The Misadventures of Carrot Top and Roseluck

by ChronoBrony


Roseluck walked through the streets of Ponyville, a town inside the magical land of Equestria. Rose was an Earth Pony, also known as a pony which couldn't use magic or fly. She had light green eyes and a pale yellow coat. Her mane was long and swishy, and her tail too. It was a raspberry colour, with light raspberry streaks.

She walked through the streets, rather bored. Her friends Daisy and Lily were chatting up Big Macintosh, and he didn't really intrest Rose so much so she just left them to be. She betted they hadn't even noticed, even then.

She passed ponies who she didn't see very often, or maybe that's because she was walking in a part of town she didn't go to very often.

She was bored and looked at the sky to see if she could spot anything interesting. Some birds, a few pegasi, an bird with an orange for a body.

Why is there a bird with an orange for a body? she thought to herself as she bumped into somepony.

It was another earth pony, with a curly orange mane and a light yellow coat. Her green eyes shimmered with joy. Near the top of her legs was a symbol, a symbol which contained three delicious-looking carrots. That symbol was a cutie mark, which every pony had and it showed there talents. Roseluck's cutie mark was a dark red rose.

"Scuse me," Roseluck told the orange-maned pony.

"It's okay, I mean, it's not like we know each other! Wait! Now we know each other, which means I have to care! Ooh! Sorry and Excuse me!" the mare had a concerned expression.

"No, no, it's okay."

"No! It's not okay! My name is Carrot Top, and yours is?"

"My name is Roseluck, but you can just call me Rose."

"Okay Rose, nice to meet ya!"

Roseluck smiled at the energetic pony filled with joy who was Carrot Top. She was a nice pony who knew how to make people get a smile on their face, unlike Daisy and Lily who only really talked of boys and there problems.

"Anyways, see you around," Rose said, unsure if she had just made a friendship or not.

"Yeah! See ya!" Carrot Top laughed as she bounced away.

* * *

It had been a day since Rose had met Carrot Top, and her life was settling fine. Daisy and Lily told Roseluck how they almost wooed Big Mac until Applejack told him to get back to the farm. However, Rose found this hard to believe.

"And then, that Applejack told Mac that they had to leave, and we were just like, Aww!" Daisy was telling Rose as she was eating some salad.

"Yeah!" Lily agreed with Daisy.

"Mmh-hmm," Rose continued to chew her sallad.

They kept on chatting, until Rose had finished and they were ready to get back to handling flowers.

How boring, Rose thought as she watered the orchids, I wish there was something interesting happening.

She thought of things more fun which she could be doing right now. Helping Cheerilee, reading a Daring Do book. Heck, talking to Twilight was more interesting than this.

"Rose, are you even listening?" One of them asked, Rose couldn't honestly tell the difference.

"No, I am not. This is boring and I don't care of what guys you like," Rose shouted angrily.

Daisy and Lily looked at Rose mouth open, until they started laughing.

"Hahaha! Good one, Roseluck, good one!" They laughed, falling on the floor.

Roseluck got angry and stamped away, her face full with anger and tears. She couldn't believe those two! How in Celestia's name could she possibly have become friends with them in the first place.

Anyways, what now? she thought for a while, sitting on a bench.

She then saw a familiar looking orange maned mare, jumping around, stopping occasionally to talk to some people.

"Carrot Top!" Roseluck shouted at the top of her lungs. She knew this sounded crazy, even to her, but she would give it a try anyways.

"Huh?" Carrot Top turned her head around to see Rose running towards her, "Oh! Its you! Rose! Hey!"

"Hey Carrot Top,"Rose tried to say it as casually as possible, but it just got out awkward.

"Ooh!" She bounced up and down, going in circles, making Roseluck dizzy.

"What is it?"

"I just had a wonderful idea!"

"Which is?"

"Let's have a adventure!"

An adventure. This was what Carrot Top wanted to do with her. Rose was just shocked at this. More like misadventures, to be in exact.

"Well," Carrot asked Roseluck, "You wanna go?"

Roseluck thought of it for a while, and eventually decided.

"Yes, let's get going," She answered Carrot Top.

"What do you think we'll see?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe we'll see large dragons!"

"I doubt that."

"Maybe we'll have to get inside the changeling hive!"

"Zero to none chance."

"Maybe we'll meet Princess Celestia herself!"

"Probably not."

"Maybe we'll..."

"Shouldn't we, pack up on supplies first? And maybe know where were going to."

Carrot Top stopped. Then she stared at Roseluck seriously and said, "Om my gosh! I hadn't thought of that! Well, let's go tomorrow!"

With that, Carrot Top hopped away, humming a tune which sound similar to the song which Lyra kepton insisting was a human song called 'Friday'.

Then she walked home, got herself a bowl of salad, thought a bit about the day and then listened to some of that fancy Canterlot and Manehattan music by that girl called Octavia.

What have I gotten myself into? Rose thought as she plopped a tomato in her mouth, sucking the juices out of it until it was dry.