiet at Sweet Apple Acres after school. After what seemed like a lifetime of learning math, writing, and more about Cutie Marks, the bell finally rang. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom trotted out of the school and towards the Apple family's farm. Featherweight and Snips followed. It wasn't a very long walk to the Apple family's farm. In one of the abandoned fields was a clubhouse. Applejack, Apple Bloom's older sister, had showed the three talent-seeking fillies the clubhouse and let them use it. They entered it at least three times a day to plan what they were going to do that day to attempt to earn their Cutie Marks. Although they had tried at least a thousand things, not one of them had gotten their Cutie Mark yet, but they were not ones to give up easily. They wanted to find their talents more than anything else in the entire world of Equestria. They all arrived at the clubhouse. Scootaloo trotted up the ramps to the entrance to the entrance, but the other four broke up into pairs-Apple Bloom with Snips, and Sweetie Belle with Featherweight. Scootaloo's best friends had been asked out by two of their classmates, but the orange pegasus filly hadn't gotten a coltfriend yet. That was fine with her, she claimed, because she was "too busy and lacked an attractive personality anyway." At this, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had shouted disagreements. "Scootaloo, I can't think of anypony in our class who wouldn't want to date you," Sweetie Belle had told her. "Yeah, an' ya already have an amazin' personality," Apple Bloom had chimed in. "It's nice of you to say that, guys," Scootaloo had replied. "But I don't think anyone in our class could keep up with my pace." "What if the colt wasn't from our class?" the white-coated unicorn had questioned her. Scootaloo hadn't had an answer, and she doubted if she was asked this again she could even think of something to say. "You sure you'll be fine here by yourself?" Sweetie Belle called up to her from where she stood looking at Scootaloo from the ground, Featherweight by her side. "Don't worry, you guys. I'll be fine. Besides, Rainbow Dash promised me she'd start teaching me how to fly," the short-purple maned pegasus replied. "You go have fun. Meet you back here in an hour?" Her suggestion was met with nods in agreement. They all trotted their separate ways, but Scootaloo remained outside until her friends were out of view, then ran back down the ramps to the ground and out of Sweet Apple Acres. She had other plans. When she arrived in the center of Ponyville, she found Rainbow Dash almost instantly. It was easy enough, as her multicolored mane stood out from the normal pinks and blues of the other ponies. "Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo called to her role model. When the cyan blue pegasus didn't reply, Scootaloo trotted over to her. There was nopony else around. "Hey, Rainbow Dash, ready to start those flying lessons?" More silence. Then the Element of Loyalty turned her back on the orange filly, opened her wings, and flew away. Scootaloo kicked the ground with a foreleg. You promised. This isn't fair. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle and Featherweight were arguing near the edge of the Everfree Forest. A silvery Earth pony had approached them. "But Featherweight, I thought you loved me?" Sweetie Belle was saying, tears in her eyes and her voice cracking. "I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle. I love Silver Spoon more," the sand-colored pegasus replied. "I hope we can still be friends." With that, he walked off. Silver Spoon lingered for a few moments more to whisper something to the white-coated unicorn. "I hope you've learned your lesson about dating. From this moment on, I will steal every colt you date from you." She trotted after Featherweight. Sweetie Belle was left there to sit on the ground against the trunk of a tree and sob. That, she did. It didn't matter if anypony else heard her cry. It seemed like nothing mattered anymore. Not a very far ways away, Apple Bloom was having a similar problem. Unfortunately, her brother, Big Macintosh, had walked in on her and Snips while they were kissing. He didn't seem too pleased. Apple Bloom wasn't at all ashamed, but she didn't blame Snips for turning more red in the face by the minute-he had always had a personality that easily gave away when he was embarrassed. "Apple Bloom, would you like to explain this to me?" Big Macintosh demanded in a deep, booming voice that may have as well just shook the nearby trees to the ground. "Snips an' Ah are datin'," the yellow country Earth filly replied, simply yet boldly. "You are not allowed to date. I am disappointed in you, Apple Bloom. I will speak to AJ about this, and we will decide a punishment." "But that's not fair!" Apple Bloom retorted. Her red mane was flowing loosely, as Snips had taken the bow out of her mane before starting to kiss her. "It's not such a big deal. Besides, all the other fillies at mah school have coltfriends. Why should Ah be any different?" "They're guardians have different set rules than Applejack and I, Apple Bloom. Come home right this instant. Right now, you are grounded from crusading for a month." "Ah will NOT come home! Ah will NOT give up crusadin' for a month! An' ya can't make me," Apple Bloom yelled. Snips had nervously backed away, then fled. The young Earth filly didn't blame him; she would have done the same if it was her in his situation. Scratch that-she would have fled anyways, as the red-coated, husky-built stallion lunged out to grab her at that moment. So, yes, she fled. She fled in the direction of Sweetie Belle. But first, she gave a swift kick with her back legs to her pursuer. She felt the connection with something-bone. It seemed to have shattered, based on her brother's screams and the power Apple Bloom felt. She should have been feeling guilty, but for some reason, she wasn't. In fact, it was even more satisfying when she felt something warm and sticky on her hind hooves, smelling the metal scent of blood. By the time Apple Bloom finally approached her unicorn friend, adrenaline was causing her to not be able to stop. Instead, she ran in circles around her fellow crusader. When Sweetie Belle saw Apple Bloom, she wiped her eyes dry with her hooves. "Apple Bloom? Something wrong?" "Sweetie Belle, c'mon, we have to leave. Now," the yellow filly added urgently. "Mah brother is tryin' to ground me from crusadin' for a month." The green-eyed unicorn understood immediately and stood up. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" "But where are we goin' to go?" "We need to find Scootaloo, then we can find a way to hide away from Big Mac." Apple Bloom nodded, then the two ran off in a flat out sprint towards the center of Ponyville. They were both exhausted and it was hard to breathe after a while, but the adrenaline pumping through their veins in place of blood. Their hearts beat so fast and pounded so painfully against their chests that it wouldn't have surprised either if their hearts decided to burst through their rib cage and chest, pulling away from the veins attached to them and making them both die from internal bleeding. Finally, Scootaloo came into view. "Scootaloo!" the two crusaders called, out of breath and panting. The orange pegasus looked up from where she was sitting on the ground, staring at her hooves. "Hmm? Sweetie Belle? Apple Bloom?" "Scootaloo, we need to run," Sweetie Belle stated, beginning to pull her friend along. "Why? What happened? Where are we going?" "Mah brother wants to ground me from crusadin' for a month, only 'cause he caught Snips and Ah kissin'," Apple Bloom explained. "No way!" Scootaloo couldn't believe it. "Big Macintosh?" "Eeyup," Apple Bloom responded. "APPLE BLOOM!" Definitely Big Macintosh's angry yell. "We have to run. Now!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed frantically. With that, they ran, Apple Bloom in the lead and Scootaloo at the end. Apple Bloom needed to be the furthest away from her brother as possible, and the short, purple-maned pegasus knew if Big Macintosh caught up, she would be the most willing to kick him in the face and distract him if necessary. Besides, she was the strongest-in muscle-out of all the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They all halted when they reached the edge of the Everfree Forest, panting like dogs, completely out of breath. The three fillies could hear Big Macintosh's heavy pants and hoofsteps as he ran after them, and they exchanged glances. No hesitation. Without another word or pause, they sprinted into the Everfree.