//------------------------------// // Eighth Year // Story: Inner Demons: 10 Years // by Azure Sandora //------------------------------// I'll Protect You Always – 3 Years Remaining "Okay, concentrate Scootloo," Silver Spoon said. "I've got it, okay?" Scootaloo stated, focusing on the ball in front of her. She hunched over and concentrated really hard. After a few seconds the ball started moving, and was engulfed in a dark blue aura, and actually lifted up. "Not bad, Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said running over to her friend. "Heh, for some reason I think that earth ponies can use it easier," Scootaloo said letting the ball go, "Just that took a lot out of me, yet last year Diamond Tiara was able to-" "SHH!" Silver Spoon shushed Scootaloo before turning to Diamond Tiara, who was sitting under a tree with Sweetie Belle. No one was talking about what she did to Brass Knuckle, who ran away from Ponyville shortly after that day. To some degree they were trying to act like it didn't happen, even if they all knew that Diamond Tiara had used her "powers" to try to kill Brass Knuckle. Apple Bloom wanted to kill him herself, but she wasn't going to laugh while doing it. "That is interestin though," Apple Bloom stated, "Ah mean, you, me, and Diamond seem ta have an easy time with this stuff, but Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both have a little more trouble." "It's a known fact that earth ponies are more grounded mentally than pegasi and unicorns. That could lead to greater concentration, which seems to be vital for this magic," Silver Spoon reasoned. "Well, I'm not going to give up," Scootaloo said focusing on the ball again, "By the end of today, I plan on having that ball bouncing though Ponyville on it's own." Some time ago, Silver Spoon found out that it was in fact possible for earth ponies and pegasi to use magic. This was a unique magic that involved using the mind to make things happen. Using this unusual "magic" was difficult, but they had been practicing in secret for years now. While all five of them shared telekinesis, they also had specialties it seemed. Apple Bloom was now capable of kicking a tree so hard that it would tilt over a bit, Sweetie Belle's could hypnotize anypony by giving them a simple glance, Scootaloo's flight powers increased to the point where she sort of vanished when she flew, and while Silver Spoon hadn't really specialized in anything, everyone noticed that she had become extremely analytical, sounding almost mechanical when going over information. Diamond Tiara was a true anomaly though. She seemed to be able to do more things than any pony. She learned how to use telekinesis easily, and had also displayed more destructive powers, such as spontaneous combustion, and even shooting lighting out of her eyes. No one openly spoke on it, but everyone was concerned. Sweetie Belle whistled loudly, catching everypony's attention. They all looked and saw Sweetie Belle pointing out to where Flim and Flam were walking up the path to where they were. "Think ya could wait ta make the ball bounce?" Apple Bloom asked Scootaloo, who stopped immediately. They wanted to keep these powers a secret after all. "Apple Bloom, there you are," Flim said. "We sort of need your advice, don't we brother?" Flam asked his brother. "That we do, brother," Flim replied, making Apple Bloom giggle a bit. At first she thought these two were creepy, but after working with them for so long she began to see them as really cute. "Alright, whut's up?" Apple Bloom asked. "Well, as you know, Applejack's birthday is in a few days," Flim began. "And we were hoping to get Applejack something really special. We wanted your opinion on this," Flam continued as Flim pulled out a small box. Inside were two diamond earrings shaped a bit like apples. "Oh my Celestia..." Diamond Tiara said as she and Sweetie Belle walked up, "Those are so pretty." "Sheesh, trying to win her heart?" Scootaloo asked. Oddly enough, Flim and Flam smiled awkwardly, blushing. "W-well, Applejack is very special," Flam began. "We just w-want to let her know how special," Flim continued. "That's all!" they both said at the same time. "Sure, that's all," Sweetie Belle said rolling her eyes, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon giggling. Normally Apple Bloom would have thought that Applejack would think the gift were in poor taste, but now that they could afford bigger things, she had begun to appreciate the finer things a bit more. She wasn't becoming Rarity, but she was becoming slightly more sophistocated. "Personally, Ah think she'll love it," Apple Bloom stated. Flim and Flam smiled in relief. "Good," Flim said. "We were hoping you'd say that," Flam added. "Will Ah see ya'll tonight?" Apple Bloom asked, getting nods from both of them. "Yeah, we planned on spending the night," Flam stated. "You don't mind, right?" Flim asked with a smirk, as if already knowing the answer. Apple Bloom gave a fake sigh. "Ah guess ya'll can stay over. Just play nicely with mah sis, alright?" she said, shockng all of her friends a bit. She went over to them and lghtly kissed them on the cheeks, "See ya'll tonight." Both of them tipped their hats in response, and then walked away. Scootaloo was the first to turn to Apple Bloom, "What the hell was that?" "Whut wus whut?" Apple Bloom asked. "Play nice? Are they both lusting over your sister?" Scootaloo asked. "Ah don't know, really," Apple Bloom admitted, "She's been real giddy these days though whenever they come over." "Just having one of them is a dream come true," Sweetie Belle said, "But to have both of them at the same time? You're sister is so lucky." Diamond Tiara looked at Sweetie Belle deadpanned "Yeah, completely over look the moral issues of have two boyfriends at the same time." "That's asuming that she is dating both of them," Silver Spoon said, "But in te end, that's her business only. We don't need to worry about that." "The only thing I'm worried about right now is making that ball bounce," Scootaloo said looking at the ball and concentrating again, everyone laughing at her determination. It was sad, because she was actually the worst at telekinesis. "I knew she could do it," Diamond Tiara said as she and Apple Bloom walked back to Diamond Tiara's mansion that night. "She did say she wusn't gonna stop till she had the ball bouncin on it's own," Apple Bloom said laughing a bit, "Ah jus wish she hadn't worn herself out doin it." "Well, pegasi have more flighty thoughts," Diamond Tiara stopped and looked at an acorn on the ground, and used her powers to lift it up effortlessly, "You and I are both earth ponies, so naturally this stuff is easier for us. More grounded thoughts, you know?" "Yeah, Ah guess," Apple Bloom had to think, "But ya know, you really took off with it. Ya don't have to try as hard as the rest of us ta lift things, and yer able ta do more things than the rest of us," Apple Bloom suddenly had an epiphany, one that she knew would make Diamond Tiara happy, "Hey! What if this is yer special talent?!" "This new magic?" Diamond Tiara asked, looking at Apple Bloom. "Yeah! Ah mean, yer able ta do sum really cool stuff with yer powers, an' the stuff that we're all able ta do yer able ta do with ease! Ah think this is it, Diamond Tiara! Remember back in high school how ya were all sad 'bout not knowin what yer real talent wus?" Diamond Tiara nodded slowly, "Maybe this is it! Yer a natural at..." Apple Bloom thought of what to call this magic, which they still didn't have a name for it, "psychokinesis... That's what we call it! An' that's yer special talent! Psychokinesis!" Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow, "Why psychokinesis though?" she asked. "Well, we're able ta do sum really scary stuff with it. Not jus movin objects with our minds, but also super strength, hypnosis, invisibilty, analysis, and all the stuff you can do, Ah think yer for psychokinesis whut Princess Twilight is fer magic. Yer special talent is psychokinesis!" "My special talent..." Diamond Tiara thought hard about it, "I have to think about it. I'm sorry, but this is just too much right now." "Ah understand," Apple Bloom said, noting how happy Diamond Tiara seemed thinking about it. If nothing else, she seemed excited to know exactly what her special talent was, if not really afraid. She must have still been thinking about it all this time. Of course Pinkie Pie had a party for Applejack's birthday. It wasn't a majorly big or crazy party, but she did invite all of her friends. Even Princess Twilight was able to make an appearance. Naturally, Rarity brought Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie insisted on inviting Scootaloo. Applejack then felt that she might as well allow all of Apple Bloom's friends to come as well. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were outside waiting for Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara to arrive. They knew that they would be coming together, since Silver Spoon's dorm was close to Diamond Tiara's mansion. "Sure are taking their sweet time," Scootaloo said. "You know Diamond Tiara," Sweetie Belle said, "She probably wants to make sure her make up is applied correctly. It is a party after all." "I think you have Diamond confused with yourself," Scootaloo stated rolling her eyes, "She's a lot more practical than you are." Sweetie Belle stuck out her tongue at Scootaloo. Apple Bloom laughed, but then she had to think to herself, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were taking a long time. Silver Spoon was one thing, but Diamond Tiara was always on time for these things. With all the weirdness surrounding her as of late, something was telling her that something was up. "Let's go search for 'em," Apple Bloom said standing up. "Is that okay?" Sweetie Belle asked, "I mean, I don't want to miss any of the party." "Ain't nothin happenin that we need ta see," Apple Bloom stated, "Sides, with everything happenin ta Diamond Tiara lately, should we really take her bein late lightly?" That made Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stop and think. Things were getting really shocking lately concerning Diamond Tiara, with that weird time in Canterlot a few years back, and then the incident at the prom. They got up and nodded to Apple Bloom. "Right, let's take my bike to Diamond Tiara's mansion," Scootaloo stated. The three young mares ran over to her black magi-tech bike with a white and golden chariot from Canterlot tied to it (they were allowed to keep the one from the incident eight years ago). Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom got in the chariot, and Scootaloo started up the bike and drove off into Ponyville. They got about halfway there when they saw Silver Spoon looking around frantically. "Silver Spoon!" Scootaloo called out, stopping a bit in front of Silver Spoon, who ran over to them. "Guys, I can't find Diamond Tiara anywhere!" Silver Spoon cried. "When was the last time you saw her?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I didn't!" Silver Spoon said, scaring everyone,"She wasn't at her mansion! Mister Rich said she went for a walk but never came home!" "Alright, this is gettin serious," Apple Bloom said getting out of the carriage, "Scootaloo, take to the skies and scout around the Everfree Forest. Sweetie Belle, you an' Silver Spoon need ta search around town." "What about you?" Scootaloo asked. "Ah'll search around the club house and the surroundin woods." Everypony nodded and ran off (flew off in Scootaloo's case) in their separate directions. Apple Bloom knew that something was off. Diamond Tiara was in danger, she knew it. She didn't know what was happening to her lately, but she knew that her friend was in danger. When she arrived at the club house, Apple Bloom looked around frantically. Once she was sure that no one else was there, she closed her eyes and pressed her ears to the ground, using a bit of her Psychokinesis to listen through the ground for sounds. Crying... Diamond Tiara was close. She ran inside of the club house and saw Diamond Tiara backed up in a corner. Shew was trembling, and crying to herself. She also looked like she was hurt. Her mane was a bit of a mess, and her tiara was on the floor in front of her. "Diamond Tiara," Apple Bloom said galloping over to her friend and holding her as she cried, "Shh... it's alright honey... Ah'm here now. Ain't nothin gonna hurt ya." "Three... more years..." Diamond Tiara said softly, catching Apple Bloom's attention. "Come again?" Apple Bloom asked. "Three more years... until the end..." That scared Apple Bloom a bit, "The end of what?" she asked seriously. "The end... of everything..." Diamond Tiara looked up at Apple Bloom pleadingly, "That's what I heard... in my dream..." "Diamond..." "Help me, Apple Bloom..." she pleaded, "I don't know what's happening to me... I'm scared... I can't control myself... I think... I want..." her breathing picked up, "I... I... I..." she broke down and sobbed again. "It's gonna be alright," Apple Bloom said soothingly, "Ah ain't gonna let nothin happen." "You'll... protect me?" Diamond Tiara asked through her sobs. "Yeah, Ah'll protect ya no matter what." That seemed to comfort Diamond Tiara a bit, because she calmed down a bit, still holding Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom kissed Diamond Tiara on the forehead, and then began rubbing her mane, silently singing Diamond Tiara into a more peaceful mindset. When she fully calmed down, they made use of a few of Sweetie Belle's cosmetics in the club house and walked back into town, where Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Silver Spoon were gathered together. "Diamond Tiara!" Sweetie Belle called out. All three of them ranover to her and Apple Bloom. "Where the hell were you?" Scootaloo asked, "We were getting worried!" "Sorry guys... I just..." "She's fine," Apple Bloom defended, catching Diamond Tiara off guard a bit, "Besides, we shouldn't keep mah sister waitin, ya know?" Apple Bloom walked off past everyone, trying to leave it at that. She knew that she'd have to answer to everyone eventually, but she didn't have it in her right now. All she could think about was what Diamond Tiara has said to her. Three more years... Until the end...